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Second update arrived.


Yu Xiang was dumbfounded as she looked at Yu Mei, who kept telling lies without changing her face even before finishing the draft. She really underestimated her. She always thought that the other party was cowardly and honest, but today she discovered that he was just a vicious dog that never barked!

Yes, she wanted to marry into the Zhou family because she wanted to live a life with the same honor as her second sister. However, Yu Mei wanted to dominate her second brother-in-law and put such a high-sounding label on herself. It was really shameless to the extreme.

No matter what, she is the biological sister of the second sister. How could she accept another woman competing with the second sister to snatch the second brother-in-law? No matter whether the second sister is willing to help her or not, she cannot agree with the third sister's approach. She is also a woman, and she doesn't want others to treat her in this way one day!

How could Mrs. Yu not know what the two granddaughters were thinking when she lived to this age? But now, she will never persuade them. If the juniors all get together, her and the old man's ideas will never be realized!

When Yu Xiang and Yu Mei were arguing, there was a knock on the door. The two sisters jumped up and ran to open the door almost at the same time. Yu Xiang was more agile than Yu Mei and opened the door first. They saw the girl standing there. The person at the door immediately broke into a big smile: "Auntie, second sister, come in quickly!"

"Aunt, second sister..." Yu Mei quickly greeted her, but her heart was full of disappointment. She thought the person coming would be Zhou Xikang.

Seeing the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Yu was a little surprised, but with a smile on her face, she quickly stood up and pulled Lin Yanqiu affectionately: "My dear, you are such a rare visitor! Sit down quickly, sit down quickly, Xiang'er, why don't you go make tea for your Aunt Zhou?!"

Lin Yanqiu smiled faintly at her: "Aunt Yu, stop working so hard. Where is Uncle Yu?"

"Mei'er, go call your grandpa out..." Mrs. Yu's face trembled as she smiled, "That old man is old and won't get up from his noon nap for less than two hours. It's really useless."

"Grandma, where are my dad and my mom?" Yu Tao asked. To resolve this matter, her parents must be there. Her mom has been on sick leave due to poor health. Her dad is at the bicycle factory and will go to school today. He works the night shift and should be at home now.

"They are all in the house, go and call them." The smile on Old Mrs. Yu's face deepened a little deeper, and Yu Tao knew that the old lady had misunderstood what they meant. He brushed it off consciously.

After the old man Yu, the old lady Yu, his father Yu Guangjiu, and his mother Cong Qiuying all sat down,

Lin Yanqiu smiled at the person and said, "I guess the in-laws have already guessed why we came here, right?"

"I'm really sorry to ask you to go there in person..." Mr. Yu rubbed his hands with a look of anticipation on his face, "Don't worry, we have no objections here. You have the final say on what to do."

Mrs. Yu quickly agreed: "Yes, yes, we will all listen to you."

"If Uncle Yu and Aunt Yu say this, things will be much easier to handle..." Lin Yanqiu turned her eyes to Yu Guangjiu and Cong Qiuying, "By the way, Guangjiu, Qiuying, what do you mean?"

Yu Guangjiu said quickly: "My parents and I have the same idea." He glared at his wife warningly, hesitated for a moment, then Cong Qiuying said, "Sister-in-law, I just hope there won't be anything wrong with you. Embarrassed!"

This was said in a gentle tone, and Mrs. Yu and Yu Guangjiu breathed a sigh of relief. If Lin Yanqiu hadn't called her by name, they would definitely not have let Cong Qiuying come out.

"Mom..." Yu Tao stood up suddenly, walked to Cong Qiuying in a few steps, and pulled open the other party's collar, revealing a black patch of green on his shoulders, "What's going on?!" She said Staring at Yu Guangjiu fiercely, "Dad!"

"You kid, why are you talking to your dad like this?" Yu Guangjiu frowned and looked at his daughter, "Your mom's shoulder hurts. Let me squeeze it. She's very angry. She's been like this after one night.

Your mother and I have been married for life. Do you think I beat your mother like this on purpose? Tao'er, you look like this, it really chills my dad to the core! "

Cong Qiuying also said quickly: "Tao'er, what your dad said is true. Mom's shoulders and back have been hurting these days."

"Haha..." Yu Tao sneered, "I'm almost thirty years old too. If I can't even see this clearly, my life will be in vain!" She looked at Cong Qiuying steadily, "Mom , you have been bullied in this family for so many years, haven’t you endured it enough?”

"Tao'er..." Cong Qiuying looked at her daughter nervously, her eyes full of pleading. In her opinion, exposing a family scandal in front of her in-laws would bring down her daughter's status. She couldn't help her daughter. However, I don’t want my daughter to be unable to hold her head high in her husband’s family because of this kind of thing.

"Mom!" Yu Tao burst into tears, "You have been patient for as long as I can remember. When we were young, you were patient for us. When we were older, you were still patient for us. Mom, you should have You can’t live your life just for us!”

"Silly boy..." There were tears in Cong Qiuying's eyes, "How can I bear it? Mom is very happy to have you guys, especially you, Tao'er, who has been filial since childhood. I don't know how proud I am!"

Yu Guangjiu's face darkened. He felt that the way his wife and daughter behaved in front of Lin Yanqiu made him embarrassed. However, he did not dare to be stupid in front of Lin Yanqiu, but he made up his mind to wait. After Lin Yanqiu left, she must let her wife remember it for a long time. How many times have she told her, no matter how much trouble she makes at home, she must give him face in front of outsiders. This is how she gave him face?!

He has completely ignored it at the moment. Even when there are no outsiders, he will fight with his wife if she expresses different opinions. So it really doesn't matter how much trouble she makes at home?

Mrs. Yu coughed unnaturally and smiled at Lin Yanqiu: "When Guangjiu was young, he had a quick temper, and he and Qiuying always quarreled, which left an impression on the children. They always thought that he would bully Qiuying.

In fact, as he got older over the years, his temperament became better. He let Qiuying do everything, and he knew how to care for his wife and take care of her. But Taoer didn't live at home, so she couldn't trust him.

Hey, this guy really can't be a fool, otherwise it will be too difficult to reverse the bad impression he has. "

Mr. Yu said hey: "Men are like this. When I was young, I wasn't short-tempered and impatient? But look at it now, am I letting you do everything?"

"You still have the nerve to say it..." Old Mrs. Yu gave her wife a look, "Your temper when you were young was beyond what Guangjiu could match. I am the only one who can tolerate you. If it were anyone else, I would have run away long ago."

Mr. Yu looked at Lin Yanqiu and said, "My mother-in-law, this old woman of mine is like this. After so many years, she is willing to expose me and expose me. The more she does it in front of the person she likes, the more she is willing to do it. It’s like I’ve lost face and how glorious she is.”

After watching the show for a while, Lin Yanqiu was too lazy to watch any more, so she smiled at him: "I think you may have misunderstood me. I came here today just to tell you clearly that the Zhou family will not interfere with anyone. Marriage freedom for children.

Tao'er and our eldest daughter were in a free love relationship. The two young ones decided to get together. We didn't have any objections at the time. But now you are forcing the young couple to marry your other daughter to the Zhou family. You are forcing yourself to do something difficult. .

If our seventh child and your girl fall in love and want to be together, we will support it without saying a word, but what do you think you are like now?

When my son is at work, you keep talking about this over and over again. Are you really not embarrassed at all? He is giving you face and not chasing you away. Don’t think that he is really afraid of you!

I came here with Tao'er today, just hoping that we can stop this matter. When Tao'er married into the Zhou family, we didn't miss a cent of the bride price. Later, we did our best to help as much as we could.

Now, it's not that we don't want to help you, it's that what you want is beyond our acceptance, and it has seriously affected the lives of Tao'er and our boss.

I have no choice, as a mother, I can only come here and tell you personally, if something like this happens again, don’t think our Zhou family will turn against you! "

Not here to propose marriage? He even said so many threatening words to them? Does this mean that all their expectations will be dashed? ...Unprepared, Mr. Yu, Mrs. Yu and Yu Guangjiu all froze there, but Cong Qiuying showed a relieved smile on her lips...

"Qiuying..." Lin Yanqiu looked at Cong Qiuying, "I need your help with something, I don't know if you can agree."

Cong Qiuying said quickly: "If you have anything to do, please tell me!"

"You also know that the third daughter-in-law of our family has just given birth to a baby, and they are a pair of twins. As for the third daughter, she does not do anything without her. The child is very strong and wants to continue to go to school in a few days. I really can't. Don't worry about her, I just want to go over and help take care of her.

But like this, Tao'er can't take care of both. Although there is a nanny at home, it's not the case after all. Do you think you can go over and help her? "

"Yes! Of course I can!" Cong Qiuying nodded quickly. How could she not help her daughter?

Yu Tao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This idea came up with the help of her younger siblings when she was in the capital.

With Cong Qiuying's character, tell her the truth, she will never agree. With such a turn, things will be much easier to handle. As for the future, let's talk about it later. We have been together for a long time, and she will be together every day. I don’t believe she can’t persuade her mother!

Just because Cong Qiuying didn't turn the corner, it doesn't mean that Mr. Yu and Mrs. Yu couldn't turn the corner. "What do you mean?" Mrs. Yu asked, frowning and glaring at Yu Tao. r1152

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