Update to.

After hesitating for a while, Zhou Nanping agreed to Zhou Jiping's proposal. After all, even if the Fang family treated her poorly, she still cared about them. If she encountered a life-or-death obstacle, she really couldn't stand by and watch. …

"Third sister-in-law is right, you are indeed soft-hearted, but..." Zhou Xiangping smiled and patted Zhou Nanping on the shoulder, "It is better for a soft-hearted person to be kind than a hard-hearted person."

"Fourth sister..." Zhou Nanping muttered, with a look of guilt on her face.

"I'm telling the truth, I'm not mocking you..." Zhou Xiangping looked at her helplessly, "Can you stop being so sensitive?"

"I...I really feel that I am quite useless. I say that I no longer care about their family's affairs, but I can't really not worry about it at all. However, I am definitely not Fang Tao. There’s still old love!”

Zhou Nanping looked at the few people blankly, for fear that they wouldn't believe it.

"Xiao Liu, we believe you..." Zhou Jiping smiled and patted her shoulder, "You really didn't have much contact with us before. That's what your fourth sister is like. If she approves of you, it depends on what you do. It’s pleasing to the eye, what she just said was really not a joke on you.”

Zhou Nanping's expression finally relaxed, and she finally reconciled with her sisters. She didn't want any more misunderstandings to arise, and secretly decided in her heart that after this time, she would never interfere with the Fang family's affairs again.

By doing this, she can be considered benevolent and righteous with a clear conscience!

Before the people sent by the Zhou family to inquire about the information could come to a conclusion, Sang Mei came over.

He is over 1.6 meters tall and slightly plump. She has fair complexion and beautiful facial features. When he smiles, his eyes are crooked, which makes people suddenly feel good about him.

Zhou Nanping had met her before. He has even been threatened by the other party, so naturally he will not look good.

"Sister Nan is still angry with me?" Sang Mei stepped forward and took Zhou Nanping's arm, shaking it back and forth, "I'm young and ignorant, so please don't argue with me, okay? "

"What brought you here?" Zhou Nanping asked in a stiff voice.

"I guess Fang Tao has already come to see Sister Nan, right?"

Zhou Nanping frowned: "So what?"

“I’m afraid Sister Nan will be fooled by him again.

So, after much thought, I came over to explain clearly why he came to beg Sister Nan..." After a pause, Sang Mei sighed, "Everyone is confused sometimes, and I am no exception.

I even went to trouble Sister Nan for him. Now that I think about it, it was really wrong. In fact, I was very angry when Sister Nan proposed to give him half a year to see if I would still be willing to be with him by then. I even decided that I would wait for half a lifetime, let alone half a year.

but. What really made me change my decision was his failure to abide by the agreement. It was Sister Nan who forced him to call me, but that night. He went to find me and said, don’t take Sister Nan’s words seriously, just pretend on the surface.

My parents didn't like him to begin with, and after learning about his thoughts, they disapproved of us being together even more. As for me, I was actually a little disappointed with him, but what my parents said made me so stubborn. When you come up, you have to fight with them.

But his next behavior disappointed me so much. He actually asked me to live with him first. When you get divorced, you can then get married to me. You said that I am a young girl, why should you be so ignorant? with him?

It was also at that time that I seriously thought about my relationship with him. It happened that when I became suspicious, he kept nagging in my ears, meaning that I should discuss it with my parents quickly and give it to him as soon as possible. He changed his job and helped his parents get back to work.

Haha..." Sang Mei sneered twice, and said, "If I still don't understand at this time whether he is with me because he likes me, or whether he is with me because of my father, I would really be a fool. .

So, I told my dad truthfully what he asked for. My dad has always held me in his hands since I was a child. Now I am being bullied like this. How can my dad endure it?

Of course, he didn't use bad means. He just investigated Fang Tao's work history and said hello to the factory where Fang Tao's parents worked.

As a result, Fang Tao was suspended from his job. Fang Tao's parents did not dare to work in private companies, let alone in state-owned enterprises. To put it bluntly, their family was now unemployed, but they Insufficient conditions for receiving unemployment benefits. "

If the Zhou family doesn't help her, it can still be done by letting the Fang family continue to work! Zhou Nanping smiled bitterly and shook her head, decisively letting her guess that this was really the reason why Fang Tao came to beg her.

However, this girl Sang Mei is also a cruel master. If it were her, she would never be able to do it. Just like just now, she was still wondering whether something life-threatening had happened to the Fang family... …

"Third sister-in-law..." Zhou Nanping looked at Chu Xia with a pleading look on her face, "Can I ask you for something?"

Chu Xia nodded: "You say."

"I want to work in the capital temporarily. If you agree, I will go to my third uncle to discuss transferring my job..." After a slight hesitation, Zhou Nanping explained, "I'm not escaping, I just don't want him to be as annoying as a fly." I."

She knew Fang Tao's character too well. At this point, even if he left with harsh words in the morning, he would still beg her with a shy face when he turned around. How do you expect a person who has no pride to show more face?

"Of course..." Chu Xia agreed, and then emphasized: "But you have to discuss it with your second uncle and second aunt, and they will agree."

"I will." Zhou Nanping breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Sang Mei, "Thank you. It's you who made me see my weaknesses more clearly and where my failures lie."

"Don't say that..." Sang Mei smiled sheepishly, "I have done so many mistakes. Sister Nan is already grateful if she doesn't care about me. How can I deserve your thanks?

In fact, I came here to tell you this, not just for your consideration. He used me like that, and I really didn’t want him to use you to make a comeback. You must have thought of this a long time ago, but you just don’t care about me. , so Sister Nan, I should say thank you to you! "

Being able to express his thoughts so frankly made Chu Xia and others have a better impression of Sang Mei, and the atmosphere in the room naturally relaxed.

The next day, Zhou Nanping returned to the capital with Chu Xia and her group. Of course, the work transfer had not been completed yet, but she didn't want to stay here for a moment longer. Who knew when Fang Tao would come to visit her again?

To put it bluntly, she is still soft-hearted. Even if she warns the other party, if the other party really comes, she still cannot violently expel him, so out of sight, out of mind.

As for going to the capital to find her, that is completely impossible, because Sang Mei's father is in charge of transportation. It is completely impossible for Fang Tao to get on the train at a station where Sang's father has many eyes!

A week later, Fang Xiang appeared in front of Zhou Nanping, looking at her sister-in-law who used to be bossy in front of her, but now she looked awkward like a cat in front of her. Zhou Nanping sighed secretly, what on earth was she planning in the past? ?

"If you are here to plead for your brother, no need to do it."

"No, no..." Fang Xiang waved her hands repeatedly, "Sister-in-law, you misunderstood, I..."

Zhou Nanping interrupted her: "Don't call me sister-in-law!"

"Then...then shall I call you Sister Nan?" Fang Xiang looked at Zhou Nanping inquiringly and asked.

"Okay, just tell me the purpose of coming."

"Can I come with you to talk?" Fang Xiang asked.

"No, my third sister-in-law hasn't finished school yet. The elders and children at home are afraid of being disturbed. It's an exception for me to come out to see you. And you should also know the reason why I came to the capital, which is that I don't want to see your family. , now your brother and the others can't come, but you are here, do you think I can welcome you?"

"Sister-in-law...oh no, Sister Nan, you...you are nothing like before..." Fang Xiang rubbed the corner of her clothes nervously, "My brother...my brother did send me a telegram, Let me ask my sister-in-law...oh no..." Biting her lip in embarrassment, Fang Xiang continued, "Let me ask you to beg for mercy. Originally, I didn't want to come, but after thinking about it, after all, we were once Dear, I can clearly see how you treat my brother. Speaking of which, my brother is really sorry for you..."

Zhou Nanping interrupted her impatiently: "Let's get down to business!"

"I just want to tell you that my brother...my brother has never given up. He just wants to use your identity to get back on his feet. You don't have to pay attention to him!"

"Okay." Zhou Nanping nodded, "I will do this without you having to tell me, but if you want to ease the relationship with me by showing goodwill, it is impossible. I don't want to have anything to do with anyone in your Fang family. , Moreover, our relationship was not good to begin with, so there is no need for anything to change now, right?"

"I...I just want to ask you to attend my wedding, is that okay?" Fang Xiang looked at her and finally said what she wanted to say, "I don't want the Fang family to come over, but there must be something to do in marriage. Mom, please... just help me this time, okay?"

"Are you getting married?" Zhou Nanping looked at her with surprise, "When did it happen? Why didn't you hear it from your family?"

"They don't know..." Sighing, Fang Xiang said, "If they knew, they would definitely force me to ask the man for this or that. I was the one who took the initiative to pursue him. If I really followed their requirements, they would You will definitely not marry me.

But Sister Nan, if there is no one from my natal family at the wedding, people will not look down on me. I know that I am not qualified to ask you to help, but I really have no other choice. Apart from you, I really have no choice. People can beg for help! "(To be continued...)


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