First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 1,048 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

Update to.


"Meijun, Xiaoqiong is coming to the capital soon, and Doudou should also come with her..." After a slight pause, Chu Xia sighed, "She feels quite guilty for leaving you in 401."

"They... are all going to the capital?" I didn't expect such news. After a long silence, Liu Meijun asked in disbelief, "Have all the procedures been completed?"

"The procedures haven't been completed yet, but it shouldn't take long, Meijun..."

Liu Meijun hurriedly interrupted Chu Xia: "Don't worry about me, I may be a little uncomfortable for the time being, but don't worry, I will be able to adjust in no time.

I am not stupid, and I will not force you to do inappropriate things. Xiaoqiong and Doudou are both members of the military, and they are both pregnant. It is normal to make such transfers. What does it mean for me to get involved?

Chu Xia, I told you before that even if I can't catch up with you, I will try my best to stand behind you and never become a drag on you. Otherwise, I would rather not be friends with you. "

"Then I will tell Xiaoqiong exactly what you said in a moment..." Chu Xia chuckled, "so that she won't still worry about it."

"Okay." Liu Meijun nodded and responded, "Just tell her that as long as she doesn't dislike my friend who is too slow and embarrassed, then we will be friends for life. Also, I don't like others pulling me. Take a big step, otherwise, none of your friends will be able to do it.”

"No problem, I will tell her the exact words."

"Early summer..." After hesitating, Liu Meijun sighed, "The chances of us meeting will probably be less and less in the future. You two should take care of yourself and don't worry about me.

No matter how long we haven't seen each other, our friendship will never change. Moreover, I will try my best to catch up. Even if we can't be side by side, I will never hold you back! "

"You..." Chu Xia sighed helplessly, "Didn't you already say this just now? Why do you keep emphasizing it? Is it because you don't believe us or what?"

"No..." Liu Meijun smiled coquettishly, "Maybe I was confused just now and forgot what I said. Anyway, you understand what I mean, right?"


hang up the phone,

Liu Meijun just sat there silently in a daze. Director Liu glanced at her and said with a smile: "Meijun, do you feel that it is too wrong to be with the teacher?"

"No... no, no, no, no..." Liu Meijun waved her hands anxiously, "I am very happy to study with you, but all my friends have left all of a sudden, and I feel empty. But don't worry, teacher, I definitely won't Let your emotions affect your work!”

Director Liu pointed to the seat opposite: "Come and sit." That was Jun Doudou's seat. After a moment of confusion, Liu Meijun sat over, unable to explain how she felt.

"You and Doudou have been following me for so long, and I can see that you are both good boys who value friendship. This is a good thing, but sometimes it makes you unhappy, but overall, I still I like your personality.

The key is that you can clearly understand your own position and will not compare with others. You are the teacher's favorite. So, settle down and study hard. One day, you can stand side by side with them. You have to Believe in the teacher’s perspective on people! "

"Teacher, don't worry, even if you don't advise me, I will never give up on myself. Not for myself, but for my parents, I must make myself better and better." Liu Meijun smiled sheepishly, "Now my dad Mom is so proud of me!"

Director Liu smiled at her: "It's best if you think so. Okay, there's nothing else to do. Go and do your own thing. If you have any questions, come and ask me."

"Okay teacher." Liu Meijun responded and sat back in her seat.

"By the way, Meijun, you don't have a boyfriend yet, right?"

Director Liu asked suddenly, causing Liu Meijun to blush to the root of her neck. She coughed unnaturally: "We had a conversation some time ago, but it was not suitable and we broke up. There is no such thing now."

"I have a nephew who is about the same age as you and is also an officer. How about I get to know you some other time?" Seeing Liu Meijun's hesitant expression, Director Liu explained, "Don't worry, I'm just a matchmaker. Talk to yourselves about it. If you think it's feasible, just be in the same place. If you don't like it, just say no.

After being together for such a long time, you should know that I don't like to worry about this kind of thing. If it weren't for seeing that several of your friends got married and left you behind, I wouldn't mind such nosy matters.

If you can't accept it and feel embarrassed, just pretend I didn't say anything..." After a slight pause, Director Liu added with a smile, "Don't worry about the teacher giving you some shoes because of this."

"No, no, how could I misunderstand the teacher like that? Otherwise..." Liu Meijun lowered her head and turned red, "otherwise, I will listen to your arrangement."

"Okay!" Director Liu is also a quick person. He immediately picked up the phone and called his nephew's unit. Finally, it was transferred to his nephew, and he said straight to the point: "Liu Jianfeng, come to the hospital to see me tonight, and I will introduce you to him." Personal acquaintance... You have to be available even if you don't have time. This is an order. Otherwise, why don't you ask your grandparents to call you?... Well, okay, that's it."

Liu Meijun looked at her teacher dumbfounded, why is this happening? It sounds like she is reluctant. What if people misunderstand that she insists on seeing each other?

If she had known that this was the case, she would have simply refused to agree. It would be either a matter of leaving or staying, but it would be so awkward!

"Okay, he will come over in the evening." Director Liu patted his apprentice on the shoulder, "Don't worry, he will definitely like you when he sees you. If he didn't have this skill, I wouldn't order him like this..."

After answering Chu Xia's call, Luo Xiaoqiong couldn't stay at home any longer. Regardless of whether she had taken leave or not, she got up and went to the hospital. Unable to persuade her, Li Aiyuan had no choice but to get dressed and accompany her.

"Mom..." Luo Xiaoqiong took her mother-in-law's arm and said coquettishly, "It's okay for me to go by myself. It's so close, just a few steps away. If you follow me like this, if others see it, it will make me even more coquettish. , many people were unconvinced when I was transferred here and laughed at me secretly. If they see you protecting me like this every day again, they won’t know what to say. In fact, it doesn’t matter to me, I just don’t like them anymore. Put the problem on Zhao Qiliang.

When he comes back from a mission, his position may be promoted to a higher level. Then, if others laugh at him for marrying a useless embroidered pillow, how uncomfortable will he feel when he hears it?

If you protect me, it seems more likely to be criticized. If you don't protect me, and you feel that you have failed to fulfill your responsibility as a husband, isn't this just putting him in a dilemma, right mom? "

"Why do you have so many excuses?" Li Aiyuan glared at her, "It's useless to move Qiliang out. For me, the most important thing now is my daughter-in-law and grandson. My son can step aside and leave his wife at home. , you have to bear the consequences of being criticized!"

Luo Xiaoqiong: "..."

In the evening, while Li Aiyuan was busy in the kitchen, Luo Xiaoqiong called Chu Xia to complain: "My mother-in-law regards me as a giant panda, and she only goes out for a short distance, and she has to accompany me no matter what.

When I went to find Meijun, my mother-in-law was sitting in the corridor waiting. As a result, I was always restless when talking in there. I often said this and forgot about that..." She sighed helplessly, "Meijun is a kind person. Yes, you didn’t laugh at me in person, I wasn’t sure what to think. "

"Do you care what Meijun thinks?" Chu Xia asked.

"No..." Luo Xiaoqiong tugged at her hair, "I just can't adapt to the feeling of being controlled for everything. I know my mother-in-law is doing it for my own good, but I just feel tired." When she said the latter sentence, she took a special look at the kitchen and lowered her voice to the point where it was almost inaudible.

But it was Chu Xia who was on the other end of the phone. He struggled to understand what she meant. After some persuasion, he said: "Okay, stop thinking about it. You will be coming to the capital in a few days." When the time comes, there will be a lot of people accompanying me, so my aunt will not be so nervous.

You can't blame her for being too exaggerated. She is worried about her eldest brother when he's not here, and she's also afraid that she won't be able to take good care of him. If you're sorry for her son, won't everything be at risk? "Yes, by the way, I'm going on a blind date with Meijun tonight. I don't know what the result will be..." As she said that, Luo Xiaoqiong sighed in shock, "If Director Liu hadn't introduced me, I could have been shameless and watch it together." . "

"Meijun has a pretty good eye for judging people, so don't worry about it. If it's suitable, she will definitely bring him to see us. If he's not suitable, it won't be the same whether you see him or not, right?"

"Okay, you won't obey me now..." He muttered dissatisfiedly, and when he saw Li Aiyuan leaving the kitchen, Luo Xiaoqiong quickly said hello to Chu Xia and hung up the phone.

"Who should I call?" Li Aiyuan looked at her daughter-in-law in confusion. She always felt that although she lived with her daughter-in-law every day, the relationship was not as close as before. In the past, her daughter-in-law told her everything, but now she always seems to like something. Even her son hid it from her.

Luo Xiaoqiong smiled: "I called Chu Xia. Didn't I go to Meijun's place in the afternoon and tell her about Meijun's blind date?"

"Meijun is older than you, so you should hurry up. However, you can't force this kind of thing too much. It must be suitable. The most fearful thing for a couple to live together is that their tempers don't get along..." After saying a few words, Li Aiyuan stopped talking and patted her forehead, "I'm really old. I forget everything as soon as I start nagging..." As she spoke, she pushed the stick bone soup she had just brought out in front of her daughter-in-law, "Drink it while it's hot. , it’s easy to get fishy when it’s cold.” r1152

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