Seeing the layer of greasiness floating on top of the soup, Luo Xiaoqiong's stomach was churning. She wanted to refuse it. My mother-in-law had been up for half an afternoon. She was really embarrassed. Let's was too confusing!

Encourage yourself, pick up the spoon, shake the oil on it, and then scoop a spoon into your mouth. After doing this several times, the soup in the bowl will become thicker.

"Mom..." Raising her head and looking at Li Aiyuan pitifully, Luo Xiaoqiong smiled fawningly, "I'm full and I really can't drink anymore."

"Xiaoqiong, the food above is nutritious. You must drink it, otherwise you won't have the strength to give birth." Li Aiyuan pushed the bowl in front of her again and knocked it down. "Be obedient and drink it all. Mom has endured three How many hours have passed, all the nutrition is here."

Helpless, Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Li Aiyuan seriously: "Mom, actually, nutrition is not in the oil, but in the soup. Drinking this oil every day will not only make the meat on my belly thicker and thicker, but also make the baby fatter and fatter. There’s no other benefit.”

"Really?" Li Aiyuan looked at her daughter-in-law hesitantly, "Is this what the book says?"

"Yes." Luo Xiaoqiong nodded, "If you don't believe it, you can ask Director Song. Anyway, you know her and know that she will definitely not lie to you."

"Xiao Qiong..." Li Aiyuan looked at her daughter-in-law seriously, "Why wouldn't Mom believe you?" After a pause, she sat across from her daughter-in-law and looked straight into her eyes, "Did Mom cook this food?" You don’t even like it?”

"No, no..." Luo Xiaoqiong quickly denied, "I like to eat the food cooked by my mother, but I just feel tired after eating too many greasy things."

"Mom, that's not what you meant..." After sighing, Li Aiyuan looked solemn, "It seems that for your health, you should let Cha Xiang come and take care of you."

"Mom..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked at her mother-in-law anxiously, and just as she was about to explain, she was interrupted by Li Aiyuan waving her hand, "I'm not angry, I just feel that I took it for granted and was too hasty.

Stay and take care of you. It is to keep you and your baby healthy. But I overlooked one thing. After all, I am your mother-in-law, and there are some things you are simply embarrassed to say to me.

Like this bone broth. If I couldn't bear it anymore, I probably wouldn't have said it, right? It was originally meant to be a good thing for you, but it turned out to be a burden. Then it's simply wrong for me to stay here.

Xiaoqiong, if you can promise to tell me immediately if there is anything you don’t like or feel happy about in the future. I will continue to stay, otherwise, I will go back immediately and your mother will come over. "

Luo Xiaoqiong quickly nodded and responded: "Okay. I promise."

Li Aiyuan looked at her daughter-in-law sheepishly: "My request is a bit too much. You must be hoping that the tea will come over, can you really have the nerve to send me back?"

Well, I'll call back and ask about the fragrance of the tea. If she has time, let her come and stay with you for a while. If she can't get away, I'll continue to stay here, okay? "

After a moment of hesitation, Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Li Aiyuan seriously: "Mom, I know that you have everything for me. Of course, I must also admit that in terms of closeness, I am definitely closer to my mother and look forward to it more. I hope she can come over and spend more time with me.

However, if she comes over, it will be troublesome for my father to eat at home by himself. Moreover, my father is no better than before. If my mother is not around, what if that evil-minded woman comes to cause trouble?

Of course I believe in my father, but it is easy to dodge an open gun, but hard to guard against a hidden arrow. I can't harm my father just because of myself, so I still can't let my mother come over.

Mom, just forgive yourself and spend more time with me, okay? If there's anything you don't like about me, tell me the truth. When we get along in the future, we won't hide anything. Do you think it's okay to say anything? "

"Good boy..." Li Aiyuan's heart suddenly warmed up. Her daughter-in-law was just thinking about her. If she really went back, what would the villagers say?

Ever since the daughter-in-law married her son, many people felt that the son had gained a lot of glory. Now if the people serving the daughter-in-law were replaced by the in-laws, people would really think that the son had married into the Luo family. This kind of statement, she really I care...

The words were unclear and the reasoning was unclear. As soon as the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked about it, the barriers in their hearts disappeared completely. The thought of going to the capital to meet Chu Xia's family in two days made the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law feel even happier. Already...

At this time, Liu Meijun was feeling anxious. The man sitting opposite her was a tall man over 1.8 meters tall, with thick eyebrows, big eyes and a high nose. He was her favorite style. Unfortunately, he remained silent and refused to talk to her. This made her feel increasingly unsure.

After introducing the two of them to each other, Director Liu made an excuse to hide out, leaving the two of them alone in the office to chat. As a result, the two of them have been sitting like this for ten minutes since Director Liu left.

She glanced at Liu Jianfeng quietly and saw that the other person was also staring at her. She felt like she was being caught. Liu Meijun's face turned red to her ears.

"What's your impression of me?"

Liu Jianfeng finally spoke, but Liu Meijun didn't know what to say. Is there such a direct question? If she said yes, it would be too unreserved; if she said no, it would be against her will...

Fortunately, before she could answer, Liu Jianfeng continued: "I have a pretty good impression of you. I probably like your appearance and personality. If you are willing, let's settle our relationship."

"..." Liu Meijun stared at the other person blankly, her mind almost turning into a ball of mush. She was direct just now, but now she is extremely reckless. She has only met this person for more than ten minutes, and she didn't even say a word. , the relationship must be finalized... She really didn't know what to answer.

"Okay, if you don't say anything, I'll take it as your consent..." Liu Jianfeng looked up at the clock on the wall and stood up, "If Aunt Liu hadn't said so categorically, I would have postponed it for a few days. I have another one tonight. I won’t stay long for training..." He took out a few food stamps from his pocket and put them in front of Liu Meijun, "I should treat you to a meal, but the time is not coincidental, so you can go and eat by yourself. I am a man. I have to invite you, if you refuse, I won’t like you."

Liu Meijun: "..."

It was not until the other party walked out of the room that Liu Meijun's brain began to function again. This blind date refreshed her knowledge. How could there be such an arrogant person in this world? She didn't say anything, so how could it mean she agreed? !

She wanted to call Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong to complain, but she was worried that Director Liu would suddenly come back and see something bad. However, she had no choice but to suppress her complaints and wait for Director Liu to come back.

Looking at Liu Meijun who was let in by Li Aiyuan, Luo Xiaoqiong looked her up and down and asked with a smile: "Is it because you are so satisfied with the blind date that you came here to announce the good news in such a hurry?"

"Which of your eyes is particularly satisfied with seeing me?" Liu Meijun couldn't help but roll her eyes, "I've really learned a lot..." She recounted the blind date process with Liu Jianfeng and said, "Say, Is there something wrong with this person’s mind?”

"What did Director Liu say?"

Liu Meijun sighed: "Why do I come here so late? I'm afraid that if I don't find someone to talk to tonight, I will drive myself crazy!"

After I told Director Liu about Liu Jianfeng's performance, she actually said happily that I should be happy. It's rare for Liu Jianfeng to recognize a person like this.

He also said that Liu Jianfeng has such a straightforward temper. If you like him, you will like him, and if you don't like him, you won't like him. He will never play around with people like others. He said that living with such a person is worry-free and you don't have to worry about being plotted.

Finally, she patted me on the shoulder and said sincerely that I must not miss this opportunity. What she said was that she was not trying to interfere with me, but she was afraid that I was too young and impulsive and made the wrong choice.

What this means is that Liu Jianfeng and I are supposed to get married. But the problem is, I can’t find any reason to get married to him now. Yes, I do like his appearance and height, but his character , I want to like it but I can’t like it. You said if it were you, would you like it? "

Luo Xiaoqiong's brows furrowed: "You mean, Director Liu asked you to go on a blind date with Liu Jianfeng on purpose? If you don't agree, I might give you some shoes in the future?"

"It's not..." After hesitating for a while, Liu Meijun said with some uncertainty, "Based on my understanding of Director Liu, she should not be such a person, but what happened tonight is really difficult for me to handle. "

"Then what do you think?"

"What are my thoughts?" Liu Meijun's eyes were a little confused, "I can't be sure. In fact, I don't hate him so much, or... I just don't like his attitude towards me."

"Looking at you, I still like Liu Jianfeng. How about you get along with him for a while first? If it doesn't work, just break up. If Director Liu makes things difficult for you, ask Chu Xia for help."

Sighing, Liu Meijun said: "That's all we can do. It's getting late. I'm leaving. You can call Chu Xia later. It's not convenient for me to call her in the office for this kind of thing."

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I'll take care of this. But it's too late for you to go home by yourself. Otherwise, call home and don't go back."

Liu Meijun smiled bitterly and shook her head: "The old man in our communication room was too loud. I'd better go back, lest everyone in the hospital know that I didn't go home to sleep at night. You also know that I can reach this point now. Many people I feel sour in my heart, but I don’t care, I’d better not make my parents angry again.”

"Then I'll see you off." Li Aiyuan looked at her daughter-in-law, "You close the door tightly from the inside. Don't open the door except for mother."

Luo Xiaoqiong: "..." Her mother-in-law regarded her as a three-year-old child again... (To be continued) R655

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