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After learning about Liu Meijun's blind date, Chu Xia was dumbfounded. If this had been postponed thirty or forty years, Liu Jianfeng's attitude would definitely make him laugh in the face!

However, with Zhou Mikang's experience, there is really no way to say whether Liu Jianfeng will be Liu Meijun's husband. Therefore, her opinion is consistent with Luo Xiaoqiong's, that is, first check everything with the other person to see if it is a good fit. If it's not suitable, break up.

Since all her good friends had this opinion, Liu Meijun finally dared to sit in the office and face Director Liu seriously after hiding from him all morning.

"Hey, why didn't you run out?" Director Liu looked at his apprentice funny, "You came so early in the morning and your feet were so busy that you didn't even touch the ground. I thought you planned to continue to be so busy."

"Hehe..." Liu Meijun smiled sheepishly, "I didn't think about it before, because I was afraid that you would ask me and not know how to answer. You are my teacher, and of course I don't want you to be unhappy."

"You kid, how can you put such a big label on me?" Director Liu shook his head helplessly, "Do you think I said those words yesterday to force you and Jian Fengcheng?

You, you really misunderstood me. I have watched that child grow up. He is very smart, very capable, and has a good heart, but he is a little too straightforward emotionally.

Take what happened a few days ago as an example. His third aunt introduced him to a girl and arranged for them to meet. His third aunt also told him not to be too frank with his words. If he likes something he doesn’t like, say A little more tactfully.

But it was good for him. When he met the girl, he stood up and told her after a few words, "Don't waste your time. I hate people who like to stir up trouble."

The girl said afterwards that it was because she liked him very much, but when he didn't say anything and she was afraid that he would be so stupid, she tried her best to find something to say. But when they met for the first time, she didn't know what the other person wanted to hear, so she just started talking about one of her colleagues. A few little fights.

She was thinking that there was competition in the army, so she would just talk about some competition in their factory. Unexpectedly, she got the same sentence in exchange.

The blind date took place at the girl's home, and the elders were all sitting outside. Being thrown away by him so shamelessly, the girl felt like she would be knocked to death.

Fortunately, his third aunt followed him and knew her nephew's temper. She quickly apologized to the girl and explained to the elders of the girl's family, so that she could save her face.

In fact, he introduced you to him.

I really think you are the type he likes, and he will definitely like you. I also feel that if you really get married to him, you will definitely not be able to bear the humiliation.

You may not think that his words are so hurtful, but he is absolutely attentive and considerate to his family. In addition to him, he has two older sisters and one younger sister. Normally, boys are rough and girls are careful, but their family is just right. upside down.

Whether he is in the city or on a business trip, as long as he sees something that the elderly like to eat, he will definitely buy it back for the elderly to try as soon as possible. He remembers the birthdays of the elders in the family clearly, and reminds the elderly well before their birthdays. Sisters and sisters.

For such a man, you think that if you marry him, he can treat you badly? This kind of man doesn't want to talk in a roundabout way because he doesn't want to waste time on unnecessary trivial matters.

Maybe you think he is boring and unlikable, but to really live your life, you still need someone like this. He doesn't talk much and thinks of everything in advance, so you will be particularly worry-free.

Let me tell you, a woman is most blessed when she marries a man who doesn’t have to worry about anything. Ten years later, when you stand with your peers, you will be obviously five or six years younger than others. "

"Teacher, are you exaggerating?"

"It's not an exaggeration at all..." Director Liu looked at his apprentice seriously, "Of course, I'm just telling you what I know and the reason why I introduced him to you. As for whether it succeeds or not, it's really up to you. You don't have to worry about anything else. I mean, were you thinking last night that I was threatening you?"

"No, no, no..." Liu Meijun quickly denied, "How could I miss the teacher like that? I just couldn't make up my mind at the moment and was quite torn. To be honest, although the advantages you mentioned made me very excited, but as long as Thinking about his attitude when I get along with him, I have a question mark in my heart.

It is true that he cares about his family, but what if he only cares about the family members he wants to care about? What if he thinks that when a wife comes home, she should do housework and take care of the children?

I am really afraid of meeting that kind of man. He wants to marry a wife, not a nanny. Why should he demand everything be done properly and treat him like God? …”

Director Liu quickly interrupted her: "Don't worry, he will definitely not be that kind of person. I have asked him about this before, and he said that if he falls in love with her, he will definitely pamper her. People have said that my wife It’s for pain, not for command.”

"Can he say something like that?" Liu Meijun looked at Director Liu in disbelief, unable to connect the person Director Liu mentioned with the person she met last night.

"Can the teacher lie to you about this? Besides, you have seen his talent, and you also know his work. Given his age, he will definitely not be bad in the future.

The teacher is not exaggerating. For someone like him, it is definitely not difficult to get a wife. Why does the teacher need to lie to him to find a wife? Okay, putting all this aside, if the teacher really lied to you, how will we get along in the future? Don't forget, he is my nephew, it is impossible for me to avoid you! "

"Teacher..." Now it was Liu Meijun's turn to be embarrassed. Last night she went to Luo Xiaoqiong and asked others to give her advice. Unexpectedly, it was all because of her villainy...

"It's okay. With a character like his, everyone would have to think too much. Otherwise, I don't like to introduce him to partners. Although he is a good person, his character is too unpleasant in front of strangers. Hey, why is this My brother and my sister-in-law almost made him angry to death, but they are still like this after being told a hundred times. For such an old person, you can't discipline them every day like a child, right?

And to be fair, in other aspects, what he does is really hard to fault. Whether it is personal work or treatment of relatives and friends, he is good, so this shortcoming is not a big one. Something is wrong.

In fact, if you think about it from the other side, don’t worry if such a man gets married. His feelings will never be placed on strangers. Then if a young girl comes to him in the future, he will not flirt with her. Think about it, is it an advantage? "

"Yes, yes, these are all advantages..." Liu Meijun looked at the other party funny, "Teacher, no matter what, I have to get along for a while and see. Sometimes, no matter how good he is, if our personalities don't get along, we still can't get along. We live together, so no matter whether we succeed or fail in the future, your attitude towards me cannot change."

"That's for sure. How many times do you want the teacher to emphasize this?"

"What, you're going to the capital?" Lan Ailian frowned and looked at her little daughter who was packing her luggage, "Doudou, you can't mess around in your current situation. You can't go anywhere. Just stay at home."

"Mom!" Jun Doudou stared at her mother with a dissatisfied look on her face, "If you keep me at home again, something will really happen. You said I have only been able to survive for five months, but you keep me like this Stay with me, if a few more days pass, won't you even let me get off the bed?

I am a pregnant woman, not a prisoner. I am almost suffocated to death when I am locked up at home like this every day. It’s not like you don’t know that pregnant people should stay in a good mood. No matter how much good food they eat and how well they rest, if they don’t have a A good mood is simply useless.

If you are really doing it for my own good and hope that I can give birth to a healthy baby and that I am healthy, don't stop me. I'm begging you, okay? "

"Doudou, you are so heartless. If the doctor hadn't said that your condition is not particularly ideal, would I have had to keep you at home like this?" Lan Ailian's eyes were red with anger, "If you were in the way of seeing your mother, If you don’t have any eyes, you can just go to your mother-in-law’s house!”

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Jun Doudou looked at her mother helplessly, "I really feel that staying at home is too boring. If this continues, my condition will only get worse.

Just let Xiaoqiong and I go to the capital together. Anyway, we are either going to work or going to school to follow the lectures. We can usually talk and chat together, or go for a walk together.

Furthermore, Chu Xia is surrounded by several experienced experts with particularly good medical skills. If there is really anything wrong with me, they will definitely not stand idly by.

If mom really can't believe it, just go with me, but in that case dad will have to stay here by himself. During this time, Aunt Wang will always discuss work matters with dad. If you don't worry, I... "

"You kid, you are such a bastard!" Lan Ailian interrupted her daughter angrily, "Do you entertain your mother like this? Your father and Political Commissar Wang are doing their jobs, why should mother be worried?"

"That's probably because I misunderstood, because I think every time dad comes back, you have to ask him if he has another meeting with Political Commissar Wang and if there is anyone else with him.

Also, if dad doesn't come back, you will ask him who he is with, how many people he is with, and even make excuses to say a few words to others.

I always thought that Mom did this because she was worried about Mom and Aunt Wang. Now it seems that I misunderstood. Mom, I’m sorry, I thought you were too narrow-minded. Then you can go with me. "

"You naughty kid!" Lan Ailian was so angry that she slapped her daughter in the face and said bitterly, "You are just trying to bully your mother. I really raised you for nothing, you are even more white-eyed than a white-eyed wolf!" r1152

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