One update.

"Dad..." Wan Yuqiong looked at her father flatteringly, "Why don't you ask the doctor for help? What if it's possible? Anyway, Qian Jianming is also the father of two children. I didn't see him for the last time. It’s really hard to live with.”

"If it weren't for him, how could you be lying on the bed now?" Mr. Wan glared at her helplessly, "You kid, why are you so stubborn? I've already promised you to send him on his last journey, so why do you go so far?

Even if you are a god, it is impossible for you to get out of bed tomorrow. You should give up this idea as soon as possible and recover peacefully. Otherwise, don't even think about giving him a ride. "

"Dad..." Wan Yuqiong stared at Mr. Wan without giving up, "Dad, why don't you ask? If the doctor says no, I won't think about it again, okay?"

"You..." Mr. Wan was really at his wits end, so he had no choice but to agree.

"Thank you, dad, can you go now?" Wan Yuqiong is really pushing her limits now. She still understands her father's character. As long as he agrees, he will definitely do his best. There is absolutely no such thing as agreeing but perfunctory her. Son.

Mr. Wan looked at her helplessly: "You...hey..."

"Dad, no matter whether I was right or wrong in the past, at this point, I don't want to pursue it anymore. I will only see him this once in my life. If I miss it, I will miss it forever.

He was the man I truly fell in love with, and although he later let me down, I had devoted my whole life to him until this moment. It can be regarded as an explanation for myself.

Dad, I promise you. The reason I am so persistent now is not that I can't let go of this relationship. To be honest, the deep feelings I have had until now are almost gone.

And the reason why I am like this is a nostalgia for our past, a nostalgia for the good days we once had, and an explanation for the children..."

"Okay, okay, no need to explain..." Mr. Wan interrupted her, turned around and walked out. "If you need anything, just ring the bedside alarm and I'll go ask you now, okay?"

"Thanks dad!"

Mr. Wan shook his head and quickly disappeared out the door.

Wan Yuqiong was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the roof, tears falling continuously. Ever since she learned the news of her husband's death, she had been trying to control her emotions.


She insisted that her father ask if she could get out of bed and move around tomorrow. She also knew that it was impossible. She just wanted to get rid of the old man and give herself some time alone to vent her emotions.

Her father has been worrying about her all his life. Sad for her, at this time, she didn't want her father to worry about her. Even if she misses her husband, even if she can't let him go. He must never let his father see it.

People, or this is what they are like. Before it fell apart, she felt that even if Qian Jianming died in front of her, she would never shed a tear.

However, it was at this time that she realized that these emotions were not something she could control at all. Tears and sadness were simply not something she could control.

It is true that Qian Jianming died because he missed her, which restored some of his lost feelings. However, fundamentally speaking, it was the love that she had accumulated over the past few years that she had almost ignored that controlled her. Emotions.

In fact, she knew very well that if the tragedy had not happened, she and Qian Jianming would not have been together.

Qian Jianming realized that she was good, not because he really thought she was good, but because he suddenly got closer to Yao Xinqing and discovered the bad side of her, so he reflexively compared her with her.

If she really comes back to him, he will definitely change his attitude towards her immediately, and his attitude towards her will immediately return to before.

He has such a character. When he is close, he ignores you. When he is far away, he is afraid that you will ignore him. To put it bluntly, he is a narcissistic, arrogant and insecure man.

This also had a lot to do with his living environment. When he was young, the Qian family had a very difficult life. Later, when he met her and got some convenience secretly, the Qian family finally made a big turn around.

However, for him, such a big reversal was insecure, so over the years, he had been hot and cold towards her. Whenever she wanted to stay away, he would immediately find someone else to wait for her to settle down. , he would make trouble again.

This kind of pattern would make her think about it and make her sad at first, but later it became a habit.

If the Qian family had not fallen in with the wrong person this time, and saw that she had completely angered her father and had no chance of making a comeback, Qian Jianming would not have dared to have a real showdown with her.

Or maybe this showdown was a milestone for him. He had never dared to take action before, but today, he finally did it!

However, people are so mean-spirited. When they really do it, they regret it when they find that it is not what they imagined.

And this regret indirectly caused him to lose his life.

At first, she felt that Yao Xinqing's behavior was very unreasonable, but now, she can understand the other party's behavior.

All emotions are placed on one person. When there is no hope and hope, there is nothing surprising in doing such an extreme thing.

There is a devil and an angel living in everyone's heart. Some people will be controlled by angels when they reach a desperate situation. Some people will be controlled by the devil when they reach a desperate situation.

Or maybe Yao Xinqing regrets doing such a thing now, right?

"Dong dong dong..."

"Dong dong dong..."

Several consecutive knocks on the door finally brought Wan Yuqiong back to her senses.

"Come in." A weak voice responded. She looked at the door. The door opened, and Sister Yin came in carrying two thermos buckets. Seeing that she was alone, surprise flashed across her expression, and she stepped forward quickly: " Is there anything you can do to help?"

"No." Wan Yuqiong smiled at her, "Thank you."

"'re welcome." She had never been treated with this attitude before, and Mrs. Yin's behavior was obviously abnormal.

"Member Yulan made the soup, and I fried the vegetables..." After opening the lunch box and saying a few words, she suddenly realized that Wan Yuqiong couldn't eat yet. Sister-in-law Yin paused, smiled sheepishly, and couldn't help but smile for a moment. Know what to say.

"I'll smell it first. If there's good food to tempt me, I'll definitely get better quickly." Wan Yuqiong stretched her head to look at it as she spoke, "Aunt Yin, look at the presentation, you're doing really well with this dish."

Noticing the other party's name, Mrs. Yin sniffed quietly and held back the tears that came to her eyes. However, she did not dare to raise her head for fear that her red eyes would be seen by the other party, so she had to lower her head and fiddle with the lunch box. …

"Aunt Yin..." Wan Yuqiong called again, stretching her free hand forward, "Come over and sit down and talk to me for a while, okay?"

"Okay." In response, Aunt Yin quickly wiped the corners of her eyes when she turned back to move the stool. When she turned back, her mood had calmed down a lot.

"I have to say sorry to you first..." Wan Yuqiong looked at her steadily, "You have been taking care of my father all these years. In fact, I am very grateful, but I have always pretended to be special. I hate the way you look and do all kinds of things that hurt your self-esteem.

In fact, every time I do it, I feel very uncomfortable, but I have no other way, otherwise, my father will not believe that I have become so good, and he will not make up his mind not to help me at all..."

"No..." Sister-in-law Yin interrupted her quickly, "He didn't help you not because you were bad to him, but because he felt that the thing you asked for help embarrassed him.

He told me that no matter how you treat him, he actually wants to help you within his ability. However, he has never found a direction that can really help you. "

"You really know my father very well..." Wan Yuqiong smiled and continued, "Actually, to be honest, when I first saw the tacit understanding between you and my father, I didn't like it.

In my impression, the relationship between my father and my mother is very good. I can't accept that he fell in love with another woman and was good to another woman after my mother passed away.

Therefore, my feelings towards you are particularly contradictory. I am grateful to you, but also somewhat hate you. I feel that you have destroyed the purest relationship between my father and my mother.

But now I feel that I was still too narrow-minded in the past. I believe that my father has never forgotten my mother, and he also really has feelings for you.

In this life, it is a very happy thing to meet a partner who truly understands you and can chat with you. From this point of view, although my father has suffered so much, God is still very kind to him. of.

My father and my mother used to get along very well with each other, and they were very good at tempering each other. Now my father and you are like this again. With you by his side, he will definitely have a very, very beautiful later life. "

" mean..." Sister-in-law Yin looked at Wan Yuqiong in disbelief. If she understood correctly, did the other party agree to her marrying Mr. Wan? Is it so simple to agree?

In fact, her mind just didn't turn around. Wan Yuqiong was just pretending originally, so a large part of the opposition was also pretending. Now that everything has returned to its true nature, naturally she won't be as repulsive as before.

"Yes, I mean, you and my father are not young anymore, so don't delay it. After I am discharged from the hospital, I will help you arrange your marriage, okay?"

Wan Yuqiong's smiling look blurred a little bit in front of Mrs. Yin. She bit her lip tightly and couldn't say a word...

"Yuqiong..." Mr. Wan opened the door and came in, his eyes full of emotion, "I heard everything, but now I'm busy with your business. Your Aunt Yin and I will wait for a while." (Unfinished) to be continued……)\t()

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