Hearing her father mention Li Yuxiang, Zhou Hanying lowered her head with a guilty conscience. She also knew that until now, Li Yuxiang still had that kind of feelings for her brother, but commuting alone was too boring, and having a companion was too boring. Being safer, over time, the relationship between the two people, which had become indifferent, returned to what it was before.

Unknowingly, her attitude towards her sister-in-law was also affected by her. She didn't realize it before, but when her father said this, she immediately realized it.

Seeing her daughter's little face turn red, Zhou's mother, who felt sorry for her daughter, hurriedly smoothed things over: "Dad, the child is so old, don't just blow your hair and stare at her. She knows it well, and that's what she does at home." Talk about talking about talking about it, if you really meet her sister-in-law, she will not be like this."

"Don't speak for her. What did her face look like when the in-laws came just now? As long as they are not blind, they can see that she is showing off her temper!" Father Zhou snorted coldly, "If your sister-in-law is really If you are angry about this, just wait for your brother to deal with you."

"My brother is not such a narrow-minded person." Zhou Hanying couldn't help but defend in a low voice. Although she knew that her attitude was wrong, she was still very unhappy when her father said this.

Growing up, her brother had loved her very much. Just because she had a sister-in-law, she could no longer have a place in his heart and no sympathy for her at all, right?

"Are you still speaking for her now?" Zhou's father frowned and looked at Zhou's mother, "Earlier, you thought Doudou didn't live in our house. If she does, why don't you make her angry to death?"

"Dad, are you too partial?" Zhou Hanying looked at her father with red eyes, "Why is it that everything my sister-in-law does is right and everything I do is wrong?

Is it because my sister-in-law's family background is stronger than ours, so our family has to live carefully based on her expression? Do you want her to obey her in everything and not disobey her at all?

It is right for a brother to love his sister-in-law. Even if I get a little jealous occasionally, I will never be blindly jealous because I cannot understand my position. However, my father's attitude now makes me particularly confused.

The doctor said before that my sister-in-law's health is not very good and it is best to stay at home and recuperate. So what does it mean for her to go to the capital with a big belly now?

Yes, even her parents have agreed, and we are not qualified to question it. However, it is always okay for us to raise such questions, right? Are we doing this for her?

All my previous unhappiness was because of this, not anything else. As a result, she didn't even get a word from her, and I was scolded to death. Dad, do you think this is fair?

Or is it because I am a daughter who will eventually marry into someone else's family, so my dad no longer regards me as a member of the Zhou family? "

"Look at your good daughter, she's getting more and more promising as she grows older..." Father Zhou was so angry that the veins on his forehead stood out, and he twisted his eyebrows into knots as he looked at his wife, "Just spoil her, you will regret it one day. !”

"I...how can I spoil her..." Mother Zhou muttered, stepped forward and took her daughter's arm, and said softly, "Hanying, did something unpleasant happen to you? Talk to mom."

Before Zhou Hanying could speak, Zhou's father snorted coldly: "What can she have to worry about? She just let you get used to her!"

"Dad, am I your daughter?" Zhou Hanying looked at her father with a disappointed look on her face, "In the past, when my brother was not married, you treated me the same as my brother. However, since my sister-in-law came in, you have always disliked me. , no matter how sensible I am, I still can’t stand such a big change like yours?

I kept telling myself that Dad’s attitude was because my sister-in-law was an outsider and needed to be treated politely, but Dad, is that really the case? "

"Why are you so ignorant?" Zhou's father looked at his daughter with hatred, "Why do I always turn to your sister-in-law? Ask your own conscience,

Why did your sister-in-law marry into this family?

Han Ying, you have to have a conscience. If it’s you, you know that your husband is about to go on a mission and you don’t know what will happen to you, so you rush to get married just to reassure him and his parents. Can you? Do it?

Your sister-in-law did this to create a heir for our Zhou family. For this reason, she is the great benefactor of our Zhou family. Not to mention you, even your mother and I have to be below her!

If you can't even figure this out, you're really disappointing your father. How would your brother feel if he knew you were like this? "

"Dad..." Zhou Hanying looked at his father with a troubled face, "Is this really the reason why you are so good to your sister-in-law?"

"Then what do you think?" Father Zhou rolled his eyes at her, "You are in your twenties and you are still as jealous as a child. You think you are really promising!"

"I thought that because dad had a daughter-in-law, he felt that daughters were not important. Otherwise, I..." Zhou Hanying blushed, her eyes filled with shame, "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely not do it in the future." If this happens again, how about... how about I go to my sister-in-law tomorrow to apologize?"

"It's your own business whether you apologize or not. However, you should really go talk to your sister-in-law. What do people think about your attitude? Maybe you think it was me and your mother who ordered you to do that. Woolen cloth."

Zhou's mother quickly answered: "Yes, your dad is right. You should go to your sister-in-law to explain it carefully. She must have misunderstood your dad and me. We are not afraid of her misunderstanding, but we are mainly afraid that she will hurt her body.

When your brother left, he told us that we should take good care of your sister-in-law. As a result, not only can we not take care of her, but we also create chaos. How can this be done, right? "

"Yes!" Zhou Hanying nodded, with an embarrassed look on his face, "What my parents said was that I was really deceived by lard earlier. I secretly cried several times because of this."

"You good-for-nothing!" Zhou's mother nodded her daughter's forehead in a funny way, "I have someone to marry from my in-laws' family, so I'm just thinking about all sorts of nonsense. You said you have such a little temperament, how can someone else marry into your in-laws' family? ?”

"Then I won't get married!" Zhou Hanying coquettishly hugged her mother's arm, "According to my own wishes, I want to stay with my parents and not get married. When my sister-in-law gives birth to her little nephew, I can help take care of him. How good is that? "

Zhou's father said deliberately: "Then you won't get married and stay at home. Your mother and I will definitely not kick you out."

"Dad, I will take it seriously."

"I'm not lying either."

"Dad, then I really want to talk to Xiang Tao."

"Go ahead." Father Zhou waved his hand, "Go quickly."

"Do you think I don't dare?" Zhou Hanying got up, tugged at the corners of his clothes, and walked out the door.

"Han Ying!" Zhou's mother was about to run out to chase her, but Zhou's father smiled and grabbed her, "Okay, do you think she can really go to Xiang Tao and talk about this? That's what she likes. I'll give her a step down. Just let her go out for a walk and get some fresh air. Do you still take it seriously?

You, even though you are a mother, why are you so cruel? Do you think she really doesn't care when she says she doesn't care? This child has been doted on by you since she was a child, and now there are many people competing with her for your favor. Do you think she can really be happy?

Seeing that your daughter is so gentle and silent, she is thinking too much. She used to be so dependent on her brother, but now..." Father Zhou shook his head, "Forget it, let's not talk about it. One day she will understand, my child. You always have to grow up and have your own family, hey! "

"Are you happy for the child or are you unhappy?" Zhou's mother looked at her husband in confusion, "Tell me you're unhappy, I heard you tell the truth. Say you're happy, why are you sighing?"

"Can't you bear to let your daughter get married?"

"Her father, are you telling the truth?" Zhou's mother stared at her husband in surprise, "It sounds like you want your child to get married quickly and have a family of his own. After doing this for a long time, you are always saying Imaginary?"

"If I didn't say that, would the child be able to marry her husband's family with peace of mind? Besides, it's rare that Hanying and Xiang Tao are so well matched, and the Xiang family is also a good family. I can't hold my daughter back.

Our Hanying seems to be honest and has a good idea. When will you help her get over what she has decided? Father Zhou laughed as he said this, "But it's fine to follow my temper!" "

"You..." Zhou's mother shook her head helplessly, "Anyway, the good things are up to you, and the bad things are up to me. For the rest of my life, you just don't like anything about me."

"You've been fighting with me for your whole life..." Zhou's father looked at his old wife in a funny way, "Okay, I'll let you go this time. You can do whatever you want, and you can let me have your stubborn temper, okay? "

"Do you really mean what you say?"

"Then what do you think?" Father Zhou frowned, "If you keep nagging me, I will change my words."

"Okay, okay, I believe you, don't you believe me? Hey..." Zhou's mother shook her head with a look of shock, "It would be great if I had a tape recorder. I can record your words and wait for my son to come back." , play it to my son, and when my grandson is born, I will also play it to my grandson to let them know that I also have a status in this family!"

"Look at your narrow-mindedness, let's do this. When my son comes back, I will tell him. When my grandson becomes sensible, I will tell him again and establish his authority for you, okay?"

"Why have you become so easy to talk to?" Zhou's mother looked at her wife in disbelief. In her whole life, her wife never seemed to follow her wishes. Is it because the sun has come out in the west or because of the influence of her little daughter? Excited to go insane?

"You old woman, I can't do it without you, I can't do it with you, it's really hard to get rid of..." Zhou's father said as he waved his hands, stood up and walked out, only to see his daughter running in hastily. He was so frightened that he quickly took a step back to avoid bumping into his daughter! R1152

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