Second update.


"Haha..." Aunt Qi smiled sheepishly at Chu Xia, "The two eldest babies haven't peed for a long time. I guess they are hungry."

"I came back and fed them twice in the morning, how can they be hungry?" Saying this, Chu Xia still obediently picked up the eldest child and hid in the corner of the hall to feed them. After a while, he came over to replace the second child.

Luo Xiaoqiong, who happened to wake up, came out of the room and said with a smile: "Fortunately, they look different. Otherwise, if you hugged the wrong one and only held one tightly, the other one would be very sad!"

"Am I that stupid?" Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her, "Besides, there is an old lady here. If the two of them can get it wrong, they are drunk."

"Grandpa, grandma and Uncle Baohe and Aunt Yulan haven't come back yet..." Luo Xiaoqiong yawned and rubbed her eyes again, "I have been looking forward to it for a long time, so I went to sleep when I was tired. Unexpectedly, they fell asleep. He hasn’t come back yet, I said I wanted to go with him, but they refused to let me go, saying there were a lot of bacteria in the hospital, eh..."

"What are you looking forward to?" Chu Xia looked at her funny, "The matter has basically been settled. We are just meeting each other. Why are you so anxious?"

"I just want to know if the elders' impression of Liu Yingchang's family is the same as the impression you two have of them. And..." Looking around, Luo Xiaoqiong lowered her voice, "I still don't like Sister Qihui marrying like that. Go somewhere far away. If Battalion Commander Liu is demobilized and returns to his hometown in the future, it will be difficult for us to see her."

"Are you thinking a little too far?" Chu Xia looked at her speechlessly, "To put it bluntly, this is unfounded worry. Besides, how can a soldier not move to the same place?"

"What you mean is that we all have to go our separate ways in the future?"

"Isn't that normal?" Chu Xia sighed, "Of course I don't like to be separated, but as a soldier's wife, you must be mentally prepared for this.

But if you think a little further, no matter where you were assigned when you were young. Wait until you get older. Even after retirement, we can still get together. "

Luo Xiaoqiong: "..."

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Chu Xia coughed lightly as she felt uncomfortable being stared at by someone. "Why don't I think about the problem from another angle?"

Luo Xiaoqiong curled her lips: "If you go further, can you say that the future will be gone?

Can they be buried together and be neighbors forever? "

Chu Xia smiled and said: "If you think this way you can feel better, I don't have any objection." She then picked up her little son and waved her little paws at him. "By then, our little Beibei will also become a little old man..."

Luo Xiaoqiong: "..." Can we still have a pleasant conversation?

"Is Doudou still sleeping?" Chu Xia changed the topic. Luo Xiaoqiong and Jun Doudou originally went to school with her these days, but because of Zhao Qihui's incident last night, they were both a little too excited and didn't get a good rest. , I was banned from going out by my elders today.

"Well, she's still asleep..." Luo Xiaoqiong sighed as she spoke. "You see, although Guoguo is not as intelligent as an adult, his attentiveness to Doudou is really enviable.

When I woke up, Guoguo sat by the bed and looked at Doudou quietly. I asked her if she wanted to come out, and she said she wanted to wait until Doudou woke up, so that no one would give Doudou water when he was thirsty. "

"The more such a child is, the more considerate she is. She knows who is good to her and knows how to be grateful. She is much better than many children who think they are smart..." Chu Xia couldn't help but sigh as she said, "I hope God can give her A happy future."

"It's quite sad..." After a pause, Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Chu Xia seriously, "Yesterday when we were talking about Sister Qihui's marriage, she listened quietly and said nothing, but today Doudou told me that last night After the two sisters returned to the room, Guoguo was in a particularly low mood. Doudou asked her what was wrong. She said it was fine, but one look at her appearance and it was clear that something was wrong.

Doudou said that Guoguo was probably stimulated by Sister Qihui's marriage, but she didn't know how to communicate with Guoguo about this issue. If Guoguo was willing to speak up, she wouldn't be worried. She would be worried about Guoguo. Being silent and not talking means that you understand the matter. The more you are like this, the more worried you will be. "

After a moment of silence, Chu Xia also said with a serious face, "I disagree with you. If she keeps silent about this matter, it is actually a good sign.

Previous tests on Guoguo showed that her IQ was about the same as that of a 20-year-old child. Think about it, would a 19-year-old child envy others having boyfriends? "

"So, what do you mean?"

"Yes!" Chu Xia nodded affirmatively, "I mean, maybe Mr. Qi's treatment on her is effective, but it's not obvious from some daily behaviors.

Normally, a girl's first love starts at the age of thirteen or fourteen. If she really makes such a big progress in such a short period of time, then the future is really worth looking forward to. "

Luo Xiaoqiong looked at Chu Xia with some uncertainty: "Do you think such a magical thing is possible?"

"Not sure, this is just a guess, so we have to talk to Mr. Qi and let him verify this matter." Chu Xia said and stood up, "Mr. Qi also came over for lunch at noon, so I just happened to take this time to replace Guo. Let’s test it out, but we still need to communicate with Doudou about this matter first.”

When Chu Xia carried Beibei to the room where the two sisters were resting, it happened that Jun Doudou had just woken up and was still there in a daze, "Guoguo, help me look at Beibei. Can I say a few words to Doudou?" Okay?" Chu Xia looked at Jun Guoguo inquiringly and asked.

"Can I?" Yun Guoguo looked eager to give it a try. These days, she wanted to hold the two little ones, but her elders only let her push them in a stroller. Now the opportunity finally came, and she was so cautious. Full of excitement.

"Of course." Chu Xia handed Beibei to her, and Luo Xiaoqiong quickly put her arms around Yun Guoguo's shoulders, "Guoguo, let's take Beibei out to bask in the sun."

"What happened?" Jun Doudou looked at Chu Xia with some confusion and asked.

Chu Xia expressed her suspicions.

"Do you really think so?" Jun Doudou's voice suddenly became louder, and the haziness in his eyes disappeared completely.

"I'm just guessing like this. The specific diagnosis depends on Mr. Qi's diagnosis, so..."

"No need, I have to agree. Is there anything else to ask about this matter? Chu Xia, thank you!" Jun Doudou stepped forward and hugged Chu Xia tightly, "Thank you so much!"

"No, I haven't even written these horoscopes yet, why are you thanking me?" Chu Xia said, patting her comfortingly, "Guo Guo is such a cute and kind girl, she will definitely have a happy future, as long as she There is a glimmer of hope, and we have to help her realize it. Don’t worry, we will always work hard with you.”

"Yes." He nodded vigorously and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. Jun Doudou walked back and forth excitedly, then stopped, "Do you want to call my parents?"

"It's better to wait until the diagnosis is made, so as not to let their joy be in vain..." Chu Xia looked at her helplessly, "To be honest, looking at your current state, I regret my recklessness."

"Okay, okay, let me calm myself down..." Jun Doudou looked at Chu Xia with a flattering look on his face, "If you find this kind of thing in the future, you still have to tell me. I will definitely be able to adjust myself. You believe me, okay Bar?"

"Okay, okay, I believe in you. It's okay to believe in you. Look at how excited you are..." Chu Xia was scolding her, but she was deeply moved by the sisterly love in her heart. She had never hoped for herself so much at this moment. There is also a biological sister or biological sister...

Facts have proved that Chu Xia's feeling was right, but of course, the progress was not as rapid as she predicted. Thinking about it, it was only a few months of treatment, how could it be possible to achieve such great results.

But this is also a particularly surprising thing. Jun Guoguo's current IQ is equivalent to that of an ordinary person about ten years old, which has made great progress compared to the original.

However, Mr. Qi also told several people alone that this speed was because the initial stimulation effect was particularly obvious, and future progress would definitely not be as rapid as it is now.

Mr. Qi was also very excited. After decades of practicing medicine, this was the first time that he gave it a go. He never expected that there would be such gratifying results.

As for Yun Guoguo, this matter was not hidden from her. With a ten-year-old IQ, she could already understand this matter. Knowing that she might live like a normal person, the little girl was so excited that she trembled all over. Finally, she simply Holding Jun Doudou and crying loudly, her sister cried so sadly that Doudou couldn't help but cry too. Nan Nan Bei Bei was infected by it and joined the wailing army...

"Nan Nan Bei Bei stopped crying. Auntie is happy when she cries. From now on, auntie can have friends to play with and classmates to play with, and no one will laugh at auntie anymore. She can be like your mother and Aunt Doudou, but I’m so happy…”

The wish is so simple, but so difficult to realize...

Chu Xia and others felt sad when they heard Guo Guo squatting in front of Nan Nan Bei Bei. How good would it be if everyone had more understanding and consideration? !

Junfengshan and Lan Ailian received a call from their youngest daughter, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time. To be honest, sending their eldest daughter here really felt like a dead horse being treated as a living horse doctor. They didn't expect it. A miracle really happened...

"What's going on?" When Zhao Yulan and others came in, they looked a little panicked when they saw their noses were red and their eyes were red. Could it be that something big happened while they were away from home for so long?

"Grandma, grandpa, dad, mom..." Chu Xia greeted them one by one and quickly explained, "Don't worry, there is a happy event at home, and everyone is happy." (To be continued. (lwxs.))

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