The author of Yandere Body has another headache and nausea today, so I will update today. Let’s work hard tomorrow~

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Although Jun Guoguo's IQ is not as good as ordinary people, she is sensible and kind. Therefore, after getting along for such a long time, the whole family likes and feels sorry for her. Now that they suddenly know that Qi Lao's treatment has worked, they all Extremely excited.

"Great, this is really great! Let me just say, for such a good child, God is willing to watch her suffer?" Zhao Yulan stepped forward and took Jun Doudou's hand and held it hard, with a look in her eyes. Faint tears appeared.

"Aunt Yulan, I actually don't feel anything yet..." Jun Guoguo smiled shyly, "But I will definitely work harder to make myself smarter!"

"This child is so sensible that I can't help but feel sorry for him..." Old Mrs. Zhao sighed with emotion, stretched out her hand to pat Zhao Yulan, "It's a good thing, you will scare the child like this."

"Guo Guo, Aunt Yulan is happy for you, not because you don't work hard enough..." Zhao Yulan explained as she pulled Jun Guoguo to sit on the sofa and patted her head lovingly, "If you miss your mother, give it to her." Call me and don’t cry secretly, okay?”

"Yes." Yun Guoguo nodded her head vigorously and asked curiously, "Are Sister Huihui's parents-in-law as good as Aunt Yulan and Uncle Baohe?"

"Well, you're fine." Zhao Yulan looked at her funny, "Do you know what the parents-in-law mean?"

"Aunt, are you looking down on others?" Yun Guoguo pouted in dissatisfaction, "Of course I understand what the parents-in-law mean, but some parents-in-law are good and some are bad.

My parents don’t dare to let me get married because they are afraid that if I encounter bad parents-in-law, they will bully me. If I become smarter, they don’t have to be afraid! "

Mrs. Zhao asked with a smile: "Does Guoguo like to get married?"


"Why?" After being stunned, Jun Doudou asked quickly. She always knew that her sister envied her for having classmates and friends, but she really didn't know that her sister was also particularly interested in getting married.

"If I can also get married, my mother won't have to be sad for me..." Jun Guoguo looked at her sister seriously, "When you got married, your mother cried so much. My father said, Doudou has good friends. You should be happy about your homecoming, and my mother said, "I'm not worried about Doudou, I'm worried about Guoguo. Guoguo will never get married in this life. It's so pitiful."

Actually, I don’t feel pity at all. I have parents who love me, Doudou, and my grandparents who are also kind to me. I really don’t feel pity at all, but I still feel sorry for my mother when I say I don’t pity her. If I cry, then as long as I get married, my mother won’t feel sorry for me and won’t cry. "

"Guoguo..." Jun Doudou sniffed and showed a bright smile, "Then you get better soon and find a good man, and your mother will no longer worry about you."

"Yes." Yun Guoguo nodded vigorously, her face turning slightly red again, "If I find a man, my parents and Doudou will still like me the same, right?"

"Of course!" Jun Doudou smiled and nodded, "We all hope that you will be loved by many people, and of course we will still like you just the same!"

"Today is a double happiness. We have to celebrate tonight..." Zhao Yulan said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen. "Sister-in-law Qin and I went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables. Let's make hot pot for dinner tonight!"

Jun Guoguo jumped up happily: "Aunt Yulan, I like to eat hot pot. I will pick vegetables with you."

Chu Xia's eyes turned to Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao, who were teasing the twins: "Do grandma and grandpa get along well with the Liu family's parents?"

Mrs. Zhao responded with a smile: "Yes,

They are all honest people, and they speak sincerely, so we chatted for a while. We had lunch together in the cafeteria, and Director Li also went with us, using public meal tickets..." After a pause, she felt a little bit She looked at her granddaughter worriedly and said, "Xia, we want to exchange the meal tickets ourselves, but Director Li won't let us go no matter what. If it's not appropriate, can you just return the money to Director Li?" "

Chu Xia had no experience with this kind of thing. After thinking about it, she said, "I'll ask Zhou Mikang later. If he says he'll give it to us, we'll give it to him."

"Isn't that true? We are all members of the military. Do we need to care so much about a meal?" The fat aunt came out of the kitchen with two bowls of soup and couldn't help but question, "If this little thing can be misunderstood as taking advantage, then This soldier is too cowardly."

"I think so too." Luo Xiaoqiong nodded in approval, "Liu Yingzhang is the hero. Normally, the state should arrange for people to take care of him. Now we take the initiative to take care of people, take the initiative to deliver meals, and we have to calculate it clearly when we eat every once in a while. , then forget it."

"That's what I say, but there are no rules. I'm afraid that some troublemakers will make a fuss about this kind of thing in the future..." Sighing, Chu Xia looked helpless, "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, so be careful. Some are good.”

It's not that she thinks bad things about people, it's just that Zhou Mikang's achievements are too dazzling, and the more halos people have on their heads, the easier it is for them to be troubled. In that era, she had seen many such examples!

"Qihui..." After class, Zhao Qihui pushed her bicycle out in a hurry, but was blocked by Jiang Wenyuan, who had been waiting outside the parking shed.

"I think I have made my words very clear. What else do you want?" Looking at him indifferently, Zhao Qihui didn't even bother to say polite words. Compared with Liu Lianbao, Jiang Wenyuan was almost like a clown in her eyes.

"I know what I did was wrong before, but after all, we are a master and a disciple, and we are lovers. I can't just watch you jump into the fire pit without helping me. Why didn't you come to class yesterday?"

"Who am I? Do you have the right to meddle in such nosy matters?" Zhao Qihui said as he forcibly pushed the bicycle forward, "If you stop me and call someone again!"

"Is it necessary for us to be so tense?" Jiang Wenyuan sighed and looked at her seriously, "Allow me to say a few words to you, and I will let you go after that, okay?"


"You are a kind girl, so when you treat someone sincerely, you will do whatever it takes. This is also the reason why you are easily hurt. It is also because of understanding this that I know how wrong I was before. It’s outrageous, so I hope I can make up for my previous mistakes..."

Zhao Qihui interrupted him: "If that's what you're talking about, you can stop it. I don't need your compensation, and I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. Do you understand?"

"If I promise to treat you well all my life, can you give me another chance?" Jiang Wenyuan looked at her pitifully, "I really know that I was wrong, and I really regret it, Qihui, there are some things in this life. You can’t make the same mistake again and again, so listen carefully to what I say and think about it carefully, okay?”

"How clear do you want me to be?" Zhao Qihui frowned and looked at him, "I have disliked you a long time ago. The person I like now is Liu Lianbao. I have decided to marry him this year. Now, what I said Do you understand it enough? Can you let it go? Jiang Wenyuan, if you continue to behave like this, you will ruin the military marriage. If you really think that it doesn’t matter whether you go to college or not, just continue to make trouble like this!"

"Qi Hui!" Jiang Wenyuan looked at her with a sad face, "Are you really so heartless?"

"Jiang Wenyuan, are you qualified to say such a thing?" Zhao Qihui laughed angrily, looking at the other party helplessly, "Ordinarily, your character shouldn't be like this. What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" Do you know yourself now?"

A wry smile flashed in his eyes, and Jiang Wenyuan sighed: "Yes, I also look down on myself. You have made it so clear, but I just can't let go. Lying in bed at night, I am also asking myself, what am I doing? What's going on? The answer is, I missed it once, and I don't want to miss it a second time. No matter how you treat me, it's what you should do, and if I keep persisting, it's what I should do!"

Zhao Qihui nodded: "Okay, I understand what you mean, can you get out of the way now?"

"You..." Jiang Wenyuan bit his lip and looked at her steadily, "Where are you going?"

In order to make the other party give up, Zhao Qihui answered truthfully: "Go and see my fiancé. He is injured. I want to take care of him."

"Injured?" Jiang Wenyuan frowned, "How? Where is the injury? Is it serious? Will it affect your future life?"

"What does this have to do with you?"

"It does have nothing to do with me, but I don't want you to suffer..." Jiang Wenyuan looked at her seriously, "No matter what you think of me now, I must be responsible for your life. Just based on my relationship with Qiliang, I can’t watch you suffer either!”

"Now you have even brought my brother out?" Zhao Qihui looked at him sarcastically, "Have you forgotten what you said when my brother wrote to you when you broke up with me?"

"Huihui, I know you are still angry about that incident. I already regret it..." Jiang Wenyuan smiled bitterly, "I can't change my past mistakes, but I will do my best to make up for it. I believe Me, okay?"

"You are really narcissistic..." Zhao Qihui frowned and looked at him, "Get out of the way quickly. Someone is coming. Is it appropriate for people to see you like this?"

After hesitating, Jiang Wenyuan grabbed the handlebar harder: "I know you are annoying me now, so let me meet your fiancé. If he is really more suitable than me, I will stop pestering you."

"That's not necessary!"

"I think it's necessary!"

"You..." Zhao Qihui angrily looked at Jiang Wenyuan, who looked like a completely different person from before, and had no choice but to compromise, "Okay, I'll let you see him, but I tell you, it's up to me to decide whether it's appropriate or not. It doesn't matter to you, so after seeing you, don't bother me again. If there is a next time, I will definitely tell you to pack up and go home!" R1152

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