The second update is here. It was Nuan’s mother’s birthday the day before yesterday. She went back to her hometown. She just came back today. Nuan wants her to be healthy and live a long life~


"I'm afraid that if the leader is dissatisfied, he will blame you..." Zhao Yushan looked at Zhang Guojun with some embarrassment, "Originally, our relationship has been criticized by many people. If the leader calls him out again..." sighed. He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, we don't miss this afternoon. Anyway, the child will celebrate the full moon ceremony the day after tomorrow."

"Brother, please go back..." After a pause, Zhang Guoqing said with a smile, "Brother is definitely thinking about his grandson now."

When it comes to his eldest grandson, Zhao Yushan gets excited: "Your sister-in-law said that he looks exactly like Qiliang when he was a child, but he is much prettier than Qiliang, and his voice lights up when he howls..."

"Okay, okay, brother is not in the mood to work here, go back quickly, the leader has to be humane..." Zhang Guoqing lowered his voice, "If he can't do image projects, we can't do anything. .”

After hesitating for a while, unable to resist the longing in his heart, Zhao Yushan nodded and responded: "Okay, then I'll go back first. You can bring Yucui and Xiaoshan to my house in the evening."

"No matter how unconscious we are, we can't wait until the day of the full moon ceremony to eat and drink at home for free. Brother, don't worry, we must go.

Yu Cui was not very sensible before, so now she has to be given a chance to make up for it. How can she not be allowed to help with her grand-nephew's full moon gift? "

Zhao Yushan shook his head helplessly: "Ewon is not at home these days, it's all thanks to Yucui who takes care of me. If you say that again, you will be unjust to her."

"I was just joking with my eldest brother. Why did he take it so seriously? No matter whether she has improved or not, she and I are both brothers and sisters. How can he bear grudge against her?

Having said that, I will say one more thing..." He walked to the door, looked around for no one, and closed the door tightly. Zhang Guoqing walked back and lowered his voice and said, "Brother, you really need to change your character. Otherwise, it will definitely affect the future. "

"At this age, what do I have to fear?" Zhao Yushan sighed, "I admit that my personality is a bit rigid, but I am not confused.

Moreover, I can respect my conscience, solve problems with jokes, and always make appropriate concessions. I don't like it! "

"Brother, we'll talk about this later. You'd better go home first. Maybe Yucui has passed by first. If I really guess it, brother will go to the village committee and call me to inform me. I'll come after get off work. If you don’t want to go home, just go to school and take Xiaoqing there.”

"Okay." Knowing that it was not time to dwell on whether his personality was suitable for politics, Zhao Yushan readily agreed and decided to go home first.

"Sister-in-law and the others seem to be back today. Let's go over and take a look now?" Lin Xiaohua finally couldn't help but speak after taking a look at her husband who was sitting silently on the kang.

"Why are we going?" Zhao Yushui sighed heavily, "What dignity do we have to go? All the children in the family are trying to live up to their expectations. Only our Qiyan is like this. If we go, we will attract those gossipy women. .

With the sister-in-law's character, if she hears those people's comments, she will definitely fight with them. It's a happy day for the elder brother and sister-in-law's family, so let's not bring trouble to them. "

"What's wrong with Qiyan?" Lin Xiaohua frowned and stared at her husband, "The girls who get married in our village don't do as many things as Qiyan. Why don't they still go back to their parents' homes and attend weddings at their parents' homes? Why do you do that? Do you think our Qiyan is embarrassed?"

Zhao Yushui glared at his wife: "Back then, I didn't drag the man around the village to show off that I had found a high official!"

"The child already knows that he was wrong, his personality is different from before, and life is getting better and better. Why are you still nagging about these things?

Who has never been young? Who didn’t have a little vanity when they were young? Especially someone like our Qiyan,

In terms of appearance, she can't compare with Chu Xia, and in terms of work, she can't compare with Qi Hui. Can she not be hit?

She is not showing off to show off to her family, she just wants outsiders to think that Qiyan, who is nothing in their eyes, is married to a good man.

In fact, Liu Zhenqiang was really obedient to her at that time. How could he have imagined that such things would happen later?

Sigh..." Sighing, Lin Xiaohua shook her head, "Actually speaking, our Qiyan is still too soft-hearted to let Liu Zhenqiang go free so easily.

The people in our village are also shameless. Even if they know that Qi Yan married the wrong person, they just pretend to be confused. Why do they have to come to us to ask? Yushui, this time we will go no matter what.

Otherwise, we really won’t be able to hold our heads high in the village in the future. At least, let’s use the face of our eldest brother, sister-in-law, nephews and nieces to give ourselves some face, okay?

Even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about your daughter. If we just hide like this, who can find her a husband? We can't really let our children live with us for the rest of their lives, right?

It's okay while we are alive, but one day we will leave her alone. What do you want her to do at that time? I found some clothes for you. Come put on a piece and go over. "

"I don't have the nerve to go." Zhao Yushui still insisted on his opinion and sat there without moving.

"You..." Lin Xiaohua looked at her husband helplessly. She didn't know what to do. She didn't dare to do anything against her husband's opinion now.

The door of the west room opened, and Zhao Qiyan stood at the door with a guilty look on her face: "Father, mother, I have embarrassed you, otherwise, I'd better find a place to work..."

"No..." Lin Xiaohua grabbed her daughter anxiously, "Yan'er, Mom must not let you go out alone. If something happens again, Mom will never be able to survive in this life.

If others want to gossip, let them do it. Anyway, there will be no less meat. On your uncle's side, your sister and your brother are both prosperous, let alone your sister-in-law.

Mom knows that Mom did not do well in the past, but she is just a girl like you, and asking you to stay at home like this from now on makes Mom feel like she is fried. You listen to Mom and spend more time with Qihui Chuxia and the others.

It's not that we're asking for any benefits, it's just to show off to outsiders. After all, we are a family, and there will always be thoughtful people who come to our house to propose marriage. When the time comes, we will choose the right one to marry.

I'm not afraid to be someone's stepmother. As long as I treat their children well and treat them sincerely, my children will also treat you well. Listen to your mother and stop being bored at home, okay? "

"Mom..." Zhao Qiyan smiled bitterly, "Have I not been hurt enough? How can I rush to be someone's stepmother?" She sighed heavily and looked out the window with a lonely face, "Actually, what do outsiders say about me? It really doesn’t matter, I just hope that my father and mother won’t look down on me.”

"How could mother look down on you?" Li Aiyuan said while poking her husband. "Please tell your children what you think. Don't let them think blindly."

"What ideas can I have?" Zhao Yushan frowned and looked at his wife, "She is so old, she should think about some things. What's the use of just coaxing her?"

Lin Xiaohua winked at her husband anxiously. She was worried that her daughter would take another detour. At this time, she could even coax her daughter. As long as she could have the confidence to live well and still have hopes for future happiness, She has nothing to worry about.

She believes that her daughter has not yet recovered from the harm caused by Liu Zhenqiang in a short period of time. As long as time lasts longer, her daughter will be able to let go of everything.

Speaking of which, Liu Zhenqiang is also trash. When his daughter divorced him, he gritted his teeth and said that he would never be good to any other woman except his daughter in this life.

The result was good. I completed the formalities with my daughter and got married to the woman the next month.

The point is, if you get married, get married. Why do you want to stab someone whose heart bleeds? What does it mean to write and send news about yourself every once in a while?

If she hadn't always stopped the letters in advance, her daughter's mood might have been so bad!

Huh, she must talk to her little sister about this. She doesn't want Chu Xia to let her man do anything to Liu Zhenqiang, but it's still right to show him how powerful he is!

"Are you having trouble with your eyes?" Zhao Yushui looked at his wife who kept winking at him, with a look of impatience on his face. "It's clear that you are talking nonsense. You were like this before, why are you still like this now?" ?”

Too lazy to continue arguing with her husband, Lin Xiaohua walked to the door and pulled her daughter out, "Let's go to grandma's house and have a look. I think your aunt and others will be back soon..."

Looking back at his wife and daughter, Zhao Yushui did not force them to stay.

Indeed, he was embarrassed to go to his eldest brother's house for some reasons of shame, but in his heart, he was actually hoping that his daughter could get some light.

No matter how wrong her daughter has been in the past, she is still his biological daughter. If he gives up helping her, who else will think of helping her?

He won't be as obvious as his wife, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't love his daughter. In the past, his liver was indeed hurt by his daughter's anger, but now, it has been replaced by heartache.

When Lin Xiaohua and Zhao Qiyan arrived, Chu Xia and others' car happened to stop at the door.

"Dad, mother, sister-in-law, little sister, Chu Xia, Xiaoqiong..." While saying hello, Lin Xiaohua approached Li Aiyuan who was holding the child, lifted the corner of the quilt and looked, "Let me see my great nephew, oh, He looks exactly like Qiliang when he was a child, look at the high bridge of his nose, look at his big eyes..."

This younger brother and sister were not lovable before, but why are they still so reckless now? Li Aiyuan sighed helplessly: "Brothers and sisters, Longlong has just given birth and cannot see the wind."

"Oh oh oh..." Lin Xiaohua had a look on her face. She had really forgotten about this incident just now. The key point was that she had also given birth to a child. Such a performance at this time made her even more embarrassed.

In the car behind, Nan, Nan and Beibei were picked up together. Looking at the twins who were even prettier than New Year picture dolls, Lin Xiaohua rubbed her hands and walked over, wanting to reach out and hug them. Thinking of her previous behavior, she felt a little embarrassed and looked embarrassed. Standing there stiffly... R1152

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