Update to.


"Er Niang, Sister Qiyan, it's such a coincidence that you guys came here." After not seeing each other for more than half a year, Lin Xiaohua had aged a lot. She sighed secretly. Chu Xia took the initiative to say hello to the two of them, then picked up Nan Nan and raised it in front of Lin Xiaohua, " Second mother, do you want to hug him?"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey..." Lin Xiaohua responded repeatedly, taking the big fat boy that made her eyes so hot, her eyes narrowed into slits with a smile. It didn't necessarily mean how close she was to Nannan, but Chu Xia Her attitude made her feel relieved.

"Second sister-in-law, where is second brother?" Zhao Yulan stepped forward and asked.

"He thinks he is embarrassed, but he can't come here..." Lin Xiaohua smiled bitterly and told the truth. Zhao Qiyan stretched out her hand to Zhao Yulan, "Sister-in-law, can you let me hug you?"

Zhao Yulan looked at the grinning little guy in her arms and discussed: "Beibei, can I let my second aunt hold me for a while?"

The little guy looked away from his brother's face and turned to Zhao Qiyan, looking at him, his mouth tightened, and he howled "Wow!"

Zhao Qiyan retracted his stretched out hand in embarrassment, with a sneer on his face.

"Sister Qiyan, Er Niang is hugging Nan Nan. He doesn't recognize life. Now you hug him. This little bastard Beibei won't follow anyone except the people he is very familiar with..." Chu Xia said while reaching out to poke "Wow wow. "The little guy howled for a long time without even a single tear coming out. Beibei, who was howling energetically, thought his mother was teasing him, and immediately changed from crying to laughing, "Gahga" with joy.

"Shameless, crying and laughing at the same time..." After teasing his son, Chu Xia urged a few people to go in. There were really too many people surrounding them. From the look in their eyes, he thought they were monkey tricks.

The Zhao family was originally one of the top households in the village, but now it is a thousand times stronger than before. Now that they finally have the opportunity, everyone with the connections they can get is here.

As soon as Li Aimin, the current village party secretary, got the news, he came over with two young and strong men. He enthusiastically shook Mr. Zhao's hand and waved it, indicating that the table and chairs he wanted to borrow for the full moon ceremony were wrapped in his body.

"No need, these things have been arranged in advance..." Mr. Zhao laughed and rejected the other party. It was a joke. How could they improvise on such a thing?

"Where did you borrow it from?" Afraid that the old man was being polite, Li Aimin asked the old man thoroughly.

"Yushan has already said hello in advance. I don't know who I borrowed it from..." After a pause, Mr. Zhao added, "It should be delivered early the day after tomorrow. Secretary Li, don't forget to come over then. Just have a glass of full moon wine.”

"How could you have forgotten that? Uncle, after all, you have watched me grow up, so why are you having an affair with me? Besides, I can't just open my mouth and say, I will come over to help the day after tomorrow. I have a big table at home. , I'll bring it over with you. Even if the borrowed one is enough, it won't be short of my one.

Uncle, I’m not doing this just to flatter you. Brother Yushan did a good job in the past, but now it’s my turn and everything goes smoothly. I’m grateful to Brother Yushan.

He is a principled person. I wanted to treat him to a meal to thank him, but he said nothing. I just took this opportunity to have a glass of wine with Brother Yushan. "

"Okay, then you can bring the table over..." Mr. Zhao said and laughed, "No, Yushan is back. Just ask him if there is anything else he wants you to help with. If so, you can Come on together."

Li Aimin immediately turned around with a smile on his face: "Secretary, are you back?" Just now he was calling Brother Yushan, but now he changed his name to Secretary.

"Aimin, you don't want to shout like that, I'm just the deputy secretary." Zhao Yushan smiled and greeted him, then looked anxiously at his mother who was holding her eldest grandson, "Mom, show me, let me hug you ..." As he spoke, his hand was already stretched out.

"Hey, looking at how anxious you are, it seems like I won't let you hug me later..." Old Mrs. Zhao complained angrily,

Hand the child to Zhao Yushan.

Carefully taking the child over and holding it in his arms, Zhao Yushan smiled so hard that wrinkles appeared on his face.

The boys in the village who were as old as sons had already given birth to babies. He didn't say it, but he was greedy in his heart. At this moment, he finally became a grandfather!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yushan quickly looked at Luo Xiaoqiong who was sitting on the kang: "Xiaoqiong, you have worked so hard. Please lie down and take a rest."

"Dad, I'm not tired..." Luo Xiaoqiong smiled, waved her hand, and joked, "You have seen me. I greeted you when you came in, but you have been ignoring me."

"Hey, hey..." Zhao Yushan smiled sheepishly. As soon as he came in, his mind was a little dizzy, and his eyes were not working well.

"Brother Yushan..." Li Aimin took a step back and said, "Uncle, aunt and sister-in-law have just come back and are very tired. You and your family have to have a good reunion. I won't be in the way here. Is there anything I can do?" Yes, Brother Yushan, tell me, I will go and make arrangements now."

"There's nothing left to do. I've borrowed everything that needs to be borrowed and can deliver it the day after tomorrow. I've also found the people who will take care of the dishes. They are Liu Ershuan and Li Qiaomei from our village."

"Then you have to find something for me to do, right?" Li Aimin wrinkled his face, "You also know what I am thinking, and I have always wanted to find an opportunity to repay you. If you don't let me do anything, I will feel terrible. It’s really not a good feeling.”

"You..." Zhao Yushan smiled helplessly, "Can you come here early in the morning and help choose the dishes and serve the plates?"

"Okay, of course..." Li Aimin smiled and rubbed his hands, "As long as Brother Yushan doesn't treat me as an outsider, I'll be happy.

Then I won't cause trouble here..." He turned around and walked out, waving to the people who were gathered outside and peering in, "Go back quickly, my uncles, aunts and sisters-in-law are still tired, let them have a good rest. . "

"Uncle, aunt, sister-in-law, I'm from the Yuqing family. I'll come see you some other time."

"Master, grandma, aunt, I am from the Sibao family. I will come to see you some other time."

"Brother and sister-in-law, I am Junhong. I will come over the day after tomorrow."


The people in the yard who originally wanted to squeeze in to say hello all murmured and left. After a while, the noisy house finally became quiet.

Chu Xia, Zhao Yulan, and Lin Baohe, who had no place to stay and had no choice but to hide in the west room, breathed a long sigh of relief and came to the east room with Nan Nan and Bei Bei in their arms.

Zhang Guojun waited until five o'clock and finally welcomed County Magistrate Lu. As before, Magistrate Lu came on a bicycle, and following him was his assistant Pang Changjiang.

"County Magistrate, thank you for your hard work." Zhang Guojun hurried out to say hello. Looking at County Magistrate Lu who was dusty and gray-haired, he couldn't tell what he felt.

The head of Lu County liked to go to the grassroots level after being transferred, and most of the time he rode a bicycle. He said that this way he could walk around, get close to farmers, and save resources, killing two birds with one stone.

Many leaders couldn't stand his behavior. Can't they just drive around and take a look? This is obviously a waste of time.

Moreover, he not only wastes his own time, but also wastes other people's time, because wherever he goes, others have to wait to receive him.

Just like now, Zhang Guojun had a hundred complaints against him in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face.

"If it's not hard, what's the point of it?" County Magistrate Lu held Zhang Guojun's hand and smiled lightly, looked behind him and asked, "Where is Comrade Yushan?"

After hesitating, Zhang Guojun answered truthfully: "County magistrate, Comrade Yushan's son went to the front line. After his daughter-in-law became pregnant, Comrade Yushan stayed alone in his hometown.

Now that the child is one month old, the whole family has rushed back, so I forced Comrade Yushan to go home first. Anyway, I basically know everything he knows. If you have any orders from the county magistrate, I will do it! "

"Haha..." After laughing a few times, County Magistrate Lu waved his hand, "Seeing how comprehensive your explanation was, I'm not unreasonable. I just didn't see him and asked casually.

Let's go in. I have a few issues to discuss with you. Along the way, I've discovered a lot of problems. "

"How's it going? Did County Magistrate Lu give you any trouble?" It was already past eight o'clock in the evening when Zhang Guojun arrived at Xiaolin Village. Zhao Yushan hurriedly greeted him and asked with a worried look on his face.

"It's not difficult for me, but I'm sure I'm unhappy. After talking to me, I went to Dalin Village again..." Zhang Guojun sighed and smiled bitterly, "This county magistrate... is really capable!"

Zhao Yushan has told everyone about the county magistrate's habits before, so Chu Xia couldn't help but mutter: "This kind of person obviously likes face-saving projects, but he has to pretend to be cool." but.

He obviously had a car that could cover twenty villages a day, but he insisted on riding a bicycle to cover ten villages a day and made others wait for him until midnight. He felt very good about himself, but he didn't know how many people would be exhausted because of him. "

"Will it embarrass my father if he goes to Dalin Village so late?" Luo Xiaoqiong immediately became anxious when she heard that the county magistrate had gone to her father's territory.

"It's not that difficult, but we can't avoid talking to your father for a while." As he spoke, Zhang Guojun sighed, "Actually, the hardest part is for Pang Changjiang who follows him.

He himself runs from morning to night every day without even a moment to rest, so Pang Changjiang has to stay with him, which is not easy. "

Chu Xia looked at her second uncle in disbelief: "Will he rush back to the county in the evening?"

"That's for sure. He still has to attend the regular meeting every morning..." Zhang Guoqing shook his head helplessly, "Anyway, this county magistrate really can't be judged. You say he's not good? He can really endure hardships." , and he really considers the people. If you say he is good, he will be picky wherever he goes. If he can do it, he must ask others to do the same, hey..." R1152

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