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ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "Marriage First, Love"! Second update.

"Okay, I can't talk to you anymore. I have to go back and check carefully, so as not to miss things in a hurry tomorrow morning." Seeing that the clock hand pointed to eight o'clock, the fat aunt got up and walked out, trying to get off the kang. The daughter waved her hand, "You have just finished confinement. If you don't come out for a long time, just stay on the kang. I am your mother, do you need to do this?"

Luo Xiaoqiong was speechless: "I originally wanted to come down to see my mother and father off because I couldn't bear to leave. It's really heartbreaking to have my mother say this. Forget it, I won't go. Xia, don't go either... "As he spoke, he grabbed Chu Xia who wanted to follow her out, "My mother is also your aunt, so there is no need to act like this."

"Girl Xiong!" The fat aunt glared at her daughter in a funny way, and then looked at Chu Xia, "Over there, she didn't want to be in the same room by herself at all, so she took you with her. Because she had just given birth, Let’s just let her have some time.”

Not long after the fat aunt and Luo Gangshun left, the second aunt and her family also went back. There were too many people to live in. They had a car and it was convenient to come here early in the morning, so they had no choice but to let them go back.

Zhao Yuying and her mother-in-law naturally lived on the same bed as Mrs. Zhao, and Wang Aiguo went to live with his second uncle's house with Mr. Zhao.

After Chu Xia and Zhao Yulan returned to the house and closed the door, they told Zhao Yulan exactly what the fat aunt said, "Mom, what happened to you when you went to Zhaier Village today is what we guessed? "

"It's true..." Zhao Yulan smiled bitterly, "When your aunt heard that Li Huaihua talked about her childhood and Wang Aiguo, she immediately softened. She also kept admitting her mistake to the woman.

I don't understand. What's wrong with her? Not to mention that Wang Aiguo and Li Huaihua were in good terms back then. She had snatched Wang Aiguo away without knowing it. What was there to feel guilty about?

If Li Huaihua really liked Wang Aiguo, she shouldn't agree to someone else's marriage. If she agreed, it would mean that there was no relationship at all between the two. Now, what kind of relationship points would you give yourself over that incident?

The key is. Your aunt and I wanted to say something to that woman, but your aunt kept stopping us and even made peace with the woman. In the future, if you have any difficulties at home, just tell her and she and your uncle will help.


Your aunt and I almost made her angry to death. I have never seen anyone like this before. Why haven't you noticed that your aunt has this temper before? "

"Mom, the more this happens, the more it shows that my aunt really cares for my mother. She obviously has such a bad character, but she always helps us and makes her do things like that. How much courage do you have? That's why you are more You can’t stop helping aunt just because you’re angry.”

"I want to help, but how?" Zhao Yulan sighed. "Your aunt is determined to live with your uncle, and determined to help that person named Li Huaihua. I can't help even if I want to."

"Not at this moment, no matter how hard we think about it, we can always find a way. In fact..." After a pause, Chu Xia looked at Zhao Yulan seriously, "I think we should talk to Jin Song about this, or he can Maybe I can persuade my aunt."

"Jin Song is about to take the high school entrance examination, but he can't miss his studies because of these things. If he knew that his father was such a character, wouldn't he be angry? He might have to take your aunt out to go out, and he wouldn't be able to go to school, then. Then your aunt will feel even more guilty about herself."

"Actually..." After thinking for a while, Chu Xia continued, "Actually, I think this is just our idea. Jin Song has a good personality and is not extreme. As long as we explain the truth to him clearly, he should make the decision It’s the right choice, how about I talk to him?”

"Okay..." Thinking that the relationship between his nephew and his daughter was relatively close, and that the elders really couldn't talk about this matter, Zhao Yulan agreed, "Let me see if he went to your second uncle's house. If so, If he hasn’t gone yet, ask him to come find you.”


Five minutes later, Wang Jinsong hurriedly opened the door and came in: "Sister, what's the matter?"

"There's something about my aunt and uncle..." Looking at Wang Jinsong's expression, Chu Xia didn't say any more.

"Hey..." Wang Jinsong sighed and looked at Chu Xia, "I told you I knew it, would Fourth Sister believe it?"


"My classmate told me, and I even had a fight with him, but it turned out that what he said was true..." Pulling his hair tangledly, Wang Jinsong looked at Chu Xia, "I've been pretending not to know, I'm quite cowardly. Yes, right?"

"No, this just shows that you are very mature. Originally, my mother didn't want you to know, but I think you are capable enough to take on this matter.

We can't just let your mother aggrieve you like this. If your father continues like this, your family will be really ruined. If I didn't miss my aunt and you, I wouldn't bother to intervene.

Jin Song, you are a responsible man. I am talking to you about this matter because I hope you can persuade your aunt to clarify your attitude on this matter and not leave it to your uncle and the woman named Li Huaihua.

If the uncle insists, then let the aunt live with us for a while. You might as well live on campus. We will leave the money and food stamps to you. I just want to see if the woman will still be like this after having nothing. With my uncle. "

"Fourth sister, have you ever thought about what if Li Huaihua just wants to be with my father and doesn't mind that he has nothing?" Wang Jinsong sighed, "Her husband's family has already said that if she wants It's up to her to get a divorce, but if she marries a new man, she must support the family, otherwise, they will go to the county to sue her.

The people in the village were afraid that the family would burden them, so they didn't say a word. The woman dared to act like this, and she knew this, so she had no fear.

For a person like her, even if she wanted to find a second wife, no one would want to marry her. If she stayed in her husband's house, she would have to work hard to survive. How could she be willing to let go after she finally fell in love with a fool like my father?

Everyone understands this truth, but my father just doesn’t understand it. If I, a son, argue with him about this matter, how can he have the face to face me in the future?

Fourth sister, this is a deadlock. The key lies with my mother. She really cares too much about the integrity of this family. My sister has done many unforgivable things in the past, but which one has my mother not forgiven?

My mother felt that since she married my father, she would be a member of my father's family for the rest of her life. If she left that family, she would not want a better life no matter how good it was.

So, let this matter be, don't worry about it. If my mother really can't bear it, I will persuade her as the fourth sister said. If she doesn't think it is a shame to take care of that Li Huaihua, let her do it.

When I graduate from high school and go to college, I can persuade her to leave with me. If she doesn't want to leave, I will say that I can't take care of myself and ask her to accompany me. At that time, my mother will definitely agree.

Of course, if possible, I still hope that my father can understand, treat my mother well, and live a down-to-earth life with my mother. The happiness my mother wants most is to live well with my father. "

"Well, you should know Auntie best, so I'll just listen to you." Although she was still unwilling to do so, Chu Xia did not persuade her. After all, her way of thinking was still different from that of people of this era. She can't force them to be like her. The so-called happiness is definitely not forced.

Chu Xia went back to tell Zhao Yulan what Wang Jinsong said. After being silent for a long time, Zhao Yulan sighed: "I underestimated this child, so I went to Jin Song. Your aunt will have a good life in the future.

Okay, let's stop speculating on this matter and listen to Jin Song. When we need help, he will say it. This child is not rigid. "

In another room, Mrs. Zhao looked at her eldest daughter with helplessness. She thought she was old and confused. She thought she wouldn't know if she didn't tell her?

The eldest daughter has been married for so many years. When did the eldest son-in-law come to visit her? Others say that the eldest son-in-law is because her family is better off now. In fact, the eldest daughter must have done a job because she knows her daughter Mo Ruomu.

The eldest daughter is a character who values ​​the family's face more than her life. As long as Wang Aiguo is willing to cooperate with her to increase the family's face, she will do anything she is asked to do.

On this day, the eldest daughter-in-law and the younger daughter were going back and forth. She became suspicious early. After going out for a walk, she knew everything.

Something that can be known so easily means that there is probably not a single person in these ten miles and eight villages who does not know it.

The eldest daughter who was born on the sidelines felt like no one else knew.

"Mom, why are you always looking at me?" Zhao Yuying felt uncomfortable being stared at by Mrs. Zhao, so she asked with a smile, "It's not been a long time since you saw me, why do you still look like you can't get enough of me? "

"Yuying, you have lost weight..." After a pause, Mrs. Zhao added, "You have also aged."

"Mom, you're fifty, how can you not age?" Zhao Yuying smoothed her hair on both sides, "My hair is white, but it's not that I'm old. Does your mother feel sorry for me because I'm old? It's okay, no one cares. Getting older, what’s there to worry about?”

"Yuying, do you think your mother is old and confused?"

"Mother..." Zhao Yuying lowered her head, sighed for a long time, and forced a smile, "Do you know about Aiguo and Li Huaihua?"

"Yes, I am your mother, do you need to hide it from me?"

"Don't I want my mother to worry? Don't worry, mother, I have solved this matter. Aiguo promised me that if she ever associates with that Li Huaihua again in the future, she will take me with her and we will help her together.

That woman is also a hard-working woman. The man became paralyzed not long after she got married, and her parents-in-law are not easy to worry about. It is really rare to be able to survive for so many years..." Zhao Yuying said while pointing to where she was sitting. Wang Meifeng said, "Meifeng also knows about this. If you don't believe me, you can ask her. "(The novel "Marriage First, Love" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", search Follow the public account "qdread" and hurry up!) (To be continued)

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