First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 1084: Know your daughter, Mo Ruomu

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One update, I’m too tired today, more updates tomorrow.

"Meifeng, what do you say?" Mrs. Zhao really turned her attention to Wang Meifeng and asked her seriously about her opinion of Li Huaihua.

I didn't expect that my mother would bring the topic to me, and she was really called out by my grandma. She was stunned for a moment, and Wang Meifeng smiled a little far-fetched: "Grandma, my mother knows more about this matter than I do, you'd better let my mother speak."

"I heard that you persuaded your mother to agree to let your father help Li Huaihua?" Mrs. Zhao's face turned cold, "Do you think I'm an old fool and let you fool me into everything? "

"Mom, no..." Zhao Yuying quickly defended her daughter, "Meifeng just doesn't want me to get into trouble, and she really pities that Li Huaihua. Mom, we really didn't fool you. That Li Huaihua really She is quite pitiful, not as bad as the outside world reports, the things she did in the past were also forced..."

"Hey..." She interrupted her daughter with a sigh. Mrs. Zhao had a look of hatred on her face, "Yuying, it's a good thing to be kind-hearted, but being too kind-hearted is stupid.

You pity that Li Huaihua, who pity you? Three gangs and two gangs helped Wang Aiguo to her home. Do you think people will say good things to you?

Is it because Wang Aiguo is willing to come to your home this time because you agreed to let him continue to help Li Huaihua? "

"Mom, no, Aiguo really wants to come over to celebrate Longlong's full moon. If you don't believe it, ask my sister-in-law and sister. When they came to find me, I didn't have time to talk to Aiguo privately. He did it in front of everyone. He offered to come to our house together."

"Forget it, you are old now. You should have an idea of ​​what kind of life you want to live. My mother has already reminded you. When you cry in the future, don't blame your mother for not trying your best..." He waved his hand. , Mrs. Zhao took off her coat and lay down, "Go to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow morning."

"Mom..." Hesitantly looked at Old Mrs. Zhao. Zhao Yuying still wanted to persuade her, but Old Mrs. Zhao turned her back to her and said, "Stop talking, the man is yours, you are free to do whatever you want."

Looking at her mother silently, Wang Meifeng also took off her clothes and lay down. If she could, she really didn't want to come. Compared with Chu Xia and Zhao Qihui,

She was the worst. Seeing their proud looks made her feel so uncomfortable.

However, if she really doesn't come and loses the protection of the Zhao family, the possibility of her changing Lu Ping's mind will really become zero.

People like the Lu family should still care about being matched with each other. If she sheds the label of pure mud legs, her chances of winning will definitely be greater.

My mother and daughter both fell asleep. Zhao Yuying had no choice but to swallow what she said, took off her coat, turned off the light and lay down.

The moonlight shone dimly through the window paper, and Zhao Yuying stared at the blurry light in a daze. For a long time, just when she thought her mother had fallen asleep, the old lady spoke: "If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me If you say it and insist on it in front of your own family, who else can you believe?"

"Mom..." Zhao Yuying's voice was choked, "You still understand me." Her words almost deceived herself, but she was brought back to her original state by her mother's words.

Yes, how could she not mind?

How could you really want to take care of another woman with your husband?

That woman was once the woman that her husband almost married, and she is now the woman who desperately wants to marry her husband. It’s not like she’s not smart enough, so how could she really want to help her because she feels sorry for that woman?

However, she thought about it over and over again, and couldn't think of a better way.

She didn't want her family to break up. She had been married to Wang Aiguo for more than 20 years. She had already adapted to life in her husband's family. No matter how her parents-in-law treated her, she had already adapted to it.

She is afraid of divorce. If she does get divorced, she will no longer be a member of her mother's family or her husband's family. What is the difference between that and a beggar?

However, she did not dare to say these words to anyone.

Because she knew that as long as she said so, her mother's family would definitely not let Wang Aiguo go, and in the end, divorce was almost a foregone conclusion.

Wang Aiguo doesn't care. If he is separated from her, there will be another woman waiting for him. If he is not separated from her, there will be another woman accompanying him. Therefore, for Wang Aiguo, no matter how it develops, there will be nothing good for him. Afraid.

The daughter's surname is still Wang, and the son's surname is still Wang. In the end, she can't tell her daughter, and her son will definitely be implicated by her husband.

After finding a woman like that with a bunch of oil bottles, can the husband let his son go? When the time comes that the son doesn’t want to, the husband can just go to his son’s workplace to make trouble!

My son is so good at studies, but he cannot lose his job in the government because of his husband.

Moreover, even if the government does not fire his son because of this, if this kind of thing spreads, his son will not have the shame to stay in the workplace.

Not only will she lose her job and be criticized by others, but her marriage may also be implicated. If it really comes to that point, there will be no use regretting it!

Therefore, she forced herself to endure and compromise. In order to convince her family, she forced herself to put in good words for Li Huaihua from Li Huaihua's perspective.

But in fact, when she said that, her heart was bleeding!

Everyone was deceived by her, only my mother understood her.

The emotions that had been fully armed collapsed in an instant, and tears rolled down uncontrollably...

The sound of the sound was very clear in the empty room. Mrs. Zhao simply sat up and reached out to pat her: "Cry if you want to. Go wash your face with cold water later, or your eyes will swell like peaches tomorrow. How do you meet people?”

After crying for a long time, the negative emotions suppressed in her heart were almost vented. Zhao Yuying made a hoarse hum, got up, put on her shoes and went to wash her face.

After returning, Mrs. Zhao couldn't help but sigh again: "You, you really need to change this problem, whether you are thinking about this or that, but what about yourself?

All your life, you have wronged yourself. When your children were young, you were reluctant to let them go. When your children are older, you are even more reluctant to let them go. But have you ever thought about how you feel when you wrong yourself like this and make your children feel sorry for you?

Do you think Jin Song knows nothing? He is just afraid that if you end up on a dead end, he doesn't dare to say anything and just goes along with you. Do you think he feels better?

With such a son, you don’t need to wrong yourself like this. If Wang Aiguo really doesn’t want to be with you, and you let him have his way like this, he will become less and less interested in you! ”r1152--+1086--\u003e


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