First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 208: Cousin's Thoughts

The second watch arrives.

According to the rules of the hometown, when the daughter and the son-in-law come home for the third time, the mother's family will entertain them generously. Therefore, after chatting for a while, Zhao Yulan took all the female relatives to work in the kitchen, leaving grandma and Chu Xia in the room.

Mrs. Zhao caressed her granddaughter's head with her rough hands, her eyes were full of smiles: "It's only been a few days, and Xia has become a daughter-in-law, hehe..."

"Grandma..." Chu Xia leaned into the old lady's arms, "Actually, she doesn't want to get married so early at all."

"Stupid child, you only talk stupid things..." The old lady sighed slightly, "Grandma, grandpa, and your father and mother are not willing to let you marry so early, but, after missing Captain Xiao Zhou, can you meet such a suitable man again?" People, but there is no way to say it."

Chu Xia curled her lips unconsciously, and the old lady poked her finger helplessly: "You're married, and you still look like a child, Xia, don't disobey grandma's words, people, the more you catch up, the worse you are." Buying and selling, when you really need to buy, you will realize how good the previous deals were."

"Grandma, I didn't say he was bad..." Chu Xia shook the old lady's arm coquettishly, "Look at you, it seems that I don't hesitate to bully him when I see the sky."

"Xia, don't think grandma is wordy, you are married, of course grandma wants you to live comfortably in your in-law's house, Captain Xiao Zhou protects you, thinks of you, and exchanges hearts, you should also think of him.

Usually go to see your parents-in-law and husband-in-law and grandma. You have a sweet mouth, and work harder. You have made Xiao Zhou's family happy, and he has a good face in front of his family. It will hurt you more. "

"Grandma, obey!" Chu Xia saluted with a smile. "I promise, I will definitely follow my grandma's teachings."

The old lady just glared at her: "This child. Grandma is talking about business with you. Don't take it as a joke."

"Grandma, I'm serious." The smirk on Chu Xia's face quickly faded away, "As grandma said, I'm married even if I'm married, so of course I have to get along well with the Zhou family.

Actually, as far as I know, the Zhou family is pretty good, although my old lady doesn't want to see me. But that is a problem left over from history. No matter who is in this position now, it is difficult for her to accept it for a while.

However, in front of outsiders, she is quite protective of my face, she exchanged her heart for her heart. One day, she will like me and accept me, so don't worry, grandma. "

The old lady nodded with a smile: "Xia is so sensible. How can grandma worry?"


The door was gently pushed open a crack,

Then, the gap widened, and the head of my aunt's cousin Wang Meifeng poked in. First, she smiled at Old Madam Zhao: "Grandma, I want to say a few words to Chu Xia."

The old lady glared at her: "Is there anything you can't say in front of grandma?"

Wang Meifeng cupped her hands beggingly: "Grandma, I'll just take Chu Xia for a few minutes."

"You..." Mrs. Zhao stared at Wang Meifeng with a complicated expression and sighed. Looking at Chu Xia, "Grandma is waiting for you in this room."

"Yeah. I'll be back to accompany grandma in a while." Chu Xia kissed the old lady on the forehead before turning and walking outside.

Listen to the conversation between grandparents and grandchildren. Wang Meifeng's eyes sparkled, but she pretended not to understand anything and held Chu Xia's hand: "Go to my room and talk, okay?"

Chu Xia nodded lightly at her.

After all, it's come all the way, and it's her newlywed day. No matter how much she likes this cousin, she has to do her best to be polite.

And to be honest, she is also very curious now, what does this cousin want to tell her, is it possible that she really wants to retire from the Qiang family and marry a soldier?

No, according to her heart, it shouldn't be as simple as marrying a soldier, or, she also wanted to ask herself to help her notice that a regiment leader is married?

Chu Xia speculated wildly and entered the room where Wang Meifeng and aunt Zhao Yuying lived, "Sit here." Wang Meifeng pointed to the two chairs against the wall, and hurriedly made tea.

Seeing her greet her like a master, Chu Xia felt a sense of irony, but if someone was willing to serve, she would enjoy it. Thinking of this, Chu Xia sat there calmly and accepted it calmly.

"This is the top-quality Maojian jasmine, and it smells good." Wang Meifeng handed the brewed tea to Chu Xia, and introduced it carefully.

Chu Xia immediately felt three black lines drooping from her forehead. Could it be that in the eyes of this cousin, she is just an idiot who has never seen anything?

But yes, according to the life experience of this deity, she is really a native who has never seen anything. Wang Meifeng treats herself with such an attitude, obviously because she feels that as a private teacher, she has more knowledge than Chu Xia.

Seeing that Chu Xia looked at her silently, Wang Meifeng quickly pointed to the cup: "Take a sip and see if it suits your taste."

Chu Xia looked at her lightly: "Cousin, tell me something."

Wang Meifeng's face turned a little embarrassing, obviously, she heard Chu Xia's subtext, this is my house, do you need to show off here?

Thinking of her previous attitude towards Chu Xia, her face turned pale again. Apart from being a little thinner and weaker than herself, how could this little cousin be better than herself? Why can she marry such a family? She is going to suffer and suffer in the town for the rest of her life?

Compared with Chu Xia, she suddenly felt that there was nothing rare about private teachers, and public accountants were even less rare!

Although the elders of Qiang's family have done well, but the oldest official, that is, a deputy county magistrate, is still a cousin of her husband's family, so how can he be trusted?

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth cruelly, and squeezed out a flattering smile: "Xia, don't you hold grudges against your cousin?"

Chu Xia smiled lightly: "What does my cousin think?"

A trace of unnaturalness flashed in Wang Meifeng's eyes, and her smile froze a bit: "Cousin is a ignorant person, so Xia is just as knowledgeable as her cousin, okay?"

"If you have something to say, is that okay?" Chu Xia would never admit it. In fact, she was extremely curious and wanted to know the result.

"Chu Xia, my cousin wants to be closer to you and help you more. Can you intercede with your husband's family and arrange my sister to Zidi Primary School?"

"Heh..." Chu Xia couldn't help laughing, "Thank you cousin for your kindness, Xiaoqiong is enough to help me."

"No..." Wang Meifeng bit her lip, "It's my cousin who wants to teach in Zizi Primary School. My cousin thinks that soldiers are the cutest. My cousin wants to do my part for them."

Can you sing more fully? ! Chu Xia felt like she was about to vomit, and her face became more impatient: "If that's what you're talking about, then let's stop here.

I know how much I have in Zhou's family. If my cousin really wants me to live a more comfortable life, then don't bother me with such inconsequential things. "

"Chu Xia, my cousin can see that Captain Xiao Zhou actually loves you very much..." Speaking of this, Wang Meifeng felt that her heart and lungs were hurting. Why didn't the heroic regiment leader have her eyes on her? Hey, if I knew it earlier, she should go to grandma's house more at that time, maybe she would meet her, maybe she would be the one who married here today.

"Sister, you have to be a little bit measured. What are you planning to do now? Don't think I'm a fool. You just want to change jobs and come here to find your in-laws again. This kind of thing Son, whoever you like to ask for help, I don’t have that much leisure!” After Chu Xia finished speaking, she quickly got up, took two steps, and then pointed back at the tea, “And let me tell you, that’s not Jasmine, it’s Longjing.”

Wang Meifeng hated her toothache, but she had no choice but to go forward and grab Chu Xia with a smile all over her face: "Xia, Second Sister won't mince words with you anymore, Second Sister really wants to come here to work and find a good husband's family.

However, the second sister did this not because she was jealous that you married a good man Xia, but because the second sister saw disappointment in you. That strong Junjie looked good, but he listened to his mother's words and didn't have any opinions at all.

Originally, we were also going to get married this year, but because his mother said that his zodiac sign is unlucky to get married this year, he overturned the original plan that he had discussed with me and changed the wedding date to next year.

Everyone already knows that we are going to get married this year, but suddenly it is so untied, what do people think of me? If you think Qiang Junjie's zodiac sign is not suitable for getting married this year, why didn't you say so earlier? Why didn't you discuss it with my family? Is their Qiang family too bullying and disrespectful? It seems that if I leave his family, I will not be able to get married.

Xia, you are the only one in our family who can support our cousin. If you don't help, then our family will really be looked down upon by the Qiang family. "

Uh, the way her ears listen is wrong?

Or, is there something wrong with her standing posture?

In short, why does she feel that in the eyes of this cousin, she is just a fool? Still a stupid fool.

"What does your business have to do with me?" Too lazy to talk to her, Chu Xia finished speaking, broke her hand, turned and went out the door.

Wang Meifeng did not expect that her cousin, who was particularly second-rate and inferior in her impression, would reject herself in this way. Speaking of herself, shouldn't she pat her chest and say that she will definitely help her vent her anger?

When did this little cousin's personality change? ... When she regained her senses and chased after her, there was no one left! Stamping her feet bitterly, she frowned.

She is not reconciled to admitting defeat like this. Everything she said about the Qiang family is true. Originally, she wanted to endure it, but now, seeing her little cousin marrying such a family, how could she have the will to endure it?

Marrying into a family like the Zhou family, she dared not even think about it. After all, such a good thing doesn't happen at any time. Even if she is willing to wait, she may not be able to wait in this life.

She is satisfied if she can marry an ordinary officer and let her join the army. Such a simple request is nothing to the little cousin. She rolled her eyes and went downstairs...

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