In the kitchen.

Sister Zhao Yulan, Li Aiyuan, Lin Baojuan, Fat Aunt and others were busy in the kitchen turning around a lot of things that they didn't know how to use, and it took Mama Liu to teach them carefully.

For example, gas stoves are simply unimaginable for them. They don't use firewood or coal, and they just turn it lightly, and it ignites? Still immortal?

In the past two days, several people wanted to help Liu Ma cook, but they were all rejected. Therefore, although they thought it was amazing before, it was only limited to visual experience, and they didn't have much feeling. Now they want to experience it with their own hands, so they will inevitably panic. .

On the contrary, Luan Xiaoxiang was more courageous, seeing several elders stretching out their hands tremblingly, and then retracting them tremblingly... She really couldn't see her, so she took a step forward, "Crack!" It was lit!

With a demonstration, things became simple, and after a while, several people could use gas stoves.

Then, the range hood caused everyone to be shocked again. Just that thing, with a "boom boom", it didn't choke people at all?

As for microwave ovens, ovens, rice cookers, etc., in their opinion, they are really... so amazing that they can't accept them.

In fact, not to mention them in this age, even those who live in the city, few have seen these things.

This whole set of household appliances was specially given by an old friend of the old man who was working abroad when the Zhou family's ancestral home was returned.

Mr. Zhou is not a rigid person. After feeling the practicality of these things, he asked his old friend to buy a few more sets. There is an identical set at the old house, and then. He gave a set to several close old friends. As for the son and daughter who don't live in the old house, he depends on the actual situation. Sent something useful.

Of course, if it weren't for the great military exploits of several generations of the Zhou family, who made great contributions to the founding of New China, it would be absolutely impossible to buy so many sets and bring them back.

Therefore, it is quite normal for a group of people who have never seen these things, but they don't know, so they just think it. In the city, many people have this thing.

Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe once told everyone quietly that the Zhou family knew what the Lin family was like, so there was no need to hide it. Therefore, everyone did not hide their curiosity and admiration for these things in front of Mama Liu.

"The life of the people in this city is really different from ours." Fat Aunt couldn't help but sigh.

Li Aiyuan answered with a smile: "Yes,

I didn't see these things last time. Looking at it this time, I am tempted to want my daughter to marry into the city too, so how happy I am? "

Zhao Yucui took the opportunity to persuade her, "Qihui wants to continue her college entrance exams, don't sister-in-law stop her. When she becomes a college student, will she still worry about not being able to marry a good man?"

Li Aiyuan has always disliked this sister-in-law. However, after Mrs. Zhang was almost killed last time, her temper has changed a lot. I went back to my mother's house more frequently, and got closer to her. The relationship between the two is naturally better than before.

If Zhao Yucui said this before, Li Aiyuan would definitely feel that she was talking ironically, but now, she could tell that the other party was sincerely planning for her niece, and said, "I don't want to stop her, but how old is she?" What if I can’t pass the exam next year? Even if I do, how old will I be when I graduate? By then, how can there be a good man to marry?”

"That's true." Zhao Yucui couldn't help sighing, "If Yuan Bao is fine, Qihui is married now, so why bother with sister-in-law? Oh, life..."

Li Aiyuan lowered her head and chopped vegetables without saying a word. She couldn't do it if she asked her to speak well for Zhao Yuanbao. response.

Zhao Yucui thought that her own words had aroused the other party's sadness, so she quickly slapped herself twice on the mouth: "Sister-in-law, I am too quick to talk, so I said it without thinking too much, don't take it to heart."

"I didn't take it to heart. By the way, Xiaoqing's studies are not bad. Are you and ** planning to let him go to college, or are you planning to let him join the army?" Li Aiyuan took the opportunity to change the subject.

Zhao Yucui couldn't help but sighed again: "He wants to be a soldier himself, and his father and I want to let him go to college. Alas, we are struggling now, and we don't know if we can win him in the end. Xiaoqing has always been upright. Don't try to force him to do things he can't figure out, I'm really going to make him worry to death."

"Don't worry, I think Xiaoqing has a good brain. Whether he is going to college or serving in the army, he is destined to be promising." Li Aiyuan said this from the bottom of her heart. Even if she had a bad relationship with Zhao Yucui before, she I also like Zhang Xiaoqing very much.

"If it's really like what my sister-in-law said, then I'd be so happy." While speaking, Zhao Yucui took a look at Zhao Yuying, the eldest sister who was washing vegetables at the station door, looking a little ugly, and asked with concern, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"No, I'm not uncomfortable." Seeing everyone looking over, Zhao Yuying quickly smiled and lowered her head to continue washing vegetables.

Zhao Yulan, who was cooking, said, "Eldest sister, don't hold on if you don't feel well. There are so many people, and it's not like you're too busy. You can go upstairs and talk to your mother."

Zhao Yuying smiled and waved her hands: "I'm fine, just now Yucui pricked her mouth, Yucui can make a fuss."

After staying for a while, seeing that everyone was chatting with each other and no longer paying attention to her, she glanced out quietly again. Fortunately, her daughter was no longer in the hall, which made her breathe a long sigh of relief.

Just now, she saw her daughter coming down from the stairs and went straight to Chu Xia's son-in-law, and said something to Chu Xia's son-in-law with a look of excitement, excitement, and shyness, which made her feel a little ashamed for a while.

Having raised her daughter so much, of course he knows what kind of temperament she is. In the past few days, I have seen with my own eyes what kind of family Chu Xia married and what kind of life he lived. How could he be willing to stay in that small place and marry into Qiang's family?

It was precisely because she could see her daughter's mind that she kept telling her daughter in the past two days that she should know how to keep her duty, be careful about face, and not just do whatever she wants.

The words were not too obvious, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Every time, the daughter interrupted her impatiently, saying that if she hadn't been so useless, she wouldn't have been looked down upon by the Qiang family. In short, what the daughter meant was that she failed to marry a good husband's family, and the fault was entirely with her parents.

Chu Xia was chatting happily with her grandma, when the door was knocked again, it was Wang Meifeng who came in, and upon closer inspection, one could find that her expression was slightly unnatural.

"Grandma, Chu Xia..." Greeting awkwardly, Wang Meifeng sat beside the old lady, grabbed her arm, and said, "Grandma, I feel aggrieved."

"Xia married a good man, are you aggrieved?" The old lady, who knew her granddaughter's temperament well, didn't save her face at all.

"Of course not..." Wang Meifeng hurriedly sat up straight, her eyes filled with tears: "Grandma, Chu Xia married a good person, I will only be happy for her, how can I be aggrieved, I am so bad in your heart? So why don't you see your sister well?"

The old lady Zhao nodded: "It's good if you really think so."

"Grandma, I really think so. Auntie only has a daughter like Chu Xia. In the future, I don't have any brothers or sisters to rely on. I just want to treat her like my own sister..."

Chu Xia was dumbfounded! She was really convinced that she could talk nonsense with her eyes open to such a realistic level!

Before she finished her stay, Wang Meifeng's arms were already in her arms: "Chu Xia, don't you believe what my sister said, she has really realized her mistakes. She used to be young and ignorant to do things that don't know the inside and outside. Things. At this moment, my sister really wants to make up for it. "

Chu Xia pulled out his arm with a dry smile, moved his body away from Wang Meifeng, and then said: "I have said everything that needs to be said, cousin, if you still want me to ask the Zhou family to be a teacher in the elementary school for children, stop it." Bar."

"You should stop worrying about Chu Xia early. If you had known that you were so unhappy with Chu Xia, you shouldn't have brought you here." Mrs. Zhao's face darkened. Just now when Wang Meifeng said that, she knew that she must have something to ask for, but Unexpectedly, she was asking for such a thing. What did she think of Chu Xia?

Wang Meifeng looked aggrieved: "Grandma, to be honest, if I said that Chu Xia got married so well and I could only be happy, that would be a lie, but it's not that I'm jealous of her, it's just that I'm a little envious.

During this period of time, my grandma knew about the unhappiness I had with the Qiang family. They changed the wedding date as soon as they said it. If I followed their wishes without thinking about anything, would they still pay attention to me?

I just can't swallow this breath, the only one who can help me now is Chu Xia, grandma, they are all your nieces, don't you feel sorry for me? Do you really want to watch me marry into Qiang's family and suffer? "

The old lady Zhao frowned and said, "If you don't want to marry into Qiang's family, you don't have to marry. No one forces you. If you are embarrassed to say so, let your second aunt tell Qiang's family that the marriage will be cancelled."

"Grandma..." Wang Meifeng looked pitiful, "If I cancel my marriage with the Qiang family and find someone worse than the Qiang family, wouldn't I be looked down upon by them even more?"

"Okay, you don't need to talk about it." The old lady Zhao waved her hand, "Meifeng, you were also raised by your grandma. Your temperament is better than your own. Grandma knows better than you. In the end, you just watched Chu Xia get married. You are not reconciled to a good family like the Zhou family.

In order to change the date of marriage, the old lady of the Qiang family went to your house specially, explained the reason to your parents and you, apologized, and you agreed. I will talk about this again later. Are you a fool for being a grandma? "

Chu Xia curled her lips: "She took me for a fool just now."

"Chu Xia, don't be like this, I can only beg you, just now..." At this point, Wang Meifeng stopped abruptly, her face flushed red.

Chu Xia noticed her strangeness, so she blinked her big eyes: "What happened just now?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing..." Wang Meifeng waved her hands in a panic.

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