One more.

Mrs. Zhao knew Wang Meifeng too well, she made a guess at her expression, and then stared at her coldly: "Meifeng, did you go to find Captain Xiao Zhou just now?"

Chu Xia looked at Wang Meifeng in surprise. Aren't girls in this day and age very reserved?

Under the scorching gaze of Mrs. Zhao and Chu Xia, Wang Meifeng, who was already in a panic, flickered and didn't know where to look. In the end, she simply lowered her head and picked the bed sheet to play pitiful.

With her performance like this, how can Chu Xia fail to understand that Mrs. Zhao has indeed guessed correctly, but isn't Zhou Mikang with Mr. Zhao and others...

"Isn't Captain Xiao Zhou with your grandfather?" Apparently, Mrs. Zhao's doubts were the same as Chu Xia's.

"..." Wang Meifeng didn't make a sound.

"I'm asking you something!" Mrs. Zhao's voice became serious, "If you don't want me to deny you as a granddaughter in the future, just tell the truth."

Wang Meifeng quickly raised her head to glance at Mrs. Zhao, and said in a voice like a mosquito, "Together."

"You...what did you say?" Mrs. Zhao frowned tightly. She knew that this granddaughter had always been selfish, but she really didn't expect her to be so shameless.

Wang Meifeng clenched her lower lip and said nothing for a long time. Just when Mrs. Zhao was about to lose her patience, she raised her head and stared at Mrs. Zhao with stubbornness in her eyes: "I know, grandma thinks I lost Chuxia by doing this." This face will make my brother-in-law look down on Chu Xia's natal family, but if it is not forced to, I am not willing to take this step..."

Mrs. Zhao interrupted her: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Wang Meifeng glanced at Chu Xia quickly, and said, "I...I just told my brother-in-law. I want to come here to be a teacher and spend more time with my sister. Ask him if he can help."

"In front of your grandfather and the others?"


"You..." Mrs. Zhao's hands trembled angrily. By doing this, she clearly wanted to put pressure on Zhou Mikang in front of all the elders, so that he would not be able to refuse. This granddaughter really disappointed her.

Then she thought again, no, if the persecution succeeds, she shouldn't be begging herself to put pressure on Chu Xia. Then he asked, "Xiao Zhou refused?"

"He..." Wang Meifeng glanced at Chu Xia again,

He murmured, "He said he knew, but he didn't say anything else. I was afraid that he would ask Chu Xia for verification, so...just..."

The old lady Zhao stared at her coldly: "You know that she won't help you if you go to Chu Xia, so you just want to use the matter of the Qiang family to soften my heart and force Chu Xia to help you?"

"Yes!" Wang Meifeng admitted without waiting for Mrs. Zhao to ask again, and simply poured beans out of the bamboo tube. "I begged Chu Xia before, but she rejected me without even thinking about it. There is really no other way. I have to find my brother-in-law by myself.

My aunt's family, what kind of house did they live in? But now? Who doesn't envy the spacious and bright big tile-roofed house? The same is the daughter. Of course, I also hope that my parents can live like that. "

She sang high-profile again...and so confidently..., Chu Xia has black hair, she really doesn't know what to say.

"For your parents?" Mrs. Zhao laughed angrily, "It should be that you have been scratching your head like a cat since you came here to see Captain Zhou and Zhou's house, right?

You were also raised by your grandma. Grandma knows all about your disposition. Don't say that Chu Xia didn't agree to you, even if you did, I would stop her from helping you! "

"Grandma..." Wang Meifeng lay on the bed and began to cry, muttering non-stop, "I want to live a good life, am I wrong? If there is a chance, who wouldn't want to live a good life?

I... I don't understand, Luo Xiaoqiong and Chu Xia are not relatives, she is willing to help, I am her cousin, why can't I help?

Even...Even if I used to train Chu Xia all the time, it was for her own good. It's not like grandma doesn't know how ignorant she is. If I didn't feel sorry for my aunt and uncle, would I have trained her?

It seems... It seems that a good person really can't be a good person. If I do it, people will bear grudges. If I always only say nice things, she will definitely help me now, woo woo woo..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Hearing the knock on the door, Wang Meifeng visibly flinched. She felt that everyone was busy in the kitchen and had no time to come up, so she made up her mind to save face and beg her grandma and cousin. If someone else saw..., Thinking of this, she quickly kicked off her shoes, pulled off the quilt and covered her body, "Grandma, Chu Xia, just say I'm sick."

"You still know how to lose face?" Mrs. Zhao snorted, signaling Chu Xia to open the door.

It was Luo Xiaoqiong and Luan Xiaoxiang who came.

"Grandma, we're done with our work, and I'm here to accompany you." Luo Xiaoqiong ran to the old lady Zhao with a smile, saw that the quilt was bulging, and asked suspiciously, "Who is this?"

"Is it Miss Meifeng?" Before the old lady could answer, Luan Xiaoxiang answered first.

"That's right, I didn't see her in the kitchen..." Luo Xiaoqiong poked at the quilt, "Then we'll see if you're okay, what's wrong? Have you taken your medicine?"

"Did you catch a cold?" Luan Xiaoxiang asked.

"En." A reply came from under the quilt, slightly hoarse.

"Cover the bed with more quilts and sweat..." Luo Xiaoqiong said as she pulled another quilt and pressed it on top, and helped to tuck the corners of the quilt, and reminded kindly, "Sister Meifeng, you'd better keep your head Show it a little, or you will feel uncomfortable after a while."

Wang Meifeng replied in a voice like a mosquito: "It's all right." Although it was early winter, the temperature was about the same as in autumn, and it was hot as soon as a quilt was added, and in a blink of an eye, her forehead was dripping with sweat. At the moment, she only hopes that everyone will go out quickly and let her breathe. She is about to suffocate if she is covered in it like this!

"I'll ask my mother to make some ginger soup. After drinking the ginger soup and covering my sweat, I'll be fine tomorrow morning." It was Luan Xiaoxiang who was so "kind-hearted".

Hearing the footsteps getting farther and farther away, Wang Meifeng was about to cry. She doesn't eat ginger, not at all. As for ginger soup, is it different from ginger? The point is, after drinking ginger soup and covering her under the quilt, do you want her life?

Right now, she was looking forward to her grandma saying something to save her from the fire and water. As for her cousin, she didn't dare to count on her at all.

It's a pity that Mrs. Zhao just wanted to teach her a lesson so that she would not dare to mess around in the future. How could she be rescued? I should wish that she would suffer more.

Therefore, she is doomed to continue to "enjoy" under the quilt.

In the following time, Luo Xiaoqiong kept chattering with Mrs. Zhao, occasionally, Chu Xia also interjected a sentence or two, time passed, and the clothes were wet on her body, that uncomfortable feeling made her feel uncomfortable. Wang Meifeng squirmed in the quilt from time to time.

During the process of speaking, Chu Xia has been quietly paying attention to Wang Meifeng's state. Although she doesn't like her, it is still necessary to be concerned about the old lady's mood.

After all, Wang Meifeng is also the granddaughter of Mrs. Zhao, and her palms and backs are full of flesh. She can understand what the old lady is thinking, that is, she wants to teach Wang Meifeng a lesson. If something really happens, how can she not feel distressed?

She can not help her, but there is no need to really torment her.

Therefore, seeing the frequency of the quilt squirming more and more at this moment, she knew that Wang Meifeng would not be able to bear it anymore. Just when she was hesitating whether to help Wang Meifeng take off the quilt, Zhao Yuying came in.

Taking a look at the quilt, Zhao Yuying frowned, and looked at the old lady Zhao: "Mother, Meifeng has a cold?"

"Hehe..." The old lady laughed instead of answering. Zhao Yuying understood, hesitated for a moment, and tore off the quilt, "Wang Meifeng, hurry up and apologize to Chu Xia!"


Her face was red, her hair was wet and sticky to her face, and the collar of her clothes was stained... Seeing Wang Meifeng's miserable state, Zhao Yuying froze there for a moment. At this moment, she was not sure whether her daughter had a cold It's still installed.

Glancing at her granddaughter, Mrs. Zhao's eyes also flashed unbearable, but after that, her expression returned to calm.

Luo Xiaoqiong's eyes widened in surprise: "Chu Xia, should we send Sister Meifeng to the hospital, why do I think she looks like she has a high fever?"

"No need, I'll just go back to my room and lie down for a while." Wang Meifeng said as she quickly got out of bed, put on her shoes and ran outside... "Ah!" Immediately, she shrank back clutching her legs and pulled them away. Quilt, covered himself again.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Mikang who was standing at the door touched his cheek in doubt, and looked at Chu Xia, "I look... so scary?"

Chu Xia asked with a smile: "Why are you here?" The real thought in my heart is that it's too late for you to come here! !

"I want to come over and chat with grandma for a while..." Zhou Mikang looked at Mrs. Zhao and explained, "My grandpa and Mr. Chen are here together, and grandpa is chatting with them."

Mrs. Zhao asked, "Ms. Chen is also here?"

Zhou Mikang nodded: "They came together."

"I'll go down." Mrs. Zhao got out of bed and put on her shoes, and smiled at Zhou Mikang embarrassedly, "I'm used to sitting on the kang at home, but I don't feel comfortable sitting on the sofa."

Zhou Mikang just laughed: "When grandma comes next time, there will definitely be a kang."

Luo Xiaoqiong whispered in Chuxia's ear: "I can't tell, Captain Zhou is really kind to you."

Chu Xia also whispered in her ear: "Did you do it on purpose?"

"What do you think?" Luo Xiaoqiong blinked her eyes, and glanced at the quilt quietly, with a small smug expression on her face.

Chu Xia quietly gave a thumbs up.

At this moment, Luan Xiaoxiang walked in cautiously with a bowl, and when she saw Zhou Mikang, she was obviously taken aback, then wrapped her chin in the quilt: "She has a cold." The implication was that I came to deliver her medicine.

Wang Meifeng, who was hiding in the quilt, tightly grabbed the corner of the quilt. At this moment, she would rather die than be seen by her brother-in-law!

After all, she is her own daughter, no matter how angry she is, her heartache has the upper hand at the moment, so Zhao Yuying stepped forward: "Xiao Xiang, please give me the bowl."

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