Luan Xiaoxiang is a real child. When Zhao Yuying said that she was bothering her, she thought that he really felt that she was bothering her. She immediately avoided Zhao Yuying's hand and said, "Auntie, what are you talking about with me? From Chu Xia, Miss Meiying She is also my cousin, and it is right to take care of her.

Sister Meifeng, get up quickly, drink the ginger soup while it’s hot, cover the quilt with sweat after drinking, it will be fine in a while, every time I catch a cold, my mother treats me like this..." Seeing Wang Meifeng for a long time Before getting up, Luan Xiaoxiang kindly reminded, "Auntie, please help Sister Meifeng up. "

The quilt bag visibly shivered.

"Who is sick?" Out of politeness, Zhou Mikang asked casually.

"It's Meifeng from your aunt's house, she's caught a little cold..." Mrs. Zhao said as she walked out, "Xiao Zhou, don't worry about it, just go downstairs with grandma."

"Grandma, wait a moment, I'll call the doctor first." While speaking, Zhou Mikang had already walked to the bedside, and was about to dial when he picked up the phone.

"No, no, no..." Zhao Yuying grabbed Zhou Mikang's sleeve anxiously, "Xiao Zhou, I really don't need it, Meifeng is freezing, drink some ginger soup and sleep, and she will be fine."

In fact, the child, Luan Xiaoxiang, nodded and reminded Zhao Yuying again, "Auntie, quickly help Sister Meifeng up, the ginger soup won't work when it's cold, Xiaoqiong, come and help, the sick person is heavy..."

Wang Meifeng who was huddled in the quilt was almost smoked by Luan Xiaoxiang, she had no choice but to tightly grab the corners of the quilt with both hands to wrap herself up.

Chu Xia sighed secretly, she didn't feel sorry for Wang Meifeng, but. For my aunt's sake, I can't let her lose face in front of Zhou Mikang.

Although my aunt doesn't like Wang Meifeng's character. But after all, they are mother and daughter, if they find out afterwards that they know everything. He also intentionally made Wang Meifeng lose face in front of Zhou Mikang, so he probably won't have any contact with her again in the future.

She doesn't know about the deity, but since she came to this era, the aunt has treated her really well. Every time she goes to grandma's house, she will bring her some food along the way and ask grandma to keep it. Hand it over to her when she's gone.

Also, I heard from Zhao Yulan that since she was born, well, it should be said that this body was born, and the new clothes for the New Year every year were prepared by her aunt. Since he has occupied the body of the deity, of course he must accept this love for the deity.

Besides, if a suspicion arises because of this incident. Zhao Yulan may not say anything about her, but in her heart, being appointed is uncomfortable.

In a flash of thought, Luo Xiaoqiong was already at the bedside.

Chu Xia hurriedly stepped forward and pushed Zhou Mikang out: "You can go downstairs with grandma first, I am here, if the situation is not good, I will let you go to the doctor."

"Okay." Zhou Mikang didn't hesitate, and nodded happily. Helped Mrs. Zhao downstairs.

Before going downstairs, the old lady turned her head and gave Chu Xia an approving look.

No matter how wrong Wang Meifeng is. After all, it is her own family, so saving face for her mother's family in front of her in-laws is actually saving face for herself, this is the old lady's idea.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Turning around in early summer, she saw Wang Meifeng sitting on the bed like a drowned rat, breathing out with her mouth open.

Luan Xiaoxiang was completely stunned, she stared at Wang Meifeng without blinking, with an incredulous expression on her face, as for the bowl of ginger soup, Zhao Yuying had already got it at some point.

As for Luo Xiaoqiong, she couldn't bear it. She never expected that Wang Meifeng would become like this in just such a short time.

"Come on, drink it." Zhao Yuying always pretended to be the last, and raised the bowl to her daughter.

"What to drink!" Wang Meifeng glared at Luan Xiaoxiang who was still in a daze, got out of bed, put on her shoes, and walked outside. A black shadow appeared, and she reflexively wanted to go around, "You are..."

"Ah!..." The next second, Wang Meifeng stood at the door covering her face, screaming again.

Zhou Mikang looked at her in surprise, then turned his eyes to his little wife, innocently holding the small medicine bottle in Yang Yang's hand: "I'll come up to deliver the medicine."

He really didn't mean it, he just felt that no matter what, Wang Meifeng was his wife's natal family, and he should do his part.

"Give it to me." Chu Xia stepped forward to take the medicine, and smiled at him, "Cousin is sweating all over, and I'm a little embarrassed, you go down."

"En." Zhou Mikang responded, and quickly turned and left.

"Auntie, here you are." Chu Xia stuffed the medicine into Auntie's hand, stepped forward and pulled Luo Xiaoqiong and Luan Xiaoxiang up and went downstairs.

During lunch, Wang Meifeng didn't come down. Zhao Yuying explained to everyone that she had a cold, lost her appetite, and was sweating under the blanket.


Not only Chu Xia, Luo Xiaoqiong, Luan Xiaoxiang, but even Zhou Mikang, who has always been extremely expressionless, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Zhao Yulan and the others didn't know the actual situation, they only thought that Wang Meifeng really had a fever, asked a few questions worriedly, and only started to eat in peace of mind when Zhao Yuying repeatedly assured that there was no major problem.

Halfway through the meal, a handsome woman in military uniform walked in with a medicine box on her back. Seeing her, Mr. Zhou greeted her with a smile: "Xiao Song, you came here very quickly."

"Grandpa Zhou, you call, can I hurry up?" The female soldier known as Xiao Song came to Mr. Zhou with a smile on her face, nodded politely to the crowd, and then looked back at Zhou. The old man said, "Grandpa, tell me where the patient is, and I'll go up and see for myself."

Mr. Zhou looked at Zhao Yuying with a stiff face: "Xiao Zhao, take Xiao Song up to have a look. Don't think that Xiao Song is young, but his medical skills are not bad. All the old men and women in our area are pointing at her."

"Grandpa, you can just praise me. I'm just suffering from some minor ailments." Xiao Song said as he took the initiative to walk to Zhao Yuying's side, "Auntie, I'm sorry."

"No trouble, no trouble..." At this time, Zhao Yuying couldn't say no, she could only walk upstairs mechanically, and her heart was in a mess. At that time, she persuaded her daughter upstairs for a long time, and the result was conceivable. In fact, when did her daughter hear her words?

The daughter was full of resentment towards Chu Xia, if she pretended to be sick and was exposed, said something outrageous in front of outsiders, and lost Chu Xia's face, then how could she treat her younger sister?

Seeing that something was wrong with Zhao Yuying, Zhao Yulan pulled up to follow. Li Aiyuan hesitated for a moment, then stood up too. Seeing this, Chu Xia quickly grabbed her and whispered: "Auntie, sit down, I'll go up and have a look."

After all, Grandma Chen, Aunt Fat, and Lin Baojuan are not relatives of the Zhao family. If the Zhao family withdraws so abruptly, should they follow or not? Wang Meifeng is just a junior, the key point is that she is pretending to be sick, and letting Grandma Chen and others go up to see her is really a big joke.

Li Aiyuan's hesitation was actually because of this. Hearing what Chu Xia said, she immediately sat back. This is Chu Xia's home, so of course it is the most suitable for Chu Xia to go there.

Wang Meifeng was really not sick at first, but after being tossed and tossed under the quilt by herself, coupled with the anger in her heart, she really felt uncomfortable all over at the moment. She was lying on the bed tossing and turning, not knowing how to lie down, when she heard the door open, she thought it was her mother, Zhao Yuying, who was so angry that she began to scold without turning her head: "It's time to finish eating!" ? Ha ha... You are really my mother, I feel uncomfortable here, but you just went to eat. By the way, mother is very envious of my aunt, but unfortunately, you don't have that life..."

Zhao Yuying hastily ran forward and turned her around so that she could see Dr. Song and Zhao Yulan who had entered the door, and said in her mouth, "I know you are sick and feel uncomfortable, and Qi Niang won't be with you. Hey, it's so big! You are still as ignorant as a child, Grandpa Zhou found a doctor for you, get up quickly and let Dr. Song show you."

The moment she saw Dr. Song and Zhao Yulan, Wang Meifeng's mind was confused. Now that her mother said so, how could she not take advantage of the slope to get off the donkey? Yulan smiled: "Auntie..." Then she looked at Dr. Song, "Doctor, I just feel weak all over and irritable."

"Take your temperature." Doctor Song smiled and handed her the thermometer, and observed her complexion, "Have you been constipated for the past two days?"

"Yeah." Wang Meifeng nodded, "I always feel bloated in my stomach, very uncomfortable."

"I'm too angry..."

When Chu Xia just came in, the corners of his mouth unconsciously twitched, maybe he was too jealous?

In front of outsiders, Wang Meifeng is still very reliable. She is the kind of girl who is very intolerant and narrow-minded towards her family, but pays great attention to her image in front of outsiders. Therefore, next, Zhao Yuying, Zhao Yulan, Li Aiyuan, etc. are not worried. Situation happens.

Or she was sweating too much and was blown. Wang Meifeng did have a fever, and her body temperature was not low. Doctor Song prescribed medicine, gave her a buttock injection, and told her to eat more light food for the next two days. Tired, say goodbye and leave.

Chu Xia smiled at her: "I'll see you off."

"You don't need to be so polite. I know Grandpa Zhou very well. When I was young, I used to come to Grandpa Zhou's house for dinner..." Dr. Song smiled at Chu Xia, "Are you the third sister-in-law?"

Chu Xia was still a little uncomfortable with this title, so she smiled embarrassedly: "Yes."

"Congratulations!" Dr. Song stretched out his hand in a friendly manner, "My grandparents attended your wedding, and when they got back, they praised the third sister-in-law, saying that the third brother was waiting and waiting for the best daughter-in-law."


"Actually, I've known you for a long time." Doctor Song winked at her playfully, "My name is Song Yanqi."

Chu Xia sized her up and asked uncertainly, "Are you Director Song's niece?"

"Yes, my aunt said that you are a rare genius. If you were a medical student like me, you would definitely have thrown me to the Himalayas." When Song Yanqi spoke, her voice was soft and she smiled slightly, giving off a very pleasant feeling. Feeling comfortable and feeling her kindness, Chu Xia also smiled sincerely: "Knowing that Director Song praised me so much, I am finally relieved. To be honest, I have always been worried that one day she will dump me and not take me with you." Woolen cloth."

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