"My aunt finally got such a talented apprentice like you, how could she be willing to let go?" Song Yanqi covered her mouth and chuckled, "It should be because she is worried that you will dump her someday."

Chu Xia smiled with big eyes: "If one day you find out that the teacher is worried about this, please tell her for me. As long as she doesn't dump me, I will definitely not dump her."

"Sister-in-law three, I like your character." Song Yanqi's originally shallow smile suddenly warmed up, "I was going to attend your wedding, but it happened that a grandfather was in poor health that day, so I couldn't leave, so I didn't go Cheng, as a punishment, I will be the host and invite the third sister-in-law and the third brother to accompany me another day, how about it?"

Chu Xia nodded cheerfully: "I've grown up so much, I've only been an accompanying guest, not a guest of honor yet, thank you Dr. Song, I won't be disrespectful."

Seeing the two of them talking and laughing all the way down, Mr. Zhou, who originally wanted to ask about Wang Meifeng's condition, couldn't help joking: "Xiao Song, you don't want to steal your aunt's student, do you?"

"Grandpa Zhou, look at what you said, I dare not rob my aunt if I fight with anyone, and..." Song Yanqi nodded her chin to Zhou Mikang's position, "If I really do that, I think the third brother can beat him kill me."

"Hehe..." Mr. Zhou shook his head with a smile, and changed the subject, "Is Xiao Wang's illness all right?"

"I just caught a cold and had a little fever. I gave an injection and prescribed some medicine. I think I'll be fine tomorrow. I've explained all the details." Talking about work, Song Yanqi The look on her face immediately became serious. She said so in detail to let everyone else know about Wang Meifeng's condition.

Hear her say that. Luan Xiaoxiang teased Luo Xiaoqiong, and whispered in her ear: "It seems we have wronged her. She can't pretend to have a fever, right?"

Luo Xiaoqiong curled her lips: "You, you are so naive. She did it on her own, she sweated all over, and then ran out, do you think she will catch a cold?"

Luan Xiaoxiang scratched her head in doubt, pondered for a while, then nodded: "Well, it's possible."

"It's not possible, it's absolute."

"Don't think of her so badly, you can't tell. She really had a cold before."

"Didn't you hear from the doctor that you got a cold from the heat and the cold?"

"That's right, cover that sweat, go out and see the wind, how can you not catch a cold? By the way, it's so hot, why does she cover herself under the quilt?" In fact, the child Luan Xiaoxiang was completely stunned, and then forgot Lower your voice. When he found that the eyes of the people at the table were all focused on her, he grabbed Luo Xiaoqiong's arm in a panic,

I don't know what to do.

Although she didn't quite understand why Wang Meifeng did that, she felt it. This matter shouldn't be revealed to everyone, but now she accidentally said it, then... She quietly glanced at Mrs. Zhao, and nodded to her with a smile on her face. The panic in my heart was finally less.

At this time, it happened that Chu Xia sent Song Yanqi back. The old lady Zhao ordered: "Chu Xia, go and call your mother and your aunt down for dinner."

"Yes." Chu Xia responded and walked upstairs, "I'm full, I'll accompany Chu Xia." Luo Xiaoqiong gave Luan Xiaoxiang a hand when he left.

"I'm full too." After the figures of Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong disappeared, Luan Xiaoxiang realized belatedly, got up and chased after them.

Lin Baojuan stroked her forehead with a headache, she didn't feel it before, but now she realizes that compared with Chu Xia and Xiao Qiong, her daughter is really frighteningly foolish.

Chu Xia went upstairs to the room where Auntie and Wang Meifeng lived, and saw Auntie sitting opposite her old mother Zhao Yulan, her eyes were red, obviously she had cried.

Wang Meifeng lay with her back to the two of them, motionless.

"Auntie, mother, let's go down to eat." Chu Xia said.

"Yulan, go down quickly, we can't be too rude." Zhao Yuying pushed Zhao Yulan, "Having such a daughter, I really feel ashamed to go down, little sister, if you think of me as a big sister, go down quickly .”

Chu Xia stepped forward and looked at Zhao Yuying seriously: "Auntie, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

"Chu Xia..." Zhao Yuying's tears, which had stopped, fell again.

Wang Meifeng, who was lying down, sat up suddenly, and called anxiously: "Mother!"

Zhao Yuying turned her head to look at her daughter, with sadness, disappointment, heartache, and... guilt...

"Chu Xia, with your words, my aunt has not loved you in vain all these years..." After a while, Zhao Yuying stepped forward to hug Chu Xia, "You can do whatever my aunt tells you, right?"

"Yes!" Chu Xia nodded firmly.

Wang Meifeng looked at Zhao Yuying with sparkling eyes: "Mother, I promise, I will definitely not lose face to the Zhao family or Chu Xia. I will be filial to my mother for the rest of my life."

Zhao Yulan sighed slightly: "You mean, if your mother doesn't help you, you won't be filial to your mother?"

"No, no, no matter what, I will be filial to my mother. I just hope that my mother can help me achieve my wish. I just don't want the Qiang family to look down on our family. I just want to live a good life..." Wang Meifeng blushed anxiously, "Mother, I am your daughter."

"Meifeng, you have been smart since you were a child. Other children only know how to play wild when they are five or six years old, but you know how to help mother light a fire. At that time, mother was very happy, thinking that you are really mother's caring little padded jacket.

After you go to school, you study well, hold parent-teacher meetings, and all mother hears is praise. Others say that girls go to school for nothing, and sooner or later they belong to others, but mother doesn't think so. Girlfriend, son, and mother are all waiting.

After the school was closed, you went to work in the team, and you were outstanding. People in the village mentioned it, and they all envied that your mother raised a good girl.

Mother has always been very content with raising a girl like you, but, being praised all the time, you really feel that you are great, and you become despised of father and mother, and also look down on any family whose life is worse than ours.

When mother realizes that she wants to control you, your temper has already formed, and mother can't control you at all. Mother always comforts herself, one day, you will be sensible, even if you have always had such a temper, it's okay, as long as you live Well, it doesn't matter if you kiss your family or not.

But mother never thought that you have changed to the point where you don't have to lose face in order to live the life you want. Have you ever thought about going to your brother-in-law in front of so many people, what do you let the Zhou family think? How do you let Chu Xia be viewed by the Zhou family?

Since coming here, mother has seen your thoughts, but mother has always felt that you are at most begging for Chuxia, Meifeng, you really have made mother no longer know you.

Regardless of whether you hate your mother or never recognize your mother, your mother's decision is that Chu Xia will not help you, nor will you..." Zhao Yuying looked at Chu Xia after finishing speaking, "Xia, you understand what Auntie said, right? "

"Understood." Chu Xia hugged Zhao Yuying, "I know how good my aunt is to me. I will be filial to my aunt. I am serious. My aunt must believe me."

"Letter, auntie letter." Zhao Yuying let go of Chu Xia and looked at Zhao Yulan, "Little sister, let's go downstairs, we can't be too rude."

"Big sister..." Zhao Yulan glanced at Wang Meifeng who was sitting on the bed and staring at Zhao Yuying angrily and indifferently. Of course, she understands how the elder sister feels in her heart now.

"I've already made up my mind. Also, I'll explain this matter to the Zhou family myself. It's impossible for the Zhou family not to feel that the trouble has reached this point. If they don't say it's to save face for us, if we don't say it ourselves, it's a liar."

"Mother!" Wang Meifeng yelled in a mournful voice, staring at Zhao Yuying firmly, "If you do this, you are not my mother."

"If you think of me as your mother, you shouldn't do such things that don't save the Zhao family's face. I am the daughter of the Zhao family, and I can't let my daughter disgrace the Zhao family like this." After Zhao Yuying finished speaking, her head shook. He went downstairs without returning.

Seeing this, Zhao Yulan had no choice but to chase after her.

She is very clear about the temperament of her eldest sister. Generally speaking, the eldest sister is very soft and easy to talk, but when she really gets angry, no one can change her mind.

Obviously, what Wang Meifeng did this time really angered the elder sister, but if you think about it carefully, if you have a sore and pus, if you keep covering it, it will only get worse and worse. Enduring the pain to squeeze out the pus, Only then will the day be restored to the original state, I hope... there will be that day.

Wang Meifeng sat on the bed with a pale face, with a sense of defeat all over her body. She was like this, which made Chu Xia, who originally wanted to leave, not dare to leave.

Luo Xiaoqiong and Luan Xiaoxiang, who had been silent since entering the room, saw Chu Xia sitting on the sofa, and sat next to Chu Xia from left to right.

With the three people sitting there staring straight at her, no matter what Ren Wang Meifeng did, it was impossible not to feel it, her face gradually turned bloody, and then, she suddenly looked at Chu Xia and smiled: "Are you afraid that I will commit suicide? "

"No!" Chu Xia hurriedly shook her head, she was not fooled.

"Whether there is or not, I will tell you very clearly that committing suicide just because of this kind of nonsense is not something I, Wang Meifeng, would do at all!

Isn't it better to marry than you? What's the big deal? Let's see now, ten years later, twenty years later, will you still live better than me?

With your ability, do you want to gain a foothold in the Zhou family? It's just a dream! However, it is very easy for me to gain a firm foothold in Qiang's family with my ability.

What is a woman's happiness? That is, the man she married protects her, and the man's family treats her as a treasure, and they will never be angry with her husband's family for the rest of their lives.

Lin Chuxia, do you dare to bet with me that ten years from now, you will definitely not live as well as I do! "

What is Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death? One moment, it really seemed like he couldn't survive, but the next moment, he set off with high spirits!

Regardless of Wang Meifeng's other aspects, just this spirit really convinced Chu Xia, she nodded immediately: "Okay, I bet you!"

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