As soon as the update arrived, something happened during the day and it was missed. There is still a chapter that is almost finished, and it has not been finished. It will be posted later——

Hearing Zhou Mikang talk about Wang Meifeng, Chu Xia couldn't help poking him curiously: "Tell me the truth, what did you think at that time?" "

"What do you think I should think?"

"I..." Looking at the expression on the head of the group, Chu Xia stopped beating around the bush, "If I asked you to help her, would you help?" Without skipping words.

"No help!"

The other party replied without even thinking about it. Chu Xia, who had been choking for a long time, didn't recover, but the driver finally looked normal. This is like the temper of his third young master. How can a little girl control everything!

"Why don't you help?" Chu Xia stared at Zhou Mikang angrily, "It's a lie to say that if you marry me, you will treat me well. You just got married, and that's it!"

"What's wrong?" Zhou Mikang raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Xia, "Tell me, what's wrong with me?"

Chu Xia snorted: You rejected my request without even thinking about it, you don't respect me at all! "

Zhou Mikang stared at her with a half-smile: You mean, Wang Meifeng begged me and I should immediately agree to her, just to respect you? "

The roots of Chu Xia's hatred are itchy: Don't confuse the public! What I mean is, if I ask you to help her, you should think about it and tell me whether you want to help, instead of just refusing without even thinking about it! "

"You don't seem to be short-sighted, why are you doing stupid things?" Zhou Mikang sized her up with a frown. "Lin Chuxia, are you sure you want to help such a woman?"

"I didn't say I was going to help. I mean, you should take my advice into consideration."

"If it is correct. Of course I will consider it. If I know it is wrong, do I still need to consider it?" Don't skip words. Zhou Mikang stared at Chu Xia seriously, "Did I consider what your cousin begged me for? From this point of view, don't you understand?" Without skipping words.

"Understand what?" Chu Xia was a little confused by him, and looked at him in a daze, "Can you be more clear, what should I understand?"

"Lin Chuxia. You told me just now that you have too many relatives, some of whom are worth helping and some of whom are not. Now, why are you getting confused?"

"I hate it!" Chu Xia stared at him bitterly, "Why is it so troublesome to communicate with you? I didn't say that Wang Meifeng was definitely worth helping,

But, whether she is worth it or not. You have to seriously consider my opinion, understand? "Do not skip words.

Zhou Mikang looked puzzled: I knew she wasn't worth helping, but I agreed to you when you couldn't figure it out. Aren't you the one who suffers in the end? "

"Hmph!" Chu Xia snorted coldly, stared out of the window and said nothing, but hated her in her heart. I have never seen such an ignorant person, all she wants is respect. Is he going to argue with her here?

Sure enough, marriage is a troublesome thing. It's also an annoying thing for two people to get along with each other. Forget it, I don't bother to talk to him about it in the future. Since we didn't get together because of love, why bother with this thing? She herself is really having a brain twitch!

Zhou Mikang frowned and poked Chu Xia: Angry? "

Chu Xia's head tilted again, leaving only the back of the opponent's head intact.

"Unreasonable!" Zhou Mikang was also angry, "Because your ego lets you down, but you can't be so unreasonable, right? Many words are clearly for your own good, why are you angry?

Can't you see what that Wang Meifeng is thinking? If you really promise her, how will you get along with your relatives in the future?

Aunt and Aunt won't say hello to you, they are unhappy, can our mother be happy? Our mother is not happy, can you be happy?

Why don't you understand such a simple truth? Still here playing with me like a child, I think I just spoil you too much, so that you don't even know who you are. "

"You..." Chu Xia was gasping for breath. Dare she, she was just a child in his eyes, someone who didn't understand anything and sold her and gave her back the two hundred and five!

Zhou Mikang's heart softened seeing Chu Xia's anger. It's really not good to quarrel like this after only three days of marriage. If you go home and show it to the elders, you might be worried, and everyone is not familiar with Chu Xia. , it's not good for her either. Thinking of this, he wanted to coax Chu Xia, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't get angry when he saw the other party's long face. This child is too naive!

Then Wang Meifeng was using her at all, how could she be so cowardly? The nature of my job is doomed and I can't guard her every day in the future. What if someone takes advantage of her and gets hurt?

No, you can't just let her go just because you love her.

Then, the head of the group, Zhizi, also lowered his face, stared outside and said nothing.

The driver glanced at this and then that from the rearview mirror, with a tangled expression on his face, and unconsciously slowed down a little, hoping that the two of them could calm down before they got home.

"Stop!" Chu Xia suddenly shouted.

The driver hesitated for a moment, slowed down and didn't dare to stop.

"Stop!" Chu Xia shouted again.

"Stop making trouble, okay?" Zhou Mikang was also furious. He was not a good-tempered man, and what he hated the most were chattering girls. He originally liked Chu Xia's willfulness. Unexpectedly, she would have such a petty temper with him, which made his anger that had been suppressed all of a sudden burst up.

"Who is making trouble with you?" Chu Xia frowned and gave him a white look, "Stop the car quickly, I just saw someone who looks a bit like my second aunt."

"Really?" Zhou Mikang looked serious, "Xiao Wang, back up the car."

"Yes!" The driver quickly shifted into reverse gear and backed up quickly.

There are only a handful of cars on the road in this era, and it's no obstacle to reverse the car. Therefore, in the blink of an eye, Chu Xia saw the two figures that he missed just now.

A short, stocky middle-aged woman, wearing black trousers, a blue jacket, carrying a bag, and next to her is a short, stocky girl, also wearing black pants and a blue jacket, carrying a worn-out army green schoolbag , both of them have messy hair, and their faces are also black and white. After looking carefully for a while, Chu Xia is completely sure that it is the second aunt Lin Xiaohua and the third cousin Zhao Qiyan!

"It's them!"

At the same time Chu Xia's voice fell, the car creaked and stopped beside the mother and daughter.

The mother and daughter continued to walk forward as if they hadn't seen or heard anything.

Chu Xia hurriedly pushed the car door and got off: Second Aunt, Sister Qiyan! "

The two people in front still walked forward without saying a word.

At this time, Zhou Mikang had already got out of the car, and looked at Chu Xia suspiciously: Are you sure you didn't admit your mistake? "

"I..." Chu Xia was also a little uncertain, but, is there anyone in this world who looks as imaginable? In particular, one looks like two!

Although the second aunt and Zhao Qiyan didn't treat her well, but for the sake of grandma, grandpa and second uncle, she can't see it and pretend not to see it. After all, they are not familiar with each other here. Whatever happened, she would never feel at ease for the rest of her life.

So, whether it is true or not, she has to make sure, take a few steps, run to the front of the mother and daughter, Chu Xia carefully looks at it, and confirms again, it is Lin Xiaohua and Zhao Qiyan!

"Second aunt, Qiyan, why are you here?"

"I found you!"

When she was looking at the two of them, they were also looking at her, and then, almost at the same time, both of them opened their mouths.

"Chu Xia, woo woo woo..." Zhao Qiyan held Chu Xia's hand and cried out loudly, while Lin Xiaohua sat down on the ground and started howling too.

"Second Aunt, Qiyan, please stop crying..." Chu Xia looked back at Zhou Mikang, "Why don't you send them to the ancestral house?"

"Yeah." Zhou Mikang nodded and looked at Lin Xiaohua who was crying, "Second Aunt, get in the car, I'll take you to find Second Uncle."

"And me, why didn't you greet me?" Zhao Qiyan protested while crying.

Zhou Mikang didn't even look at her out of the corner of his eyes. He helped Chu Xia drag Lin Xiaohua up and put him in the car, then turned to the front, sat in the co-pilot seat, and told the driver: "Xiao Wang, go back to the ancestral house." "

"Yes!" Xiao Wang replied, turned the car around, and secretly rejoiced in his heart that he met these people, otherwise, the two of them went back awkwardly, and the whole family might be worried about what would happen.

Or because of his mood, he actually found Lin Xiaohua and Zhao Qiyan particularly pleasing to the eye.

"Second Aunt, Sister Qiyan, you are..." After the two of them stopped crying, Chu Xia looked at the mother and daughter, full of doubts.

Lin Xiaohua took out a crumpled handkerchief, blew her nose with a "coax", and looked at Chu Xia: Xia, tell me, do you not regard the second aunt as a relative? "

"Second Aunt, can you say something?" Chu Xia didn't answer her words. To be honest, she was so impressed by Second Aunt's harshness that she couldn't express it against her will. .

"I knew that you child hated Second Aunt, and even Qiyan. In Chuxia, you can't blame Second Aunt and Qiyan for the Xue family's affairs.

The matchmaker took the initiative to find the family, and the second aunt didn't know that the Xue family was interested in you, so she agreed to let Qiyan go to meet each other. Later, it was Xue Ligang who promised to let Qiyan go to the army.

You said, if your mother gets this kind of news, can she stop you from being a soldier? You can understand this kind of thing, right? A lot of words," Lin Xiaohua said as she quietly glanced at Zhou Mikang.

"No one blames Second Aunt and Sister Qiyan for this matter. It's because you guys are thinking too much..." Chu Xia looked at her indifferently, "If I hadn't met you here, I wouldn't bother to talk to you for fear that you would suffer. It is a fact that there is not much relationship between them, so the second aunt doesn't need to use some messy things to bury me, you have no place to bury me!"

She was really angry, so she asked Lin Xiaohua carefully, but she didn't answer, she insisted on talking about it, so let's talk about it together, as if she can't? (to be continued...)

Chapter 217

Chapter 217 Coincidence* ()

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