The second watch arrived, just finished repairing.

"Xia, how could Second Aunt miss you? Isn't this explaining the past to you..." Lin Xiaohua carefully looked at Chu Xia's face, "Xia, if I hadn't met you, Second Aunt and Qiyan would have said yes. I'm going to die outside, oh..."

Originally, I was annoyed after arguing with Zhou Mikang, but now that Lin Xiaohua was out of the predicament, she wanted to put on small shoes for her, so she closed her eyes and leaned back without making a sound.

After howling for a while, Lin Xiaohua, who didn't get any response, stopped crying embarrassingly, and pushed Chu Xia: "Xia, are you really angry with Second Aunt?"

Chu Xia: "..."

"Xia, the Second Aunt was worried that you might misunderstand, so she hurriedly brought up the past to explain to you. It was the Second Aunt who was wrong. The matter is over, so why bring it up?

But this time, the second aunt is really sad. You said you got married, how could you not let us support you? No, I'm afraid that you will be looked down upon by your in-laws, so your sister and I came here by car.

I don't know, that damned thief didn't know when he took all the money from us. Your sister and I are not familiar with the place where we live, so I asked someone how to get to Master A. That person was also bad. We were pointed into the nooks and crannies.

By the time I felt something was wrong, I had already left the city center. I was afraid of meeting bad people, and your sister and I didn't dare to go on the road at night, so we found a corner and stared at it all night.

Fortunately, it's not too cold this day, and I can sleep in the cave, otherwise. Maybe your sister and I have froze to death. "

"Ah Choo!" Zhao Qiyan sneezed loudly as if to suit the occasion. Quickly followed her mother's words, "Chu Xia. You have to treat us well because of our hard work."

"You came here by car just to attend my wedding?" Chu Xia looked at the mother and daughter who escaped from the camp, "Did you wander around the city like this these two days?"

"We're not wandering around, we're looking for someone to find out the way."

"You don't even know where I got married, so you just came here?" Chu Xia stared at Lin Xiaohua speechlessly, "Second Aunt, you did this. I'm really flattered."

"It should be, your second uncle's bastard, Qiyan and I went back to Qiyan's grandma's house, it's not like he didn't know where Qiyan's grandma's house was, but he didn't call us, so he followed the car.

Qiyan and I talked all the way home, so we hurried to buy a bus ticket, you said.

Your grandparents in the Lin family are nothing, and your uncle and uncle won't come. If we don't come again, what will your in-laws think? "It seemed to realize suddenly. The two people sitting in front belonged to Chu Xia's husband's family. Lin Xiaohua quickly lowered her voice, "Xia. Where is your son-in-law? "

Chu Xia has a black thread on her head, she thought. Didn't I greet you just now and call your second aunt? Before she could answer. Zhao Qiyan whispered in her ear, "This is your son-in-law's driver and soldier, right? Are they okay when they heard what we said?"

Hearing what Zhao Qiyan said, Chu Xia suddenly realized that it was rumored in the family that she married a half-old man, and it was just dawn when Zhou Mikang went to pick her up, so no one saw it, so even if Zhou Mikang called Lin Xiaohua just now, Second aunt, she didn't guess him on the identity of his nephew and son-in-law.

"Second Aunt, do you have something to do with me?" At this time, Zhou Mikang turned around and looked at Lin Xiaohua calmly, "What do you want?"

"Ah?" Lin Xiaohua stared at him in a daze, and didn't say a word for a long time. She never thought that this handsome young man was Chu Xia's husband.

Even if the other party helped Chu Xia to help her get into the car and called her second aunt just now, she didn't think about it at all. There must be soldiers under the head of the regiment. The soldiers must please the head of the regiment, so, She took it for granted.

Zhao Qiyan was even more sluggish at this time. She never expected that the younger sister she despised the most would marry such a young and capable man.

After the marriage of Xue's family went bad, her reputation in the village was very bad, and after her mother let her serve as a soldier through the back door of Xue's family, her reputation became even worse.

For more than half a year, there was not a single matchmaker who came to propose marriage.

Seeing that she was running towards her twenties, she and her mother were in a hurry (most of the local girls got engaged at the age of eighteen or nine), so they ran to grandma's house every few days, just hoping There can be good marriage there.

After learning that Chu Xia was going to get married and marry an old man, the two mothers felt a little envious after expressing their disdain.

Even if the officer you marry is older, at most forty years old, after the old officer is gone, it will be worthwhile to remarry again. With the old officer's family background, can the man who married the second be worse? ?

Thinking about it this way, the couple wished they could snatch the man Chu Xia was going to marry, but unfortunately, this kind of thing can't be done just by thinking about it.

They had to live their own lives, so the mother and father ran to grandma's house more frequently, but when they came back this time, they found that General Tie was guarding the door. They didn't see Zhao Yufeng go back until noon, so the mother and father went to Mrs. Zhao's place , but Zhao Qihui was the only one who received them.

Then, from what Zhao Qihui said, the couple knew that the whole family had gone to City A to attend Lin Chuxia's wedding.

Can dispatch a large cart to pull, is that an ordinary family?

In the recent situation where they were struggling to find a marriage, the couple had an idea. Lin Chuxia married a soldier, so the people who went to the wedding were all soldiers?

What a great opportunity to find a son-in-law!

So, the two hit it off immediately. They asked for Zhao Qiliang's address in city a, took all the money, put on the best clothes, and set off on the road with a small package. People stripped it clean.

Over the past few days, the two women have become more and more confused as they walked, their minds were confused and muddled. This is why Chu Xia called them for a long time without responding. At that time, they didn't know where the fugue had gone. shout?

It's just, didn't you say that Chu Xia married an old man and head of the regiment? did this become a young man in his twenties?

After a long time, Lin Chuxia didn't marry the head of the regiment. In fact, she drove for the head of the regiment? Or the regimental commander's orderly?

Until they were sent to the ancestral house, they were still dizzy.

Seeing Zhao Yufeng, Lin Xiaohua howled with an "Aww".

As for Zhao Qiyan, she threw herself into the arms of the old lady Zhao, with snot and tears streaming down her face.

"On the road, we saw the second aunt on the back, so we went back and looked, but I didn't expect it to be true." Chu Xia briefly explained to everyone the process of meeting Lin Xiaohua, and then left with Zhou Mikang.

According to the custom, on the night of going back to the third day, you have to go back to your in-law's house to have dinner with the elders. After such a toss, it's almost evening, if you don't go back, it will be a big disrespect.

Mr. Zhao and others saw Lin Xiaohua's mother and daughter, and they were astonished. After the mother and daughter finished crying and complaining, everyone broke out in a cold sweat. Go, what a shame!

Well, everyone seems to be ignoring it together. What if the mother and daughter can't find Chu Xia and are cheated...

But Chu Xia and Zhou Mikang, after such a toss, most of the anger in their hearts has subsided. Thinking of Zhou Mikang's performance just now, Chu Xia felt that his previous entanglement was a bit boring, so he took the initiative to apologize: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be indiscriminate. It's all your fault."

Chu Xia really apologized, but Zhou Mikang felt embarrassed instead: "How can I blame you, it's my fault, a big man, who is so much older than you, and playing childish temper with you, it's all my fault."

"Actually, neither of us is right, but our ideas are a little different, there was a problem in communication, I was angry before, it really didn't mean that I was angry because you didn't help Wang Meifeng.

Of course I know what kind of person she is. Since she was a child, she has never looked at me directly. Why is she being so nice to me now? How can I not know?

Besides, I would rather demolish ten temples than destroy one marriage, how could I satisfy her desires for the sake of vanity, which would lead to the breakdown of her marriage with Qiang's family?

What I want is that after I make a request, no matter whether it is right or wrong, you can seriously consider it before giving me an answer. This is the minimum respect.

Of course, if you make a request to me, I must give you an answer after careful consideration, and I can't just reject you based on my intuitive judgment. "

Although Chu Xia patiently explained, to Zhou Mikang's ears, it was still a bit unnecessary, but this time he did not express any objection, and nodded happily: "Okay, I will pay attention."

"I don't like that you treat me like a child. I am your wife now, and I am the one who will accompany you for the rest of my life. If you only treat me as a child, there will be a lack of an equal relationship between us..." After a pause, Chu Xia continued, "Is that kind of marriage really what you want?"

He murmured to himself, "You are a child", but he didn't dare to say it outright, but lying was not in his character, so he just nodded without saying a word.

Chu Xia could roughly guess what he was thinking, so she sighed secretly. If two people from different worlds want to communicate well, it only takes three or two days to get in touch.

Or, she needs to be prepared for a protracted battle, but she believes that one day, she will get along well with him, and through his performance in the past few days, she has firm confidence in this.

The interaction between the two of them did not carry the driver Xiao Wang behind their backs. This made the driver Xiao Wang, who had never even had a girlfriend, sweat profusely while listening to it, and secretly muttered in his heart, is it better not to get married in this life? He feels that marriage is really troublesome, women are really troublesome, and coaxing women is even more troublesome. How can he handle things that the third young master can't handle...

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