First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 219: A Member of the Zhou Family

Zhou Mikang closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair. He didn't know if he was asleep or was thinking about something. He glanced at him, Chu Xia curled his lips quietly, and turned his gaze out of the window.

"I will get along with you on an equal footing, don't worry."

With a sudden sound, Chu Xia shivered in shock, turned around, and happened to meet his long and narrow eyes, his expression was full of seriousness.

Obviously, he had been thinking about what she said just now.

"Since I asked you to marry me, and since what I like is your unique temperament, then I will naturally accept some unique ideas you put forward.

But remember in the future, if you have something to say, don't play petty temper with me, let me guess your mind, what I hate the most is this. "

"Yeah." Chu Xia's bellyful of emotion disappeared completely because of his words, and she nodded lightly in response, without saying anything else.

Zhou Mikang frowned: "Are you unhappy?"

"No." Chu Xia shook his head, "I know what to do in the future, don't worry."

His lips moved, but Zhou Mikang finally didn't say anything. He was not a talkative man, and he didn't know much about girls' temperament. At this moment, he felt that Chu Xia's anger was a bit inexplicable, and he was about to go home. , I didn't want to make her more angry, so I chose to remain silent.

Driver Xiao Wang sighed secretly, Mother, why did you become like this again? Dare to feel that the circle just now was in vain? Dare he drive so slowly, why not? We'll be at the Zhou family's old house ahead, he really can't help it...

Chu Xia followed Zhou Mikang into the hall, and Zhou Xiangping warmly greeted her and took her arm: "Sister-in-law three, are you tired?"

"Not tired, thank you fourth sister." Chu Xia replied politely. After greeting the elders one by one, they sat down next to Lin Yanqiu with Zhou Xiangping.

The atmosphere in the hall was a little depressing. Chu Xia quietly glanced at the time, it was only six o'clock sharp, and Zhou's family usually had dinner around six thirty, so it shouldn't be because she and Zhou Mikang came back late.

Thinking back carefully, she didn't seem to have done anything unpleasant.

By the way, Mr. Zhou seems to have answered a phone call and left in a hurry. He didn't bring Grandpa Dagang and Grandma Dagang back with him, or did something happen to the Zhou family?

She has only been married for three days, does she count as the Zhou family or not? Do you take the initiative to get up and say goodbye or wait? ....

Just as he was hesitating, he heard Mrs. Zhou say: "Chu Xia, go back to the house."

"Yes!" Chu Xia felt relieved, got up to say goodbye to everyone, and then walked to the stairs. Zhou Mikang got up and followed behind her without saying a word.

"Xiaomi, you stay here," Mrs. Zhou said.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Mikang grabbed Chu Xia and turned around. There was a hint of impatience in his eyes looking at Mrs. Zhou.

"Let Chu Xia go upstairs to rest, you stay and have a meeting." Mrs. Zhou said again.

"Chu Xia is my wife, a member of the Zhou family. She can participate in anything I can participate in."

"It's not suitable for her to participate in this matter."

"If grandma doesn't like it, I can move out with Chu Xia." Pause. Zhou Mikang continued, "Tomorrow. We will move out."

"You... Where are you going to move? Is it the ancestral house? That's also the Zhou family's house, not yours!" Mrs. Zhou felt a sudden pain in her head. The mess of things this day really wore out her patience.

"Xie Mingyue!" Mr. Zhou stopped drinking, and looked at Zhou Mikang, "Xiao Mi, let Chu Xia go up to rest, not because he doesn't treat her as a family, but because he doesn't want her to be troubled by these troublesome things.

After all, you are just newly married, if it wasn't about your future, we didn't intend to tell you, but now..." With a heavy sigh, Mr. Zhou smiled at Chu Xia warmly, "Chu Xia, don't be as knowledgeable as your grandma, she I was upset, and what I said was not true. "

"Grandpa, I know." Chu Xia smiled awkwardly, and pulled hard on the hand held by Zhou Mikang, "I'm tired, I want to go up and rest for a while."

"No!" Zhou Mikang was categorical, "No matter why the family meeting is held today, since it is the family meeting of the Zhou family, you must attend!" He said and looked at the elders, "This is Chu Xia who came here to marry, the Zhou family The first family meeting at the time, if she wasn't there, I wouldn't be there either."

Chu Xia's head is getting bigger, she doesn't want to participate, really, since people don't want her to know, why must they drag her to let her know?

In the past few days since her marriage, she has also seen that the Zhou family really did not treat her as an outsider. Even though the old lady Zhou didn't like her very much, she tried her best to defend her in front of outsiders.

Since she was so resolutely proposed not to let her participate, there must be a reason for not letting her participate. Moreover, Mr. Zhou and Zhou Jingping and Lin Yanqiu also acquiesced to Mrs. Zhou's proposal, which is even more telling!

This stubborn head, what kind of stubbornness did you commit at this time... Suddenly, she remembered the conversation she had with him on the road.

"I don't like you treating me like a child. I am your wife now, and I am the one who will accompany you for the rest of my life. If you only treat me as a child, we lack an equal relationship. Such a marriage is yours. Want it?"

"I will treat you as an equal, don't worry."

Obviously, he is giving her an equality, and he is also fighting for an equality for her. Oh, that's not what she meant. Regarding the Zhou family's affairs, she doesn't have to be equal...

It is really difficult to communicate and get in touch with different backgrounds and different times. It seems that in the future, she has to keep in mind that if she has any ideas, she can tell him directly, instead of reminding him with big principles. For a serious person, turning the corner will only make her commit a crime of her own...

Chu Xia's current mood is really painful and happy, embarrassing and complaining at the same time, and deeply moved at the same time, no matter what, he listened to her words, although he played with her on the road and ignored her, but he really took her I listened to her words and really respected her.

Insisting in front of this big family, I tell everyone clearly that in his heart, she has a very important position, and he didn't just get married just to deal with things. This is tantamount to telling everyone in disguise that not paying attention to her is Don't take him seriously.

In terms of his status in the Zhou family, can she walk sideways in the Zhou family in the future? Pooh! Pooh! Bah, Chu Xia secretly despises herself and compares her heart with her heart. Has she done this to him?

Getting into a temper tantrum with him and thinking that he would not let her go, she felt that she and him were in a loveless marriage, and decided to respect him as a guest in the future...

The more she thought about it, the more guilty she felt, and she was thinking about how not to hurt his face, and how to give Zhou's elders a step back, so Lin Yanqiu said: "Mom, Chu Xia is already the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family. As a member of the family, let her know about it."

The old lady Zhou turned her attention to Chu Xia: "Listen to me, if you attend the Zhou family's family meeting, your marriage with Xiaomi, you can't help but shrink back a little bit."

When did she want to back down? Oh, yes, how could Mrs. Zhou fail to understand that she is not broken? Thinking about it, in Mrs. Zhou's heart, she is leaving a way out for herself, right?

From everyone's attitudes, she had a premonition that the Zhou family must have encountered some difficulties. Although she is not a standard gentleman, Zhou Mikang treated her well. Light thing?

She looked up at Zhou Mikang: "I am willing to attend the family meeting with you." This is equivalent to telling him clearly that no matter what happens, I am willing to bear it with you!

Zhou Mikang dragged her to sit on the left side of Zhou Jingping and Lin Yanqiu without saying a word, Zhou Xikang and Yu Tao sat on the right side, Zhou Jiping and Zhou Xiangping moved two seats back when they came over.

Sitting behind them was Uncle Tuesday's family, followed by Uncle Zhou Zhou and Zhou Huakang, and sitting side by side with them were Xu Zhenghong and Zhou Yueping.

Just now, she had a bad fight with Zhou Mikang on the road, and she didn't pay attention when she entered the door. Now that she looked at it, she knew that something must have happened to Zhou's family.

The nannies at home had retreated to their respective rooms at some point. In the whole hall, only the Zhou family was left. Chu Xia's heart was unconsciously picked up. This battle was really a bit bluffing. explain.

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