After dinner, when he returned to his room, the first thing Zhou Mikang said to Chu Xia was: "Lin Chuxia, if you choose to leave now, I won't blame you. I will also greet Aunt Xu and let her continue to take care of you. you."

"Who said I'm leaving?" Chu Xia curled her lips and rolled her eyes, "Could it be that in your eyes, I'm so disrespectful? Marrying you is because you value your family's power? Leaving you is because you are afraid of suffering with you?"

"Isn't it?" Zhou Mikang stared at Chu Xia expressionlessly, "It's a fact that you didn't marry me voluntarily, and it's also a fact that you agreed to marry me after you put forward conditions, so I knew from the beginning to the end that you would Marry me because I can bring a good life to your parents.

But now, this kind of benefit may be about to end. You didn't like me in the first place. If you leave me right now, I won't blame you. "

"Bastard! You bastard!" Chu Xia jumped out of bed angrily, and punched Zhou Mikang with his fists. on his chest.

Things happened too suddenly. If he had gotten a little wind before that, he would never have married her.

Looking at the little man in front of him who was so angry that his face was flushed, he felt a sore pain in his heart, thinking that he could protect her for the rest of his life and make her happy for the rest of his life, but now it seems that... it is impossible .

He knows the ruthlessness of the old man of the Xiao family better than anyone else.

His hands hurt so much, he still sat there with a blank expression on his face, without saying a word, Chu Xia had no choice but to stop the movements of his hands, frowning and looking at him.

From the bottom of his seemingly calm eyes, she saw a trace of fluctuation. It turned out that he was not as calm as he appeared to be.

Think about today's meeting. She also really has a clear perception of this era.

the moment before. It is still a big family that is envied by thousands of people. In the next moment, it may become a hapless person who will be confined to prison, some people will sympathize with others, and others will gloat.

Fortunately, since she came here in the 21st century, although she doesn't have a special understanding of this era, she still remembers some major events.

This period of time is nothing but the brief darkness before dawn.

When she was engaged to Zhou Mikang, Uncle Zhou's son-in-law Xiao Yuwen disrespected her, and Zhou Mikang threw her out by the collar. Since then, Xiao Yuwen, his wife Zhou Aiping, and mother-in-law Liu Lingmei have never appeared in the Zhou family again, including this time when she married Zhou Mikang.


She thought that Zhou Aiping and others didn't come because she hated Zhou Mikang's actions and she didn't want to see them, but it was the truth. But it was far beyond her expectations.

A few days ago, Liu Lingmei proposed a divorce to Zhou Shanping, and there was no room for negotiation. The eldest daughter was already married. She asked her son Zhou Huakang to be brought up by her.

Zhou Shanping was naturally unwilling, and Zhou Huakang himself expressed that he would follow his father, but just today. The divorce system was actually implemented by Liu Lingmei without Zhou Shanping showing up. And put the custody of the son in his own name.

When she appeared in front of Zhou Shanping with this series of documents, Zhou Shanping's surprise can be imagined. At the same time, I realized that something was wrong.

The Zhou family is not an ordinary family with a non-surname, but Liu Lingmei was able to apply for a divorce certificate without him showing up, which fully demonstrated the unusualness of the matter.

Before, Zhou Shanping never told Mr. Zhou that he was going to get a divorce because of the family's wedding, but now that such a big incident happened, he couldn't keep it from Mr. Zhou anymore.

After Mr. Zhou came back, he found out through his own connections that Xiao Yuwen's father, Xiao Bingqi, had taken over the Xiao family's faction and gained absolute control.

This also means that the Zhou family has lost power.

Winners and losers, no matter what era, this is the same truth.

This is also the reason why Mrs. Zhou didn't want Chu Xia to attend the family meeting at first. In her opinion, Chu Xia is not a member of the Zhou family. There is no need for Chu Xia to know about such a private and embarrassing thing.

Of course, in her subconscious mind, she may also have the intention of letting Chu Xia get away with it. After spending the past few days together, Chu Xia's impression of her is that an old man with a hard face and a soft heart, even if she is really for your own good, she will never say anything In this way, he will also act like "I hate you so much, stay away from me".

Although no one in the Zhou family has been framed before, according to the Zhou family, the Xiao family and his son are definitely villains who must take revenge. Therefore, it is estimated that within two days, the incumbents of the Zhou family will be attacked and persecuted one after another. up.

Now the second generation with the best development in the Zhou family is Zhou Jingping, and the third generation is Zhou Mikang. Therefore, everyone agrees that the first to bear the brunt of the revenge should be the father and son.

In particular, it was Zhou Mikang who made Xiao Yuwen suffer that day, so he would never look at Zhou Mikang comfortably.

Or because he was worried about thinking about Chu Xia, Mr. Zhou added that even if there was no incident of that day, the Xiao family would still target the Zhou family. The political differences between the two parties have not been a day or two. It was purely an accident that Zhou Aiping married Xiao Yuwen.

Of course, it was even more unexpected that the Xiao family climbed so fast.

No one in the Zhou family blamed her for this incident, which made her feel very touched and moved, and it also gave her a determination to share weal and woe with the Zhou family.

Regardless of whether it was revenge by taking advantage of the introduction last time, anyway, the cause was due to her, and most people would probably blame her first, thinking that she was a troublesome beauty.

Even Mrs. Zhou didn't criticize her from the beginning to the end, and even meant to let her leave the family so as not to be implicated.

She has never lived in this era, but she has more or less contact with books, periodicals, film and television about this era, so she can understand that the Zhou family's worries are definitely not superfluous.

Some people in this era just take pleasure in pranking people, evidence? What it is? Just like a few years ago, university professors and experts were locked up in the bullpen. Is there any reason to say it?

"Tomorrow, send my parents back." Chu Xia looked at Zhou Mikang seriously, "I'm married to you, the wife you're married to, and in this life, I will naturally marry chickens as chickens and dogs as dogs , no matter you are the regiment leader or a soldier, or anything else, I am your wife, this is a fact, the certificate has been obtained, if you want to repent, it is too late."

"Fool..." Zhou Mikang's stiff complexion softened a bit, "Do you understand what the Zhou family is facing now?"


"Understood that you still bumped into it?" Zhou Mikang sighed, and looked at Chu Xia seriously, "I'm not willing to let you go, but if it's not a last resort, I won't take this step.

If I have something, as my wife, you are dangerous, Chu Xia, I don't want you to suffer any harm because of me.

Listen to me, let's go to divorce tomorrow, and then I will ask Uncle Jing to take care of you, although..." Zhou Mikang's eyes flashed with pain, "Although I don't want this very much, but he is my current partner. The only person I can think of that I can trust with confidence. "

To put it bluntly, I want to divorce her, and then let her marry into the Jing family, hehe... Chu Xia smiled angrily: "You are quite good at planning for me, even finding your in-law's family? "

"Chu Xia..." Zhou Mikang covered his face, "If there is a way, I won't do it, you don't know what kind of person Xiao Yuwen is.

The way he looked at you that day clearly revealed his thoughts. If something happened to me, he would be the first one to attack you.

He is not a gentleman like me, if it falls into his hands, Chu Xia, I dare not think about the consequences, so I would rather lose you clearly before then. This loss pains me, but there is still hope.

If I knew that things would change so suddenly before, I might not treat him like that. Of course, I would feel very uncomfortable if I didn't do that, but in order not to hurt you, I can bear it.

Uncle Jing is a neutral faction, and Grandpa Jing's disciples are all over the world, even if he is the helm of the faction the Xiao family belongs to, they dare not touch him for the time being.

Therefore, in such an urgent situation, the only way I can think of is to entrust you to Uncle Jing. In early summer, I believe that evil cannot prevail, but you can't afford to wait. "Speaking of this, Zhou Mikang got up, hugged Chu Xia into his arms, hugged him tightly, then let go, turned around and walked out.

Is this saying goodbye to her? !

This man is always so self-righteous!

"Stop!" Chu Xia ran in front of him at an unprecedented speed, and stretched out his arms to stop him, "You have finished speaking, and you haven't listened to me yet, are you respecting me by leaving like this?"

Zhou Mikang turned his gaze to the side: "Let's talk."

Chu Xia pointed at the bed: "You, sit over there and listen to me."

Zhou Mikang stood still: "It's fine here."

"No!" Chu Xia shook his head, "You asked me to marry me, and you issued the marriage certificate yourself. Now, getting a divorce is up to you. What do you think of me? If you don't want to put your life on the line Here, you just listen to me, sit down obediently, and listen to me!"

Seeing that she didn't know when she had an extra knife in her hand, and it was pressed against her neck in a decent manner, Zhou Mikang moved his fingers, but finally he didn't take the knife from her hand by force, but sat down obediently. Bedside: "Okay, tell me."

Chu Xia took the knife from his neck: "I've said everything I need to say, there's nothing to say, anyway, I don't agree to the divorce. As for what Xiao Yuwen has in mind for me, as long as he's not afraid of death."

"Cough! Cough! Cough..." The head of the group coughed again and again after being choked by someone's big words, and after a while, he reminded him helplessly, "Lin Chuxia, whether he is afraid of death or not, probably didn't scare you, please. You look at your physique first, then measure your ability, and finally decide whether to say such big words, okay?"

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