One more. Special thanks to the "Hot Love ^^" who have been rewarding Nuan~

"What's wrong with my physique? What's wrong with my ability?" Standing in front of Zhou Mikang, Chu Xia leaned forward slightly, her small face almost touching his face, "Are you despising me? Huh?"

The warm breath sprayed on his face, and the faint fragrance lingered in his nose. Zhou Mikang felt as if his heart was being strangled, and he couldn't breathe...

Seeing his sluggish appearance, Chu Xia smiled triumphantly, hesitated for a moment, clasped his neck with trembling hands, sat down on his lap, and continued proudly with her little face up: "Speak, are you here?" Despise me?" At this time, the voice was visibly trembling.

" know what you're doing?" Zhou Mikang, who had regained his soul, tried his best to squeeze out this sentence, his voice was sexy and deep.

"Dang...dang...Of course." Feeling the instant scorching heat under his buttocks, Chu Xia Tongzi, who was originally full of confidence, suddenly panicked like a little rabbit in his heart, and couldn't straighten his tongue.

A faint smile appeared in Zhou Mikang's eyes: "Are you scared?"

"No...not afraid!" As if to show that she was really not afraid, Mouxia even pretended to stick out her small chest.

Although she was thin, she was well developed, and because she was nervous, she used a bit too much strength, her chest was firm and trembling with her movements... Zhou Mikang closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and then took a deep breath. Trying hard to make the throbbing in my heart subside, I pushed Chu Xia with my big hand: "Be obedient. Stop making trouble."

"I didn't make a fuss!" A certain person looked confident, "When did I make a fuss?"

Is this still happening? He is a normal man with vigorous blood! Holding my daughter-in-law, I can only watch but not move. This is to take his old life!

"You hate me?" Mouxia pouted aggrievedly, "We just got married, so you don't want to see me anymore. After that, when I get old, do you have to throw me out..."

"What are you thinking about? Chu Xia, I know what you mean, but I, Zhou Mikang, am an upright man. I don't want you to reveal your feelings to me in this way."

"You have made up your mind. Are you going to give me to someone else?" Chu Xia's big eyes were gradually covered with mist, "Dare to love me in your heart, just an object, when you can protect it, you keep it, and when you can't protect it , just give it away?"

"You are in my heart..." Zhou Mikang froze there, unable to speak.

such a decision,

Make him heartbroken. However, Xiao Yuwen is too despicable and shameless, if he is not before his freedom is restricted. Help her arrange everything, then the consequences will definitely be unbearable for both him and her.

She didn't understand how cruel this kind of struggle was. With his pride, raw. die, torment. There is nothing to be afraid of, but it is absolutely impossible to let her go through this!

Suppressing the softness in his heart, his voice suddenly became cold and hard: "You are indeed just a beautiful object in my heart. Everything that the Zhou family has suffered is caused by you, so I don't want to see you again. Send you to someone else."

"I'll bite you to death!" Chu Xia tried her best to bite his arm, and the bloody grip in her mouth became heavier and heavier, finally clearing her mind a little.

Climb down from him listlessly, move a stool and sit opposite him, look at him with big eyes full of sadness, and look at him motionless...

In terms of her actual situation, the only thing that can repay him at this time is to let him truly understand her determination to share weal and woe with him.

Recalling the scenes of getting to know him, she is very sure that he will definitely be a responsible and good husband. It is easy to find a priceless treasure, and it is rare to have a lover. At this time, she must stand by his side!

"You said that just now, I'm very angry!" Finally, when he was about to be unable to bear her profuse gaze, she said, "Don't treat me as a fool, and don't come and stage this bloody drama for me , do you think, I will believe it?

Do you think you are great at doing this? Zhou Mikang, if you really do this, I will only look down on you! What kind of man is a woman who can't protect himself? "

She is soft for a while and steel for a while, like a cat for a while and a tiger for a while, how can the leader Zhizi not understand what she means, the so-called giving both kindness and majesty is nothing more than that.

However, how could she understand the cruelty of the matter, and it was definitely not something he could solve by gritting his teeth. If it wasn't a last resort, how could he go this way?

"When encountering a problem, using lies and cruel words to deceive the other party to leave, and to bear it alone, I feel that I am quite great, but in fact, it is selfish at all!

Don't always be a child who doesn't know anything about me. Indeed, my family background determines that I will never encounter the kind of ordeal your family is facing.

However, just because I can't meet him doesn't mean I don't understand the cruelty of it, and I'm not a fool who wants to rush forward knowing that I will be killed.

If going to the Jing’s house can save me from Xiao Yuwen’s persecution and make you feel at ease, I can go to the Jing’s house, but please don’t use divorce to solve the problem.

You may say that if you avoid the Jing family without a divorce, the Xiao family will become hostile to the Jing family. How about, if you avoid the Jing family after a divorce, will the Xiao family not be hostile to the Jing family?

In this matter, no matter how it is done, the Jing family's position is the same. Instead of us killing each other here, we should use this time to think of a proper solution. "

Is she educating herself? Zhou Mikang had black lines all over his face, but he was faintly moved in his heart. He thought that because of her rejection of him, after he proposed a divorce, she would definitely accept it happily, but he didn't expect that the result would be like this.

If the first refusal is a temptation, then repeated refusals are determination.

She has already done this, what else is there for him to be hypocritical about?

Originally, he was thinking that she didn't like him anyway, so if he used this opportunity to give her freedom, the guilt in his heart would be relieved.

This little thing can always surprise him at the right time.

Ordinary girls, when encountering such a thing, would have lost their minds long ago, so how can they try to reason with him here?

There was a swell of warmth in his heart, he stretched out his hand to touch her head: "Lin Chuxia, you have to think about it, I am a domineering person, if I don't run away this time, you won't be able to run away even if you want to in the future !"

"Cut!" Chu Xia pouted, "If you do something wrong to me, no matter how overbearing you are, you won't be able to stop me from escaping!"

There was a smile in his eyes, and suddenly, he was completely relieved of the previous situation. If he didn't have that failed relationship, or if he had been married a long time ago, how could he meet such a happy little thing?

Thinking of this, I secretly reminded myself that I can't use small things to describe her in the future. Thinking of this, I always treat her as a child, but looking at her, she seems to hate him for treating her as a child. Well, what she wants is Equality, then he will try to give her equality in the future.

"Chu Xia, during this period of time, you may have to suffer some grievances. Even if Uncle Jing can protect you, outsiders will still have gossip, and some people will even say some nasty things in front of you..."

Chu Xia interrupted him: "I have thought of all these, don't worry, I will endure, but if you dare to bully me during this time, I will write them down one by one, and give them to me one by one when you come back. Return it! It must be emphasized that I must be present when returning it, meow, anyone who dares to bully me has never died before!"

Zhou Mikang: "..." Can I still stand in front of you after death? Regarding his little wife's weird way of thinking, he didn't know what to say.

"Hold me, comfort my injured little heart..." Chu Xia sat down on him as she spoke, her eyes full of grievances, "I warn you, no matter what happens in the future, you are not allowed to lie Lied to me and kicked me out, what I hate the most is to lie to cover up when something happens, but think it is for the other party's benefit."

"Okay, I won't do that in the future." Zhou Mikang didn't sit stiffly like before this time, but wrapped his arms around her and held her in his arms.

Feeling her body stiffen slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, his chin rubbed back and forth against her forehead, and she shrank her neck from the stubble: "Honestly, don't make trouble!"

"Okay." He really cooperated and stopped moving.

He used to be so flamboyant, how could he be so obedient? Hey, it seems that what happened this time really hit him hard. Otherwise, how could he, who is so proud, come up with such a fucking way to set her free?

Forget it, although I wasn't mentally prepared, but... Chu Xia gritted her teeth and made it! With trembling hands, he began to unbutton his jacket... He was taken aback, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help curling up, "What do you want?"

" not." Chu Xia's voice trembled as if she was sitting on a bumpy bullock cart.

"Why not? Then why do you want to unbutton me?"

"Let... let... let you rest earlier." Chu Xia wanted to reach in and straighten her tongue out of hatred. There was a nervous one. Don't women have to pass this test?

Isn't this a special situation! Will the new and new human beings of the 21st century be intimidated by such things? Uh... It seems that she is really intimidated. She has been undoing only one coat button for a long time, but she still hasn't undid it...囧~.

"do you need my help?"

"Okay." Chu Xia quickly retracted her little paws, and ran to the bathroom as if fleeing, "I'm going to take a shower, you take off by yourself." The bathroom door closed with a "bang", and after a while, it was pushed open again with a "bang", "Take off your clothes and lie on the bed and wait for me!"


This time, the door of the bathroom was not opened again. After a while, there was the sound of running water inside.

Zhou Mikang sat there stiffly, he, was he being molested? still……

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