The second watch arrives.

After dawdling for a full half an hour, Chu Xia tiptoed open the bathroom door and came out with a red face wrapped tightly in her pajamas, sneaking a glimpse out of the corner of her eye, there was no one on the bed at all!

She quickly stood up straight, looked around..., then smiled wryly, she was still too self-righteous, with his pride, how could he want her at this time?

Or, he already understood what she was going to do from her actions, and when he couldn't be sure of his concentration, he chose to run away.

People are really strange animals, and they have always been very repulsed to do that kind of intimate things with him, but after finding out that the other party deliberately escaped, she actually felt a faint sense of loss.

He simply took off his pajamas, stood naked in front of the mirror and looked at himself.

The young skin is tight and moist, with a touch of powder, the eyebrows are not black, and the lips are not red. Although thin, they are bulging where they should be, and they are raised where they should be. It makes people feel pity.

In this era, she has lost everything. The only thing she has gained is probably this body. The so-called beauty is nothing more than that.

The original cabbage gang has not been trimmed in the first few months, and it has grown to the shoulders, and it hangs wetly on the shoulders, which is even more sexy.

It's no wonder that Xiao Yuwen is thinking about it, she can't find fault with herself, let alone a lustful man? Fortunately, the owner of this body is now her. If the unreliable deity has such a face, it will definitely be a disaster rather than a blessing.

After knowing that the two of them had exchanged souls at all, she no longer apologized to the deity, the world is fair. Gain must be lost at the same time, if you can choose. She would never want to come to this era. What a broken age! She was almost suffocated to death!

Concentrated mind, put on clothes. But at the bedside, she found a letter left by Zhou Mikang.

"Chu Xia Beloved Wife:

Please forgive me for evading in this way. I don't want to push you out, but I don't want you to regret it one day.

I have already understood your thoughts, and I am very moved, but as a man, I cannot accept any pity and sympathy.

I hope, one day, it will come to fruition. You are willing to be my real wife.

I went to the guest room to rest, don't worry about my grandparents and parents misunderstood, I will explain to them. "

The inscription is,

Husband: Zhou Mikang.

Although it was just a few lines, Chu Xia had to read it several times before she understood the meaning. The moment she saw the letter just now, she mistakenly thought that the fool was still stubborn and insisted on pushing her out, and her heart was restless. There are also deviations in understanding.

A little moved, but a little angry, when did she sympathize with him? She just wanted to let the Zhou family understand her determination at this time.

All right. She admitted that the Zhou family's generosity to the Lin family gave her a sense of repayment. With a debt paid, of course. This debt was something she wanted to repay willingly.

Time went back to the moment when Chu Xia entered the bathroom.

The group leader Zhizi really listened to his little wife. He took off his clothes and lay down on the bed.

However, after waiting for ten minutes, the sound of water continued, and the little wife hadn't come out yet. His fiery heart finally regained some sense.

At this time, do you really want her?

Of course he understands what she is thinking. Ordinarily, she has become the wife he is currently marrying, so it is only natural that he wants her now.

But inexplicably, he just didn't want to force her, as long as he thought that this might become a regret in her life, he felt uncomfortable.

So, he got up again and put his clothes on completely.

Return the comforter on the bed to its original shape.

He took the pen and paper and left a message for his little wife.

One, throw it away.

Two envelopes, thrown away again.

Three letters, still not satisfied.

Four letters were about to be kneaded into a ball, and when another one was brewing, the sound of water stopped, so, if he was satisfied or dissatisfied, this was the one. He put the letter away and fled.

Thinking of throwing away the useless letters in the trash basket, he hurried back to pick them up.

The moment she opened the bathroom door, he just closed the door.

When she was standing in front of the mirror and admiring herself, he was standing outside the door to calm down his excitement, holding three balls of paper tightly in his hands.

When she was reading the letter, he was in the next room, "appreciating" the three letters he had written and wasted.

first letter.

"Chu Xia Beloved Wife:

I love you, so I absolutely can't let you do things you don't like. I will wait until you love me, and then I will become a real husband and wife with you.


Second letter.

"Chu Xia Beloved Wife:

I like you, so I absolutely can't let you do things you don't like. I will wait until you love me, and then I will become a real husband and wife with you.


The third letter.

"Chu Xia Beloved Wife:

I respect you, so I must not let you do things you don't like. I will wait until you love me, and then I will become a real husband and wife with you.


He looked at the three letters he had written over and over again, and then, fixed on the first letter, he began to feel annoyed, why didn't he dare to keep the one with the most true thoughts?

Thinking of the somewhat cold beginning of the fourth letter, he began to worry like a boy, would she be disappointed after reading it? Will you be sad? Could it be... a misunderstanding? ...

The more I thought about it, the more entangled I was, I sat up suddenly from the bed, I wanted to go to see her, but when I reached the door, I felt ashamed to go there, so I turned back.

Then, after a while, he sat up suddenly, walked to the door, and then turned back.

In the end, even he couldn't stand himself anymore. Is this a mental illness? When did he think about a person so much?

No, forced to sleep!

A person is covered in a quilt, but his brain is not under his control.

Just toss back and forth like this until dawn...

Chu Xia slept very soundly that night, understood his intentions, and clearly expressed her own intentions, and was able to temporarily stop doing things she didn't like to do. After the initial complaint, she felt nothing. Pulled into dreamland.

When the first ray of sunlight came into the room in the morning, she opened her eyes, and then, with a "ha", she sat up quickly, blinked her big eyes and looked at the group leader Tongzi with black eye circles: "You actually worship pandas so much, Is there an imitation show coming directly?"

Eldest sister, can we be more heartless?

The head of the regiment, Tongzi, twitched his brows unconsciously, coughed, and said muffledly: "Hurry up and wash up, and go to Uncle Jing's house later."

"Okay." Chu Xia jumped out of bed refreshed, looked at the head of the regiment again, and patted him on the shoulder sympathetically, "Don't hold back what's on your mind in the future, you are older than me. If you go on, you will grow older, and when we walk together, it will be bad if people misunderstand that you are my father."

"Go wash up!"

"Yes!" Chu Xia quickly bounced into the bathroom, stuck out his head and smiled at the furious group leader, "Actually, you don't look old now, just like my uncle."

"Boom!" The door was closed, and Zhou Mikang, who was left petrified, dropped dregs there. After a long while, he pretended to get up unintentionally, and stood in front of the mirror...

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