Once the update arrives, the owed one will be updated at noon tomorrow.

When she came down from upstairs to greet the elders, Lin Yanqiu was obviously a lot colder towards Chu Xia, and her slightly researching eyes lingered on her for a long time.

Of course, Chu Xia understood what the other party was confirming, so when she felt the disappointment when the other party withdrew his gaze, an indescribable disappointment rose in her heart.

Lin Yanqiu's kindness to her stems from her love for her son. She knew this from the beginning to the end, and of course she would not expect the other party to accept her from the heart in such a short period of time and treat her as a family. If there is no Zhou Mikang , What is she in the eyes of the Zhou family?

The reason is clear, but she just can't help feeling uncomfortable.

Then he felt hypocritical, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been enemies since ancient times, if it wasn't for Zhou Mikang's special situation, Lin Yanqiu, as a mother-in-law, would probably be the last to accept her, why is she complaining about herself?

Could it be that if you really think that you are a sweet pastry, the whole family should support her? It seems that she has really had a good life for so long that she has forgotten what her last name is.

Quickly adjusted his mentality, Chu Xia looked as usual and finished breakfast with everyone.

After putting down the chopsticks, everyone sat there depressed and did not move. Mr. Zhou waved his hand: "It's time to go to work, what to do..." Turning to look at Zhou Mikang, "Xiao Mi, the wedding leave between you and Chu Xia is not yet available. After that, drive the in-laws back and play there for a few days before coming back."

Obviously, it is hoped that Zhou Mikang will use this reason to go out to hide from the limelight.

"Grandpa, since they decided to deal with our family. No matter where I go, the result is the same. So, at this time, I can't go to my father-in-law's house..." Pause. Zhou Mikang continued, "Chu Xia and I will go to Uncle Jing's house first, and then we will go to the ancestral house and arrange a car to take father-in-law and the others back."

Lin Yanqiu frowned: "What are you doing at the Jing family?"

"Mom, at this time, only Uncle Jing can protect Chu Xia's safety. You, Xiao Yuwen dare not move. But Chu Xia, he will not be scrupled, so I must find her someone who can protect her when I am not around." her people."

Lin Yanqiu stared at Chu Xia for a while, sighed and looked at Zhou Mikang: "Third son, Mom hopes that you have been married for so many years. If you knew the result earlier, Mom would rather you stay single."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhou Jingping glared at his wife. "Didn't you already explain everything yesterday? Even if there was nothing like the last time, the Xiao family will not let this opportunity go."

"I won't let go of this opportunity.

but. Nor will it point the finger at Xiaomi. "

"You..." Zhou Jingping was so angry that his hands were shaking, "Didn't you rush to make this marriage happen? Didn't you feel fine yesterday? You woke up after a whole night's sleep. Why do you look like a different person?"

"I didn't fall asleep all night, thinking about it over and over again. The more I thought about it, the more I regretted it, if I hadn't been so pushy. How could Xiaomi be in such a hurry to find a woman to marry?

If it wasn't for this, how could the Xiao family get revenge like this? It's all my fault after all the calculations..." Lin Yanqiu looked at Chu Xia, "Since you are not willing to marry the third child, why not take this opportunity to leave, he will save you and you will feel at ease, so let's break up like this Bar. "

Sure enough, she still blamed her, Chu Xia secretly sighed, looked up at Lin Yanqiu seriously, before she could speak, Zhou Mikang spoke first: "Mom, isn't it because I'm going to beg Uncle Jing, you can't bear it because of your face?" Well, as for the reasons for the nonsense?"

"No!" Lin Yanqiu hurriedly shook her head, "Even if you don't ask Lao Jing, I'll say the same thing. Now, Mom, I really think that Chu Xia is not suitable for you. Anyway, you haven't consummated the marriage yet..."

"Mom!" Zhou Mikang roared, glaring at Lin Yanqiu bitterly, "It seems that you don't want me to come back to this house in the future, don't worry, I will help you."

"I didn't mean that..." Lin Yanqiu was also anxious just now, and blurted out. Now she also realizes that it is too inappropriate to say this in front of a large family. Thinking of her son's temper, she was so frightened that she hurriedly explained, " Xiaomi, don't be angry with your mother, thinking that you are going to be framed by Xiao Yuwen, my mother will panic and panic, so just talk nonsense.

Chu Xia, don't be angry with Mom. Mom didn't think bad of you when she did this. It was a coincidence. Mom really didn't want you two to be hurt, so she said that. "

"Let's go, stop talking to her." Zhou Mikang dragged Chu Xia out.

"Wait." Chu Xia looked up at him with a serious expression, "Let me say a few words, okay?"

Zhou Mikang nodded, but did not let go of her hand.

Knowing his stubborn temper, Chu Xia had no choice but to let him lead, and looked at the elders of the Zhou family: "Grandpa, grandma, father, mother, no matter what the original reason for this marriage is, but now, it is because we like each other .I am willing to be with him, I believe, he also hopes that I can be with him."

Zhou Mikang's eyes widened instantly, and she actually said that she liked him? ! Are you kidding me? !

At this time, Chu Xia's eyes had turned to him, her eyes full of seriousness: "What I said is true, I am sure, I like you, maybe not to the extent of love, but believe me, one day, I will I love you!"

After getting her definite answer, Zhou Mikang immediately felt that his brain was itchy and his breathing was not smooth. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't make a sound. He wanted to hug her, but his body seemed to be pressed, and he couldn't move at all. no.

"Okay! It really is from my Zhou family!" For the first time, Mrs. Zhou looked at Chu Xia with a smile on her face, "Let's go to the Jing's house..." She said and stood up, "I will go with you, Let the old man and the old lady of the Jing family accept you as a goddaughter, if they dare not accept you, I will screw off old man Jing's ears!"

While speaking, the old lady had already walked to Chu Xia's side vigorously, and snatched her away from Zhou Mikang's hands: "No matter what happens, grandma will accompany you."

She never thought that the old lady Zhou who always disliked her would accept her so easily. Chu Xia felt that everything was in a dream, and she let the other party hold her hand and walked out of the door half way, before she came back to her senses , Looking back, the head of the group didn't even come out! "Grandma, Zhou Mikang is not here." She hurriedly reminded her.

"You're worthless!" Mrs. Zhou scolded, and couldn't help but shook her head with a smile, "Chu Xia, Xiaomi is a paper tiger, and in this life, you've been suppressed by you!"

Has anyone said that about their grandson? Chu Xia smiled uncomfortably: "Grandma, do you want to go back and call him?"

"No need!" Mrs. Zhou shook her head, "When he came to his senses, he came after him by himself. He's not stupid, how could he not know where to find us?"

When the old lady said this, Chu Xia realized that Zhou Mikang was not new to the world, how could he really be stunned because of her words and still not recover?

It should be taking advantage of the time when she came out with the old lady to have a showdown with the Zhou family or to be more precise with Lin Yanqiu, right?

She guessed right, when Mrs. Zhou dragged her out, Zhou Mikang came back to his senses, but instead of chasing him out, he solemnly announced to Zhou's family that Lin Chuxia was Zhou Mikang. The daughter-in-law is a certainty.

"Xiao Mi..." Lin Yanqiu knew that her son was angry with her, so she could only pull him aside, and whispered, "Mom knows what she did just now was wrong, but son, don't blame Mom for thinking too much.

She personally agreed to your marriage, and we have all the etiquette that should be fulfilled. In the end, she didn't consummate the marriage with you. If she has no idea about this matter, Mom really can't convince herself. "

Zhou Mikang squinted at her: "Didn't you talk to her? Don't you all know the answer?"

"She told you?"

"She didn't say, but I have eyes." Zhou Mikang glanced at Lin Yanqiu lightly, "Mom, don't think I'm a fool. I know what you did, because you are my mother, and because you really hurt me." I, because you didn't do anything to offend her, because you didn't force her, so I didn't say anything, but if Mom gets confused from now on, please bear the consequences. "

"Xiao Mi..." Lin Yanqiu frowned and didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it, he is a soldier. After passing this hurdle, I am afraid it is impossible to stay by her side all the time. Then, it is necessary to have a harmonious relationship with his family and let my mother treat her like a daughter. Yes, thinking about it, Zhou Mikang explained in a rare way: "She is not what you imagined, she didn't leave a way out for herself, and the reason is all on me."

"What?" Lin Yanqiu stared at the boss, "Son, you... what do you mean?"

Seeing his mother's reaction, Zhou Mikang knew that his words had been misunderstood. With the lessons learned from his elder brother, isn't it easy for my mother to think wildly?

Zhou Mikang's expression turned pale: "What I mean is, I told her that before the age of 18, she and I were just married couples in name, so don't trouble her."

"Oh..." Lin Yanqiu breathed a sigh of relief, but she was scared to death. If the elder son behaves like this, and the younger son behaves like this again, she won't even have the courage to live~囧~

"Xiao Mi, explain to Chu Xia that Mom still likes her, but..." Sighing, Lin Yanqiu continued, "It's because she was in a hurry that she talked nonsense, let her not take it to heart."

"Mom, the Xiao family won't last long, don't worry." Zhou Mikang patted Lin Yanqiu comfortingly, then turned and walked out, "Wait!" Old Master Zhou called to stop him, "I'll go with you."

Zhou Mikang had a black line: "Grandpa, there is no need for such a big battle."

"Since you've identified Chu Xia, then, grandpa must win face for his granddaughter-in-law." Mr. Zhou waved his hands as he said, "Don't be a mother-in-law, hurry up, or your grandma will be unhappy again."

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