First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Two hundred and twentieth chapters imminent disaster

"Why don't I go too?" Zhou Jingping couldn't sit still as his parents all came to cheer him on.

"No need." Mr. Zhou waved his hand, "What are you supposed to do, your mother and I are the ones involved in Xiaomi and Chuxia's affairs..." He said and looked at Lin Yanqiu, who looked worried, "Boss daughter-in-law, my heart Relax, it's not that serious."

"Dad, I will." Lin Yanqiu forced a smile. Of course, she wanted to relax a little bit, but how could she relax after witnessing an instant collapse?

Black and white are in the hands of the victor. I wonder if the Zhou family will be as lucky as last time in this battle? She didn't ask for anything else, just that every member of the Zhou family was safe and sound, that's all.

The ups and downs again and again made her understand that the most important thing is to live and live well.

She struggled with her attitude towards her youngest daughter-in-law all night, and in the end, she did that... But who can really understand her thoughts?

How could she not see the little girl's disappointment in her? However, she really did that because she felt sorry for her. She hoped that one day, she could understand her own thoughts, and also hoped that everything would not be as tragic as she imagined.

"Don't think about it, it's not that serious."

The sudden increase in weight on her shoulders brought Lin Yanqiu back to her senses, and she forced a smile to Zhou Jingping's worried eyes, "I know."

"Hey!" Zhou Jingping knew that she was thinking about his sister-in-law Lin Yanru, sighed heavily, and said, "The children will understand."

Second uncle Zhou Gangping and second aunt Liang Xiaohong also came to comfort Lin Yanqiu, Yu Tao didn't understand what happened, so she poked Zhou Xikang lightly: "Mom, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Zhou Xikang was unwilling to say more. Perfunctory her, look at the time. Said, "I'm going to work. Grandpa is right. Live as you want. Now it's just our guess. Maybe things are not that bad."

"Brother, just lie to yourself." Zhou Zhongkang, the son of Uncle Zhou's family, curled his lips and stood up. "With Xiao Yuwen's temperament, he finally got the chance. Can the Zhou family be let go? Anyway, I don't believe it!"

Zhou Zhongkang is a third-year student in the Chinese Department of University B. He was called back from a meeting yesterday. Usually, he basically doesn't go home.

Zhou Xikang didn't know how to comment on this cousin, and even thought that Zhou Zhongkang should be the son of his third aunt Liu Lingmei.

The second uncle and the second aunt and my family have been living with the old man and the old lady,

The number of times Zhou Zhongkang has returned in one year can definitely be counted in one slap.

My third brother is cold on the surface, but when the family members are in trouble. He will definitely be the first to rush up, this, he firmly believes.

But Zhou Zhongkang is different, he seems to have always regarded himself as a member other than the Zhou family. I have always been against my second uncle and aunt living here.

This house was assigned to the Zhou family when the old man was in power. Ordinarily, the old man should take it back after he retires, but it just so happened that his father was promoted to the commander-in-chief of the Beijing area. According to the level, I can afford this house. The family has been living here.

But from Zhou Zhongkang's point of view, he was dependent on others. If his second uncle and aunt had a good relationship with his parents, and he knew Zhou Zhongkang's temperament, he might have caused much unhappiness.

"Are you planning to move out from here?" Zhou Xikang was still thinking about it in a complicated mood. Zhou Zhongkang had already walked to the four elders and looked at Uncle and Aunt Tuesday expressionlessly, "My house has been divided. If If you want, you can move there with me, anyway, I won't come here in the future."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Uncle Tuesday and Aunt Tuesday to answer, he turned and went upstairs, and after a while, carrying a large black bag, Shi Shi ran out.

"Stop!" Uncle Zhou Zhou, who was stunned for a long time and hadn't recovered from his senses, yelled angrily, "You rebellious son, at this time, do you want to betray the Zhou family?"

"What is betrayal?" Zhou Zhongkang turned his head and looked at his father coldly, "Since I was a child, I have never been honored by the Zhou family, and everything I have achieved today is the result of my own hard work.

What I don't understand is why all of you are protecting Zhou Mikang. Is he worthy of sympathy for being dumped by a woman? A big man, for a woman, has been looking for life and death for so many years, he is not ashamed, I am ashamed.

Well, I swore at first that I didn't want to get married, but what happened? Seeing a good-looking woman, I can get married faster than anyone else!

If it weren't for him, would the Zhou family have encountered this catastrophe? Yes, Grandpa said, even without Lin Chuxia, the Xiao family would target the Zhou family. This, maybe, but definitely not so soon.

Knowing that he was the cause of everything, but now instead of trying to find a way to get through this difficulty, the whole family is busy protecting his woman who caused trouble. What's going on?

I am really disappointed with this family. You are willing to bear everything for him, but I am not. Also, I will issue a statement. From then on, I have no relationship with the Zhou family. "


Zhou Gangping was so angry that he took a few steps forward and slapped Zhou Zhongkang heavily on the face. Liang Xiaohong felt sorry for his son, and hurried forward to hold him back, "Speak well, why are you beating the child?"

"Did you hear what he said just now?" Zhou Gangping's jaw was trembling, "Zhou Zhongkang, you f*cked too much, what do you mean you haven't been honored by the Zhou family today? If your surname is not Zhou, you’re not a member of this Zhou family, you |he|mother|don’t talk about going to college and getting a house now, even if you’re farming, no one wants you!”

Zhou Gangping, who was extremely angry, uttered foul language uncontrollably. Lin Yanqiu, who was originally a little angry, suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

Although the Zhou family is a wealthy family, the Zhou family brothers are not well-educated, so when they got angry, they became bandits.

"Look at your quality?" Zhou Zhongkang looked at Zhou Gangping with disgust, "Not only beat people, but also cursed people, the Zhou family like this, still want to keep me?"

Zhou Gangping kicked him to the ground: "Get lost! The Zhou family has no descendants like you!"

"Zhongkang, I see that you are so angry with your father that you can't talk properly?" Liang Xiaohong hurriedly pulled her son up, "Mom knows that you are talking nonsense because you are in a hurry, please apologize to your father and say to your uncle and aunt Sorry, hurry up."

"Mom, let me go." Zhou Zhongkang pulled her hand away with a flat face, and looked at Zhou Gangping with neither joy nor sadness, "Because you are my father, so I will be honest with you when you slap and kick me." I'm sorry, but you also wiped out all the love between me and you. From now on, you will be you and I will be me..." He said and looked at Liang Xiaohong, "You are going to come with me now, so it's still My mother, if you are willing to stay here, what happens to you in the future has nothing to do with me."

Zhou Xikang stepped forward to block Zhou Zhongkang: "I want to ask you, why didn't you tell me yesterday? Why didn't you show your prestige in front of the third child?"

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