I started this article because of an idea that came to me after meeting many people of this era.

As for the specific year, Nuan weighed left and right at that time and chose 77 years. In this year, the college entrance examination was resumed. In this year, a new leader came to power and gradually gained a firm foothold. After that, it gradually merged with the era we are in now.

Why choose this year? I remember that before writing the article, Nuan received overwhelming criticism, saying that it is difficult to write in this era and it is easy to rush.

But Nuan, I wrote it anyway, even Nuan’s editor said Nuan, who has always been a niche, never changed.

But in real operation, I found that it is not so difficult. If you want to conform to reality, you will be depressed. You can have yy, but if you pass it, you will float.

Nuan has been groping, wanting to write a warm story that belongs to that era and makes us smile.

But that era was really not warm enough.

Nuan's father and some of the leaders around Nuan came from that era, and Nuan found that they had mixed feelings about that era, both nostalgic and fearful.

Like Dad Nuan, until now, as long as he heard the sound of the loudspeaker, he would unconsciously feel fear.

Some readers said that they don't understand how a family like the Zhou family can panic like that when things happen?

For the sake of harmony, I can't touch too much on politics. However, the era of this incident, everyone can understand at once that it is the era of the alternation of old and new leaders.

What the Zhou family encountered this time was a battle of lost factions, and it was by no means the Zhou family's efforts to save it.

No matter how powerful the family is, I believe everyone knows what the consequences will be when they meet the country. It is still the case now, let alone in that era.

Choosing 77 years, I just don’t want to be too stressful, and I need to stress some burdens for the protagonist, so, dear friends, be more patient, let Nuan have confidence, and keep writing this story.

To be honest, in the past few days, seeing the deserted scene, warm, I don't know what to do.

Please believe in Nuan, this will not be a depressing story, it will only be a warm story.

Tomorrow, it will be updated normally. Today, Nuan is really depressed for a day, always in a kind of inexplicable entanglement, panicking in my heart, alas, writer, it is really not easy, please support the genuine version Well, we're fighting with our lives, honestly.

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