Chu Xia glared at Old Man Wan with black eyes, "When Grandpa Wan was in Dalin Village, my family didn't even own half of the house. It's obviously making fun of him by saying this now. Grandpa is so unkind!"

"Hehe..." Old Man Wan squinted and smiled, pointing to the sofa, signaling Chu Xia to sit down, "I haven't seen you for a few months, and Xiao Chu Xia's lip service is getting better and better."

"Thank you grandpa for the compliment."

The smile on Mr. Wan's face grew stronger: "Do you think I'm complimenting you?"

Chu Xia said with an extremely serious expression: "Of course!"

"Hahaha..." Master Wan burst out laughing.

"Grandpa, don't wait for such a joker..." Chu Xia said, "I'm both internal and external, and I'm not superficial."

"Hahaha..." Mr. Wan's laughter became brighter, "Xiao Chuxia, grandpa is waiting for the day when you can achieve both internally and externally."

A woman in her early fifties came out of the kitchen with a plate of cut fruits, smiled respectfully at old man Wan, and put the fruit plate in front of Chu Xia: "Little comrade, please eat some fruit."

Chu Xia nodded to her politely: "Thank you!"

Mr. Wan looked at the woman: "Sister-in-law Yin, Xiao Chuxia is my god-granddaughter. She and her parents will be living here during this time. You can clean up the two rooms and come out later."

"Yes, Wanlao, I'll go right away."

When Mrs. Yin went upstairs, Chu Xia looked seriously at Mr. Wan: "Grandpa, I will be filial to you."

"Okay." Mr. Wan smiled and nodded, "There are comings and goings, it should be."

Chu Xia laughed: "Grandpa, you are different from before."

Mr. Wan raised his eyebrows: "Why is it different?"

Chu Xia thought for a while and said, "You were easy-going before. But you are not as easy-going as you are now."

In fact, for the relationship between the deity and the old man. She has always wondered that this deity can be said to be a spoiled little girl, but she only has great respect for Mr. Wan, and it is because of this that she can often go to Mr. Wan's place to read books.

"Silly boy, grandpa was charged with crimes before, so his mood is naturally different from now.

"Old Master Wan sighed softly, then changed into a smiling face, and pointed to the piano standing by the wall: "Little girl. Didn't you say that you have a great feeling for musical instruments? Grandpa taught you to play the piano. Would you like to learn? "

Obviously, the old man didn't want to reminisce about the past, so he changed the topic, Chu Xia responded happily, stepped forward and pressed the keys with a curious expression.

Listening to the crisp sound of the piano, her heartstrings moved inexplicably.

I don't like practicing piano because I take it as a task. Now touching the familiar keys again, the feeling in my heart is completely different.

After all, it is something that has grown up with it since childhood. It is impossible to say that there is no feeling at all. Just like this moment, her heart surged uncontrollably. There is even an urge to sit down and play a song heartily.

Of course, she knew it couldn't be done.

"Grandpa. I like this." Chu Xia looked at Mr. Wan with bright eyes. This might be the best way. With Mr. Wan as the teacher, it is possible for her to sit in front of the piano and play openly.

People, do you really know how to cherish when you lose it?

In the past, she hoped that she would never see the piano, never touch the piano, and even before that, she insisted on thinking so, but now she knows that she has been wrong all along!

When interests become tasks, people are suffering, when interests are only interests, people are happy!

So, now that she wants to become a doctor, will she, one day, be like the piano?

For a moment, her heart was a little confused.

She had been standing with her back to Mr. Wan, who didn't see her face, only thought that she was curious about new things, so she sat there with a smile and didn't move, allowing her to touch around carefully.

After a long time, her heart gradually settled down, and she got into a dead end again!

In the past, she lived under the care of her parents, without any pressure in life, and without experiencing any wind and rain, so her interest will become a task.

Now she is working hard to support her parents. Although she is not a pine and cypress on a cliff, she is still a small tree that has been hit by the wind and rain. Studying medicine is not an interest, but a goal. Therefore, she believes that , she will become more and more tough!

After thinking about this, the look on her face relaxed, she turned around and looked at Mr. Wan with a smile: "Grandpa, can I ask you something?"

"Speak." Mr. Wan nodded.

Chu Xia came to her and sat down: "Will the Zhou family's matter be serious this time? You brought me here and didn't let me accompany my parents to send grandma and grandpa away. Take me away by hand?"

Mr. Wan laughed helplessly, and for a moment, he said: "Silly girl, you are really lawless when you are the Xiao family? If you say you are taken away, will you be taken away?"

"Then..." Chu Xia scratched her head in embarrassment, she really thought so before, it seemed that it was a joke.

"Chu Xia..." Elder Wan's expression became serious, "It's possible that you won't be able to see Xiao Zhou for the time being. Grandpa doesn't want you to face that scene."

So fast? Chu Xia froze there all of a sudden.


At this time, the Zhou family's ancestral house was in a state of chaos.

Zhou Hanliang took everyone to visit the famous scenic spots, bought some local specialties, and then sent everyone back to the ancestral home. Earlier, Liu Ma had already prepared lunch in advance.

While eating lunch, Zhou Mikang, Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Zhao, and Lin Baohe, Zhao Yulan came over. After greeting all the elders, they looked at Zhou Hanliang: "Have you moved all your luggage into the car?"

"Moved up, Liu Ma and Xiaojing moved up ahead of schedule." Zhou Hanliang nodded.

"Xiao Zhou..." Grandpa Dagang pulled Zhou Mikang aside, "Tell me, is something wrong?" He is too sensitive to this kind of thing, if nothing happened to the Zhou family, he would never be like this They were in a hurry to send them away, and, a few days ago, Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou also said. He wanted to keep them for a while longer, but now he let them leave without even saying goodbye. It's so abnormal.

"Yes!" Zhou Mikang said simply without hiding anything from him. "Grandpa asked me to bring you a message. When the Zhou family stabilizes, he will visit you in person. This time, I'm sorry."

"What's there to be embarrassed about? I can't help you, so I'm sorry. Xiao Zhou, I won't ask any more questions. Just help me give your grandpa a message. No matter what time it is, I, Old Chen, will always be him. My friends, and, when the matter is settled, someone will send me a message, as long as I can do my best, I will never be idle."

Zhou Mikang smiled at him gratefully: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, it's fine, and it won't last long."

"That's good..." Grandpa Dagang hesitated for a moment. He asked, "Is it okay for Chu Xia to stay here? How about letting her go back with us?"

"It's safe for her to stay here," Zhou Mikang said.

Seeing that Grandpa Dagang was still frowning. Zhou Mikang continued: "Mr. Chen, the Zhou family really can't protect her now. It's just that Grandpa Jing and Grandpa Wan have recognized her as a goddaughter, and they are here. Those people dare not do anything to her."

Grandpa Dagang finally felt relieved: "Then let's go now, if we stay a little longer, you will be in more trouble."

Zhou Mikang nodded: "Well, I was also worried that those people would not be able to wait to do it, so I was in a hurry to send everyone back, and I would like to trouble Mr. Chen to explain to everyone."

"Okay, I'll take care of this." Mr. Chen turned around and walked towards the center of the hall. Seeing that Luo Gangshun and Zhao Yushan were looking at him worriedly, he waved his hands, "Let's go, it's not safe to drive at night. Get moving."

"Sister-in-law, uncle, I want to stay with you for a few more days." Zhao Qiyan heard that Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan were going to stay, so she pulled Zhao Yulan's sleeves and acted like a baby.

"Qiyan, hurry up!" Mrs. Zhao gave her a glare, "You are so old, don't be so ignorant!"

"He just came here, so there's no need to rush him away..." Zhao Qiyan looked at Zhou Mikang pitifully, "Brother-in-law, please let my mother and I stay for two more days, we are tired on the road and we haven't slowed down yet." Come here."

"That's right, my whole body hurts, and I'm afraid my body won't be able to bear it if I take the car all the way back." Lin Xiaohua said while pretending to support her waist and said "ouch".

"Then you don't leave yet." Mr. Zhao looked at the two of them, and said expressionlessly, "I'll take your luggage down for you later, leave it here."

"Grandpa, you're so kind!" Zhao Qiyan grabbed the old man's arm happily, and if she wasn't too short, she would definitely have "booed" on the old man's face.

"Yufeng, do you want to stay together?" Mr. Zhao looked at Zhao Yufeng.

Zhao Yufeng hurriedly said: "Father, don't cause trouble for Xiao Zhou, let them go back."

"What does it have to do with Xiao Zhou that they stay?" Mr. Zhao waved his hand impatiently, "Everyone who wants to leave will go, and those who don't want to leave can stay and find a place for themselves, and when they come to rest, they can buy tickets to go home by themselves."

"Grandpa..." Zhao Qiyan froze for a moment, dare she and her mother go home again? Thinking about what happened two days ago, and thinking about Chu Xia's life, her grievance burst out immediately, "Grandpa, I am your granddaughter, how could you treat me like this? My mother and I kindly came to give Chu Xia Long face, but how did she treat us?

He put us down last night and left. He didn't even ask us when he came today. He agreed to take it out to play today, but in the end, he changed it to send the big guy back.

This is simply to treat the Zhao family and the Lin family as human beings. After she married someone and flew on a branch to become a phoenix, she no longer has anyone in her eyes, and you all support her.

Does that mean that in the future, everyone has to support her? When there is trouble, the Zhao family and the Lin family have to help, and when there is a blessing, let her enjoy it by herself, grandpa, I am your granddaughter, why don't you treat me like this..."

"Zhao Yufeng, take care of your daughter." Mr. Zhao threw off Zhao Qiyan, scolded his second son, then turned and walked out, and Mrs. Zhao quickly followed.

Seeing this, the others also walked out.

To be honest, everyone was not very comfortable with what the Zhou family did.

However, the reason for the other people's discomfort was different from Zhao Qiyan's. They felt that the Zhou family did not pay enough attention to this marriage by doing so. What they felt distressed about was Chu Xia, who was worried that she would be angry with the Zhou family in the future.

Just now, Li Aiyuan, Zhao Yuying, Zhao Yucui, Lin Baojuan, and Fat Aunt all worriedly asked Zhao Yulan this question, but Zhao Yulan couldn't tell the truth. Just tell them that the Zhou family is too busy during this time. She and Lin Baohe wanted to stay and help with the work, and they would go back in a few days. As for sending everyone back in a hurry, there was really no other way, for fear of not taking good care of them.

No matter how you hear this, it doesn't sound right, they don't need the Zhou family to take care of them when they live here, they just need to leave one or two people to show everyone around.

Of course, they didn't want to hang around here, but they just felt that they were not taken seriously as their mother's family. My heart will be more or less uncomfortable.

Especially Lin Baojuan and his wife, Zhou Mikang had promised to arrange for Luan Dajiang to serve as a soldier, it was one thing that they didn't want to bother him, but now he didn't even ask, and sent them back, it was too much right?

Luan Xiaoxiang and Zhang Xiaoqing's faces were also ugly. If they didn't want to make Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao angry, they would have asked about it. It was a good thing they talked about yesterday. How can you act like nothing happened?

And Chu Xia, at least she should show up, right?

Of course Zhou Mikang could see everyone's emotions, but he didn't have time to explain to everyone right now, and. For the time being, it cannot be explained truthfully.

As for the future, it depends on the situation. If I had known this earlier. How could he choose this time to get married? The level of the Zhou family is still lower, otherwise. Surely there will be some buzz...




Three off-road vehicles stopped at the door, blocking a group of people at the door.

Zhou Mikang secretly sighed. Still... a step late...

"As expected, you are here." With a smug smile on his face, an elegant man waved his hands at the people behind him, and five or six strong men surrounded Zhou Mikang.

Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao had been mentally prepared for a long time. When they saw this situation, they were just shocked, and their expressions returned to normal. Luo Gangshun and Zhao Yushan are a bit politically sensitive. His behavior was very strange. At this moment, he understood the general idea, but thinking of the cruelty of this kind of thing, the faces of both of them turned pale.

As for the others, they were completely petrified.

They didn't know what happened to the Zhou family, but this kind of battle was so familiar! However, in my heart, I no longer complain about the Zhou family's rush to send everyone away.

It turned out that it wasn't that I didn't pay attention, but that I had to!

"Captain Zhou, I've offended you." One of the burly men flashed the handcuffs in his hand, and looked at Zhou Mikang with gloating eyes.

How can this kind of person be willing to let him go so as not to make him look ugly? Zhou Mikang is too lazy to theory, of course, the most important thing is, is theory useful? The more you reason with them, the more proud they will be, right? He glanced at the elegant man lightly, then looked back at Mr. Zhao and the others: "I can't send everyone back. In the future, I will go home with Chu Xia." After speaking, he walked forward.

Several muscular men looked at the elegant man, who waved his hand, turned around, and got into the car.

At this time, Xiao Yuwen, who got off the last car, came over with four men, and when they were face to face with Zhou Mikang, he threw his fist at Zhou Mikang.

Zhou Mikang staggered, tripped him to the ground, snorted mockingly, and got into the elegant man's car.

"Prince Mei, you said that you want to vent my anger on me!" Xiao Yuwen said, clutching his buttocks and rushing towards the elegant man in the car.

"You beat me up, I can wait until you are out of breath before leaving." The elegant man got out of the car and looked at the few people leisurely, "You each use your own ability, I will not interfere." The man waved his hand, "Don't meddle, come down." Then he added, "Something in my car is broken, Xiao Yuwen, you pay for it."

"Go!" Xiao Yuwen waved to the people behind him, but no one dared to go up.

"They're all deaf?" Xiao Yuwen roared angrily.

"Yes!" A few people had no choice but to move to the front of the car step by step. As a result, Zhou Mikang kicked them off before they could step up. The jerky Lao Gao, grandma is such a bear, this is simply obedient and obedient, it seems that they have never seen how powerful he is!

In fact, he really wronged these people. They were all under Zhou Mikang's subordinates. Of course, they were expelled subordinates. He hated Zhou Mikang to death, but he was even more afraid to death!

Now that the Zhou family was unlucky, they were happy from the bottom of their hearts, but when they really faced Zhou Mikang, the instinctive fear came up, thinking about the misery of being dealt with by Zhou Mikang in the past. Who would have the guts to really face off?

They are too clear, even if the four of them besieged together. It is definitely not Zhou Mikang's opponent, rather than when the time comes. The beaten grandma can't even recognize it, so it's better to take it lightly now.

Well, when they were frightened by Zhou Mikang, they forgot Xiao Yuwen's insidiousness.

"Let's go." The man called Mr. Mei waved to his subordinates, and the two cars drove away in a hurry.

Xiao Yuwen snorted coldly and kicked each of them: "Shut the door!"

All of a sudden, in the blink of an eye. Seals were pasted on the doors of the Zhou family's ancestral house.

Liu Ma and Xiaojing had received Zhou Mikang's advice earlier, and did not resist. Each of them carried a bundle, and stood outside the door, staring at the sealed door with sad faces.

Zhou Hanliang didn't call everyone to get in the car, but hid quietly, at this time. He couldn't let Xiao Yuwen see him, otherwise, it would be impossible to send the young and old back home smoothly.

After the seal is pasted. Xiao Yuwen looked at the people standing at the door stupidly, and grinned: "The Zhou family is a counter|revolutionary|revolutionary..." He made a gesture of pushing down with both hands, "Fall down!"

The expressions on everyone's faces became more complicated.

Originally thought that Chu Xia married a good family. I didn't expect such a result, I knew it earlier. Might as well marry an ordinary person! This is the thinking of Zhao Yuying, Lin Baojuan, Li Aiyuan and others.

Just to put it bluntly, how could Lin Chuxia have such good luck. So that's what happened, hum, luckily I (my daughter) didn't marry such a family! This is the idea of ​​Lin Xiaohua and Zhao Qiyan's mother and daughter.

It's better to marry into Qiang's family with peace of mind. Fortunately, this is Wang Meifeng's idea.

As for Mr. Zhao, Mrs. Zhao and Chen Fenggang, they were worried. They didn't think things were so bad, nor did they think things so optimistically, but they also knew that they couldn't help at the moment. Staying away and going back safely is the best help.

As for Luo Xiaoqiong, she was completely stunned by this incident.

When Chu Xia left, she told her to take good care of everyone. She didn't ask any more questions, but she never expected that this would be the result. What she's thinking about now is to see Chu Xia sooner, to see if she can help her.

After observing everyone for a while, the smile on Xiao Yuwen's face became even more proud, and he waved to everyone: "I am still very kind, according to the instructions of the leader, none of you can leave, but I think you are all Lin Chuxia's. The relatives are all ordinary farmers, there is no need for you to be punished with the Zhou family.

This is too wronged for you. Originally, you didn't know the Zhou family, and you probably didn't have any glory in the Zhou family. How can they let you get involved when they are in trouble now, right? "

"Yes yes yes..." Zhao Qiyan nodded her head again and again, she now felt that Xiao Yuwen was too kind and thought too much of them, that's right, they didn't have any luck, how could they just follow suit?

As for her mother, Lin Xiaohua, her intestines are green with regret at this time. If she had known the result earlier, why would they come here so desperately? The money is gone, the crime has been suffered, and nothing has been gained, and the most terrifying thing is that he was almost caught...

"You are..." Xiao Yuwen looked at Zhao Qiyan, "Who are you from Lin Chuxia?"

"I'm her cousin." Zhao Qiyan said flattered.

"Are you interested in staying and working in City A?"

Zhao Qiyan's brows and eyes lit up with joy: "Is it okay?"

"Of course!" Xiao Yuwen nodded, "Your cousin and I are friends, I appreciate her very much, but I don't deserve her..." He said and looked at everyone, "You are all relatives of Lin Chuxia, if anyone is willing to stay with you I work here, and I can help."

Everyone was silent.

They could tell that this man was not a good person, but it would be absolutely unwise to confront him head-on at this time, and of course they also knew that this man did this to deal with the Zhou family.

Anyway, Chu Xia has already married into the Zhou family, so they can't do anything wrong to the Zhou family, including Luan Xiaoxiang, Zhang Xiaoqing and Luan Dajiang, all think so.

The only ones who responded were Zhao Qiyan and Lin Xiaohua.

Lin Xiaohua even pulled her husband over and asked Xiao Yuwen if they were older, could they stay?

Old Mr. Zhao was so angry that his liver hurt, but he didn't say anything to her.

For one thing, they have seen too much about this kind of thing, and it is unreasonable to reason with this kind of person. If they really make trouble and are arrested, it will be the Zhou family who will be implicated.

Therefore, to be honest, swallow their anger, and return to their hometown safely is their best love for early summer.

Zhao Yufeng was suddenly pulled out by his wife, blushing with anger, he struggled to break free, and took a step back: "I want to go back to farm!"

"Hehe..." Xiao Yuwen laughed, "I don't force others to do anything difficult. If you want to stay, I will arrange for it. If you want to go back, you can go back." He said and looked at the few people who came back after pasting the seals and checking them around. "Have you found Zhou Hanliang?"

"No." One of them shook his head.

"Okay, he can just hide..." Xiao Yuwen pointed to the big bread parked by the door, "Xiao Wu, drive this car away."

"Yes!" A small man got into the van.

Xiao Yuwen looked at Zhao Qiyan and Lin Xiaohua: "Follow him into the car, first find a guest house to live in, and let them find you a house, work, and arrange it according to your needs."

"Okay, okay..." Lin Xiaohua took her daughter and got into the car. Then, she stuck her head out of the window, "Our luggage is not on it."

"Luggage?" Xiao Yuwen frowned and looked at the hands of a group of people standing in front of the door. Sure enough, none of them took any luggage, so he snorted coldly, "Where's your luggage?"

"What luggage are we bringing?" Grandpa Dagang said first, "The Zhou's family has taken care of food, lodging and transportation, so we came empty-handed. We wanted to buy some gifts for us, but we didn't."

"That's right, how can we go back without knowing that such a thing will happen." Mr. Zhao answered quickly.

"They..." After being pinched by Lin Xiaohua, Zhao Qiyan stopped talking.

"What happened to them?" Xiao Yuwen looked at her.

"They lie, they have luggage!"

Lin Xiaohua's face suddenly turned ugly, this silly girl, is she really not going back to the village in the future? If you offend everyone, they really can't go back!

ps: Thank you everyone, thank you very much, Nuan has seen the rewards and support messages, this month’s full attendance, because of Nuan’s arrogant yesterday, it’s gone again, hey, I just hope that everyone’s genuine subscription support, let Warm power is sufficient, without full attendance, you can still do more.

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