"What's wrong?" Mr. Jing stared at Xiao Yuwen expressionlessly, "They are all relatives of your Yue family. If you don't help, why don't you see others helping?"

"Grandpa Jing, I'm following orders. If it wasn't for the sake of the Zhou family, how could they get the luggage now? When did Zhou Mikang help me? But now, I'm taking the initiative to help his father-in-law's family with their work." Problem..." Xiao Yuwen sighed with an aggrieved face, "I've already done this, and Grandpa Jing said I wouldn't help, hey!"

As expected of the Xiao family, the red mouth and white teeth take credit for being shameless, thanks to him for being able to do it! Mr. Jing was too lazy to reason with him, so he nodded: "Since you care about the Zhou family so much, you should take your people back. I will take care of everything here."

"Grandpa Jing, this is really inappropriate." Xiao Yuwen smiled shyly, "You always make it difficult for me, but to be honest, you always tell me the truth, you are helping me now, after all, it is for the sake of the Zhou family. Or the Lin family?"

Jing Zhe glared at him: "Xiao Yuwen, shut up that dung-spitting mouth of yours!"

"What did I say?" Xiao Yuwen spread his hands with a meaningful smile, "Jing Zhe, what did I say? Originally, I really didn't think much about it. Now that you jumped out like this, I really have to think about it." up.

However, I really don't understand your behavior. The Jing family can be regarded as a prestigious family, and you Jing Zhe is a promising young man that many good girls stare at. Why did you take a fancy to the woman Zhou Mikang used? "

"Xiao Yuwen!" Jing Zhe yelled angrily, and rushed towards Xiao Yuwen. Xiao Yuwen was not afraid of Jing Zhe, who was a doctor. Not only did he not retreat, but he also raised his fist to meet him.

Seeing the two quickly scuffle together. Mr. Jing caressed his forehead speechlessly: "I still can't hold my breath, hey. If you don't have a hair on your mouth, you can't do things well." He said and looked at Mr. Wan, "Brother Wan, Chu Xia is also your god-granddaughter, so why don't you Are you going to keep watching jokes like this?"

"He can't beat Xiao Zhe." Old Master Wan glanced at the two wrestling together, "It's not too late, let Xiao Zhe speak first."

It turns out that Mr. Wan, who has always been serious, is also a person who is afraid of chaos in the world just like himself! In an instant, Mr. Jing felt that he had met a bosom friend. The serious old man who pretended for a long time. But he was exhausted~!

He lightly punched Mr. Wan's chest with his fist, and Mr. Jing smiled like a fox: "Brother, let's play together from now on."

Mr. Wan has black hair. Does this Mr. Jing treat himself as a child and play with him? However, it's not bad to have such a relaxed old man as a companion. Thinking of this, he nodded: "Okay."

Unlike their ease,

Everyone is so nervous right now.

The four people brought by Xiao Yuwen wanted to go up to help. But with Mr. Jing standing here, how dare they charge up? After all, they didn't have much dealings with Xiao Yuwen before, and they weren't Xiao Yuwen's diehard loyalists. At times like this, the first thing you think about is your own safety.

Chu Xia has been staring at the two wrestling together, especially thinking of finding a chance to make up for Xiao Yuwen. Meow meow, dare to insult her. snort! She will settle this account with him forever with interest!

As for the members of the Lin family and others. I was panicked at first, and now I am even more panicked.

Even if they were from a small place, they could already tell that Xiao Yuwen belonged to the popular faction, otherwise, they wouldn't have dared to come and seal the Zhou family's door.

As for who always accompanied Chu Xia, they didn't know, but they knew from Xiao Yuwen's attitude that they might not be much higher than the Zhou family.

Well, now it's fighting again.

What if the family is arrested again?

Well, capturing them in is not what they care about the most. What they care about is, after they are captured, what will Chu Xia do?

Zhao Qiyan and Lin Xiaohua stood there even more dumbfounded.

The big tree they just climbed looks like it will be beaten to death, should they help or not?

help? What if I hurt myself?

not help? Can you still find work for them?

The two women stood there blushing and turning white, which was called a tangle.

"Okay!" Seeing that Xiao Yuwen's face was full of color, and the mouth that had been swearing all the time stopped uttering a word, Mr. Jing quickly stopped shouting. The Xiao family was popular, and he did too much, so that the old dog of the Xiao family bit him , it's too annoying.

"Forgive you this time, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will also knock out your remaining teeth." Jing Zhe took a step back, pointing at Xiao Yuwen bitterly.

Hearing what he said, Chu Xia, who originally wanted to go up and make a few punches, poked his head and looked at Xiao Yuwen's face curiously, which happened to meet Xiao Yuwen's gaze, "What are you looking at? Damn girl, wait, I will definitely let you The Zhou family is ashamed of you!"

"Looks like you can't keep those teeth anymore. If you dare to bully my sister, you really don't want to live." Jing Zhe went up again with his fists, and Xiao Yuwen ran away in fright, yelling, " Jing Zhe, wait, I won't show you the courage of a man, just wait, if I don't punish you, my surname will not be Xiao!"

When Xiao Yuwen's four subordinates saw it, they quickly ran after him.

Zhao Qiyan and Lin Xiaohua looked at each other, and also chased after them.

Mr. Ye happened to see this scene when he came out of the yard.

He was stunned for a moment, then looked at Mr. Jing: "It's only been a while, what's the matter?"

"Lao Ye, don't you also want to take this opportunity to step on it?" Old Man Jing glanced at him with displeasure on his face, "We can't be so unkind..."

Mr. Ye stared and interrupted him: "What are you talking about? Is my old Ye so narrow-minded? Didn't I want to help that kid from the Xiao family not to sell my face, so I made a phone call and asked my boss to transfer a car When the car comes back, it will probably be back in about ten minutes." He said and looked at the relatives of the Lin family, "Everyone wait a little longer, and we will definitely send you back today."

"Brother Ye, you're like this..." Mr. Zhao's grateful lips trembled, "Let's say something, alas, I knew we wouldn't come here to make trouble, we wouldn't be able to help, it would just add to the chaos."

"As well as Big Brother Jing and this big brother, thank you very much." The old lady Zhao stepped forward and took Jing Zhe's hand, "Xiao Zhe, you are so protective of Chu Xia, the people of the Zhao family are grateful to you, But, will it affect your family?"

Mr. Wan quickly answered, "Don't worry, old sister, they won't be implicated. I can assure you of this matter."

Mrs. Zhao hurriedly thanked: "Thank you so much..."

"Who are these?" Luo Xiaoqiong whispered into Chu Xia's ear, what happened in a short while had already made her brain a mess.

"I'll talk to you later, but they are all my godfathers now, hey..." With a slight sigh, Chu Xia said, "Zhou Mikang arranged for me before the accident."

After hesitating for a while, Luo Xiaoqiong still said: "It is said that I should be moved by the fact that the leader protects you so much, but I can't be moved. Is he being too unkind? He knew something was going to happen to the Zhou family, so why? Still have to marry you?"

"He doesn't know either." Chu Xia sighed helplessly, "If he knew, how could he be so caught off guard?"

"A family like the Zhou family can't get any wind in advance?" Luo Xiaoqiong's eyes widened instantly, "How big of a deal is that? No... the sky is going to change, right?"

Chu Xia, who knew the direction of the future generations, of course had no fear of this, so he patted her with a smile: "Don't worry, it's fine."

Luo Xiaoqiong only thought that she had the inside information, and the fear on her face disappeared instantly, but her expression was still apprehensive. That's right, how could a child who grew up in this age be so optimistic about this kind of thing as Chu Xia?

While the two of them were whispering, the old men had already arranged for all the relatives of the Lin family to get into the car. It was the old man Wan who made the decision to use this car. If something happened, he would!

Before getting into the car, Mrs. Zhao pulled Chu Xia aside, gave some instructions in a low voice, and then got into the car with Grandpa Zhao full of worries.

The car drove a long way, and everyone in the car was still depressed.

They acted very calm, in fact, they were too scared to speak. Including Luo Gangshun and Zhao Yushan, not to mention the others.

Glancing at the crowd, Mr. Zhao sighed: "Everyone, don't put on a sad face. The Zhou family is in a temporary catastrophe, and it will pass. No one can say anything about it when we go back. Pretend, and pretend to be a joke for me." Come smile."

"Dad, at this time, if Baohe and Yulan stay here, will something happen?" Zhao Yushan asked anxiously.

"It'll be fine. They have Mr. Wan taking care of them. Those people are all capable people. If they don't have the diamond, they won't take the porcelain job. Don't worry, they will be fine."

"That's good, that's good..." Although he said so, it was clear from his expression that his heart was not really let go.

Zhou Hanliang took a glance from the rear view, and said: "Grandpa Zhao said that there is nothing to worry about. With the care of Grandpa Jing and Grandpa Wan, nothing will happen. I can't go into details, anyway. , I never lie, believe me, this matter will pass quickly."

"Well, we believe."

"Yes, of course we do."

"Yeah, I believe it means I believe it, but I still worry about it anyway. Director Zhou doesn't mind."


Listening to everyone's gossip, Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao looked at Qian, feeling a little helpless.

How can they really feel relieved?

But, what if you don't worry?

To be honest, although they are from a small place, they have lived to this age and have seen a lot of things. How can it be so easy to solve the Zhou family's stall this time?

However, if they had any worries at first, now that those two old men recognized Chu Xia as their granddaughter, they were really relieved.

How can old men of that age make fun of such things?

The only thing that makes them feel uneasy now is Zhao Qiyan's mother and daughter. Although they said it harshly at the time, they are a family after all. If something really happens to these two women. How can they not be sad?

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