It's been late for the past two days, and it will be early tomorrow.

Zhao Qiyan and Lin Xiaohua's mother and daughter were standing at the door of the guest house at this time. They caught up with Xiao Yuwen and climbed into the car. They didn't dare to make a sound along the way. The mother and daughter could see that Xiao Yuwen, whose face was beaten blue and whose mouth was swollen like a pig's mouth, I'm in a bad mood.

If they hadn't offended the Zhao family and the Lin family by what they said earlier, they wouldn't be rushing to get into trouble now. At this point, how could they retreat?

Being thrown in this unfamiliar place, both Zhao Qiyan and Lin Xiaohua panicked. When they received their mother's gaze, Zhao Qiyan held the car door tightly before the car started, and looked at Xiao Yuwen pitifully: "Brother, what should we do?" What kind of job? How can I find you? Brother, you can’t leave us alone..."

Xiao Yuwen turned her head and glanced coldly, Zhao Qiyan flinched unconsciously, for the first time, she regretted a little about her choice.

Xiao Yuwen wouldn't have bothered to talk to them if he hadn't planned to use the mother and daughter. Seeing that Zhao Qiyan was about to collapse, he turned around and nodded his chin at the little man sitting beside him.

"Director, don't worry, I promise to complete the task." After solemnly assuring Xiao Yuwen, the little man opened the door and got out of the car, and the car drove away in a hurry.

The car drove away suddenly, and Zhao Qiyan, who was defenseless at all, fell to the ground. She got up in a panic, and looked at the little man with tears in her eyes: "Brother, I'm sorry."

"Should be." The man smiled at her, "My name is Liu Zhenqiang. I'm Director Xiao's soldier, you two. Come with me." He said, leading the way to the guest house.

"Comrade Liu. Thank you." Lin Xiaohua hurriedly said.

"Auntie, don't be too polite with me." While speaking, Liu Zhenqiang had already brought his mother and daughter into the guest house. A woman in her forties was sitting behind the table, lazily eating melon seeds. When she saw Liu Zhenqiang, she hurriedly Standing up with a smile, "Zhenqiang. Why are you here?"

Liu Zhenqiang pointed to the mother and daughter behind him and introduced: "Director Xiao asked me to bring these two comrades. Aunt Li, please help me arrange them."

The woman called Aunt Li looked at the mother and daughter with a smile on her face: "Welcome, welcome, we happen to be short of people here, and the two comrades are here, but they are of great help."

Hearing what the other party said, the mother and daughter's originally disturbed expressions suddenly relaxed. This is a good job that they didn't expect. In their place, only the relatives of the cadre's family can go to work in the guest house!

Hmph, now. Let's see who dares to underestimate them!

"Aunt Li,

My name is Lin Xiaohua. "

" name is Zhao Qiyan."

The two were eager to introduce themselves, and Aunt Li smiled awkwardly: "You two. Call me Li Juanjuan..." She fixed her eyes on Lin Xiaohua, "I'm not as old as you."

Lin Xiaohua quickly waved her hand: "It's okay, it's okay. I don't care."

"This..." Li Juanjuan looked at Liu Zhenqiang, although the mother and daughter were not very good looking. But she didn't dare to make a mistake until she figured it out.

Liu Zhenqiang said: "Comrade Lin, Comrade Zhao, if you want to work here, you should call Aunt Li, Deputy Director Li. She is the deputy director of this guest house."

"Okay, then let's call Aunt Li in private." Lin Xiaohua said with a big grin, "We came later, so we should respect you, or Director Xiao would say that we don't understand the rules."

After arranging the mother and daughter to the dormitory, Li Juanjuan pulled Liu Zhenqiang aside, and said in a low voice, "What's the origin of these two?"

"No background." Liu Zhenqiang glanced around, his voice lowered, "It's a pawn in Director Xiao's hand, you can adjust it as you like."

"What do you mean?" Li Juanjuan looked confused, not quite understanding what Liu Zhenqiang meant.

"Leave the job of cleaning the toilet to Lin Xiaohua, and the job of washing the sheets and sheets to Zhao Qiyan. They can't be lazy, understand?"

"Understood!" Li Juanjuan really understood at this moment, isn't she just messing around to death, although she doesn't know what kind of chess pieces these two are, but she likes such chess pieces here!

At this time, the mother and daughter were still intoxicated in the dormitory.

In a room of more than ten square meters, there are three bunk beds, and the empty one is distributed to the mother and daughter. Although the conditions are not very good, they are satisfied with the mother and daughter.

In their hometown, although the house they lived in was larger than this one, it was dark and dirty, and it really couldn't compare with this place.

After putting the things away, Lin Xiaohua told her daughter: "Qiyan, mother understands that Director Xiao is not something we can climb up to. Mother thinks there is something wrong with the way Liu Zhenqiang looks at you. He must have taken a fancy to you." , and you, don't be too proactive, but don't make him feel too high."

"Mother..." Zhao Qiyan was a little unhappy, "He is too short, how embarrassing it is when he becomes a relative and brings him home?"

"What's the shame, he's an urbanite."

"Mom, I want to find someone taller."

"Chu Xia's son-in-law is tall, what's the use?" Lin Xiaohua sighed, and said earnestly, "Qiyan, mother, to be honest, our conditions are here, so we can't be too arrogant.

Let's talk about Chu Xia, she is obviously a country girl, but she wants to climb high branches, what happened? Did you fall off? We can't make this mistake again. "

Zhao Qiyan blinked her eyes: "Mother, you said that Chu Xia's son-in-law will go to jail for the rest of his life?"

"Is it because I will be in prison all my life? I dare not say. Anyway, Chu Xia's life is ruined. If you follow that man, you will have to suffer for the rest of your life. If you don't follow him, who do you think would want to marry a second marriage?"

"Mother..." Zhao Qiyan was still a little unwilling, "Let me try it first, and if Director Xiao has nothing to do, then think about other things, okay?

Besides, we don't necessarily have to look for Liu Zhenqiang. We have a job in the city and want to find a good man, so why worry? "

"Qiyan..." Lin Xiaohua hesitated, then sighed softly, "It's one thing for a man to like you and beg to marry you, but another thing for you to beg him to marry you if he likes you, mother Can it hurt you?"

Zhao Qiyan said: "Mom, I'm not tall, but I look good. If I work here, I'm sure I can find a better man."

Knowing that she would not persuade her daughter for a while, Lin Xiaohua stopped entangled in this topic: "Mother will not force you, but you are not young anymore, so you can't always procrastinate."

"Mom, I know, I will find a good husband's family early, and return to my hometown with my mother's style."

"Well, mother is waiting." Lin Xiaohua narrowed her eyes with a smile, "At that time, your grandpa's house and your grandma's house will all come to curry favor with us, hum, when the time comes, we will only give the benefits to your grandma's house. Your grandfather's house."

Zhao Qiyan nodded solemnly: "Success. I will make my father regret it then."

"Have you cleaned up yet?" Accompanied by the voice of inquiry, Li Juanjuan pushed open the door of the dormitory, looked at the mother and daughter, and said expressionlessly, "After cleaning up, go to work quickly, we don't support idlers here."

The huge difference in attitude made the mother and daughter stand there in a daze, and then Lin Xiaohua stood up: "Director Li, Director Xiao arranged us here..."

Li Juanjuan frowned when Lin Xiaohua brought out Xiao Yuwen to suppress others: "Director Xiao arranged for you to come here for work, not for pleasure."

"Where is Comrade Liu Weiqiang?"

"He has something to do and left."

The mother and daughter were immediately dumbfounded, their behavior was limited to the nest, and they really didn't dare to go to this unfamiliar place and have no one to rely on.

Although they felt that Xiao Yuwen was a backer, they were not stupid. This woman had a good attitude before, but now she suddenly changed her attitude. It must be what Liu Weiqiang said.

The problem is, even if they want to complain to Xiao Yuwen, they can't find it. They don't even know where Xiao Yuwen works or lives. They don't even know anything except his name!

At this moment, the two women realized that they were afraid. Before, they only thought that the one who could deal with the Zhou family was a strong man, but they were really thrown here. They suddenly felt that even if they sold them, they seemed to have to bear it. .

After being assigned the work, the mother and wife realized that they really thought everything was too good.

When I was in my hometown, Zhao Yufeng cleaned the toilets at home, why did Lin Xiaohua ever do this kind of work? As soon as she took a shovel and pounded it down, she vomited faintly.

Zhao Qiyan did wash clothes when she was in her hometown, but that was limited to her family of three. Now looking at the piles of sheets, sheets, pillowcases, and the laundry instructions thrown to her by the team leader who assigned the work, she felt her liver tremble. ...

However, although the life of the mother and daughter is not very good, compared to the worries of Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao, it is still good.


The first thing Xiao Yuwen did after returning home was to go to the dentist because his front teeth were all gone.

Jing Zhe is a doctor, and he is very clear about how to use force to knock out teeth. It is not good for him to provoke anyone, and if he provokes him, he deserves to become a toothless man.

Dental implants are not something that can be solved in a day or two. Xiao Yuwen originally thought about going home and hiding away from people, but after he really went home and stayed there, Zhou Mikang's face kept coming to mind.

It was all Zhou Mikang's fault that he ended up like this!

Then, he has no teeth, and Zhou Mikang cannot be allowed to have teeth!

Thinking of this, he simply put on a mask and went to the place where Zhou Mikang was being held.

Zhou Jingping and Zhou Mikang are the ones whose freedom is restricted in the Zhou family. However, they are detained in different places.

As for Uncle Zhou, Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou, they obeyed Mr. Zhou's advice and went to work with peace of mind and didn't care about anything.

The Zhou family's ancestral house was confiscated, but the old house was not passive. Therefore, the Zhou family is still living in the old house.

After Chuxia came back with Mr. Jing and Mr. Wan, she went back to the Zhou family first. Anyway, she is now the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family. In order to avoid Xiao Yuwen's persecution, she hastily recognized the two old men as godfathers, but It doesn't mean that she can really hide from this house and don't care about anything.

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