Zhou Mikang was locked alone in a room of about 20 square meters. A table and three chairs were all the furnishings in the room.

Here, there are no human rights. Drinking water and eating are all fixed and rationed. It's okay to say, how can this water be regulated and rationed?

Fortunately, after special training, the temporary lack of water will not be too embarrassing. Zhou Mikang sat there quietly, closing his eyes and resting his mind. After entering, he was bombed repeatedly for sixteen hours.

He couldn't bear it yet, and the people on shift couldn't bear it first. He probably had a date with Zhou at the moment. There was no bed here, so he could only rest in this way to recharge his batteries.

Standing outside the door were two men in their twenties, one fat and the other thin.

"I don't know when it's our turn to move. My hands itch when I see him." The thin man's eyes couldn't hide the eagerness to try.

The fat man pulled the thin man who was eager to try and sat down, "Stay well and don't cause trouble."

"It's just him..." The thin man murmured into the room with a look of disdain on his face, "It's come to this point, what else is there to cause trouble, I think it's our great achievement that he is dead."

"Ah!" The fat man sighed, and ignored him.

The thin man stabbed the fat man: "What, you still complain about him?"

"I'm not complaining about him, I'm looking forward to it, this matter will be settled soon, Jun'er, you have seen a lot of things in the past few years, you should understand what I mean."

The thin man fell silent all of a sudden. Indeed, since he was arranged here, he has been immersed in the joy of being trusted, and he really hasn't thought about this issue carefully.

In case Zhou's family turns the situation around, they will be considered soldiers. It will also suffer with the Xiao family. However, they have already stood in line. It seems that I have no regrets...

"There are old and young people, you should think more about your family." The fat man said again.

"How about. Give him some water?" The thin man wanted to make amends for his behavior.

"Or don't, if we bump into each other, we can't tell the truth, we just do things according to our duties, no matter what happens, there is still a way out."

"You're still out of your mind..."

The whispers of the two outside fell into Zhou Mikang's ears, and a mocking smile appeared on his expressionless face.

These fools don't want to either. Why did the Zhou family admit it without taking any action? Do they really think they have no power to fight back?

After that, a trace of sadness welled up in my heart. To put it bluntly, the Zhou family is just a pawn! He clenched his hands tightly...

The voices outside stopped abruptly.

After a while, footsteps came.

"You can leave now, we will take over here."

A slightly honest baritone came in.

Zhou Mikang's expression was slightly stagnant, could it be... the winner?

It doesn't matter whether it's the interrogators who were sent before, or the people who stayed at the door. They can only be regarded as fringe members of the Xiao family. This arrangement shows that the family the Xiao family is attached to has not yet won an absolute victory. Otherwise, the Xiao family would not punish him to death.

No matter how good Ren his skills are, the Xiao family wants his life at this time. It's not difficult, he was completely disabled. Not to mention that... With Xiao Yuwen's heart as big as a sesame seed, he finally got the chance. Who is willing not to use it to the extreme?

If things do go wrong...

In an instant, a trace of pain flashed across his eyes. If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have married her. Regardless of whether they were a real couple or not, in the eyes of outsiders, they were real couples.

The point is, Mr. Wan and Mr. Jing can protect her for a while, but they can't protect her forever. Xiao Yuwen's character of vengeance, even if he waits for ten years, he will not forget the humiliation of that day.

It would be fine if she married a man who could protect her, otherwise...

Zhou Mikang didn't dare to think about it, he was full of annoyance in his heart. At the same time, he had an indescribable feeling for the old man who was on the same front as his family. step?

The Zhou family has been in the army for several generations, and they are not good at playing tricks. In the past, Zhou Mikang felt that this was the pride of the Zhou family. Now, he really thinks that this is the weakness of the Zhou family.

While thinking wildly, the quarrel outside the door calmed down. The door was gently pushed open. Zhou Mikang concealed all his emotions and looked over indifferently. A strong man in his thirties came in, with a crew cut and sword eyebrows. , tiger eyes, straight nose, seeing Zhou Mikang looking at him, he smiled gently: "Hello, my name is Wang Quan."

Zhou Mikang nodded at him without saying a word.

After the man came in, he looked around, frowned slightly, turned and went out, and when he came back, he held a thermos pot in his hand, poured a glass of water for Zhou Mikang, and sighed softly: "Colonel Zhou, you have been wronged. "

"Thank you." Zhou Mikang thanked him, picked up the tea mug, took a sip, and then put the tea mug back.

"Colonel Zhou, drink more..." After a pause, Wang Quan said, "We are party elders."

Zhou Mikang's expression brightened. From the bottom of his heart, he admired Mr. Dang, even more than Mr. Huang who was tied to the same chariot as his family.

It's just that it's a big taboo to change hands, even if he admires him in his heart, he can't show it.

"Wan Lao begged him." Wang Quan said again.

Grateful eyes welled up in Zhou Mikang's eyes: "I remember."

"Your father's side has also been replaced by our people, don't worry."

This time, Zhou Mikang's expression was really relaxed, and at the same time, he also understood that after this battle, or, some things will change, but he is looking forward to this change.

"Open the door, let me in." Xiao Yuwen's voice came from outside the door.

"Sorry, you can't go in."

"Why can't I go in? Do you know who I am?"

"I know, you are Director Xiao."

"Then let me in quickly, I'm blinding your dog's eyes!"



Wang Quan frowned and stood up: "I'll go out and have a look."

"If he must come in, you can let him in." Zhou Mikang moved his wrist while talking, "I'm fine."

The corner of Wang Quan's mouth twitched, he turned and walked out.

Outside the door, Xiao Yuwen was quarreling with another colleague of Wang Quan's, Fang Shengguo, "...What are you doing? What the hell, you dare to even me. I think you really don't want to do it..."

"Shengguo, let him go."

Fang Shengguo let go of his hand all of a sudden, and Xiao Yuwen staggered back several steps before he stood still without any precautions.

"What's your name? Say it quickly!" Xiao Yuwen's face turned blue with anger. If it wasn't for his current image, which is inconvenient to see people, he would definitely bring a few people over. If you don't think about it, one less person will see more To save face, I never thought that I would meet such a master who is not stingy with meat and vegetables.

"Fang Shengguo."

Xiao Yuwen pointed at him viciously: "Okay, okay, I remember you, Fang Shengguo, if I don't let you go home to plant sorghum, I won't be Xiao Yuwen!"

"Our hometown doesn't grow sorghum." Fang Shengguo said angrily.

"You still want to go back to your hometown?" Xiao Yuwen squinted at him, "Go ahead and dream about your big head, I'm sorry if I don't send you to a place where rabbits don't shit!"

"Comrade, if you continue to make trouble for no reason, don't blame us for being rude." Wang Quan stared at Xiao Yuwen seriously, "What do you want to come here dressed up like this?"

"I dress up like this?" When Wang Quan said this, Xiao Yuwen felt that he was going to be blown up. Would he be willing to dress up like this? "You're all out of order, hurry up and open the door for me, I want Zhou Mikang to become like me, bastard, if I don't let him become like this, I'll write it upside down!"

"Are you sure you want to go in?" Wang Quan asked seriously.

"What nonsense!" Xiao Yuwen looked at him bitterly, "What's your name?"

"Wang Quan."

"Okay, you two, let's grow sorghum together!" Xiao Yuwen said as he pushed open the door, and then slammed it shut, shutting Fang Shengguo and Wang Quan outside.

"Are you all right?" Fang Shengguo pointed inside with some concern.

Wang Quan shook his head: "Don't worry."

"He hasn't eaten or slept much in the past two days, is it really possible?"

"When did you become such a mother-in-law?" Wang Quan's mouth curled up, "Someone insists on being sent to the door to be beaten, it's wrong for us to stop."

"That's right." Fang Shengguo nodded with a smile, and sat back behind the table in peace.

As soon as Xiao Yuwen entered the door, he pulled out a chain whip from the back of his waist, glanced at Zhou Mikang who was sitting there quietly watching him, and rushed up without saying a word.

The corners of Zhou Mikang's mouth twitched indiscernibly, and he would be sorry if he didn't do it in such a hurry to send him to the door for a beating. However, this Xiao Yuwen was so considerate, knowing that it would hurt him to beat him with his hands, he even took the initiative to bring tools , what a good comrade...

"Ah!...Ouch!...Stop hitting!...Ah!...Aw!..."

Hearing the howling of ghosts and wolves coming from the room, Fang Shengguo gasped, that guy, how tough, he can still beat Xiao Yuwen like this after going through so much trouble... It sounds like it hurts so much ...

Seeing Xiao Yuwen limp on the ground, without the strength to move, Zhou Mikang finally put down his whip, squatted in front of him panting, and then suddenly discovered that Xiao Yuwen's teeth were gone!

Feeling puzzled, he rubbed the back of his head, and then glanced at the whip on the ground. Zhou Mikang himself was confused. Could it be that his whip technique is so powerful?

Suddenly thinking of Xiao Yuwen's swollen face when he came in, he kicked him with his toes: "Who knocked out your teeth?"


"Yingze?" Zhou Mikang thought about it hard, and felt that he probably didn't know such a person. It seemed that Xiao Yuwen had quite a few enemies! At this time, Xiao Yuwen emphasized again, "It's Jingjie."

"Jingjie?" Seeing Xiao Yuwen's toothless mouth, Zhou Mikang suddenly realized that he has no teeth in his mouth, and his words are not leaking! "You mean Jing Zhe?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yuwen stared at Zhou Mikang bitterly, "Yi Jing, everything I accept, I will accept (you wait, everything I accept, you will accept.)."

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