The second watch arrives.

"Okay, I'll wait..." Zhou Mikang smiled rarely, "Xiao Yuwen, you didn't seem to be leaking your words back then, why did it leak like this?"

Xiao Yuwen glared at Zhou Mikang resentfully, got up and walked out, it was obvious who had the upper hand, and he was not stupid, so why would he stay here and continue to feel uncomfortable?

God knows how regretful he is, if he knew it would be like this, even if it was embarrassing, he would have to bring a few people over to help.

"When you bring people here, remember to bring a few who are skilled, so that you won't be able to recognize who is who when you go out." Zhou Mikang said slowly, looking at Xiao Yuwen's back.

Xiao Yuwen stopped, turned around, and stared fiercely at Zhou Mikang: "Xiang Xin, I'm up to your wishes (don't worry, I will do what you want)."

The door opened, and Wang Quan and Fang Shengguo looked at him together, "What is the money (what are you looking at)!" Xiao Yuwen gritted his teeth (?) Glaring at the two of them, he limped on.

"Tooth..." Fang Guosheng spat inside, and Wang Quan quickly got up and opened the door to go in. Seeing that Zhou Mikang was still sitting there, he bent over and searched carefully in the room.

Zhou Mikang glanced at him, without making a sound, his eyes were also wandering around.

After turning around three times in a row, Wang Quan finally found what he was looking for in the corner, but...he held up the things in his hand with an expression of disbelief: "You are so young, they are all dentures..."

Zhou Mikang glanced at it, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching. He had seen this kind of removable dentures abroad. Domestically, there seems to be no such thing. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yuwen still has the hobby of collecting such things. Could it be that he has long expected that one day he will be beaten to death?

Jing Zhe was quite ruthless!

Thinking that Jing Zhe, who has always been warm, could do such a thing, Zhou Mikang's mood is very complicated. Now he is in a very chaotic state, obviously regretting marrying Chu Xia early, and obviously worried that she has no one to protect her. However, when I saw someone caring so much for Chu Xia, I felt uncomfortable...

Xiao Yuwen left Zhou Mikang's place, and went home first considering the communication problem.

The two nannies of the Xiao family, Mama Wang and Mama Li, were making dumplings in the living room, while Zhou Aiping, Mama Xiao Lu Yu'e, and Aunt Liu Lingmei on Wednesday were sitting chatting. Everyone was taken aback when they saw Xiao Yuwen who suddenly opened the door.

"This comrade..."

"Xiao Wen,

How did you get hurt? "

Wang Ma was about to step forward and ask Xiao Yuwen why he came in without knocking. Lu Yu'e had already recognized her son, howled and rushed to her son's side, asking him what was wrong.

Zhou Aiping also ran over and saw her husband's miserable state. Immediately collapsed to the ground crying.

Liu Lingmei stepped forward and dragged her daughter up, and then began to cry. She has been living with her daughter and son-in-law after the divorce, even if it is pretending. Also pretend to be sadder than Xiao Yuwen's own mother.

When Xiao Yuwen came back last time, everyone was taking a nap. Otherwise, this scene should have happened when I came back last time. He frowned in disgust, returned to his bedroom without saying a word.

Several women rushed to the bedroom with a huff.

Xiao's mother: "Xiaowen, tell your mother, how did you get hurt? Did you fight with someone? You said you are such a big child, why are you still fighting?"

Zhou Aiping: "Yuwen, talk, who is so courageous, talk quickly..."

Liu Lingmei: "Xiao Wen, it hurts on your body, it hurts on my mother's heart, no matter who did it, my mother will go and get it back for you!"

The corners of the mouths of the two nannies following behind were twitching. This mother-in-law is really thick-skinned to a certain extent. After the divorce, she lived here relentlessly and never left, and she always showed more love than Mrs. Xiao. Young master, she is a natural, Mrs. Xiao is a simple and honest person. Not only did she not think that what she did was wrong, but she also listened to her in everything.

But when you think about it, it hasn't been long since Mrs. Xiao was taken over. She used to take care of her in-laws in her hometown. How could such a virtuous woman think so badly of others?

Installing a pair of dentures for himself that would not leak out, Xiao Yuwen secretly thanked Mr. Mei Jie, the last time Mei Jie gave him these, he accepted them out of face, unexpectedly, this time it was really It has been a great help.

Zhou Mikang! Jing Zhe!

Opening the door bitterly, Xiao Yuwen frowned impatiently as he looked at the three women standing at the door shouting, "Get out of the way!"

"Xiaowen..." Lu Yu'e took his hand, "How did you do this, let's go to the hospital first, okay?"

"That's right, let's go to the hospital first." Liu Lingmei also hurriedly said.

"I'll go to the hospital after I finish cleaning up Zhou Mikang!" Xiao Yuwen said and looked at Zhou Aiping, "This is all a good thing that your dear third brother did!" After speaking, he pushed her away and limped out .

"Didn't he be arrested?" Zhou Aiping wondered, "How could you still be beaten like this?"

"Do you think I'm lying?" Xiao Yuwen turned around and stared at her with a grim expression, "Do I need it?"

"No, no..." Zhou Aiping waved her hands anxiously, but she was very puzzled in her heart.

Of course she knew that something happened to Zhou's family. To be honest, she didn't feel much about it. Anyway, they never valued him. Her mother and her father divorced, so she didn't have much affection for Zhou's family. , and now it has disappeared even more, and there is even a faint sense of pleasure, don't they not want to see the Xiao family? Now let's see if they dare not wait to see the Xiao family!

It wasn't until Xiao Yuwen's figure disappeared that Zhou Aiping came back to her senses. She looked at Liu Lingmei suspiciously. Usually, when she was negligent, her mother would make it up for her.

"Xiaowen won't lie, he has his way, and our mothers can't just sit still. At this moment, the Zhou family dares to punish this kind of demon moth. I think they really think they have lived too much." Feel at ease." Liu Lingmei glanced at Lu Yu'e who was still in a daze, and a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes, why did this woman, a stupid pig, marry Director Xiao?

"Sister Yu'e, Aiping and I are going to Zhou's house, do you want to go together?"

Lu Yu'e came back to her senses and grabbed her: "What are you doing at Zhou's house?"

"They hurt Xiaowen like that, of course they are going to settle accounts!"

"Settling accounts?" After hesitating, Lu Yu'e nodded, "Whoever called, let's ask the third child of the Zhou family."

"Brother Xiao will look for him, we need to vent our anger for Yuwen in other ways." Liu Lingmei said while dragging her out, "I want the Zhou family to give us an explanation!"

When Xiao Bingqi saw his son, there was a rare trace of doubt on his usually calm face. With his current status, who would dare to treat his son like this?

"Who did it?" he asked directly.

"First Jing Zhe, then Zhou Mikang."

"Zhou Mikang?" Xiao Bingqi automatically ignored Jing Zhe, "Isn't he under quarantine inspection, how could he beat you like this?"

"Jing Zhe's grandson..." Xiao Yuwen reported his unlucky events of the day in detail, and Xiao Bing's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

However, he can't do too much now.

The ending is not yet clear, and a person surnamed Long is inserted in the middle, and Mr. Wang has no choice but to be scruples. Now, he just waits to persuade the person surnamed Ye... Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

Although the Ye family here and that Ye are not in the same family, they can be regarded as side branches. If this Ye is let go, and this Ye is used to show affection to that Ye, will it be...

Even if there is a glimmer of hope, he still has to try. Now that the surname Mei is always suppressing him, this feeling is too bad. Being alone is what he wants to pursue!

Suppressing the anger in his heart, he scolded his son with a cold face: "It's nothing, why are you so embarrassed to come to me after being beaten up like this? If you can't solve it yourself, you still have the face to complain?"

"Dad..." Xiao Yuwen froze there.

Xiao Bing glared at him: "Dad, what is it, go to the hospital quickly, don't embarrass yourself here."

"Yes." Xiao Yuwen was afraid of this father from the bottom of his heart, so he could only walk out with his head drooping, "Let Xiao Miao go with you."

"Thank you, Dad." Xiao Yuwen immediately became happy. Xiao Miao is a clerk under Xiao Bingqi. She is petite and cute. Xiao Bingqi has never let him get her ideas. Unexpectedly, she finally loosened up at this moment!

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