First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 262: A Good Wife / The Last Moment

Two chapters combined.

The old lady Zhou glanced at Chu Xia before answering Mei Xiaofeng's question: "I didn't say clearly that I came to Zhou's house specially for Xiaomi, but the meaning behind the words is quite obvious."

The old lady was not surprised that Mei Xiaofeng knew Ye Meiru, as Mei Yitong's younger sister, it would be strange if she didn't know Ye Meiru.

"Grandma, do you still like her that much now?" Seeing that the old lady was observing her expression again, Chu Xia asked straightforwardly. At her age, it would be abnormal for her to act too aggressively.

As far as the matter is concerned, when Zhou Mikang proposed to her, she had no affection for him at all, agreeing to her was also considering her parents and her own survival in this era.

But then everything he did moved her a little bit.

From her point of view, his being with her was a deal, so she never made preparations for him to consider everything for her and her family.

However, he really did that, not only did it, but he did it more than others. His respect for her and her family moved her from the bottom of her heart.

However, there is still a very long way to go before falling in love with him, so when Ye Meiru came, she didn't feel jealous at all, she was just curious.

However, with her performance like this, it is estimated that both Mrs. Zhou and Lin Yanqiu will feel uncomfortable. Why should such an excellent grandson (son) become dispensable to her?

Therefore, it is right to coax the elders by eating a little vinegar appropriately.

"Grandma just pities her..." The old lady reached out and pulled Chu Xia to her side. He took her hand affectionately, "Don't worry. Grandma hasn't reached the point of being old and foolish yet."

"She's not worthy of pity." Mei Xiaofeng said eagerly, her eyes twinkling. It was uncontrollable anger, "Grandma, this is the first time I came to the door today, so I shouldn't say anything, but since I met you, I can't pretend I didn't see it.

When we were moving, I accidentally found a letter from Ye Meiru to my brother. The letter said that she actually likes my brother. To Zhou Zhou, it was only because of his parents' orders. He also said that if my brother didn't work hard to be with her, he didn't love her enough.

If it wasn't for her, how could my brother and Zhou Zhou have always been incompatible? A woman like her simply wishes that all the men in the world would beat her to death. Why do you pity her for such a woman? I don't think it's enough for her! "

The old lady Zhou frowned slightly: "This matter.

Have you asked your brother? "

"Of course I asked..." Mei Xiaofeng sighed softly, "My brother scolded me because I thought I read letters without his permission and grew up so big. That was the first time my brother scolded me. I know, he scolded me. Not because I read his letter privately, but because I said Ye Meiru was shameless.

At that time, my brother was very sure. Ye Meiru likes him, so. Later, after Ye Meiru broke up with Brother Zhou Zhou, he really wanted to be with her wholeheartedly.

Unexpectedly, just when my brother wanted to live a happy life with Ye Meiru, Ye Meiru's foreigner boyfriend came over. Ye Meiru lied to my brother that the foreigner was just her suitor, not her boyfriend.

My brother believed her so much, so he beat up the foreigner. As a result, things got serious and my brother was arrested. Where is Ye Meiru? But quietly followed the foreigner away.

Later I found out that it was Grandpa Ye who thought she was ashamed and kicked her out, but no matter what, she knew why my brother wanted to beat that foreigner, why couldn't she testify for my brother before leaving?

You must know that my grandfather almost gave up on my brother that time. If my brother hadn't been doing well all the time, my parents and my uncles and aunts all helped to intercede, my brother would have been ruined by him!

Grandma, if you did something wrong, shouldn't you take responsibility? Such a woman, why do you pity her? "

Mrs. Zhou had never heard anyone mention these things, so she looked at Lin Yanqiu with suspicion.

"Mom, it's true. During that time, you were in poor health. Meiru is your favorite granddaughter-in-law. If you know what she did, it will be a blow." Lin Yanqiu sighed and didn't continue.

God knows how hard she endured, every time she heard the old lady talking about Ye Meiru, her heart felt like a blunt knife was cutting her heart. What that woman brought to her son was not only hurt, but also humiliated! If it wasn't for the old lady's scruples, she wouldn't have let her enter Zhou's house at that time!

"You guys" the old lady shook her head helplessly, "It's really overkill. I like her and treat her well because I think she is a quiet, upright and dedicated girl. Alas, fortunately, it didn't make a big mistake. Otherwise, we will all regret it."

"Yes, it's all our fault." Lin Yanqiu hastily admitted his mistake.

"Okay, I can't blame you all for this matter. In my memory, there have been a few times when you just said something bad to that child, and I got angry at you. Come to think of it, you can't say it if you want to.

In fact, I didn't protect her at that time because I liked her too much, but I felt that it was already a shameful thing for a girl to dissolve her engagement. If I made some other excuses, where would I put my face?

Besides, Xiaomi's temperament has been stubborn since she was a child, so I thought with all my heart that Xiaomi must have done a bad job and hurt her heart, so we couldn't be together.

well! Speaking of which, I really don’t blame you guys, it’s all because I was confused at the time, and I think people are pretty accurate.” The old lady said and looked at Mei Xiaofeng, “Son, grandma, thank you, if it weren’t for you, grandma would have done this. Maybe I will be confused for a lifetime. "

The old lady's serious expression made Mei Xiaofeng feel embarrassed, "Grandma doesn't think I'm too talkative."

"Xiaozhong" Mrs. Zhou looked at Zhou Zhongkang, "Treat Xiaofeng well in the future, it is your good fortune to marry her."

Zhou Zhongkang nodded: "Don't worry, grandma, she is the best person in this world to me."

"You child..." Mrs. Zhou laughed twice, with a helpless expression on her face, "Are you still hating your father and your grandfather? Sigh. Forget it, it's good to be back. It's good to be back."

"Xiaozhong, have you been angry all the time. Auntie didn't bring you?" Lin Yanqiu, grateful for Mei Xiaofeng's help in exposing Ye Meiru's matter, took the initiative to bring up the matter that had always made Zhou Zhongkang feel uncomfortable.

Zhou Zhongkang's face was light: "Uncle, I have no right to blame you. I'm not angry with you. It's because my father doesn't value me. It has nothing to do with you."

"I can tell from your appearance that you are angry with my auntie." Lin Yanqiu sighed, "Did you always think that in those years, I took their four brothers and lived in my mother's house?"

Zhou Zhongkang didn't say anything, but his meaning was very obvious. Lin Yanqiu continued: "Actually, how can my natal family support us? In these years, apart from my eldest sister Lin Yanmei, have I ever been in contact with other people in the family? Including Xiaomi's marriage, it is only my eldest sister's family. Come here, why. Don't you have any doubts?"

After hesitating for a while, Zhou Zhongkang said, "I'm not here, I don't know."

The old lady Zhou waved her hand: "Yanqiu, forget it. With a good daughter-in-law like Xiaofeng, one day, Xiaozhong will understand the people in this family. Whether she is close to him or not."

"Mom, it's okay. After all these years, I've figured it out. Instead of covering it up and letting the children misunderstand, it's better to make it clear. Everyone feels relieved."

The old lady Zhou patted Lin Yanqiu comfortingly.

"Chu Xia, Mom has wanted to talk to you about this for a long time." Lin Yanqiu looked at Chu Xia, "When you got married, grandparents and aunts and aunts didn't come. Are you unhappy?"

"There were so many people that day, I was so dizzy that I didn't recognize them all, hehe." Chu Xia smiled embarrassedly, "How could there be any displeasure?"

Lin Yanqiu patted her head amusedly, then turned to look at Zhou Zhongkang: "Xiao Zhong, you hate my aunt. My aunt has always known about it, but my aunt can't say anything about it. Your mother and your father can't tell you what to do with your uncle." Let me tell you about my natal family's short story, and I will always let you misunderstand it.

In our family, my eldest sister and I have been disliked by our parents since we were young. The third and fourth younger sisters are the treasures of our parents. As for why, I really can’t explain it. Probably, parents’ likes and dislikes for their children are also innate.

After I married into the Zhou family, my parents hoped that I could get my third and fourth younger sisters to be with your father and your third uncle. How could I agree to such a thing? The three sisters all married into the Zhou family, so what's the matter? "

After your father married your mother, my parents' attitude towards me became much colder. Later, after your third uncle got married, they told me directly that they don't have to go home in the future.

I'm also stubborn, and if they refused to let me go back, I really wouldn't go back. As a result, not long after, the Zhou family encountered that great catastrophe, and in an instant, the whole family was separated.

I was not sent down, not because of the glory of my natal family, but because the old leaders of our unit knew about my relationship with my natal family, took pity on me, and transferred me to the canteen as an ordinary worker.

The backbone of the business was transferred to the cafeteria, and the spittle star could almost drown people. However, if you don’t make such a transfer, it’s impossible to keep me. Other people’s children are taken care of by their natal family, but my family’s children are not taken care of. I have to bear it.

That year your eldest brother was ten years old, your second sister was nine years old, your third brother was eight years old, your fourth sister was seven years old, and Xiao Rao was five years old. With the little salary I earned, I couldn’t support five of them.

I remember one time when I got up in the morning, your fourth sister said to me, ‘Mom, I was dreaming that I was eating dried rice, but unfortunately I woke up before I was full. If I woke up later, I wouldn’t have to eat breakfast. ’ I couldn’t stop crying.

Later, it was your eldest brother who took a matchbox from a classmate's house to help with the paste, and the situation barely improved, but it is an extravagant hope to feed all five children.

My eldest sister, who has the best relationship with me, lives with my parents-in-law and a large family. She is powerless to help us. The only thing she can do is to take Xiao Meili to my house at night and help us paste matchboxes together.

I didn't want to make everyone worry, so I lied to everyone that seeing us in trouble, my mother's family helped let the four of them live there, but in fact, it was our mother who was suffering all the time.

Xiaozhong, you live in your uncle's house. Although the conditions may not be very good, they are definitely better than ours. Therefore, if my uncle really brought you with me at that time, it would actually harm you. "The purpose is to unravel Zhou Zhongkang's knot in his heart, so Lin Yanqiu will stop talking about it here.

Zhou Zhongkang said half-believingly: "Auntie, if this is the case, why doesn't anyone in the family know about it?"

"Your auntie, you just want to save face and suffer." Mrs. Zhou sighed. "She thinks about it now, so I can tell the truth. Didn't she and your Auntie Zhu keep climbing up and down? At that time, your Auntie Zhu was also released, and she just wanted to compete with your Auntie Zhu." Jian, just lied and said that she has been living in her natal family, and her natal family helped raise the children.

Your elder brother and his five brothers and sisters have suffered so much, they are more sensible than other children, and they know how to love your aunt. Just keep silent and don't mention it, your parents know it, but they are kind-hearted and don't mention it.

Only your grandfather and I know at home, so the news will naturally not spread. I know you must be wondering why the Lin family didn’t expose your aunt. This is a matter of embarrassment to them. Do you think they will expose it? "

After a long silence, Zhou Zhongkang got up. He solemnly bowed to Lin Yanqiu: "Uncle, I'm sorry, I blamed you."

"You always think that your grandfather is looking after your third brother, but in fact, everything your third brother has is earned by himself, alas!" Mrs. Zhou sighed heavily. "If you know what happened to him, you will understand how wrong you are."

Zhou Zhongkang is still trying to digest everything the old lady said. Mei Xiaofeng stood up: "Grandma, auntie. Thank you. I know that you are telling these old things because of me.

I assure you that no matter whether my family agrees or not, no matter whether the Zhou family's matter is serious or not, I will firmly be by Zhou Zhongkang's side.

I will also do my best to let him return to his loved ones, so that he will no longer be foolishly paranoid. In fact, he is not a disrespectful person. He only hurts others and hurts himself because of his misunderstanding. Don't say too much, let's see our actions in the future. "

"Xiaofeng, thank you, thank you so much." Liang Xiaohong ran down the stairs "dongdongdong", came to Mei Xiaofeng's side in two or three steps, and hugged her tightly.

Mei Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, and said, "Mom, I want to thank Auntie, she would rather expose her scars in order to open up Zhou Zhongkang's heart."

"Sister-in-law, thank you." Liang Xiaohong turned her arms around Lin Yanqiu.

Lin Yanqiu smiled and patted her on the back: "Why are you being polite to me, Xiaofeng is the lucky star of our family."

"Yeah." Liang Xiaohong choked and said, "Being able to marry a daughter-in-law like Xiaofeng is a blessing that I have cultivated in several lifetimes, and it is a blessing that I have cultivated in several lifetimes!"

Mei Xiaofeng's face turned red, and she glanced at Zhou Zhongkang charmingly.

After hesitating for a while, Zhou Zhongkang coughed lightly: "Mom, where is my dad?"

"Have you figured it out?" Zhou Gangping's majestic voice came.

Or because of the different mentality, Zhou Zhongkang actually heard the slight tremor in his father's voice. For the first time, he discovered that it was not that his father didn't value him, but just like him, he was not good at showing emotions.

"Dad, I'm sorry!" For the first time, Zhou Zhongkang rewarded Zhou Gangping indifferently and mercilessly.

"It's good to know that you're wrong." Obviously very excited, Zhou Gangping pretended not to care and waved his hand, "Take your wife to your room to see what you have packed."

"Understood." Zhou Zhongkang pulled Mei Xiaofeng upstairs, and when he passed by Zhou Gangping, Mei Xiaofeng smiled generously at Zhou Gangping, "Dad."

"En." Zhou Gangping nodded, and sat down opposite Mrs. Zhou seemingly calmly.

"Pretend, pretend, pretend!" Mrs. Zhou frowned and stared at him, "He was not close to you before, you only scolded him, but now you have found a good wife and finally got close to you, you Still pretending."

"Then..." Zhou Gangping rubbed his head embarrassingly, "Then what should I do, I'm his father, so I can't hug him and cry like his mother, right?"

"You, you have the same temper as Zhou Jingping. Fortunately, Xiaomi met Chu Xia, and the relationship between father and son improved." Lin Yanqiu said, slapping her forehead, "Mom, you said our family is quite blessed. The two daughters-in-law come in, Changed the tempers of the two brats."

"That's right." Mrs. Zhou smiled, and sighed again, "However, the affairs of Xiaofeng's family are not easy to handle. After all, there are some problems between us and the Mei family."

Hearing what she said, Liang Xiaohong's eyes dimmed. She still wanted to go to her in-laws to discuss it, and hold a wedding for the two juniors in a serious way. Now it seems that it is really difficult.

Political views are different, and the Zhou family is at its lowest ebb again. How can the Mei family agree?

The door opened, and it was Mr. Zhou who came back, and his expression was not very good. The old lady Zhou said: "What happened again? You stretched your face so long?"

Mr. Zhou sighed heavily: "The surname Wang pushed all the problems on our family, on the boss and Xiaomi. I was really blind before!"

"Didn't you already know?" Mrs. Zhou looked at him speechlessly, "As for?"

"As for. We couldn't find the house at all. Xiaoxi and the third child couldn't find the house. They were afraid that we would be worried, so they called Lao Jing for help. I heard it. Lao Jing suggested that we all move to his house, but I don't think it's appropriate."

"It's not appropriate." Mrs. Zhou nodded, "Even if you go to a hotel, you can't implicate them."

"Did Zhu Xinqin say something?" Lin Yanqiu couldn't help asking.

"Say it." Mr. Zhou looked at the eldest daughter-in-law. "She asked me to tell you that at this time, she is your sister. If she wants to fight you, you have to wait until the Zhou family turns around and you have the energy to do so."

"Alas!" Lin Yanqiu sighed heavily, and said nothing more.

Mrs. Zhou glanced at her, moved her lips, but said nothing in the end. She's not a child anymore, she understands the truth, or maybe that's a way of getting along with them. She'd better stay out of it.

Sitting there in early summer, I feel uncomfortable all over, at this moment. It's like she can't help anything, that feeling. Really bad.

Feeling her uneasiness, the old lady hugged her shoulder and patted her: "Silly boy. Your grandpa can't do anything, what can you do? At this time, it's the best for us if you can stay firmly in Zhou's house help."

When the Zhou family was struggling with security issues, Ye Meiru found Mei Yitong.

Seeing you again after more than five years, Mei Yitong looked at the woman in front of him, feeling like he was in a dream. Once, he loved her so much that he thought she was the best woman in the world, but she gave him The loudest slap in the face, the day he was imprisoned, he felt a valley in his heart. If he hadn't been rescued by his family three days later, or his life might have been ruined.

"I'm sorry." Ye Meiru hesitated, grabbed Mei Yitong's arm, and tears rolled down, "I know, you will hate me, I know, you must think I was too heartless back then, leave you and leave , but in fact, I was forced, I was sent out by my grandfather forcibly, I have no chance to speak for you at all, forgive me, okay?"

"I don't hate you." Mei Yitong pulled out his arm calmly, and pointed to the chair on the other side of the table, "Sit down and talk."

Ye Meiru lowered her head pitifully: "I knew that you would hate me. In the past few years, I have been thinking about this problem all the time. Do you know how hard I have been? I will never come back. I am alone. I'm outside, I don't have a job, I don't have living expenses, if I don't have a firm belief to support me, I probably wouldn't be able to live today."

Speaking of this, she paused, and quietly glanced at Mei Yitong out of the corner of her eyes, and found that he was sitting there quietly without making a sound, so she could only continue: "I look forward to seeing you again one day, and to say sorry to you, I look forward to seeing you again." You will forgive me, and then tell me that you still love me and are willing to let me be your bride, Yitong, is this already my extravagant wish?"

"What do you mean you went to find Zhou Mikang, then went to Zhou's house, and then came to me again?" Mei Yitong looked at her with a half-smile, "Could it be that I, Mei Yitong, are a big fool in your heart?"

Ye Meiru's eyes lit up: "Are you jealous?"

"You think too much." Mei Yitong waved his hand, "I already know what you have done, I, Mei Yitong, did like you once, and thought that you would not marry me, but after knowing what you did In the future, if I still think that way, there is a 10% chance that I have a brain problem."

"What have I done?" Ye Meiru looked at him pitifully, "Did you misunderstand me? Did you think that Joyce was my boyfriend?"

"Ye Meiru, you make me sick." Mei Yitong looked at her with a frown, "You said that the man pestered you and asked me to drive him away, I believe it.

However, at the same time I was arrested, you and him started to have sex. It was because of your shamelessness that your grandfather kicked you out of the Ye family, but you blamed your grandfather.

Now what is a misunderstanding? Do you think that as long as you pretend to be pitiful and tell a few lies, I have to believe you? ah? "

Ye Meiru looked at Mei Yitong fixedly, her eyes were full of despair.

She thought that maybe he would miss the old love, then, as long as he was willing to make a move, Zhou Mikang would not have to suffer disaster, and she would not have to take the worst step. It seemed that she had to take that step.

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