First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 263: Sending charcoal in the snow

"Wait!" Looking at the figure of Ye Meiru who was about to arrive at the door, Mei Yitong couldn't help but call out to her. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that her expression was full of determination. The woman I once liked hates her for being ruthless, but I don't want her to do anything that I regret for the rest of my life.

Ye Meiru turned around, looked at Mei Yitong fixedly, and didn't speak.

This made Mei Yitong feel uncomfortable, coughed lightly, and asked, "What's your plan next? If it's convenient, please tell me."

"You..." softly spit out a word, paused for a while, returned to the table, sat down, stared at Mei Yitong softly, "do you still care about me?"

"Even if we can't be lovers, we are still friends. I don't want you to do things that hurt yourself." Mei Yitong said.

"Hurt yourself?" Ye Meiru sighed softly, "Indeed, I don't even know what I've done all these years. What the hell am I trying to do? Do you want to know, who is it that I love?"

Mei Yitong looked out of the window somewhat evasively, without saying a word.

"From the beginning to the end, the one I love is Zhou Mikang." Ye Meiru said to herself, "I came to you because I hope you can help him, at any price."

"Any price?" Mei Yitong turned his head, frowned and stared at Ye Meiru, "Really any price?"

Ye Meiru nodded solemnly: "Yes, as long as you can keep him safe, you can do whatever you want me to do."

Of course, Mei Yitong could understand the hidden meaning in her words. He tried hard to suppress the anger in his chest, and asked: "If you really love him so much, why did you do such a thing to hurt him back then? Why did you do it on purpose?" Make me and him turn against each other because of you?"

"At that time. Too young to understand." Vermilion lips parted lightly. A light word sent Mei Yitong away.

"Understood now?" Mei Yitong smiled sarcastically, "It's about time you understood, he's married, you're sensible, hehe..."

"If he doesn't get married, I can't come back. You know my grandpa's temper. If I come back when he's not married, my grandpa will immediately send me to a more remote place. I can't afford it, and I dare not bet on it." , because I am afraid that I will never see him in this life.

These years of life really made me understand that I love him, he is the best man in this world to me, and he treats me well. He didn't ask for anything in return, but I hurt him so badly.


in my lifetime. I have to make it up, do all I can to make it up, if only he can forgive me. Even if it breaks me to pieces, I will not hesitate. "

"It's great. It's just..." Mei Yitong chuckled, "What you want in the end. Is he the one who will marry you?"

"Yes, this will be my dream, but..." Ye Meiru sighed heavily, "I won't force him, let's do whatever happens."

"Okay..." Mei Yitong got up to see off the guests, "I don't want to know what you plan to do next, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Ye Meiru didn't bother, she got up and left happily. Until her back disappeared, Mei Yitong still stood there in a daze.


Stepping off the green leather train, Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe hugged their arms unconsciously. The December day was already a bit chilly. They had just got off the hot train box in their jackets, and they felt a bone-chilling cold feeling. .

The hearts of the two of them also felt a bit cold to the bone.

After they went back, they released the news that they were going to sell the house. At first, no one took it seriously. Later, the news spread by Lin Xiaohua's mother and daughter spread, and people came to the door one after another.

But they all keep the price extremely low, and want to take advantage of the opportunity to play the autumn wind.

They needed money urgently to help the Zhou family, but they couldn't really treat my uncle's wishes as worthless things in vain.

If it weren't for the help of Aunt Luo Gangshun and Grandpa Da Gang, or the people who came to the door and said sour words, there would be more.

What made them feel cold was that Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin, as Lin Baohe's parents and Lin Chuxia's relatives, the first thing they did after they got the news of the Zhou family's distress, That is, they came to the gate of Lin Baohe and cursed loudly, saying that God has eyes and let them get retribution.

How much hatred would it take to make trouble at such a time?

What they couldn't accept the most was that they actually said that Chu Xia married an old man out of greed for wealth and honor, but the old man died suddenly, so it was all for naught.

Those who went to the wedding wanted to help Chu Xia clarify. Unfortunately, at such a time, the evil of human nature is revealed. Everyone would rather believe Zhao Qiyan's mother and daughter's nonsense than believe the facts everyone said.

Under great pressure, the couple finally sold the house. At this time, they didn't think about anything, they just wanted to sell the house quickly and help the Zhou family and their daughter.

The house was bought by a county cadre, in his forties, named Fang Quan, who was transferred from other places. His parents and father who came with him were not used to living in a city house, so they inquired and bought their courtyard.

The price was right, and after the transaction was successful, the couple quickly took the money and returned to City A. After these days, they didn't know how the Zhou family was doing, and they really wanted to fly to Chu Xia's side in a hurry.

But the problem is, the two of them are road idiots!

When they came, they were picked up by a car, and when they returned, they were sent to the train station by Jing Zhe. The couple couldn't recognize the way at all.

Fortunately, they wrote down the detailed address of Mr. Wan's house. Along the way, they inquired while walking, and finally arrived at the courtyard where Mr. Wan lived in the middle of the afternoon.

At any rate, after living here for a few days, the couple no longer lost their way when they entered the courtyard.

Walking halfway, I saw my daughter supporting Mrs. Zhou in front, and there was a woman accompanying her. Looking at her back, she should be Chu Xia's mother-in-law.

Just as Zhao Yulan was about to open her mouth to call Chu Xia's name, Lin Baohe quickly stopped her: "Don't shout, people in the city don't like to shout, so don't embarrass our family Xia."

"Almost forgot." Zhao Yulan patted herself on the head annoyed, "My brain is almost like a wooden stake." She said while speeding up her pace and chasing after her.

Hearing the hurried footsteps from behind, Chu Xia turned her head reflexively, and then her eyes widened in shock: "Father, mother, you..."

"Dear family, we are back again." Zhao Yulan hastily stuffed the large bag in Lin Yanqiu's hands, "That's all we can get together, didn't we delay things?"

"Brother Lin, sister-in-law..." Lin Yanqiu's voice was choked and she couldn't continue.

The old lady Zhou looked at the couple with gratitude: "You guys, you came at a very high time, thank you, thank you very much."

"Auntie, please don't thank us. Most of the money was given by the Zhou family. What we borrowed is limited, and we don't know if it will be useful. Alas, we want to borrow more, but..."

Thinking of the indifferent faces that refused, Zhao Yulan bit her lip and couldn't continue.

Lin Baohe patted her and smiled at Mrs. Zhou: "Auntie, where are you going?"

"Borrowing money." Mrs. Zhou didn't hide it, "You guys really helped a lot."

Just an hour ago, Xiao Bingqi brought people to collect the house.

For him, who must take revenge, he couldn't clean up the Jing family, so of course he wanted to vent his anger on the Zhou family who could deal with it. Therefore, after learning the news that the Zhou family's old house was going to be taken back, he couldn't care about anything else. People came to Zhou's old house.

Zhou Xikang and Zhou Shanping did find a house with a fairly large area, but when they went to withdraw money, they found that the accounts of Zhou's family were blocked.

The Zhou family usually provided food and food, and the family basically didn’t have much cash on hand. Therefore, if they scraped together everything, it was barely enough for half a month’s rent.

In addition to the other half's rent, the whole family must eat, right? Now everyone is unemployed. Even if they find work and go home to work, they will not get paid so quickly.

In desperation, Mr. Zhou had to take everyone out to move things, and Mrs. Zhou took Chu Xia and Lin Yanqiu to borrow money from a few close friends.

If the Zhou family wants to borrow money, they will definitely be able to, but this is really not an honorable thing. As an old lady of Zhou, it is very difficult to speak up for such a thing.

Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe didn't expect that when they came here at this time, after getting the exact answer from their daughter, the couple's heart that had been blocked for a long time was finally relieved.

In any case, they finally got what they wanted to help.

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