The second watch arrives.

"You should know how he wants to deal with me, right?"

After Chu Xia's words fell, Zhao Qiyan's eyes flickered unnaturally, and then she felt guilty, "I don't know how he treated you? I'm only responsible for bringing you here, and the rest has nothing to do with me. "

Chu Xia responded lightly, "What condition did he promise you?"

Xiao Yuwen took a step forward, with a distorted smile on his gloomy face: "Let me tell you this, as long as she is willing to trick you out, she and her mother can get a job, a job as a waiter, Not the laundresses and toilet men."

"Just for this, you betrayed me?" Chu Xia decided to look at Zhao Qiyan, "Or, you are born cold-blooded, no matter what, you and I are also cousins ​​who are related by blood, so if you do this, you will be a bit guilty Feel nothing?"

"What's wrong with me? When you married into a good family but didn't want to help me at all, did you feel guilty?" Zhao Qiyan snorted coldly, "I wouldn't be angry if you didn't say that, Lin Chuxia, you ended up today It deserves it!"

"You really don't want anything for the sake of climbing high branches." Chu Xia curled her lips speechlessly, and saw the two people standing at the door, starting to tidy up the fenders, Xiao Yuwen looked at her, and it became more and more difficult for her to accept ..., her eyes turned to Zhao Qiyan again, and she saw that the other party was staring at her gloatingly, and when his eyes seduced her, he raised his eyebrows and smiled triumphantly.

very good! There was a cold smile on the corner of Chu Xia's lips, she could finally do what she wanted to do without any psychological burden.

"Xiao Yuwen, what are you doing with the door closed?" There was a voice of inquiry. Mei Yitong walked in with a displeased face, "It made me turn to the back to walk in."

See Mei Yitong. Xiao Yuwen's face changed obviously, thinking of the other party's background. She smiled again, "Mr. Mei, why are you here?"

"I happened to come here and wanted to come over to get something to eat, but in the end, I found that the door was closed. I thought something happened, so I quickly turned around from the back." Mei Yitong pointed at Chuxia, "Why is she here?"

"Young Master Mei also knows her?"

"Of course. Zhou Mikang's new wife, why don't I know her?" Mei Yitong sat down on the counter and smiled at Xiao Yuwen, "Why, do you want to eat alone?"

"No, Mr. Mei misunderstood." Xiao Yuwen smiled flatteringly, "Originally, I wanted to control her and then notify Mr. Mei. Unexpectedly, it happened by chance.


Mei Yitong raised her eyebrows: "Really?"

"Of course it's true!" Xiao Yuwen raised his hands to make an oath, "If I lie, I will die badly."

Mei Yitong waved his hand: "Let's not believe those people, Yuwen, your intentions. I understand, come here."

Xiao Yuwen hurried forward.

Mei Yitong waved at him again. Signal him to get closer.

Xiao Yuwen looked at the distance between the two of them, so he could only move his head towards Mei Yitong. "Ouch!" the next second. He screamed in pain.

"Shhh..." Mei Yitong grabbed his ear, pulled his head in front of her, and said in a low voice, "If I don't come, what are you going to do, tell me."

"Mr. Mei..." Xiao Yuwen's expression turned ugly. His family's background is indeed incomparable to that of the Mei's, but his father is now a celebrity in front of the chief, how could he treat him like this? The two families were passengers on the same boat, so why did he act like he was superior to others?

Ten years in Hedong and ten years in Hexi, who can say for sure whether the Xiao family will have the upper hand or the Mei family will have the upper hand in the future? Hmph, if one day this bucket of coal fell into his hands, he would definitely let him taste what he is like now!

Xiao Yuwen was slandering in his heart, but he kept begging for mercy: "Mr. Mei, please be gentle, please be gentle, my ears hurt."

"Answer my question." Mei Yitong tightened his grip on his ear.

"I want to give her to Mr. Mei to humiliate Zhou Mikang." After Xiao Yuwen finished speaking, he emphasized again, "What I said is true, what I just said is true, and I absolutely dare not lie to you, young master."

"Do you want me to humiliate you or do you want to humiliate me?" Mei Yitong patted his cheek hard with the other hand, "When did I, Mei Yitong, do the things you said? Why do you feel at ease when you drag yourself into the water?

Xiao Yuwen, do you know what I, Mei Yitong, hate the most in my life? It's what you're doing now, and you don't have the ability to settle accounts with Zhou Mikang and vent your anger on his woman, are you a fucking man? "As he spoke, he looked at the two men who were about to move at the door, "Are you planning to come over and deal with me?" Come on, come if you have the ability, and then you will understand whether the Mei family can eat in city a or the Xiao family can eat in city a! "

"No, no, Mr. Mei, we are only following orders!"

"Yes, Mr. Mei, we listen to you. We will do whatever you say. In fact, we just dared not speak up before."

"That's what happened. We can't bear him bullying a weak woman in this way, but we can't help it. If we don't listen to him, he will make our family unemployed. Hey, the old family Little ones have to eat, what can we do?"

"Mr. Mei, you are the most reasonable person. We have been looking forward to your appearance in time. Unexpectedly, you will appear."


Xiao Yuwen's face darkened when he heard that the two of them dragged him into the pit as if they had greased their mouths for excuses. These two people usually kept saying that they only listened to him in this life, and they would do whatever he asked them to do. What to do, it turned out that this is the way to listen!

"Okay, I'll forgive you once for the sake of correcting your mistakes, but you have to make amends, can you do it?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" The two nodded hurriedly.

"I... I can also redeem my crimes." Zhao Qiyan knelt on the ground with a plop, "Comrade leader, I can't help myself. My mother and I were both deceived by Xiao Yuwen..."

"Shut up!" As soon as Mei Yitong yelled, Zhao Qiyan stopped crying immediately, staring at Mei Yitong pitifully with her small eyes full of tears.

Mei Yitong glared at her: "This is the first time I've seen a vicious woman like you. Now, just wait for me and don't take a step forward!"

"Yes!" Zhao Qiyan replied, curling up into a ball, how delicate and delicate she looked.

The successive betrayals of several people made Xiao Yuwen so angry that he couldn't even speak.

"Now, it's your turn." Mei Yitong patted Xiao Yuwen's cheek again, "Don't look at me like that, even if I kill you now, I'm just doing justice for the heavens, you bastard, life is a waste Food." He said and looked at Chu Xia, "You can take revenge yourself, I promised your brother to help you, and naturally I will help you, come here, I will catch him, how do you want to deal with him, Just tell me, I'll be your free beater today.

"Mei Yitong, you and I are comrades-in-arms on the same front. You are crazy, and you actually helped Zhou Mikang. Don't forget, your girlfriend back then was snatched away by Zhou Mikang. Let's admit it..." Xiao Yuwen regained his senses and began to shout while struggling.

"It didn't make me angry if you didn't mention me..." Mei Yitong slapped him across the face, "I hate you the most, a bastard who is so provocative! You can try again!

Xiao Yuwen's strength and Mei Yitong's are basically the difference between an ant and an elephant, so when Mei Yitong frightened her, she immediately withered away.

When Chu Xia approached, he first thanked Mei Yitong with a smile, and when his eyes turned to Xiao Yuwen, his face suddenly pulled down: "Brother Mei, please let him lie down."

"Okay." Mei Yitong responded, and pushed Xiao Yuwen to the ground, then put her foot on his chest, signaling Chu Xia, let's do it.

"Your eyes, I have long wanted to gouge them out..." Chu Xia raised a needle in his hand, "However, I can't do such a cruel thing as gouging out your eyes, but, thinking of your eyes I feel uncomfortable when I look at people, so I have to make a compromise." As he said, he raised the needle, smiled evilly, and hit Xiao Yuwen's ass with a needle, "In order to keep you from thinking about it in the future, I had to waste it." This is a tube of precious medicine." After speaking, he took in a painful breath.

Xiao Yuwen's body was restrained, and he didn't hinder his speech. He asked with a trembling voice, "What did you inject me with? Girl, if you dare to do anything to hurt me, my dad will definitely avenge me." , in this life, I will never let you go... um..."

Mei Yitong stomped on his head and crushed it: "As entrusted by others, you can scold my friend's sister for being loyal?"

Poor Xiao Yuwen's mouth, after two tooth-smashing incidents, was crushed bloody again.

"What is the effect of this medicine, you will experience it in the future, tsk tsk, this injection is actually worth it..." While speaking, a tube of medicine has been pushed into Xiao Yuwen's body. After pulling out the needle, Chu Xia still felt a little uncomfortable. Relieving the hatred, he glanced at Zhao Qiyan who was trembling on the ground, and waved at her, "Didn't he say that he harmed you, do you want to step on it a few times?"

Zhao Qiyan hesitated for a moment, then got up, moved to Xiao Yuwen's side with difficulty, raised her foot, stepped on his leg, stepped on his leg, and then looked at Chu Xia pitifully: "Xia, my legs are weak."

"You still have soft legs?" Chu Xia smiled sarcastically, "When you were going to deal with me back then, you didn't have weak legs at all. If you dare, you will target me?"

"No, it's not..." In order to show her loyalty, Zhao Qiyan jumped on Xiao Yuwen and began to step back and forth.

"Tsk tsk, Director Xiao enjoys it very much. This massage service cannot be bought with money." Chu Xia tsk tsk twice, took out a written statement from his pocket and handed it to Mei Yitong, "Let him press his fingerprints .”

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