"Mei Yitong, you fucking are a waste. Zhou Mikang robbed your woman, and you still protect his woman like a grandson. I am obviously helping you out. You can't tell me if you want to attack me. How dare you Put a cuckold on Zhou Mikang..." Xiao Yuwen was really mad when Mei Yitong forced his fingerprints on the confession, and he didn't care whether he was Mei Yitong's opponent or not, so he started to curse regardless.

"It seems that you still don't like this tooth very much, so I'll make it happen for you!" Mei Yitong handed the confession to Chu Xia, picked up Xiao Yuwen with a gloomy face, and greeted Xiao Yuwen when he rounded his face, "Oh! ...Ah! Aww!..." Amidst the hooting sound like a pig being slaughtered, his teeth fell to the ground mixed with blood.

Zhao Qiyan fainted from fright. Chu Xia also felt very uncomfortable, but when she thought of what Xiao Yuwen was going to do to her, her heart hardened immediately. She forced herself to stand there and face the scene in front of her...

Even if Wu Jingbo hadn't discovered Xiao Yuwen, even if Jing Zhe hadn't planned to see through Xiao Yuwen, she wouldn't have gone out with Zhao Qiyan. However, it is impossible to guard against, if the other party has such nasty thoughts about her, he should die!

If she ever provoked him, or did something inappropriate towards him, that's all.

The first time we met, he harbored ill intentions towards his brother-in-law's fiancée, looked lewdly at him, and was beaten up, definitely asking for it!

A man who doesn't look for reasons from himself, but only thinks of revenge, such a man is the scum of scum, and being kind to him is cruel to him!

Jing Zhe asked her out to talk because he didn't want to arouse the vigilance of Lin Xiaohua and Zhao Qiyan.

Based on Wu Jingbo's description, he roughly guessed what Xiao Yuwen was going to do, but. She didn't dare to be very sure, so she agreed to send Lin Xiaohua's mother and daughter to the train station. It's just a test.

If during this process, Xiao Yuwen did not take any action. Then it should be assumed that he misunderstood. As for Lin's mother and daughter, maybe they really suffered a lot outside and wanted to go back to their hometown to live a stable life.

Although what the mother and daughter did was very unethical, for the sake of their relatives, give them a step up and reunite the second uncle's family. It's also a happy ending.

It's a pity that they let her down after all. They cooperated with each other's actions when they knew exactly what Xiao Yuwen was going to do to her. It was really unforgivable!

Jealousy is human nature. Even between sisters who are related by blood, there may be feelings of jealousy, but there must be a degree in everything.

Because of jealousy. Just throwing away family affection, being vicious to such an extent, is simply not as good as a beast!

That kind of people,

She won't show any more affection. About this time, she will write a letter to tell her grandparents and second uncle truthfully, whether they still need to admit that they are from the Zhao family. She has no right to interfere, however. She will never admit their identities again!

For Xiao Yuwen, the scum of scum, she had nothing to sympathize with. She didn't do it because she knew that she couldn't do him any real harm, so she used another way to deal with him!

The best way to take revenge is not to let the other party die, but to make the other party's life worse than death! Didn't Xiao Yuwen have that kind of idea for her? Then she will make him unable to make that kind of idea to anyone in the future!

Of course, this method cannot be used if you are not sure that the other party has no chance of turning over, otherwise, you will always be worried about this disgusting villain in the future, and you will be annoyed to death if you are not killed!

She already knew that Jing Zhe had handed over some invisible evidence from Xiao Bingqi. In the current situation, the higher-ups are still playing games, but the winning side has already begun to show signs.

It was precisely because he was certain that there might be no future troubles that Jing Zhe gave her the specially formulated medicine.

And she is more certain than Jing Zhe, because she knows the future situation better than anyone else, so she can deal with Xiao Yuwen today without any psychological burden. She firmly believes that he will never have the chance to target her again in this life!

She also asked herself, if she didn't know the future situation and the future of the Zhou family was uncertain, would she stand firmly by Zhou Mikang's side?

The answer is yes, yes!

This is her character. Although she is a little lazy, a little sloppy, not willing to endure hardships, and less resilient, but when she really faces a choice, she will take a shot of justice for herself like a chicken blood. banner!

Or, this is just a common phenomenon of young people of her age at her age. They may look a little indifferent on the surface, but they have a strong sense of justice in their bones. After something happens, they seem to be sorry for all mankind if they don’t show some loyalty. Embarrassing~

It wasn't until Xiao Yuwen was beaten into a bloody man that his mother couldn't recognize it, that Mei Yitong withdrew his hands unsatisfactorily, squeezed both hands together, and kicked Xiao Yuwen who was lying on the ground with his corpse on top : "You like to move your mouth, brother likes to do it the most, coward, if you have the ability, go ahead!"

"I would like to continue, but you have knocked out all my teeth, how can I continue!" Xiao Yuwen lay on the ground complaining, he dared not move at the moment, as for making a sound? Not to mention that the conditions are not allowed, even if the conditions are allowed, he would not dare.

Damn, this Mei Yitong is so vile when he beats up people, he kicks wherever it hurts, his whole body is in pain now, and I don't know if there are any broken bones, if one day he falls into his hands, he must be let He has a taste of today! Curled up on the ground like a shrimp, Xiao Yuwen didn't forget to feel ruthless in his heart.

Chu Xia also stepped forward and kicked him: "There is a way to heaven and you don't go, but there is no way to hell and you just want to squeeze in. Do you think you are full of mud in your head?

Tell me, if you are willing to live in peace after knocking out your teeth for the first time, will there be a second time? As a result, I don't have a long memory after the second time, so I have to have a third time!

Alas, if you don’t want to understand, there must be a fourth or fifth time in this life, and if you fail to keep it, you will lose your life. I’m just a good-hearted person to tell you this, otherwise , You will die one day without knowing how you died. "Speaking and looking at Mei Yitong, "Brother Mei, my parents should have come here almost." "

Mei Yitong waved her hand: "Okay, you go, I'm here."

"Thank you." Chu Xia smiled at him sincerely, "When Zhou Mikang comes out, I will ask him to thank you."

"Okay, I'll make a note of this. When the time comes, he must thank me personally." Mei Yitong raised his brows, "Hey, why don't you recognize me as your brother too."

"Uh..." Chu Xia stared at him speechlessly, "Just to make Zhou Mikang call you brother?"

"No, I'm here to support you. The more powerful your mother's family is, the straighter your waist will be in your husband's family, right? Of course, you may not care, but what about your parents? They are just a girl like you , I guess I really mind that your family is not as good as the Zhou family's."

"Thank you for thinking of me so much, but I don't have the habit of recognizing my brother immediately when I meet people. Goodbye." Chu Xia hurriedly took two steps, glanced back at Zhao Qiyan, and then left without looking back.

Hearing the sound of footsteps disappear, Zhao Qiyan opened her eyes, got up slowly, and looked at Mei Yitong pitifully: "Brother Mei, thank you, what, Lin Chuxia doesn't want to recognize you as a brother, I do, how about, You accept me as your younger sister, I really want to."

"Would you like me or not." Mei Yitong looked at her coldly, "If it weren't for the fact that you are a girl, this would definitely arrest you and lock you up for half a year, forget it , you go, as for where you want to go, you can do whatever you want."

Zhao Qiyan hurriedly said, "Brother Mei, I don't mind if you imprison me for half a year."

"Do you fucking have a sense of shame?" Mei Yitong stared at her violently, "Get out, get out now, or I will really take you to prison, the life there should be quite suitable for you." After finishing speaking, Mentioning Xiao Yuwen, she dragged her towards the back door. Zhao Qiyan followed two steps forward, but was frightened by the cold knife from the other side's back, and stood there steadfastly, not daring to move.

At this time, the two men who had been guarding the door pretending to be scarecrows finally came back to life. They looked at each other and stepped forward to put Zhao Qiyan in the middle, "Sister, it seems that you are really too late. Brother will help you." One of them said, and the other smiled shyly, "Our brothers don't think you are ugly anymore, let's go, follow our brothers, we will make you happy like a fairy!"

"You...what do you want to do?" Zhao Qiyan shrank her neck and backed her legs in fright. Her no lower limit is aimed at men with power, money and money who can bring her a good life. If she is ruined by these two men, she will How can I marry a good man and live a good life in my life?

"We want to do what you want." The tall man squinted his eyes and smiled, "Brother has lived such a long life, this is the first time I have seen a woman like you, well, as long as you don't marry and go home, just have fun not bad."

The short man answered quickly: "It's so reasonable. This kind of shameless woman is not good enough to be a daughter-in-law. Just for fun, it doesn't matter. Go back and call Lao Liu. Lao Liu has always been very rare about her. We buddies can’t be disrespectful.”

"Then let me go first."

"You discuss it with Lao Liu, but I don't care anyway."


Listening to the conversation between the two as if no one was there, she howled so loudly that no one came in, feeling a sense of despair in her heart, and a stream of heat flowed down her trouser legs.

The two men pushed her away in disgust, "It's disgusting, forget it, such a short and ugly woman, forget it." The short man said, the tall man hesitated and nodded, " let's go."

After the two men left, three salesmen came in through the back door, and looked at Zhao Qiyan with disgust, and the older one said: "Hurry up, don't stay here, I have never seen such a shameless woman like you, come on!" Hurrying to get a man fucked, really makes people gain insight!"

"Why didn't you tell me just now?" Zhao Qiyan was relieved to see the three of them coming in, but at the same time felt resentful.

"To fulfill you." The older woman gave her a cold look, and took a broom to sweep the dust on her body, "Get lost, don't disgust us here!"

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