First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 276: I’m really from the palace

Thank you for your encouragement, I have a little calvin, and the code is very slow, I will work hard.

"You..." Xiao Bing pointed at Zhou Mikang with a livid face, "You are too despicable!"

"Haha..." Zhou Mikang laughed dumbfounded, "Isn't it a little disrespectful for you to put the word 'despicable' on me?"

At this time, the diehards who had been knocked down stood up one after another. Feeling their ready to move, Zhou Mikang turned around and swept his legs. After a burst of screams, everyone in the room except Zhou Mikang lay comfortably on the ground.

I don't know if it was because of the blood loss, or because he was scared, Xiao Bingqi's face turned pale.

Zhou Mikang sat back in his chair, glanced leisurely at all the diehards who were beaten up by him and dared not get up again, then looked at Xiao Bingqi, and smiled: "Climb out by yourself, otherwise, you won't be able to get out of this door today. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

"Help! Help!..." Xiao Bing shouted loudly. Compared between losing face and losing life, he should choose to lose face. If it takes a while, even if he doesn't lose his life, he probably won't be able to save his descendants.

He even regretted talking nonsense with Zhou Mikang just now, he should have gone to the hospital immediately.

The few people who were in charge of keeping watch outside the door were stunned when they heard the call sign, and then realized that it was called by their dear director. They looked at each other, and they were a little unbelievable. A dozen people couldn't handle it and were locked up. Zhou Mikang for so long?

But the cries for help inside were getting louder and louder, and they couldn't allow them to think too much, so they hurriedly opened the door. As a result, it cannot be pushed.

inside the door. Zhou Mikang pointed to the latch on the door with a smile, and said to Xiao Bing, "I did it myself. I can't live."

The plug was inserted by Xiao Bingqi. His thought at the time was that it would be fun to say anything, and Zhou Mikang could not be allowed to escape. Unexpectedly, the one who got the best was himself...

Zhou Mikang got up and came to Xiao Bingqi's side: "Climb, I promise I won't stop you." The implication is that you have to leave. It must be stopped.

Xiao Bing glared at Zhou Mikang viciously, and crawled towards the door without saying a word, his lower body was already numb with pain, and now he felt that his mind was buzzing, and he felt like he didn't know where he was. Although he didn't study medicine, common sense told him that he probably lost too much blood. Not far from coma, the desire to survive made him use all four limbs unconsciously, speeding up.

Zhou Mikang walked slowly behind him as he said. He didn't stop him, and let him climb to the door. It wasn't until he trembled and wanted to stand up that Zhou Mikang said quietly: "If your feet touch the ground, I can guarantee that I will make some moves.


A hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses, Xiao Bing suppresses the roiling hatred in his heart. Kneel up and move to the door. Shouted loudly: "Stop pushing! Stop it, stop it for me."

The few people outside the door have been kicking hard at the door, but this thick cast iron door is not something they can break. Because they were too excited, they couldn't listen to Xiao Bing's shouts.

It was impossible for Xiao Bingqi to pull out the bolt because of the constant kicking by several people. Moreover, even if he could pull it out if he saw the air, the force of several people would definitely break his wrist.


"Ah!" Xiao Bing howled, sat up suddenly from the bed, glanced around, and found that he was in a white ward.

He tried to think back for a while, the last memory. It's just that he kept yelling to the people outside to stop, but no one listened to him, and then he didn't know anything.

"Are you awake?" Qin Zhongshan's face appeared in front of him.

"Old Qin?" Xiao Bingqi looked at him in confusion, "Who sent me here?"

"It's a few young people who say they're your subordinates. They're outside. I'll let them in." Qin Zhongshan said as he opened the door of the ward and shouted outside, "Director Xiao is awake, come in and talk."

"Director..." Those who came in were the subordinates who had been guarding the door. Their heads were wrapped in gauze, and they were too embarrassed to look at Xiao Bingqi.

"Are you pig-headed? I told you to stop, why didn't you listen?" Seeing them, Xiao Bing was furious.

"We just wanted to knock the door open, but we didn't hear it." One of them said, and the other quickly echoed, "Yes, Director Xiao, I knocked my ankle off."

"You..." Xiao Bing waved his hands annoyedly, "What's going on in the back?"

"Back?" The three looked at each other in a daze for a while, and then they understood what Xiao Bingqi meant. One of them hurriedly said, "It was Zhou Mimikang who opened the door, and we will send you to the hospital."

"Hmph!" Xiao Bing snorted coldly, but he didn't say the sentence "I don't think he dares to do it." In the end, "Where are the others? I mean they went in with me."

"They were hospitalized, and they all had broken legs."

"All broken?" Xiao Bing raised his voice sharply.

"Yes." This time it was Qin Zhongshan who answered, "The three of them have comminuted fractures in their calves. Even if they recover, they will never be the same as before."

"Give me a pen and paper." Xiao Bing said.

"Heal your wounds first, you shouldn't be tired right now." Qin Zhongshan persuaded.

"What's the injury? How can I be injured?" Xiao Bing stared at Qin Zhongshan with displeasure on his face, "I'm fine, why are you cursing me?"

The three subordinates cast their eyes on a certain part of Xiao Bingqi at the same time. There, the injury is not serious... Did the director forget or...

Qin Zhongshan waved his hands at the three of them: "Go out first."

The three of them rushed out as if they had received an amnesty.

"Bingqi..." After hesitating for a while, Qin Zhongshan still told the truth, "You have been in the hospital for ten hours, and now, you just woke up after the effect of the medicine wore off."

"Ten hours?" Xiao Bing got up "suddenly", and there was a tearing pain under his body. He fell back heavily, and a layer of sweat beads appeared on his forehead.

Qin Zhongshan quickly supported him, and frowned: "Are you afraid that they will know or have they really forgotten?"

He wanted to stab at him, but the knife stabbed back at himself, and then..., everything was vivid in his mind like a movie, Xiao Bing stared at Qin Zhongshan dejectedly, "I...I..."

There was some sympathy in Qin Zhongshan's eyes, and he nodded at him: "That's right, it's what you think."

"What kind?" Xiao Bing asked unwillingly.

"In the future, your place will be just a display."

"How about insisting on treatment?"

"It's useless..." After a pause, Qin Zhongshan said truthfully, "It's already necrotic."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Bing stared at Qin Zhongshan with bloodshot eyes, "What do you mean by that?"

"Ah!" Qin Zhongshan sighed, "If you send it to the doctor in time, maybe you can keep a part of it, but if it takes too long, if you don't remove it, your life will be lost."

"You guys!..." Xiao Bing shook like chaff all over his body, he was really from the palace!

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