Arrived at the second shift, although I said I would not stay up late, but I promised the third shift yesterday, but Kawen was stuck during the day, I was really embarrassed because my problem was not worth talking, so I stayed up again

Just when Xiao Bingqi knew that he had become a eunuch and couldn't extricate himself from his anger, Zhou Mikang and Zhou Jingping were taken to Shangjing.

The father and son went there in the same car, and they were silent all the way.

The father and son didn't know why they went here, and they didn't know who the accompanying personnel belonged to, but it was a good thing that they weren't handcuffed.

The destination is an antique house in Shangjing.

When the car stopped, the father and son looked at each other, unable to hide the surprise in their eyes. Such a place is not like an office.

Their case is not closed yet, what does it mean to bring them to such a place?

Arranging the father and son in a neat two-bedroom apartment, the people who brought them all left without asking or making a sound.

"Dad, are you okay?" Zhou Mikang said first.

"No." Zhou Jingping looked at his son and breathed a sigh of relief, "I can tell from your appearance that you haven't suffered much these days."

"It's not that I didn't suffer a lot, it's that I didn't suffer at all." Zhou Mikang curled his lips, and reported to his father that Xiao Yuwen and his son did not get any benefit from troubling him.

Even if there is a bugging device in this room, he has nothing to be afraid of. These things, believe it. Anyone who should know knows that he just wants to make his father feel more at ease now.

After listening to his son's story. Zhou Jingping smiled wryly: "You boy..." He really didn't know what to say, did his son do something wrong? Of course, but he can't praise him, can he?

"Dad is pitying them?" Zhou Mikang's voice showed a trace of displeasure. What he dislikes the most is his father's sometimes benevolent kindness. Some people just want to be beaten to death with a stick, otherwise. They will only get worse and worse, even if they can't kill you, they can disgust you to death.

"I'm not pitying them, it's..." Zhou Jingping coughed softly, "Forget it, let's not talk about it, you go and see if there is anything to eat, I'm hungry."

Zhou Mikang had black lines on his face: "We are being detained, not at our own home."

"Is anyone watching?" Zhou Jingping spread his hands.

"Since we are thrown here, there must be a reason for throwing us here. No matter what, we can't go hungry. Hurry up and cook for me!"

"I won't." Zhou Mikang said flatly.

"How could you not?" Zhou Jingping glared at him, "During the years of studying abroad, you cooked and ate by yourself, why didn't you know how? If you couldn't, what should I do? I've never cooked, could it be Are you going to starve to death?"

Zhou Mikang knew it for the first time. His father was still so reckless, but, thinking about the relationship between father and son these years, he finally did not refute him, but turned and went into the kitchen.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Jingping's mouth, no matter what the result was, the happiest thing in his life was to restore his relationship with his son.

For the next two days, the father and son were thrown here, and no one cared about them.

The father and son who had the same aspirations didn't even mention the matter of being thrown here and no one cared about it. They knew that they would come when they should come, so what they had to do was to accept everything calmly.

Given the current situation, what else can they do?

Although it's not fish on the chopping board, things like escaping are not in their consideration at all. If they really get to that point, probably, they won't be treated like this now. The father and son still have a bottom line in their hearts. .

Early in the morning of the third day, two strong men came over and said with a blank expression: "Let's go." After saying that, he turned around and left, and the father and son followed without hesitation.

Turning around and entering a courtyard with three entrances, one of the men looked at Zhou Mikang and said, "Follow me." He took him to an empty room, turned around and left, but there was still nothing. explain.

The expression on Zhou Mikang's face was very calm, but one could tell from his tightly clenched fists how nervous he was. He was worried about his father, but he also knew that his father would not be in danger.

Half an hour later, when he was about to be unable to sit still, the man who brought him reappeared and glanced at him expressionlessly: "Follow me."

He was taken to an adjacent suite, and when he reached the main hall, the man motioned him to wait a moment, walked to a red door and knocked lightly: "Chief, Zhou Mikang is here."

"come in."

It was the voice of an older man, with a hint of kindness in his majesty.

Zhou Mikang hurried forward, the man had already opened the door, and nodded at him: "Please!"

This is a study.

Behind the desk was a hale and hearty old man, about sixty years old, with a faint smile on his face, and nodded to Zhou Mikang: "Sit down and talk."

"Yes!" Zhou Mikang replied loudly, sitting upright on the chair. If you observe carefully, you will find that his legs are shaking slightly.

"Not bad!" The old man smiled at him, "I've made you feel wronged these days."

Zhou Mikang straightened his body: "Report to the chief, I am not wronged!" His voice also trembled slightly.

"En." The old man nodded, "You are not wronged. You have beaten and maimed anyone who was looking for trouble. You really have nothing wronged."

"Report to the chief, I'm just acting in self-defense."

"Justifiable self-defense? Hahaha..." The old man laughed loudly, "Boy, with the demeanor of your great-grandfather, do you know why you left your father and son alone these two days?"

"I don't know, but I believe the chief must be protecting us!"

The old man's expression became serious: "I'm very happy that you can think like this. Now, everything is over. After you go back, work hard. There are some things that I could arrange for you, but now, I want you to do it yourself." Do."

"Yes!" At this moment, Zhou Mikang could roughly guess the identity of the old man. Although his mind was confused, he knew that as an old man, he was not qualified to explain.

"This is my phone number." The old man handed him a note, "When you are in a hurry, just call me on this number."

Zhou Mikang, who had always maintained a paralyzed expression, became agitated rarely.

The old man laughed: "That's right, you are only in your twenties, you always have a straight face, who do you want to scare?"

"I... I didn't do it on purpose, I was afraid that you would say I was immature." Zhou Mikang scratched his head embarrassingly, showing a rare embarrassment at his age, "My legs are shaking all the time."

"Haha..." The old man smiled and waved his hands at him, "I will ask Long Xiangjun to send you back. You will soon understand why this arrangement has been made these few days."

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