Long Xiangjun is the middle-aged man who brought Zhou Mikang to see the old man. He is the youngest son of Long Lao. He was a soldier. Now he is one of Long Lao's personal secretaries. The old man attached great importance to the Zhou family.

Or because of his father's admiration for the Zhou family father and son, when Long Xiangjun drove the two father and son away, he changed his original indifference and smiled at the father and son rarely.

Probably because he doesn't smile often, his smile is very stiff, or he himself realizes that his smile is not very good-looking, so he quickly suppresses his smile, and puts on another face that is paralyzed.

Zhou Jingping turned his eyes to the outside of the car in a concealed manner, and tried not to let himself laugh—the paralyzed faces of Mr. Long and his third son were so twins. His third daughter-in-law once said that his third son laughed like a sneer, which was strange. It's scary, at first he really didn't think so, but just now with Long Xiangjun's smile, he suddenly agreed with what the third daughter-in-law said.

"Brother Long, what happened in the past two days?" Zhou Mikang no longer held back his doubts as the car drove out of the courtyard.

"Old Wang has retired, and the part he was in charge of has been transferred to my father. The courtyard you came here today is for some old experts to live and work.

I asked you to come here because I don't want you to be embarrassed, and you will gradually know the details. "Long Xiangjun's answer is also specious.

"Elder Wang retired?" Zhou Mikang was taken aback for a moment, he remembered the last time he saw Elder Wang, and there seemed to be something wrong, but he couldn't find what was wrong for a while.

"Can I trouble you to send us to meet Mr. Wang?" Zhou Jingping asked inquiringly.

"Yes." Long Xiangjun responded happily, "If I hadn't considered that you might want to see him, I wouldn't have answered Zhou Mikang's question just now."

Zhou Jingping and Zhou Mikang were stunned. It turned out that this was also a test. If they ignored Mr. Wang, Mr. Long would probably be disappointed. Who likes a cold and heartless person?

Along the way, the three of them didn't talk any more. Zhou Mikang's brows were furrowed all the time. He felt that the answer was in his mind, but he couldn't make it out.

"Hey!" Zhou Jingping sighed softly, "It's up to now. Don't you understand, Mr. Wang, he has been protecting us all this time."

Zhou Mikang stared at his father suspiciously: "Dad, what did he tell you?"

"He didn't say anything, but what did he mean by making that trip and telling you that, don't you understand?"

"I guessed.

He hoped that the relationship between my dad and me would get better, but..." Zhou Mikang suddenly stopped, "Got it? Zhou Jingping sighed again and patted his son on the shoulder. "We all blamed him wrongly." "


A villa in a suburb of Shangjing.

Elder Wang, his eldest son Wang Yang, his second son Wang Zhao and his third son Wang Hui were sitting in the study, and in the hall outside were the female relatives and grandchildren of the Wang family.

The decline of the Wang family was sudden. As a result, the juniors in the family. I haven't even come to my senses yet, and I have a feeling that I can't tell whether it is a dream or reality.

The eldest son, Wang Yang, looked at his father with pain in his eyes: "Dad, why did you do this? Have you ever thought about us?"

The second son, Wang Yang, immediately echoed: "Yes, Dad, if you fight, the result probably won't be like this. Even if you don't think about us, you should think about Xiaoying, Xiaohao, Xiaojie and the others, right?"

Wang Yang patted his face with his big hands, and sighed heavily: "Dad, your years of painstaking efforts have turned into bubbles, are you really willing?"

"Dad naturally has his reasons for doing this. You two, can you stop looking for debts like this?" The younger son Wang Hui stared at the two brothers with dissatisfaction on his face, "Dad won all this by his own ability, and He has helped us on the horse and sent us off for a while. In the end, we are not up-to-date, who can we blame?

You only know how to blame Dad, have you ever thought about why Dad did this? When Dad stepped back, the Wang family was indeed no longer standing at the top.

However, the three of us will not become the one among the losers. We know that if we continue to fight, we may hurt others, so why do we have to fight?

The road has been paved for us. Whether we can walk the road that everyone is willing to run depends on our own ability, and we can't always think about relying on Dad! "

Wang Yang frowned and was unhappy: "You really don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk. Your son's work arrangement is good. It's not that you don't have any objections. What about Xiaoying and Xiaohao?"

Wang Zhao also said: "Yes, third brother, you can't just look at yourself, a family depends on the efforts of everyone, it cannot be supported by one person!"

"I didn't say to rely on one person to support it. Xiaoying Xiaohao and Xiaohui have equal chances. If Xiaoying Xiaohao doesn't take good care of himself, who is to blame?

According to the meaning of the elder brother and the second brother, Xiaojie should learn from the two elder brothers and take it as his responsibility to make grandpa angry, so that he can satisfy you? "


The boss and the second child said in unison.

During the quarrel between the three brothers, Mr. Wang kept staring out of the window with a pale face. Seeing that the three of them were arguing more and more outrageously, he finally withdrew his gaze: "It's almost enough. The face is what you fight for, not someone else. of!"

"Dad, what do you mean by that? Are you alluding to us?"

"That's right, Dad, you've always favored my little brother, and you're still lying to him now!"

Looking at the two sons who are righteous and confident, Mr. Wang felt a deep sense of defeat in his heart.

The son and the second son were born during the war years. For their safety, they had to be fostered in a fellow villager's house, and later they were taken home to raise themselves.

When the youngest son was born, he was already liberated and stayed with his parents all the time, or because of the influence of his living environment since he was a child, the eldest and second sons were extremely selfish. This makes the character of their children deeply influenced by them.

After they graduated, the jobs he arranged for his grandsons all started from the grassroots.

As a result, only the little grandson, Wang Jie, is getting more and more successful step by step with his own efforts.

As for the other two grandsons, they performed fairly well at first, but after three months, the old boy learned his habits, and it seemed that being lazy was a big deal.

As for the eldest son and the daughters of the second son, they have no hobbies other than comparing food and clothing costs and whose husband is more capable.

The most direct consequence is that the younger grandson has now been promoted to the director of a certain place, while the eldest grandson and second grandson are just ordinary workers.

As for the girls, the gap is even bigger. The eldest granddaughter and the younger granddaughter only graduated from junior high school, and the younger granddaughter has become the youngest professor at B University.

Such a difference made it impossible for the eldest son and the second son to accept this reality after the sudden change.

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