As soon as it arrives——

Looking at the two older brothers who were angry at their father with confidence, Wang Hui felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart. Are these still the older brothers he once respected?

"Okay, what you have to do now is to adapt and work hard. I will step down. Your work will remain the same, which is already the best result..." Wang Laochong waved his hands to his sons, "I will help you if I can help you." I've helped you all, from now on, you'll have to rely on yourself, go out."

The old man has no official status and has a stubborn temper. He knew that what he said was useless, so the eldest and second child got up quickly and walked out angrily.

Wang Hui sat still.

The old man waved his hand at him: "Go back, if I can come back every month in the future, I'll count as not raising you in vain."

"Dad..." Wang Hui's nose was a little pantothenic, because of this humble request.

"Your eldest brother and second brother probably won't come back in the future. Your mother will definitely find it difficult to accept it for a while. Come back and see her when you have time." With a heavy sigh, the old man picked up a pen and rubbed it back and forth with his thumb. Hold the pen.

This is a typical action of the old man when he is in a bad mood.

Wang Hui hurriedly made a promise: "Dad, don't worry, I will come back every week. Yun Lian and Xiaoman live here. It's not far from here for them to go to work."

The old man smiled and patted his son on the shoulder: "Dad knows that you are filial, but you also need someone to take care of you. It is enough to remember to come back and see us two old guys when you are resting."

Wang Hui couldn't control it anymore, and let his tears fall like beads with a broken thread.

Since childhood, he was afraid of his father and liked his mother.

Mother. Always smile and praise their brothers and sisters, father. Most of the time it is to train them unsmilingly.

Then I grew up and worked. It is also difficult to get his father's praise and approval. Every time he goes home, his mother always asks for his health in a soft voice. For this reason, he mostly chooses to go home when his father is not around.

After getting married and having children, he gradually understood his father more, but in his heart, his father was still synonymous with seriousness and omnipotence. Father has been working hard to support them, but he doesn't make them rely on him too much. or. This is the day to guard against.

It's a pity that because the eldest brother and the second brother were fostered when they were young, they always feel that even as compensation, their father must give them enough help to find a bright future for them.

Father's painstaking efforts,

I can't understand it at all, or even more. It was complaining, complaining that their father didn't think much about them, that made them end up like this.

He is the youngest, what he says. The eldest brother and the second brother couldn't listen to him, and they didn't like him since they were young, thinking that he had enjoyed too many blessings. You have no right to point fingers at them.

It's just that the father retired, and their brothers and sisters were not affected at all. This is really the best result. If the father is really what the eldest brother and the second brother hoped, the Wang family will probably be over this time.

Such is the cruelty of political struggle. Winners and losers, like my father, can let go of everything and make this choice. How many high-ranking people can really do it?

Proud to be his son! At the same time, as his son, he felt sorry for him. At this moment, he let go of all his defenses and cried like a child...

After making such a decision, Mr. Wang felt very sad. He sighed softly, but did not persuade him. He let Wang Hui cry bitterly. The door was gently pushed open. Wang Jie stuck his head in and saw his father. He quickly shrank his head back again.

"Come in." Old Wang snorted, "Why didn't you knock on the door just now?"

"Hey..." Wang Jie smiled mischievously, "Uncle Zhou and Zhou Mikang are here, the uncle, the second uncle, and the eldest brother and the second brother, stop them from coming in, grandpa, do you want to let them in?"

Elder Wang glared at him: "What are you procrastinating for?" Then he stood up and walked out. Of course, he knew that his little grandson was doing this to retaliate against Zhou Mikang's previous misunderstanding.

However, that was intentionally misunderstood by him, how could he blame others? Most importantly, if he didn't do that, Mr. Zhou would not choose to vote for Mr. Long because of his stubborn temper. They are the pillars of the country, and he can't let them be buried because of him.

Wang Hui also quickly wiped away the tears on his face, and walked outside. He and Zhou Jingping are friends.

Wang Yang and his son and Wang Zhao's father and son were blocking the door, accusing the Zhou family of "betrayal" and their "shamelessness"...

The female family members of the Wang family never interfered with the affairs of the men, they just sat in the living room, stretching their necks to watch the excitement...

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Wang Lao frowned and looked at the two sons and two grandsons who were standing at the door, scolding happily, feeling that they had lost face.

"Dad, they did such a thing, how can they have a face?"

"Dad, you are generous and don't hold grudges. We can't do it. Their family has today, and it's all your help. But when it comes to the critical moment, they do such a thing. If you want me, I will be embarrassed to see you again in this life." you!"

"Yeah, it's too shameless!"

"It's just shameless!"

Two couples of father and son stood at the door, each saying a word, but they refused to move.

"Let it go or not?"

Before that, both the eldest family and the second family were extremely afraid of the old man, and even dared not show up in front of the old man. In fact, they may not be really afraid, but just want to use obedience to get more things from the old man.

Now, knowing that the old man can't bring them anything more, he turned his face. However, in his gut, he was more or less afraid. Seeing that the old man was really angry, he hesitated for a moment, and then dodged to the two sides.

Outside the door, Zhou Jingping and Zhou Mikang stood calmly, in stark contrast to Wang Yang and Wang Zhao and Wang Zhao.

"Old chief..." Zhou Jingping called out, his eyes turned red immediately, and after only a few days of absence, the old man lost a lot of weight again.

"Grandpa Wang, I'm sorry." Zhou Mikang looked at Mr. Wang with a face of shame, "I was too arbitrary, please forgive me, Grandpa."

"No, you're not arbitrary..." Mr. Wang stepped forward and patted Zhou Mikang on the shoulder, and laughed as he watched the father and son, "You guys came sooner than I expected.

To be honest, I am very relieved now, at least it shows that I am not a failure as a human being, and in such a short period of time, you have already realized my true intentions. "Speaking of this, suddenly thinking of the performance of the eldest son and the second son, the smile on the old man's face dissipated a little.

"Go in." Elder Wang turned around and took the lead to walk in.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Hui approached Zhou Jingping and whispered, "Did you not suffer too much these days?"

"Except for freedom, nothing else has changed much." Zhou Jingping put his arms around his shoulders, "How about you, how are you doing?"

"Hey!" Wang Hui sighed softly, "Father took this step for us, so I haven't changed much."

"The chief..." Zhou Jingping sighed and didn't say anything more.

Wang Jie was still angry with Zhou Mikang, so he stood far away and did not come over.

Zhou Mikang greeted Mrs. Wang, and Wang Jie's mother, Qiao Xinzi, and walked straight to Wang Jie's side—the first aunt and the second aunt didn't bother to look at him at all. With his character, how could he be hot-faced? Stick a cold ass?

"Are you still angry with me? Don't be so narrow-minded, my daughter-in-law is bigger than you." Zhou Mikang denounced Wang Jie seriously, but the other party couldn't help but give him a white look, "Show that you have a wife? Wife Who doesn't have it, my son will call him dad, do you have it?"

Thinking that he didn't even have a consummate room, Zhou Mikang rubbed his nose uncomfortably: "There will be."

Seeing his actions, Wang Jie knew that he was guilty, and immediately smiled contentedly: "Hurry up, don't marry my grandson's wife by then, and you haven't married your daughter-in-law yet."

"Your mouth is still so bad!" Zhou Mikang glared at him, then turned and walked towards the old man's study.

Wang Jie's younger sister, Wang Yu, was not familiar with Zhou Mikang, so when he entered, she moved to Wang Jie's side and asked in a low voice, "Is it because he likes Ye Meiru?"

"Yes." Wang Jie nodded.

"Then does he still like it now?"

"Probably not." Wang Jie looked at his sister, "Why do you ask this, I'm not a roundworm in his stomach, how do I know if he likes it or not."

"Ye Meiru is married." Wang Yu shrugged, "That's why I asked curiously."

"Married?" Wang Jie was taken aback, "When did it happen?"

"A week ago. Married to Huang Lao's eldest son, the disfigured eldest son."

Originally, Wang Lao, Long Lao, and Huang Lao stood on three legs, each with their own faction. Now that Wang Lao has withdrawn, it is the feeling that Long Lao, Huang Lao, and Huang Lao are dividing the world equally. Of course, this world means equal distribution of power.

"How do you know?" Wang Jie looked at his younger sister incredulously, "With Ye Meiru's character, how can you fall in love with Huang Xinlong?"

"Did you forget that Huang Suye and I are classmates and colleagues? She is always depressed these days. I asked her what's wrong, and she said that her brother married a broken shoe that is well known in that circle."

"What does this have to do with Zhou Mikang?"

"Ye Meiru's condition for marrying Huang Xinlong is to ask the Huang family to help rehabilitate the Zhou family and return Zhou's father and son to freedom."

"Then Mr. Huang agreed?"

"Cut!" Wang Yu raised his eyebrows, "Is she qualified enough? Huang Xinlong agreed. The premise is that she must marry him first, and then he will help her."

"These two are really a natural couple." Wang Jie shook his head amusedly, "Unfortunately, Ye Meiru made a wrong calculation this time, Zhou Mikang will not be grateful to her."

"He used to love her so much, now she does this kind of thing for him, won't he be grateful?" Wang Yu wondered, "If so, isn't it too unfeeling?"

"She did that kind of thing to Zhou Mikang. If Zhou Mikang still loves her and appreciates her again, then Zhou Mikang is mentally ill and there is no cure." Wang Jie said bitterly, "That kind of woman , always self-righteous!"

"Brother, why do you hate Ye Meiru so much?" Wang Yu sized Wang Jie up and down, "Did she do something wrong to you? Are you just hoping for bad luck for her?"

ps: Book title: Wangchungui Author: Concubine Ziye Introduction: On the day of the wedding, the fiancé passed away. Going far away to the farm, planting flowers and walking the dog, I look forward to the willows and flowers, and the native women also have spring

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