Come to the next update, is it a bit unexpected? ——

"That's right, she did something wrong to me."

Originally, Wang Yu was just testing his brother jokingly. Hearing what his brother said, he was taken aback for a moment, and quickly asked, "What did she do to feel sorry for him? Did she like him too?"

Wang Jie quietly glanced at his wife Su Mei, seeing that she was hugging her son and talking to his mother, he breathed a sigh of relief, and stared at his sister warningly: "Where is your sister-in-law, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Is it true?" Wang Yu's eyes were wide open, and he glanced around. Seeing that everyone was talking about themselves, and no one was paying attention to them, he poked Wang Jie and begged, "Brother, tell me , keep your voice down, no one will hear you."

This matter has been on Wang Jie's mind for many years, and it has also made him uncomfortable. In addition, he and his sister have had a good relationship since childhood. I can stand up bravely like a man and grab her.

As for me, I will take it seriously, and you know that at that time, my brother was young and was at the age when I was full of curiosity about the opposite sex. When she said that, she felt that her vanity was fully satisfied.

I really decided to talk to Zhou Mikang, but I didn't want to steal his girlfriend, but I felt that it was a very sad thing to be together without love.

In the end, when I was going to find Zhou Mikang, I heard Ye Meiru say exactly the same thing to Mei Yitong, do you know how I felt at that time? Disgusting like eating a fly!

It was precisely because of that that I told Zhou Mikang that Ye Meiru was not suitable for him. Being with Ye Meiru would destroy him. But at that time, how could Zhou Mikang listen to it?

result. He just asked me if I also liked Ye Meiru. Just this one sentence crushed me in an instant. In fact, I broke up with him in a fit of anger. The most important thing was my guilty conscience.

And if I didn't contact him afterwards, I still felt guilty, and then contacted him later. Because the hurdle in my heart has never passed, it is difficult to go back to the past. I know Zhou Mikang's character. If I don't take the initiative to show favor, he will never show favor to me.

However, it seems that I was wrong again. I really didn't expect that today, he would come over and take the initiative to show his affection to me. I'm curious what kind of girl he is marrying now. "

Wang Yu nodded with a smile: "I'm also curious to hear what my brother said. A good woman can make a man open-minded. He should marry a good woman." After thinking about it, he asked again. "Then about Ye Meiru's marriage, do you want to tell him?"

"Need not.

"Wang Jie shook his head. "There is nothing to say about this matter, he already has his own family. Ye Meiru visited him while he was in custody, but in the end, she married a man surnamed Huang, which means that Zhou Mikang clearly rejected Ye Meiru.

Since this is the case, why do we do such immoral things that destroy people's marriages? Regardless of whether Zhou Mikang would be grateful to Ye Meiru or not, it was impossible for her to feel guilty when she heard that she would rather marry a severely disfigured man for her own sake.

But according to my understanding of Ye Meiru, what she wants is to make Zhou Mikang feel guilty for her, and feel guilty for the rest of her life. "

"According to what my brother said..." Wang Yu frowned tightly, "Ye Meiru will never be a hero behind the scenes. If we don't say it, she will say it herself. Then, brother, should I remind Zhou Mi?" Kang, lest he fall into Ye Meiru's tricks?"

After pondering for a while, Wang Jie shook his head: "He has to solve this matter by himself, so let's not worry about it."

"Well, anyway, I just want to remind you, what to do is up to you." Wang Yu sighed softly, "We really don't care about salty carrots. The family is much worse, alas, let's study our own affairs."

"Our family has nothing to study. If we should work hard, we should work hard. Don't think about anything else. Our family's sensitive identity is here. If you think too much, it's easier to get right and wrong."

"We think so..." Wang Yu nodded his chin towards his uncle and uncle, "Those two families don't think so, but from the perspective of outsiders, we are still a Wang family."

Wang Jie raised his eyebrows and looked at his sister: "Can you take care of their affairs?"

"I can't manage it."

"Then it's over. If you can't control it, you have to control it. The consequence is that the more you control it, the more mysterious it becomes, and the more you control it, the more serious it becomes. Alas..." Wang Jie sighed and changed the subject, "I'm still too soft-hearted. When I left City A, I swore that I would not spare Zhou Mikang easily, but in the end, after he only said a few words, I was not angry with him anymore, I am not reconciled."

Knowing that my elder brother didn't want to get involved with the affairs of the uncle and the second uncle's family, he deliberately brought up this matter to talk about it. Wang Yu stopped worrying about what will happen to the Wang family in the future, and followed his elder brother's voice, "Then Just wait for him to come out, beat him up and have a good time."

"Do you think I can beat him?" Wang Jie curled his lips, and suddenly remembered the glorious deeds that Zhou Mikang did in the prison, so he told his sister one by one.

It was 40 minutes later that Zhou Jingping and Zhou Mikang came out of the old man's study. Wang Yu stared at Zhou Mikang with glowing eyes, as if he wanted to pounce on him and take a bite.

Noticing the look in her eyes, Mr. Wang frowned and coughed lightly: "Xiaomi, when you come next time, bring your wife with you and let Grandpa see her."

Zhou Mikang was taken aback for a moment, and quickly responded: "Yes"

Wang Yu just looked at her grandfather with black lines. She just worshiped him and beat the bad guys into scum, okay? She doesn't have the habit of liking married men, no, when Zhou's father and son are gone, she has to reason with her grandpa, so she won't treat her granddaughter so wrongly!


People say that being close to the hometown is timid, but for Zhou Mikang and Zhou Jingping, it is timid to be close to the family now.

When the car drove into the compound, the hearts of the father and son were tugged. Long Xiangjun, who was driving the car, showed a smile on his stern face. He had a good impression of the father and son during the journey, and he also recognized it. Father's preference for them.

When sending them to the Wang's house, he parked the car a little farther away and let them walk there. During this sensitive period, he ran to the Wang's house to show off, and he wasn't that unkind.

Originally, he thought that because of the influence, Zhou's father and son would be able to come out after staying for ten minutes at most, but in the end, they stayed for more than forty minutes. Not only would he not be unhappy about this, but he also sincerely respected them.

Only those who are serious about love can hand over.



In the hall, Mr. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou, Mr. Wan, Mr. Jing, Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Xia are pasting the boxes, and Chu Xia is in charge of packing them neatly into bags.

"In this hour, I have blurred a hundred, which is five more than yesterday." Taking a look at the time, Mr. Zhou said proudly, "I never thought that my big thick hand could be so dexterous."

"Well, it's quite a lot. There's progress." Mr. Wan said while counting, "I've pasted one hundred and twenty this hour, ten more than yesterday, not as fast as you."

Mr. Zhou was speechless, and turned to look at his old lady: "How much are you?"

"One hundred and thirty." Mrs. Zhou reported the count with a proud face.

"Mine, mine, you haven't asked me yet." Mr. Jing raised his hand eagerly, "I have 200 of them, more than you all, hahaha..."

When everyone looked over in amazement, Mrs. Jing pursed her lips and said, "Don't listen to his nonsense, it's me and him who are confused!\

,"Mr. Jing's writing stopped abruptly, and he glared at the old lady: "It's annoying, can't you let them praise me, make me happy for a while, and then tell them the truth?"

"That's right." Mrs. Jing looked at Mrs. Zhou with a smile, "Sister-in-law, do you believe that I let him do more at home now?"

"You can't stop asking how much Baohe and Yulan have lost because of evasion." Mrs. Zhou said, looking at Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan.

"I didn't count." Zhao Yulan smiled embarrassedly, "I put it in Chu's bag when I finished the paste. I don't know how much I have pasted."

"Mine too." Lin Baohe also looked embarrassed.

"You are afraid that we have no place to put our old faces, so you are in a hurry to pretend?" Mrs. Zhou looked at Chu Xia, "Xia, how much is there in total, we didn't pretend, what you pretended was your parents', Report the number."

"One thousand and two." Chu Xia blinked his big eyes, "Grandpa and grandma, have you been hit?"

Zhao Yulan hurriedly said: "This child, what are the ages of your mother and your father, and what are the ages of your grandparents? Besides, your mother and your father work all over the world. How can you compare this kind of thing with your grandparents and cultural people?" Son? Literate people’s hands are for writing, not for sticking matchboxes.”

"These two are so kind." Mrs. Jing clicked her tongue twice and looked at Mrs. Zhou, "You are so lucky to have such a good granddaughter-in-law and such an in-law family."

"Yes, yes, we cherish our blessings." The old lady Zhou chuckled, "I now feel that even if I can only eat with matchboxes in the future, I will be happy."

Mr. Zhou waved his hand at his wife: "You pull it down, if there is no Yulan and Baohe, you will starve to death if you stick a matchbox."

"What I want is for them to stay with me and let them support me." Mrs. Zhou said, looking at Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan, "Baohe, Yulan, you don't dislike me, do you?"

Zhao Yulan grinned: "Of course I don't mind it. Aunt Zhou is willing to let us raise her. That's kissing us. I understand the reason."

Standing at the door, looking at the group of people in the hall, the happy scene, Zhou Jingping and Zhou Mikang felt that their hearts warmed up immediately...

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