The first update arrives, this is to make up for the update owed yesterday——


Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, the heartbeat of Chu Xia who was "trying" to sleep under the blanket immediately accelerated - she didn't know whether she was shocked or panicked...

The footsteps are getting closer, getting closer... the quilt that was drumming there trembled rhythmically...

"Are you cold or scared?" Zhou Mikang, who had already relaxed, sat on the edge of the bed with a chuckle, and patted the quilt, "If you're scared, just tell me, I can..."

"Go to sleep in another room?" Chu Xia sat up suddenly, her eyes sparkling, she stared at Zhou Mikang expectantly, and finished the second half of the sentence.

Zhou Mikang denied without hesitation: "No!"

Chu Xia's little face collapsed, and she slowly retracted into the bed, rubbing down, rubbing down...until the quilt covered her head and was still rubbing down...

The corner of Zhou Mikang's mouth twitched: "Are you a maggot?"

"Speaking so ugly." A muffled echo came from the bed.

"What do you want to do with this look?" Zhou Mikang lifted the quilt and slapped someone's butt with his big hand, "Get up and talk!"

"Talk about it!" Chu Xia glared at him bitterly and sat up, "Can women's butts be photographed casually?"

Zhou Mikang: "You're just a girl!"

"Girls' buttocks are even more unacceptable!"

"Is it a different matter if this girl is my wife?"

"Hehe...hehe..." Chu Xia laughed all kinds of doglegs.

"Do you think you can hide by pretending to be a fool?" Zhou Mikang stretched out his long arms and took Chu Xia into his arms, feeling the other party's struggle. The strength of his hand increased, and he firmly clasped the opponent's shoulder. Suffering from the pain, Chu Xia had no choice but to lean on his shoulder obediently: "Say!"

Feel the depression in her heart. Zhou Mikang felt that his heart was blocked all of a sudden, and he patted her shoulder: "So annoying me?"


"You don't like me at all?"

Chu Xia turned her head and stared at him: "Are you stimulated or are you out of your mind? I didn't like you in the first place,

I haven't seen each other for a while, if I say that I like you, would you believe me? "

"You..." Zhou Mikang looked at her with a frown, "Why do you act like a hedgehog whenever you talk to me? What I mean by asking this is that we have been married for so long. No emotion?"

"Isn't that a problem?" Chu Xia stared wide-eyed. With a speechless face, "What's the difference from what I answered?"

"Then do you like Jing Zhe?"

"Ah?" Chu Xia stared at him blankly, "What do you mean?"

"Let me ask, do you like Jing Zhe?" Zhou Mikang asked almost word for word, and it was obvious that he was serious.

Chu Xia's bachelor nods: "I like it!"

The head of the group, Zhizi's face immediately darkened: "No!"

"Why are you not allowed?" Someone poked his neck.

"You are my wife!" While speaking, the team leader pinched Chu Xia's chin and forced her to look directly at him, "In this life, you can only be my wife, and put away other small thoughts for me." .”

"Are you mentally ill?" Chu Xia's eyes became more angry, "I don't know how you live these days. However, if you have been wronged and feel uncomfortable. You can talk to me, whether I can I can't help you. At the very least, you can safely treat me as an emotional trash can. I will help you digest some negative emotions.

But what are you doing? Take anger outside, go home and spread it on your family? Zhou Mikang, let me tell you, I, Lin Chuxia, hate this kind of man the most! "

"If you don't want to tell me what's in your heart, just say so. You don't need to find any random reasons!" Zhou Mikang snorted coldly, pulled up his shoes and walked out, "I'll go to the guest room to sleep, you can sleep in peace, if you are really worried , Come down and lock the door, I won’t be able to pick the lock and enter!”

"You..." Chu Xia laughed angrily, "Did you feel worried about all the women after being betrayed by Ye Meiru once?"

"Shut up!" Zhou Mikang turned his head and stared at Chu Xia with red eyes, "Lin Chuxia, don't know who you are just because I spoil you!"

"Don't worry, I will always know who I am, I am Lin Chuxia, and I am the daughter of a farmer, but I am not inferior to you, nor have I begged you to marry me.

To look down on me is to look down on yourself, because you chose all these things yourself, and you even forced me to marry you!

If you think that I will rely on you in everything because my family is not as good as yours, then you have made a mistake. Let me emphasize again, I, Lin Chuxia, will never be inferior to you! please you? impossible……"

Looking at the little man sitting on the bed, staring at him with a stubborn face, opening and closing his mouth, Zhou Mikang's heart burned like a fire, he didn't mean that, he didn't want to hurt her, let alone He disliked her idea of ​​letting her please him, he just, just...

"Chu Xia, I was wrong!" He quickly ran back to the bed and hugged her, "I'm sorry, I was wrong, it was all my fault, I was narrow-minded, I'm sorry..."

This sudden apology stunned Chu Xia, who was talking happily, and was hugged so tightly by the other party that her breathing became a little difficult. She finally recovered and struggled hard. He thought she was still there. Angry, the strength in his hands became even stronger.

"I... was about to be strangled to death by you!"

"Ah?" Zhou Mikang was so frightened that he quickly let go, and simply turned his arms around, carefully testing her body, "Does it hurt here?... Where is it here?..."

"I'm not a glass man!" Chu Xia glared at him angrily, "I said, why are you so moody? With your temper, I think I should stay away from you in the future!"

"Lin Chuxia, I guess, I really like you!" Zhou Mikang sighed heavily, "I was wondering, how could I fall in love with you because you have such a bad temper, and you can blow your hair when you poke it? I can basically be sure now that I like you."

"Really?" Chu Xia stared at him with bright eyes, "Tell me quickly, how did you determine it, and let me analyze it for you."

"You..." Zhou Mikang was left speechless by her again.

"Tell me, don't be so stingy, I want to know." Chu Xia leaned down, resting his head on his lap, staring at him closely, "Say it, I can tell if you're lying of."

"You think too much, okay, go to sleep." Zhou Mikang pulled off the quilt, stuffed her in, then stuffed himself in, turned off the bedside lamp, stretched out his long arms, and wrapped her tightly In the arms, "Sleep."

"Hey, don't wait for this. Don't talk about arousing people's curiosity at the beginning. Let me tell you, this is the most boring thing."


"Well, I was wrong. You are very interesting. I am not. I am just curious. I just want to know. Tell me."


"Don't keep silent. I'm not confident anymore. Really, everyone used to say that I'm not good-looking, I can't work, and no one is married. Just say it and give me confidence."


"Hey, it's wrong to pretend to be dead, get up and tell me!"

A certain person was about to be tormented to death by curiosity, so he simply grabbed the arm that was wrapped in front of him by the head of the regiment, and bit down hard...

Feeling the smell of blood in his mouth, the other party still didn't make a sound, Chu Xia looked frustrated, he simply let go, and became stunned.

"You really can't sleep?"

"Yes, yes." Chu Xia quickly responded happily, "Are you going to tell me?"

"Today at Jing's house, seeing you and Jing Zhe talking and laughing so recklessly, that smile is the kind of undefended smile from the heart, I feel very uncomfortable, you never smile like that to me. "

"It's quite sensitive." Chu Xia chuckled, "I regard him as an older brother. Let's put it this way, your feelings for Zhou Xiangping are the same as my feelings for him."

"Then how do you feel about me?"

"For you..." After a pause, Chu Xia patted him, "Okay, let's go to sleep and stop talking."

Zhou Mikang: "..." Is there such a person? It's so unkind to force others to speak out and it's her turn!

In fact, Chu Xia didn't dare to talk to him anymore. She felt his body was getting hotter and hotter, and felt a certain part was hard. She was at a loss.

If he must, she will not refuse.

However, she would really regret it. In her opinion, this kind of thing can only be done by two people who really love each other.

Or, she has a little affection for him, but she is still far away from love. Even when Ye Meiru found him, she didn't have any jealous thoughts...

Zhou Mikang's mood is very complicated.

Speaking of it, it seems that he has never really been in love. Before, he thought he and Ye Meiru were like that, but now, he knows that it is not.

Apart from being angry at Ye Meiru's betrayal, he didn't seem to mind Ye Meiru hanging out with other male friends, and he didn't even mind them hanging out alone.

But he knew that he cared about Lin Chuxia.

In the evening at Jing's house, seeing Lin Chuxia getting along so well with Jing's family, especially when she smiled at Jing Zhe, he really felt sour.

He himself felt ashamed, a twenty-seven-year-old man, but he was still jealous? That's why he didn't want to answer Chu Xia at that time, if he knew that he liked her, he really felt ashamed of his behavior.

No, he will ask Wang Jie some other day, that guy is very transparent about emotional matters. Back then, he was the one who first saw that Ye Meiru was not suitable for him...

"Zhou Mikang, give me time to get to know you, I'm serious."

Zhou Mikang, who thought that Chu Xia had already fallen asleep, was stunned for a moment, wrapped her arms around her, and then tightened them tightly, his cheeks pressed against her back, and after a while, his breathing became even...

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