The second watch arrives——

After Zhou's father and son came back, they did not notify their relatives and friends with much fanfare, including sisters Zhou Jiping and Zhou Xiangping. Therefore, it was not until the next morning that the two sisters got the news and rushed over one after another.

Zhou Xiangping was able to come here because Mr. Liao finally released her from confinement.

After nearly a month, Zhou Xiangping saw her natal family again, crying so hard that she kept calling for a divorce from Liao Hui.

Liao Hui, who was standing beside the mother and daughter, looked embarrassed. Of course he didn't agree with grandpa's actions. However, grandpa was not in good health. Seeing that his always cheerful wife didn't have a smiling face every day, he felt very uncomfortable.

In the past, the youngest daughter came to the house every day, and she hadn't seen her for nearly a month. Lin Yanqiu was also panicked, and hugged her daughter to persuade her while wiping tears.

Unhappy with what the Liao family did, Mr. Zhou, brothers Zhou Jingping and Zhou Xikang chose to remain silent, leaving Liao Hui hanging there with nowhere to put his hands and feet.

Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit strange, Chu Xia got up and slipped to the kitchen to help. The nanny hadn't come back yet, and it was Liang Xiaohong and Yu Tao who were busy in the kitchen.

"Don't interfere with the bride." Seeing her washing her hands, Yu Tao joked with a smile, "I want the third brother to see what the younger siblings are capable of, so we can wait until later."

Liang Xiaohong also smiled and said: "Yes, when a girl is an official for a day, Chu Xia, you just got married, and when you can still enjoy being an official, you can be free every day, why are you so rushing to find trouble?"

"Second aunt, sister-in-law. Do you need to be so exaggerated?" Chu Xia looked at the two of them helplessly, "The nanny will be back soon. What is there to be tired of?"


Liang Xiaohong and Yu Tao laughed together, they were just teasing Chu Xia. Seeing that she was sincerely helping, he stopped being polite to her, "Brother and sister, what special dish do you want to make?" Yu Tao asked with a smile.

"I can make scrambled eggs with tomatoes and scrambled eggs with leeks." Chu Xia looked embarrassed, "Cabbage can also be scrambled, but the taste is mediocre."

"Hehe..." Liang Xiaohong laughed, "Our Nanping only knows these two dishes." Then she sighed, "It would be great if she was as sensible as you."

"Second Aunt. Wait for two years, and she will be fine when she is older, or she will be fine when she has a child." Chu Xia comforted her, "You don't know your parents' kindness if you don't raise a child. Second Aunt, don't worry. "

Yu Tao looked at Chu Xia amusedly,

"Siblings. If it comes from mother-in-law or sister-in-law, there is no problem at all. If it comes from your mouth, hehe..."

"This has nothing to do with age. Chu Xia is six years younger than Nan Ping, but no matter how you compare, Nan Ping can't compare with Chu Xia." Liang Xiaohong smiled and waved her hands, "Actually, I have nothing to worry about. It's not a day since Nan Ping has a bad temper.

If you don't come back, don't come back, as long as we live in peace. She herself is living in peace, other things are not a big deal. "

Yu Tao gave a thumbs up: "Second Aunt now has a sense of detachment that understands ordinary things."

"I don't have that much understanding. It's just that after something happens, I always gain wisdom. Sigh..." Liang Xiaohong sighed softly, "This time, my sister-in-law has suffered a lot for this family. She's better."

"Sure." The sister-in-law said quickly.

"Chu Xia, after a long time in the future, you will know that my mother-in-law is a very tolerant person, and she is very considerate of others. This time, I plan to move there together, but my mother-in-law won't let me go there no matter what.

She said, my mother just had an operation, and her body hasn't recovered yet. If she knows that such a big accident happened to Zhou's family, she will lose her energy if she is anxious. I stay at home, whether my mother knows it or not would be so worried.

And..." After a pause, Yu Tao sighed, "In short, you will know later, we have the best mother-in-law in the world, of course, grandparents, father-in-law, second uncle, second aunt, third uncle, etc. They are all good people who are hard to find with a lantern. "

"Taoer..." Liang Xiaohong looked at Yu Tao with pity, "You, don't put too much pressure on yourself, grandparents and your mother-in-law and father-in-law didn't mean to blame you. It's just a coincidence, you two have a good relationship, in short, good things take time, you should think about the good."

Hearing what Liang Xiaohong said, Chu Xia suddenly realized that the root cause of Yu Tao's always taking care of everyone carefully, for fear of missing someone, was that she always felt sorry for her infertility.

"Sister-in-law, you have lived in your mother's house for so long, and your aunt has no doubts?" Chu Xia changed the subject.

"It just so happens that my elder brother and second brother are on business trips, my sister-in-law and my mother have a bad relationship, and my second sister-in-law is far away from work and has no time to take care of her. I said that my mother-in-law's family allowed me to go back and accompany her for a while. Believe me." Speaking of this, Yu Tao couldn't help sniffling again, "Grandma always thinks so thoroughly, if I hadn't gone home to take care of my mother, this time, she still doesn't know what she would be tortured into."

"Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. How can there be such a thing in the world? Fortunately, both of your brothers are still filial. Besides, you are not here, right?"

"That's right." Yu Tao laughed, "We should be happy today, let's not talk about these things."

The three of them chatted in the kitchen, but they got a lot closer. The atmosphere in the hall is completely different from that in the kitchen.

The old lady Zhou called Liao Hui to her side, and stared at him seriously: "When you married Xiaoxiang back home, how did you promise us?"

"Grandma, I'm sorry." Liao Hui drooped his head with shame on his face, "It's all my fault, if you can't do it, grandma, beat me up."

"Hehe..." Mrs. Zhou laughed, but she stared at Liao Hui without smiling at all, "Are you making fun of my old lady? I am so old, even if I want to Hitting you, who is the one who suffers?"

"Then I'll slap myself..." Liao Hui slapped himself twice as he spoke, and Zhou Xikang, who was standing aside, quickly grabbed him, "What are you doing? Grandma will feel better if you do this?"

Zhou Xiangping had stopped crying at this moment, and when she looked up and saw the clear finger marks on Liao Hui's face, she felt distressed, but what she said was not very pleasant: "You will be able to come here now, you beat yourself to death, Can you make up for the damage I have suffered these days?"

"As long as you don't get a divorce, you can treat me whatever you want." Liao Hui said quickly.

"Really?" Zhou Xiangping raised her eyebrows, "Are you sure, you will listen to whatever I tell you to do."

"Hmm." Although Zhou Xiangping's tone could be felt to be unkind, does he have any other choice at this time? Furthermore, having known each other since childhood and being a husband and wife for the past few months, he still has great confidence in his wife's character, and believes that no matter how hard she makes things difficult for him, she will not let him do anything unethical. For example, I believe she would not ask for severing ties with grandpa and the Liao family.

"From now on, you are not allowed to say a word with Jiang Xue." Zhou Xiangping said every word, "If I find out that you are still dating her, divorce is certain!"

Without waiting for Liao Hui's answer, Lin Yanqiu spoke first: "Are you dating Jiang Xue? To what extent? When did it start?"

"No, Mom, I really haven't been in contact with Jiang Xue."

"You mean that I wronged you?" Zhou Xiangping snorted coldly, "Am I, Zhou Xiangping, the kind of person who catches rumors and puts on hats at random? Huh?"

"Liao Hui, did you forget to promise me something?" Lin Yanqiu stared at Liao Hui with anger in her eyes. She had always known about Jiang Xue's little thought for Liao Hui, and she had talked to Liao Hui specifically. The other party expressed his attitude by patting his chest.

"Mom, I was wronged. Jiang Xue and I really have nothing wrong with us. We grew up together. It is okay to say hello when we meet, but there is really nothing else." Liao Hui asked for help. Looking at Zhou Xikang, "Brother, we meet often, if I have any moves, I can't hide it from you, right?"

"This..." Liao Hui grew up watching him grow up, and he has a bit of a gentle widow's judgment in his character, but he really doesn't believe that there is something wrong with his sister and Jiang Xue behind his back.

However, at this time, defending the other party seems to be too cheap for the other party. Anyway, what the Liao family did this time is really unreasonable. But he didn't want the matter between his younger sister and Liao Hui to become complicated. After all, the relationship between the two had always been good. If something happened because of this incident, it wouldn't be worth it.

Weighing back and forth, Zhou Xikang didn't know whether to speak for Liao Hui.

If it was before, Zhou Mikang would probably throw Liao Hui out directly. However, during this period of time, his freedom was restricted, and he also went through the relationship in detail, so he knew that the relationship is not simply judged by black and white.

"Fourth sister, tell me the reason for your suspicion." Zhou Mikang looked at Zhou Xiangping with a serious expression on his face, "If he really did something wrong to you, I will make the decision for you!"

"Thank you third brother!" Zhou Xiangping gritted her teeth and took out a letter from her pocket, "I found this from Liao Hui's coat pocket..." She looked at Liao Hui, "I will give you one last chance, if you now If you say it, I can still forgive you, if you have to admit it only after I expose it, then our husband and wife will be successful."

"I still say the same thing, Jiang Xue and I are fine." Liao Hui stared at Zhou Xiangping firmly, "Although I don't know what is written in the letter in your hand, I hope you give me The power to read letters, and the power to verify."

"Heh..." Zhou Xiangping stared at him disappointedly, "Are you guilty, or do you want to beat him up?"

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