The first update has arrived, and there is another update. The code is almost 2,000. I will continue to struggle——

"Are you kidding me?" Zhou Jiping rubbed his sister's head angrily and amusedly, "Looks like I have to be more careful in the future, lest you sell me and count the money for you."

"I can't help it." Zhou Xiangping sighed, "My mother-in-law is too good at pretending. If I don't expose her this time, I don't know how much I will suffer from her in the future."

Lin Yanqiu looked at her daughter worriedly: "Have you ever thought about it, now that Liao Hui is angry, he will go back to find his mother to settle the score, but when he thinks about it later, he must blame you."

"Mom..." Zhou Xiangping stared at her mother with wide eyes, with an expression of disbelief on her face, "These words actually came from your mouth? I...I...Did I hear it right?"

"Oh, I'm the one who spoiled you." Lin Yanqiu touched her daughter's head with annoyed expression, "Think about it, why does Cai Hongying like Jiang Xue but not you?"

"Mom, isn't it? Sister, pinch me... Ouch! Mom, what are you doing with such strength?" Zhou Xiangping stared at Lin Yanqiu bitterly after being pinched, "Are you still my real mother?"

"Looks like I really took it lightly." Lin Yanqiu made a gesture to pinch her again, scaring Zhou Xiangping to run behind Mrs. Zhou, "Grandma, what's wrong with my mother? We haven't seen each other for a month, why has she changed completely?" ?”

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhou Jingping glared at his daughter, then looked at his wife apologetically. "Yanqiu, you have suffered. I will find justice for you."

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Zhou Xiangping ran up to Zhou Jingping in one step, grabbing his arm. Hastily said, "Who is bullying my mother, Dad, tell me, I will deal with him!"

Everyone has black lines... Sure enough, this is the real Xiaosi Xiangping...



Zhou Mikang skillfully stir-fried vegetables, while Chu Xia stood watching with surprise on his face. Liang Xiaohong and Yu Tao hid out when he came in, and they didn't know if they wanted to watch the excitement, or to leave space for the young couple.

"You know how to cook? Then why did you roll out the dumpling wrapper like that yesterday?" Chu Xia swallowed unconsciously as the aroma of the vegetables overflowed, feeling a little embarrassed, grabbing the tea mug to drink, "I'm thirsty .”

"Are you thirsty or hungry?" Zhou Mikang asked without looking back.

"Can't you be kinder?" Chu Xia curled his mouth,

this person. If you don't provoke her for a while, you will feel uncomfortable all over, and you are so much older than her, despise him!

"We used to train, and all we brought was compressed food. After eating for a long time, our mouth was bland. Later, we thought of a way to carry a small pot on our back. When we were camping, we dug some wild vegetables and fried them to reconcile them. " Zhou Mikang said.

I froze for a while. Only then did Chu Xia understand that Zhou Mikang was answering why she knew how to cook. This person is really good at explaining things so vaguely.

"Don't you take a cooking class?" Chu Xia asked curiously.

"Scattered training in units of classes, no cooking classes."

"Oh, I see. You were angry just now when I said you didn't roll the skin well? So you made fun of me on purpose? Right?" Chu Xia turned the question back.

"Yeah, as soon as you mentioned dumpling wrappers, I thought of you bullying me with Jing Zhe, can you be happy?" Just after cooking a dish, Zhou Mikang wiped his greasy hand on Chu Xia's red cheeks, "Stand back a little, and be careful not to splash oil on your body."

"I hate it!" Chu Xia gave him a white look, and went to wash his face with his little hands. In his heart, he was not really angry. Just now, the second aunt and sister-in-law said that this was the first time they saw Zhou Mikang enter the kitchen. If you don't like it She, I believe he would not do this, and these small intimate actions are done by a person who likes you but doesn't dislike you very much, it is quite interesting.

Or, is this the rhythm of love? Chu Xia was washing his face and pondering, when he came out of the bathroom, he happened to see Liao Hui dragging a middle-aged woman in hastily.

After hesitating, she hurried into the kitchen and reported to Zhou Mikang: "Liao Hui brought his mother over."

"En." Zhou Mikang's hands didn't stop.

"Do you want to go out?" Chu Xia's little hand stretched forward, then retracted, "I can also fry this dish, but...but the taste may not be guaranteed."

"Lin Chuxia."


"I hope that one day you are willing to learn how to cook. It's for me to eat. Do you understand?"

Chu Xia blinked and blinked her big eyes: "Some understand, and some don't seem to understand."

"When you understand, it means that you are in love with me, you know?" Zhou Mikang put the last dish on the plate, stretched his oily hand forward, so frightened that Chu Xia hurriedly squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, "Gentleman move!" Don't move your mouth, of course, it's best not to move at all."

"What a mess, I told you to get out of the way, I want to go out." Zhou Mikang shook his head and walked out swaggeringly.

"You..." Chu Xia thought for a while, and then walked out. Speaking of which, Zhou Xiangping was quite interesting to her, and she was also very displeased with the way the Liao family did it. It was just that her status as a newlywed mother really didn't allow her to get involved with this kind of thing. thing.

Cai Hongying was dragged here by her son so forcibly, of course she felt that her face was very dull. The point is, when her son dragged her here, her father-in-law, mother-in-law and husband were all there, no one stopped her, and no one followed her. She came over to apologize to the Zhou family, which made her even more unhappy.

After entering the door, she kept her head down and said nothing, no matter what Liao Hui said, she kept silent.

After a stalemate for a while, Zhou Xiangping waved her hand generously: "Liao Hui, don't embarrass mom, it's probably because my daughter-in-law didn't do well, which made mom angry and wanted to change your daughter-in-law.

Mothers always love their sons, so of course I like to find a woman for my son who only cares about her son. In this respect, I am indeed not as good as Jiang Xue.

However, I have always had such a personality since I was a child, and I have never pretended to be in front of you. Since you chose me in the first place, you have to accept everything about me, right?

How about this, I'll stay at my mother's house for the time being, when the knot in my mother's heart is untied, when will I go back to Liao's house. If you think it's better to change a wife, go for it, I have no problem. "

"What did you say?" Liao Hui glared at her, "I'll stay with you." He said, looking at Cai Hongying, who had been hanging her head silently, "Mom, you just said that Xiaosi wronged you, that's why I I pulled you over to confront her, but your current behavior has basically told me the real answer, forget it, I won't ask, you go home."

"If you live in Zhou's house, you are not my son." After Cai Hongying finished speaking, she turned and left.

"Wait!" Zhou Xiangping pushed Liao Hui, "You can go back with mom, don't worry, as long as you don't give up on me, I won't give up on you, I just need time to adjust."

"No, I'm here with you."

Cai Hongying turned around abruptly, and stared at Zhou Xiangping with burning eyes, "Little Si, I really misjudged you. I always thought that you were a carefree and straightforward child, but your performance today really made me feel so embarrassed." Eye-opening.

This matter can obviously be discussed at home, why did you spread it to such a large extent? When the Zhou family was not rehabilitated, why didn't you say it? If you say you are a child who has no plans, who will believe it? "" Just because she's careless doesn't mean she's stupid. If she says something in our house, this matter will be covered up immediately, and you will pat your chest to promise that you won't do anything to hurt her in the future.

However, when my grandpa and dad are not at home later, you will probably have to do some tricks again. She wants a solution once and for all. Mom, shouldn't you reflect on it? "

"I raised your son for nothing." Cai Hongying left this time without looking back.

"Thank you." Zhou Xiangping sniffed and said again, "Liao Hui, thank you."

Liao Hui stared at her with a serious expression: "Just because I help you, doesn't mean I think your actions are right. We are husband and wife, how can you not trust me so much?"

Zhou Xiangping's lips moved but she didn't say anything. Indeed, if she believed him, she wouldn't look for this opportunity to talk again.

"As you said, I have known your character for a long time. Now that I am married to you, I have fully accepted your strengths and weaknesses. If I like a woman who loves me so much that I have no self or no will choose you?

The first thing about this is that you are not confident. If you doubt it, just ask me directly. Do you think I am the kind of character who lies and hides? Anyway, your performance is quite disappointing to me. "

"Okay, okay, you two, talk slowly by yourself for a while, now, let's eat first." Mrs. Zhou got up and pushed Liao Hui while talking, "To save face for grandma, eat first, okay?"

The two of them sat at the table awkwardly, and the others gathered around. Zhou Mikang poked his head out from the kitchen and said, "Serve the dishes!" He only glanced at the back just now, and dragged Chu Xia back to the kitchen .

Is it a muddled account, or a muddled account that can't be intervened in, he can see that his Xiaosi is definitely not a master who can suffer, just like Cai Hongying, he is really not his opponent.




Almost everyone who came into the kitchen to serve food would giggle a few times when they saw Chu Xia, and was a little taken aback, Chu Xia touched his face in confusion, could there be ashes?

"Hahaha..." This was a good time, the original "hehe" directly evolved into "haha", she went to the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror, and saw circles printed on her cheeks and forehead The round black finger prints were just painted by her, and she directly drew a circle to connect the three black marks...

"Zhou Mikang!" A certain Xia howled and ran out...

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