The second watch arrives——

"Xiaomi, did you really cook this dish?"

This is the nth time Lin Yanqiu asked his son uncertainly.

Zhou Mikang frowned impatiently: "It was fried in early summer."

"No, no, no..." Chu Xia waved her hands again and again, "Mom, I can't take the credit for this. At most, I helped arrange the dishes. Otherwise, I really didn't help much."

"Not bad." Mr. Zhou glanced at Zhou Mikang, with a faint smile on his lips, "It's a good habit to know how to love your wife."

"Hehe..." Zhou Jingping also laughed, "I didn't expect that Xiaomi's craftsmanship is not bad, and it's not messy, hehe..."

Everyone: "..." Is this a compliment or a derogation?

Lin Yanqiu gave him a dissatisfied look: "Oh, what, you are so old, and I have never seen you cook for me. Compared with your son, don't you think you should hang yourself with a rope?"

"Look at you, you're still jealous with your daughter-in-law?" Zhou Jingping picked up chopsticks and scrambled eggs with chives and put them in Lin Yanqiu's bowl, "You like this, eat more."

"Who is jealous of your daughter-in-law? I think you are not motivated!" Lin Yanqiu looked at Chu Xia, "Daughter-in-law Xiaomi, don't listen to your father's nonsense, I don't mean what he said."

Chu Xia nodded again and again: "I know, I know."

Mrs. Zhou turned her head to look at Mr. Zhou. Mr. Zhou hurriedly brought vegetables to the old lady. Almost at the same time, Zhou Gangping, Zhou Xikang, and Liao Hui also rushed to pick up food for their significant other.

Because of this little episode, the originally somewhat discordant atmosphere finally eased down.

After breakfast, Zhou Xiangping and Liao Hui were driven back to Liao's house.

Of course Zhou Xiangping was not happy about it. She really wants to go back to live with Zhou's family. When will her mother-in-law think about it. When will she go back, what a pity. No one supported her decision, including Lin Yanqiu and Zhou Jiping, who thought her approach was a good solution to the problem.

Cai Hongying's behavior is certainly annoying, but parents have no choice. Liao Hui's ability to bring his mother to Zhou's house and say those words is enough to show Zhou Xiangping's position in his heart, so. After seeing his sincerity, the Zhou family naturally wouldn't let him be in a dilemma.

When the young couple came home, Cai Hongying was sulking on the sofa,

Seeing them enter the door, his eyes sparkled and his face turned to the side.

Mr. Liao and Mrs. Liao were also there. Seeing Liao Hui and Zhou Xiangping coming back together, his eyes lit up, and then, Mr. Liao got up and went out.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?" Liao Hui shouted behind him.

"Look for old man Zhou! Apologize to him!"

Cai Hongying's face froze all of a sudden. When the father-in-law said this, it was clear that he wanted to slap her in the face severely, but. Isn't she doing that for this family?

After the Zhou family had an accident, the father-in-law locked his daughter-in-law at home. She was not allowed to go out, and told them to take turns to accompany her. It is said to accompany, but in fact it is to watch.

she felt. The father-in-law didn't want the affairs of the Zhou family to affect her family, and she got the news from her mother's family that someone wanted to kill the Zhou family completely.

She was dubious at first, but later, the Zhou family was kicked out of the old house, so she had no choice but to believe it. At that time, Jiang Xue found her and said that as long as Liao Hui was willing, she could marry him at any time.

After weighing the pros and cons, she began to create opportunities for Jiang Xue and her son, such as asking Jiang Xue to send her son some change of clothes, or bring some food over there.

Her idea was that she would not forcibly intervene in this matter, but she wanted Zhou Xiangping to understand that her son liked Jiang Xue, not Zhou Xiangping.

If Zhou Xiangping is still unwilling to separate from her son under such circumstances, she will no longer interfere in their affairs.

Subconsciously, she was indeed jealous of this daughter-in-law. She loved and raised her son, but in the end, she transferred all her love for him to another woman, which made her feel, Always sour.

What she never expected was that her son came back to question her and forcibly dragged her to Zhou's house. This kind of behavior really made her feel cold. What is she in his son's heart? ?

Now, the father-in-law treats her like this...

After a little hesitation, Zhou Xiangping pulled Liao Hui to sit next to the old lady Liao: "Grandma, I'm sorry, I'm not sensible, are you angry with me?"

"Oh, what your grandpa did is wrong, I don't blame you." The old lady hugged her shoulders with a smile, "Just don't blame him, it's not that grandma doesn't want to help you, but in this life, grandma has never been able to listen to you." I have passed your grandfather once, and he can't pull back nine cows for what he is sure of. He still thinks he is right.

As for your mother, don't blame her too much, mothers are like this, looking forward to their son growing up, looking forward to his son marrying a wife, but the son really married a wife, if he treats his wife too well, she will start to feel bad .

In the future, you will also have children, regardless of daughters and daughters, one day, you will also experience it. The daughter has just married, and seeing the daughter and son-in-law's family is broken, the mother is both happy and disappointed, the same reason . "

"Mom..." Zhou Xiangping moved to Cai Hongying's side, hesitated, grabbed her sleeve and tugged, "Liao Hui was kind to me, but I was actually afraid that I would treat you badly. No matter who was right or wrong in the past, let's make peace, and we will have a good relationship in the future." Yes, stop tossing, okay?"

Cai Hongying pulled her hands out, tears streaming down the corners of her eyes.

Old lady Liao pushed Liao Hui.

After a little hesitation, Liao Hui sat on the other side of Cai Hongying: "Mom, I didn't do it on purpose, I was just in a hurry, I really only love Xiaosi, and you have been creating misunderstandings for me and Xiaosi, you Say, can I not be angry?

Although Xiaosi is careless, she is kind-hearted and never makes any inconspicuous tricks. Living with her, I feel at ease.

Mom, if you really love me, you should be considerate and considerate of me, and stop judging who is more suitable for me based on your wishes.

When it comes to emotional matters, you know whether you are warm or not, and you have to feel whether it is suitable or not. No matter how suitable it is for outsiders, it is useless. "

Cai Hongying still shed tears and did not speak.

At this time, Chu Xia and Zhou Jiping walked in behind Lin Yanqiu, Cai Hongying hurriedly turned her back to wipe away her tears, and when she turned around, she showed a forced smile: "I'll make tea for you."

"Mom, I'll go." Zhou Xiangping held her down and went to the kitchen.

Lin Yanqiu said straight to the point: "If it was in the past, I could really beat you up. I married a good girl into your family. Why do you think you treat her like this?

My Xiaoxiang's temper is a bit stubborn, and you have your reasons if you don't like her, but I hope you will be like me and not interfere with the children's marriage.

I came here just to tell you that the Zhou family doesn't care about this matter. I also know that you must have been affected by the messy news during this period of time, so you moved your mind to break off the engagement with the Zhou family.

Now, after all these things, I also want to understand that sometimes, I can't ask others to be like me, I only want my children to live well, and don't care about anything else.

However, the hurdles of the Zhou family have passed, and the problems you worried about will no longer exist. Let the children live their own lives, okay? "

Cai Hongying hung her head and said nothing.

"Come on, I'll go into the house with you and have a talk." Lin Yanqiu pulled Cai Hongying's sleeve and walked upstairs. The two have been neighbors for many years, and she was as familiar with the Liao family as she was with her own.

Here Zhou Xiangping came out with tea, and saw that only Grandma Liao and the three younger generations were left in the living room, and Grandma Liao was pulling her own siblings to boast about their handsome appearance.

Liao Hui pointed to the upstairs, and whispered: "Go in and talk."

Zhou Xiangping nodded, and sat next to Zhou Jiping: "Why did Mom think of bringing you here? Judging from the meaning at that time, it seemed that she didn't want to interfere at all. We have to deal with it ourselves."

"She just talked about it, do you think she can really feel at ease? You left on the front foot, and she was walking around in the hall on the back foot, scratching her heart and not knowing what she was going to do.

It was because your third sister-in-law couldn't see it, so she discussed with her whether she should go out for a walk, and she came out with us on this pretext.

After we came out, we took her for a stroll on purpose, but she turned around without saying a word. "Speaking of which, Zhou Jiping couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing, "I thought our mother's temper had really changed, how could things in her bones be so easy to change? "

Liao Hui felt embarrassed: "It's all my fault, otherwise Mom wouldn't be so embarrassed. Xiao Si, I promise you that I will never have any contact with Jiang Xue in the future, regardless of business or private affairs."

Zhou Xiangping rolled her eyes: "Do you dare to go find her together?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Liao Hui's eyes.

"I knew it, you just use your lips." Zhou Xiangping rolled her eyes in contempt, "If you can't do it, don't make promises."

"Okay, go now, I'll get that letter." Liao Hui got up and went to the bedroom.

"You are so unforgiving." Zhou Jiping poked her sister helplessly, "Sometimes I learn to be a little softer. Look at your third sister-in-law, how gentle you are."

Zhou Xiangping turned to Chu Xia: "Sister-in-law three, are you naturally gentle or are you gentle because you are with my brother?"

After hesitating for a while, Chu Xia said, "It's better for you to ask your third brother about this matter. I'm afraid that what I said is unfair, and you will be disappointed later."

The Zhou family sisters: "..."

A group of people found Jiang's house. There were only Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang at home. Jiang Xue was not there, so Zhou Xiangping handed the letter to Mrs. Jiang: "Grandma, please give this letter to Jiang Xue, and say that I gave it to Jiang Xue." her."

"Okay, okay." Mrs. Jiang agreed, her eyes fixed on Chu Xia's face, "Xiao Mi's daughter-in-law, you are so handsome, I will come to play often in the future, remember to come to play often."

"Okay, grandma, I will." Chu Xia replied with a smile, and followed the Zhou family sisters and Liao Hui out of the Jiang family compound.

Before they could turn the corner, they collided with Jiang Xue.

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