Do you know what is food poisoning? Abdominal pain, headache, nausea and vomiting, Nuan insisted on coding under these symptoms, so desolate——

The moment she saw Liao Hui, Jiang Xue's eyes brightened obviously, and then, her eyes slipped to the other people, and she nodded with a faint smile.

"Jiang Xue, what do you mean by writing such a letter and stuffing it in Liao Hui's pocket?" Zhou Xiangping asked straight to the point.

"Did you find out?" The smile on Jiang Xue's face remained the same, "I found out earlier than I thought, and I thought you might not be able to find out."

Zhou Xiangping stared at her coldly: "So, you admit that you wrote the letter?"

"Is it useful for me not to admit it?" Jiang Xue spread her hands, "You have asked me like this, is there any chance for me not to admit it?"

Zhou Xiangping looked at Liao Hui: "What do you want to say?"

Nodding his head, Liao Hui looked at Jiang Xue: "Originally, I didn't want to say this, but since you always do things that make us misunderstand, I have to say it.

In the future, regardless of business or private matters, I don't want to have any contact with you again, and you don't want to tease my mother anymore. I like Xiao Si, before, now, and in the future.

You always make some small moves, not only will not make me have a good impression of you, but it will also make me think that you are very annoying. If I find this kind of thing again, don't blame me for not caring about the friendship that I grew up with. "

"If your relationship is really as good as you said, why are you afraid?" Jiang Xue stared at Liao Hui. "I like you, right?

Play house when I was a kid. Every time I play your daughter-in-law, but you every time. They all held my hand so affectionately. It was you who said that you would marry me when you grow up.

I'm a stubborn person, so I took your words seriously, but when we got older, you and Zhou Xiangping, who you hated the most, got closer and closer until we became a family.

You let go. I didn't let go, so I'm not reconciled, I have to work hard for myself, is it wrong? If you really like Zhou Xiangping firmly, you won't know what I'm thinking and see me again and again.

Liao Hui, do you dare to admit it, actually. You already have my place in your heart, and even, the proportion is getting bigger and bigger, so. You are afraid, so you are so eager to draw a line with me? "

"It's unreasonable." Liao Hui blushed, "Every time you took the initiative to find me. You suddenly appeared in front of me and started. I think that after all, we grew up together in the same compound.

I am married. You should no longer have that kind of thought, then, there is nothing wrong with meeting a childhood playmate or a friend.

This world is made up of men and women. No one can say that once they get married, they will stop interacting with any opposite sex, right? "

"Am I a normal opposite sex?" Jiang Xue asked back.

"So, after discovering your thoughts, even if you find me, I will stop talking to you. Is this true?" Speaking of which, Liao Hui looked at his wife, "The last time I saw her was when she was with Director Zhang. , she acted very affectionately, I thought she was thinking about it, so I treated her as a friend again.

When we parted after the meal, Director Zhang hugged me and patted me hard. I drank too much at the time and felt a little insensitive. Looking back now, the letter should have entered my pocket at that time. "

"This matter is over, there is no need to explain. What I want you to do is to make it clear to her in front of us, and you will not have any contact with her in the future, that's all."

"Heh..." Jiang Xue chuckled, raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhou Xiangping, "Are you scared? Afraid that if he touches me again, he won't want you?"

"Jiang Xue, why didn't I realize that you are so shameless before?" Zhou Xiangping stared at her speechlessly, "Don't you feel ashamed of what you have done? How dare you say it so righteously?

I don't let Liao Hui associate with you, it's not that I'm afraid you will snatch him away, to be honest, if he really has you in his heart, it's useless if I do this.

I just don't like to watch my man chatting and laughing with other women, especially, that woman still covets my man.

Regardless of whether you succeed or not, I can't give you this opportunity. I don't mind if you say I'm jealous or narrow-minded. Anyway, you are not allowed to associate with him in the future, understand? "

Jiang Xue pursed her lips and looked at Liao Hui, who nodded quickly: "What Xiao Si said is exactly what I think, and as I said before, I don't want to have any interaction with you again, no matter what is public or private."

"Is this what you really think?"

"Of course." Liao Hui nodded affirmatively, "As long as Xiaosi is happy, I can do whatever I want."

"Okay, I understand what you mean, don't worry, I'm not interested in a man who doesn't care about my face and doesn't love me. Zhou Xiangping..." Jiang Xue looked at Zhou Xiangping with a light smile, "If you are really like this Jealousy jar, life will definitely be difficult in the future.

As for me, I came here with clear swords and clear guns, including that letter. In fact, it can be regarded as clear swords. "

"Don't bother you, you just need to remember what you said yourself." Zhou Xiangping pulled Zhou Jiping and Chu Xia up, turned and left. Liao Hui chased after him without saying a word.

Chu Xia saw this dispute clearly from beginning to end, and it refreshed her understanding of this era once again.

According to her previous cognition, young people in this era should think that destroying other people's feelings is the most contemptible thing. Therefore, in the first days, she used this to persuade herself that everything in this era is inferior to future generations. In this aspect, later generations cannot compare.

However, first Ye Meiru and then Jiang Xue rejected her idea.

Regarding Ye Meiru, she always felt that it was probably because she studied abroad, received fresh western ideas, and had a hard collision, that she made such a move. So, what about Jiang Xue?

Alas, this shows that if one day she truly loves Zhou Mikang, she may also be like Zhou Xiangping, guarding against mistresses like guarding against wolves.

If you don't love, you don't care about it. If you love it, how can you not care about it?

No, she wants to inoculate Zhou Mikang against this matter, first see his attitude, and then she decides whether to put her true feelings on him, um, that's it.

The wronged group leader, Tongzi, was killed just like that.

Several people walked to the door of Zhou's house, only to realize that Lin Yanqiu was still at Liao's house.

"Don't worry, grandma will tell mom." Liao Hui said.

Zhou Xiangping didn't want to see Cai Hongying for the time being, so she stepped into the gate of Zhou's house. If she didn't go, Chu Xia and Zhou Jiping naturally wouldn't go either.

Liao Hui hesitated, but turned around and went back to Liao's house. His mother-in-law must have had a lot of opinions on him. His wife could leave her mother-in-law alone, but he didn't dare.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to please my mother-in-law is the real thing.

As a result, as soon as he entered Liao's house, he found that his mother-in-law and his mother were sitting in the living room, having a good conversation, while his own grandma was sitting beside him, smiling and eating melon seeds, and he knew that he was in a very good mood.

No matter what the situation is, happiness is a good situation!

"Mom, mom..." Liao Hui sat next to Mrs. Liao and greeted the two mothers.

"Going to Jiang's house?" Lin Yanqiu asked.

"Yes." Liao Hui smiled a little embarrassedly, "Let Mom worry about it."

"It's okay..." Lin Yanqiu waved her hands generously, "As long as you only have Xiaosi in your heart, I don't have anything to worry about."

Cai Hongying also quickly stated: "Xiaohui, I will not get involved with you and Xiaosi anymore. Your mother-in-law is right. The children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Whether the couple is doing well or not, I know how well I am here. Self-righteous tossing around is purely full of food."

Liao Hui was terribly shocked in his heart, but nodded with a smile on his face. He is very clear about the personalities of his mother-in-law and his mother. It would be nice for these two people to talk together without turning heads. Now they are still talking and laughing happily, and they agree with each other... To be exact, his mother was given by his mother-in-law. Persuaded, this is really a wife that made him unbelievable...

The Zhou family spent this day busy in welcoming and sending off.

Upon hearing the news of Zhou Jingping's father and son's return, relatives who were close to him came to visit them one by one. Of course, this also included some excellent relatives who wanted to hide as far away as possible after the Zhou family's accident.

If it was before, Lin Yanqiu would probably be able to scold these people out on the spot, but this time, she was able to keep a faint smile on her face and chat with the other party in a lukewarm manner, which made those people secretly happy. They knew Lin Yanqiu's character, and now that she was able to behave like this, it meant that she planned to ignore the past, and it meant that they could still communicate in the future.

Zhou Xiangping asked her mother in private, did she really forgive them?

Lin Yanqiu curled her lips and said nothing.

Zhou Xiangping knew that her mother was deliberately giving people hope. When something really happened in the future, those people would probably be caught blind.

Knowing that Zhou's family is busy these days, Jing's family, Mr. Wan and Father Xia Xia didn't come to join in the fun, so they went to Wan's family in Chu Xia afternoon.

Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan were still making matchboxes, when they saw their daughter coming in, their faces were filled with joy, but what they asked was: "Xia, why are you here?"

"I miss my parents." Chu Xia came over to help clean up, "Anyway, I can't help much, so I'll come back to accompany my parents, where is Grandpa Wan?"

"It's in the study, there are guests." Zhao Yulan lowered her voice, "It's a pretty girl, looking at Lao Wan, she's very happy, but the girl didn't look too good when she came in and saw us. Didn't say anything."

After pondering for a while, Chu Xia looked at Mrs. Yin: "Sister-in-law Yin, do you know Grandpa Wan's granddaughter?"

"I don't know." Mrs. Yin shook her head, "I have been with Wan Lao for more than three years, and I have never seen his daughter and granddaughter come. Those who came were all friends and almost no relatives."

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