First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 294 What is family affection?

Dear friends, I finally resurrected at night. I suggest that everyone should not eat food that has been stored for more than a day. It is very easy to eat bad stomachs now——

"Xia, we are going back, you have to come over often to accompany Grandpa Wan, and you have to respect him as your own grandfather." Zhao Yulan told her daughter seriously.

"Mom, I will..." Chuxia looked at Zhao Yulan with anticipation, "I think you and dad can live until the Chinese New Year."

"This child..." Zhao Yulan reached out and touched her daughter's head, "Xia, you have a hard time, when you can stand up and say, 'Dad, mother, I can support you', your father and I will Stay and never go."

Lin Baohe also raised his head with a smile: "Xia, your mother and I are waiting for you to support us, do you agree?"

"Just looking at your looks, I know you can't trust me..." Chu Xia pouted, "I thought I wouldn't dare to bet with you, do you dare to promise me that if I have this ability within five years, from now on, you will have to be with me for a long time I live together, so I can only go back to my hometown for holidays, okay?"

"That's great, mother is looking forward to this day." Zhao Yulan's face was full of joy, "If there is such a day, your father and I will die immediately."

Chu Xia has black hair, I still don't believe her! Well, she'd better keep her mouth shut and show it with her actions.

The affairs of the Zhou family are basically settled, and everyone has been going to work one after another in the past few days. She will go back to the hospital tomorrow too.

But when father and mother are leaving, she must ask for leave from the teacher to accompany her. Work is very important, future is very important. However, isn't it all for the sake of parents? Only when she saw that they had returned to their hometown and everything was settled properly, could she feel at ease and work hard to move forward!

Mrs. Yin listened to the gossip of the family of three, with a faint smile on her lips all the time. "What are you laughing at?" Chu Xia asked curiously.

Having been with Mrs. Yin for so long, Chu Xia already knew her background, so she had some instinctive respect and pity for her.

Sister-in-law Yin was originally a middle school teacher in City A, and suffered a lot after being knocked down. Her husband, who was also a teacher, couldn't bear the torture, committed suicide and had no children, so after her redress, she became a lonely person.

Naturally, her husband's family will not take her in anymore. Her mother's family has an older brother and a younger brother, both of whom are married, and the house is relatively tight. She could only squeeze into one room with her parents.

It's okay for a short time, but after a long time, there are all kinds of stumbling and sarcastic remarks. She couldn't live anymore, so she asked the organization to arrange a job with accommodation for her.

It just so happened that Wan Lao was coming to live with Mayor A. So it was arranged by Wan Lao's side.

When she first came to Wan Lao's side, she was not without sarcastic remarks. Wan Lao is a widower and she is a widow. In other words, the person who arranged for her to work next to Wanlao probably didn't have that kind of thought in mind.

At that time, Wan Lao talked to her and said that he could change her to a decent job, but she chose to stay with Wan Lao.

She said that if she really left, she would have a ghost in her heart.

Chu Xia respected such a person who dared to insist on himself.

Mrs. Yin also likes Chu Xia very much.

What Wan Lao meant, no matter whether Chu Xia plans to take the college entrance examination or not, it is always right to study more. As a teacher, Mrs. Yin took the initiative to take over the task of tutoring Chu Xia.

Which teacher doesn't like students who love to learn and learn quickly?

Sister-in-law Yin didn't let Chu Xia call her teacher, and Chu Xia was too embarrassed to call her "Sister-in-law Yin" again, so she always called her "you".

"Seeing how your family of three get along makes me happy from the bottom of my heart." Sister-in-law Yin looked at Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe with a smile, "Mr. Wan actually longs for family affection. If possible, I really hope you two can live here forever. This is probably what Wan Lao most desires."

Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe just smiled innocently and did not answer the conversation.

Knowing that they couldn't be persuaded, Mrs. Yin sighed helplessly: "You guys are just like me before. In fact, this kind of persistence is really meaningless sometimes. I know I'm a bit talkative, but I know that if I If you don't say it, you will definitely regret it.

Last night, Boss Wan ran to the living room in the middle of the night to paste matchboxes by himself. I woke up from sleep and followed suit. He sent me back to sleep, saying that he just couldn't sleep and wanted to stay by himself for a while.

He had this situation before, but he always talked with his daughter on the phone, and stayed in the study for half the night by himself.

So, you should know what I mean. I have no right to interfere with how to do it. However, I really hope that you can seriously consider my suggestion. "

There was a long silence in the room.

Chu Xia knew that parents needed time to think, so she didn't rush.

At the same time, she felt sore in her heart. There may be people in this world who don't like the warmth of a family, but Wanlao definitely doesn't.

In the past, no one wanted to get close to him because he was afraid of getting involved, but now, because of his sensitive status, he couldn't get close to others at will. As for their family, it was a coincidence.

There is always so much helplessness in life, especially in this age. Of course, it may be because she has never been in touch with this level before.

"We will come back again." After a long time, Zhao Yulan said softly, "We will also respect Mr. Wan as a real father, but this is not the time."

"Sister Yin, you are our real sister."

Sister-in-law Yin, who has been with Lin Baohe for a long time, can understand Lin Baohe's endless words, and her nose is slightly sour. Although this couple lives at the bottom of society, they have the most noble personalities!

No wonder Wan Lao was so concerned about their affairs, and even abandoned the principles of being a person that he always insisted on. She had doubts before, but now she understands that Wan Lao does have a good eye for people!

A little regretful, but also a little proud, Chu Xia sighed helplessly: "You can understand my parents, right? They have a stubborn temper. What they decide, let alone eight cows, can't pull back ten."

"This child, does anyone say that about her parents?" Zhao Yulan poked her daughter angrily and amusedly, "Aren't we afraid of losing your face?"

Chu Xia protested with her mouth pouting: "I don't think it's a shame for me if you stay, I can help you stick matchboxes in my spare time."

"You come to help, your mother-in-law and the others can watch?" Lin Baohe also touched his daughter's head, "A married person is still like a child, what a silly child."

"I'm so stupid, how can you leave me alone here?"

Father Xia and Mother Xia: "..."

Just at this moment, the door of the study room opened, and a girl in her twenties came out first. She had a tall figure and handsome features. She glanced at everyone's faces with a serious expression, and fixed on Chu Xia's face for five seconds. Without squinting, he walked towards the door.

Seeing the girl arrive at the door, Chu Xia jumped up: "Wait a minute."

"You have no right to talk to me." The girl glanced at Chu Xia lightly, opened the door and walked out.

"Chu Xia, don't talk to her." Wan Lao's voice came from the study, and it could be heard that he was not in a good mood.

Several people winked at Chu Xia.

"Grandpa..." Chu Xia walked into the study, closed the door, and sat opposite the old man, "That's your granddaughter, isn't it?"

"Well." The old man nodded, "People say that children are the debts of parents. Grandpa probably owed them too much in his previous life. In this life, he will not be able to pay it off, hehe..."

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Xia asked, "Do you think we live here?"

"No." Old Man Wan shook his head, "You child, don't think about it."

"Grandpa, you also know that my grandparents don't like me. Since I was young, I haven't felt the love of my grandparents.

Now, I treat you as my own grandfather, so I hope you can talk to me if you have anything to do, no, can I help you solve it, you are also a lot of talkers, right?

As for the Zhou family, don't worry, I know what to tell them and what not to tell them. I'm not a broken-mouthed person, so you have to trust me. "

"You..." Old Man Wan nodded at Chu Xia, with an angry and funny expression on his face, "Since when did I have to worry about what you said to the Zhou family?

At this point, grandpa has already tied up with the Zhou family, do you think you can escape? You kid, it breaks my heart to say that. "

In early summer, he walked around behind Mr. Wan and rubbed his shoulders to flatter him: "It's because I can't speak. Grandpa, don't take it to heart. Grandpa understands what I mean, I know."

"Yanyan came here this time to be in charge of the front station. Her mother wants me to go back to the capital. If it's not easy for me, let her come." Old Man Wan sighed softly, "Chu Xia, tell me, what is real family affection?" ?”

"Like me and my parents, that is."

"Will you use your parents?"


"Yeah, but they were using me, drawing boundaries when I had nothing, making fun of me as an idiot when I was helping my friends.

When my friend turned over, they finally saw him, and finally thought of me as a father and grandfather. When did they think about my feelings?

I am longing for family affection, but what I long for is not the family affection that is used. Forget it, there are some things that you may not understand after I tell you. Anyway, what they are doing now is to let me give up my friends and choose them. Really, I'm so disappointed. "

"Grandpa, I'm a little confused." Chu Xia scratched his head, "I don't think I'm stupid, but I'm really a little confused when you say it, I know, you and Long are always friends, they are making you quarrel Has Mr. Long become friends? What are you trying to do? Or...they want you to sell Mr. Long's interests and bring benefits to them?"

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