First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter four hundred and first fluttering

"How could this be? How could this be? It must have been a mistake, it must have been a mistake..." After hearing her daughter's story, Che Yali slumped down on the chair, muttering constantly.

"Mom..." Jiang Meixiang sat next to her, and lowered her voice, "Keep your voice down, if you let Dad know who that woman is, you might be in a hurry."

"Yes, yes, yes..." Che Yali nodded her head again and again, "You reminded me right, we can't let your father know, what should we do if he goes to find that old vixen?"

"Mom..." Jiang Meixiang looked helpless, "That woman has a husband, it is impossible for my dad to be with her anymore, can you put your attention on the normal place?

What if that woman is holding a grudge and asks Qiao's family to take revenge on us? Can dad have it easy today? If this matter affects Dad's future, he will definitely blame Mom. "

"Then...then what should I do?" Che Yali was at a loss, "I can't go to that woman to apologize, right? She was the one who hit me, so why should I apologize to her?!"

"Auntie please, Mom, have you forgotten Auntie?"

"Please, Auntie?" Che Yali looked hesitant, "No matter how close your Auntie kisses me, it's no better than kissing her daughter. Now that woman is a relative of her daughter-in-law's family, how could she still be close to me?"

"Mom, don't you still want to make that woman look ugly right now?"

"Ah?" Che Yali stared blankly at her daughter, "Then why do you still need your aunt?"

"Mom, you said that you are usually quite smart, why did you become so confused when something happened?" Jiang Meixiang looked around. Seeing no one around, he continued. "The most important thing for us right now is to protect my dad first.

Mom and aunt said. If we had known that the woman was a relative of my sister-in-law's family, we would say nothing to provoke her. Anyway, the woman beat and scolded, and we don't owe her anything. Let the aunt help spread the word , If we meet again in the future, the well water will not violate the river water, and no one will know anyone. "

"Is this possible?" Che Yali frowned as she spoke. "Just let that woman go like this, I'm not reconciled!"

"Who is reconciled?" Jiang Meixiang rolled her eyes, "Of course I am not reconciled, but if Dad is involved because of 'unreconciled', there will be many things that we will not be reconciled to in the future."

After thinking about it for a while, she felt that what her daughter said was quite reasonable, so Che Yali nodded: "Okay, you can follow your father's lead. I'll go to your aunt to discuss it, alas! What's the matter!"

"Mom, remember to buy something for Auntie,

Don't just go there empty-handed. "

Che Yali looked at her daughter suspiciously: "Mei Xiang, why do I feel like you have changed?"

"Okay. To tell you the truth, these were not my ideas. Yang Ping taught me to do this. He said that if I went to my aunt to sue Qiao Ying, it would only make my aunt think that she helped the wrong person.

this matter. Only when mother goes to find aunt in person, can aunt help. As for whether we can make that woman ugly in the future, let's wait and see, who knows what's going on, there are a lot of things going on in Hexi in ten years in Hedong and ten years in Hexi, mom, do you think it makes sense? "

Che Yali asked with a puzzled look, "Why did you bring Yang Ping to Qiao Ying?"

"Didn't my dad transfer Yang Ping's younger sister Yang Shan to the county hospital? I thought about it, and I happened to walk to the door of the eldest sister. I went in to say hello to her and asked her to help take care of Yang Shan.

Mom also knows that Yang Ping loves his sister the most. If I treat his sister well, he will definitely treat me better. Who knew that before I had time to say what I wanted to say, I was frightened by that woman's family. "

"I'm usually like a boring gourd, but I'm quite considerate at critical times..." Che Yali frowned, "Meixiang, don't blame Mom for not reminding you, this Yang Ping is probably not something you can handle, let me tell you, or Zhang Qian is more suitable, this child has listened to you since he was a child, if you marry him, you will be served all your life."

"Mom, if I want to be waited on, can I just find a nanny? Anyway, Dad will be able to be a nanny when he upgrades to another level. Why am I so anxious?" After a short pause, Jiang Meixiang asked Che Yali, "Mother obviously You can marry Uncle Zhang, but why do you have to choose a father who is not as good as Uncle Zhang?"

Che Yali waved her hand impatiently: "Okay, okay, do whatever you want, Mom just kindly reminded you, can the son of a stinky old man compare with your dad? Your dad is the son of a great worker."

"Okay, okay, in Mom's eyes, Dad is simply unbeatable. My grandpa and my grandma always said that in Mom's eyes, my dad's shit smells good."

"Go!" Che Yali pushed her with a smile, "Did anyone say that about her parents? It's alright, take good care of your father, I'm going to find your aunt, alas!"

When Che Yali's figure disappeared, Yang Ping came out from the corner, staring at Che Yali with a gloomy expression: "Did people in your family always look down on me? Look down on my dad, I think, we still count gone."

Jiang Meixiang shook her body coquettishly: "Yang Ping, my mother is like that. In the future, she will see that you are good. It's not like you don't know what I think about you, right?"

"The idea I gave you is to hope that your father and your family will be successful, but when it comes to your mother's mouth, it becomes me who has a lot of people and wants you to guard against me. Forget it..." Yang Ping shook his head , "A marriage without the blessing of your parents will not be happy, and a marriage that is always misunderstood will not be happy. Let's stop here. I hope you will find a husband that you and your family are satisfied with as soon as possible. I will also Find the right one for my wife, goodbye!"

"Yang Ping..." Jiang Meixiang was in a hurry, she could tell that Yang Ping was not talking about it, and she didn't care that it was in a public place, so she grabbed Yang Ping's sleeve, "We are all going to get married Now, how can you just say break up and break up?"

"I'm responsible for you. If I know it's inappropriate and marry you, it's not loving you, but hurting you, Xiaoxiang. I'm very happy during the time I'm with you. Don't talk about it." , someone is watching." Yang Ping said as he opened her fingers, "Stop making trouble."

"No, I don't care!" Jiang Meixiang hugged him even harder, "I won't let you go, I like you, I just like you, Yang Ping, I will marry you.

For you, I persuaded my mother not to care about that woman. For you, I obviously hated that woman and her daughter, but I chose to forgive them generously. I can do anything for you. How can you do it because of my mother? In a word, give up on me?

Or are you simply making up your mind to break up with me? I was so naive, I thought you were afraid that I would say something wrong, and wanted to help me smooth things over at a critical moment, but I didn't expect that this was your idea, are you worthy of me..."


The door of the ward was opened, and Jiang Yuesheng stood at the door with a tiger's face, glaring at her daughter and Yang Ping: "Come in, you will lose all my face!"

"Dad..." After closing the door of the ward, Jiang Meixiang had already completely forgotten what she had said to her mother earlier, and told her what she knew in detail like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube. During the process, she kept tight Tightly tugging on Yang Ping's sleeve, afraid that the other party would run away.

"Tell me, why did you come up with such an idea?" Jiang Yueping sat back on the bed and stared straight at Yang Ping, "My wife and my daughter believe what you say, but it doesn't mean I believe it too. If you can't tell why, I will definitely make your family regret it, if you don’t believe me, you can fight with me.”

"Dad!" Jiang Meixiang roared anxiously, "You want to drive him away just like mom? Dad, I will hate you all forever!"

"Stay aside!" Jiang Yuesheng frowned and stared at her daughter, "If you dare to say one more thing, no matter whether he wants to break up with you or not, I will not agree to you marrying him."

Jiang Meixiang's lips moved, but in the end she didn't dare to speak any more. After thinking about it, she simply retreated to the door and locked the latch.

Yang Ping looked at Jiang Yuesheng calmly: "Secretary Jiang, I just think that a marriage without the blessing of my parents will not be happy, so I decided to separate. There is no other reason."



Jiang Yuesheng stared straight at him: "Then let me tell you now, I agree to my daughter marrying you, and I will be responsible for persuading my wife, can you marry my daughter right away?"

"Yes." Yang Ping nodded, "As long as you and auntie agree, I can get married right away."

Jiang Meixiang was overjoyed immediately, and just about to jump to Yang Ping's side, Jiang Yuesheng gave her a cold look, and settled there again, but pouted in dissatisfaction.

Jiang Yuesheng's eyes turned back to Yang Ping: "It's your blessing to marry my daughter, do you need to put it so far-fetched?"

Yang Ping hung his head and said nothing.

Jiang Yuesheng's eyes suddenly turned cold: "You suddenly lost enthusiasm for this marriage because Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan's backer is Qiao's family. You are afraid, right?"

"Yes." Yang Ping raised his head and looked at him calmly, "I'm just an ordinary person. My parents have been frightened too much. I don't want them to follow me in fear, and I don't want to live in that kind of fear again."

"Then why did you agree to be with my daughter earlier?"

"The past was the past, and now is the present." Yang Ping sighed, "Okay, I admit, I was vain before, and being able to marry the secretary's daughter is indeed very enviable."

"Then you don't marry now, aren't you afraid that others will laugh at you?"

"The result of being afraid of wolves before and being afraid of tigers is that you die faster."

After carefully looking at Yang Ping for a long time, Jiang Yuesheng sneered: "Okay, remember what you said today, I hope that you will not regret today's decision in your life!"

"Thank you secretary for your generosity." Yang Ping bowed slightly, turned around, and bowed again to Jiang Meixiang who was standing in the doorway watching him with tears streaming down his face, "I'm sorry."

"Are you here to take revenge on me?" Jiang Meixiang's lips trembled, "What's your relationship with that woman's family? Why do you want to help them take revenge?"

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