One more.

"You misunderstood, I don't know them, Xiaoxiang, you know what my parents have suffered, I can't let them face such a thing again, I'm sorry." He bowed deeply, pushed the other party away while getting up, opened the door and rushed out.

"Yang Ping!" Jiang Meixiang called out anxiously, trying to chase after her, "Xiaoxiang, if you leave this door, you will no longer be my daughter." Jiang Yuesheng's dark voice sounded

Jiang Meixiang stopped and looked at Jiang Yuesheng pitifully, "I finally got him to accept me. I can't lose him. Dad, you have to support me."

"Do you think that if you chase him out like this, you can make him stay with you sincerely?" Jiang Yuesheng sighed heavily, and pointed to the stool beside the bed, "Come and sit, Dad has something to say to you."

"Dad..." Jiang Meixiang's eyes were full of hesitation. Since she was a child, she listened to her father very much and admired him very much. Otherwise, she would not have stopped just now, but if she was asked to give up Yang Ping, she would not Willing, but not willing.

Yang Ping is the neighbor of her good friend Li Mian's aunt's house, and she is good friends with Li Mian's eldest cousin. After Li Mian's eldest cousin took Yang Ping to Li Mian's house and was met by her, his shadow was deeply felt. imprinted in her heart.

She let go of her girlish reserve and begged Li Mian to help her get married, but in the end, he refused, saying that he likes a simple life and wants to find a girl of the right family to live a down-to-earth life.

She didn't give up because of his refusal, but went to wait for him at the gate of the school he taught every day after school. Follow him from afar and send him home, like this every day...

finally. When he saw her, he no longer pretended not to know her with a sullen face. Ken walks with her, Ken talks to her...

On a rainy day, he walked out of the school gate wearing an oilcloth and saw her standing at the gate waiting for him in a raincoat with drenched hair. They finally established a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

Others are men coaxing women, they are just the opposite, she has always coaxed him, and she obeys him in everything. None of her friends supported her, including her matchmaker friend Li Mian.

Fortunately, her parents support her.

The parents were also in the wrong family. After learning about Yang Ping's conditions, the mother not only did not object, but also encouraged her to be with the other party. The father didn't say anything, but if he didn't say anything, it meant tacit consent.

She thought that getting married with him was a certainty. But why did it suddenly become like this? It's so hard to be together, it's so hard to be together,

How can we say that we are separated?

In fact, she knew it even if her father didn't tell her. With Yang Ping's stubborn temper, if she really made a decision, she would chase him out. It's probably useless, even. It will make the relationship between the two of them more rigid, maybe...

"Xiaoxiang. If you believe in Dad, come and sit down and let Dad think of a way with you." Jiang Yuesheng waved at his daughter, "Dad only has a daughter like you, so it must be for your own good."

Biting her lip, Jiang Meixiang obediently sat back beside the bed, twisting the corners of her clothes with her hands, and tears fell on the back of her hands: "Dad, I can't live without him."

"Why?" Jiang Yuesheng asked.

"It was hard for me to be with him. I just like him. I like him no matter how he looks or how he talks. As long as I see him, I will be filled with joy. Dad, I want to be with him." !"

"You child..." Jiang Yuesheng sighed helplessly, "You know you are with him, why don't your mother and I object?"

Jiang Meixiang nodded: "Because the situation of my father and mother is a bit similar to me and him. Parents can live happily, and so can we."

"You're wrong." Jiang Yuesheng turned his gaze out of the window, his eyes became distant, "Do you really think that my marriage with your mother is very happy? If it is really happy, your mother will not cause so many troubles son.

Back then, I did marry your mother for the sake of power. I pretended not to feel guilty about Zhao Yulan at all, but how could that be possible? After all, she was the one who helped me when I was in the most difficult time, and she didn't dislike me and was willing to be with me, but I betrayed her.

So, this has become a thorn in my heart, a thorn that cannot be touched. Do you think that Dad's heart disease is really due to fatigue? In fact, those emotions that cannot be vented are all pent up in the heart, and as time goes by, problems will arise in the body.

Your mother is actually having a bad time. On the one hand, she is happy because she snatched me away. On the other hand, she thinks that if I betray Zhao Yulan, I can betray her, so she is always in fear.

But her life background told her that even if she doesn't trust me, she can't go to the work unit to make trouble. It may make all my struggles come to naught, so she locked her target on Zhao Yulan.

She didn't really think that Zhao Yulan would pose a threat to her, but that she needed such a channel to vent. Of course, Zhao Yulan, who had no background, was the most suitable one. salvage consequences.

I don't stop her because I hope she can vent out those negative emotions that can't be treated by outsiders, otherwise, with your mother's temper, we all can't live well.

In fact, speaking of it this way, I was really selfish. For the sake of my own family harmony, I went all the way to hurt a woman who was once hurt by me.

Therefore, I always feel guilty afterwards. In the first few years, every time your mother targeted her, I would try to make up for it, but that kind of compensation was not for Zhao Yulan herself, but for some benefits that originally belonged to other villages. , assigned to Dalin Village, so that my heart can feel better.

Your grandfather should understand the intention of my actions, so every time, he will support me. Without his support, even if I want to make up, I don't have the ability.

You are with Yang Ping, I originally disagreed, I really don't want you to follow in your mother's footsteps, but according to your temper, if I simply object, you will definitely not be reconciled, I am thinking When I tried to persuade you, I unexpectedly made a big discovery.

The city below requires all counties to check the old cases, put the completed cases into the warehouse, and investigate the problematic ones. As the leader in charge, of course I have to go over to express my support. As a result, when I randomly searched for a few cases to be put into the warehouse, I found Father Yang. Mother Yang's.

The root cause of their shock back then was that Yang Ping's mother was a relative of the Zhou family, which can also explain why the development of the Yang family has been smooth in recent years.

On the other hand, Yang Ping's parents are absolutely tolerant and scheming. According to their current development, one day, the Yang family will stand side by side with us or even surpass us. It is true that you can marry into their family. It’s a good match…”

Jiang Meixiang interrupted Jiang Yuesheng in surprise: "Father, is what you said true?"

"Of course." Jiang Yuesheng nodded, "Dad told you so much, didn't you think of something?"

"Think about it, we are in the right family, and Yang Ping and I can be together."

"Hey!" Jiang Yuesheng sighed heavily, "Then tell me, does Yang Ping know the background of their family?"

"This..." Jiang Meixiang's face suddenly collapsed, yes, Yang Ping would only know better than her father, but knowing that the two parties were in the same family, and still use this excuse to break up with her, that can only explain , the other party really doesn't want to be with her.

"Just when Yang Ping was talking about that, I suddenly thought of something. Your Uncle Zhang went to Dalin Village to buy a house a month ago, and sent his parents to live there.

And when your mother asked your Aunt Zhang why she bought a house so far away, your Aunt Zhang hesitated and mumbled. At that time, I only thought she was embarrassed because she sent the old man too far away. Now, The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is wrong. "

"What... what do you mean?" Jiang Meixiang asked stammeringly.

"I suspect that all of this is Zhao Yulan's revenge on us. When she came last time, your mother beat her up. I stood aside and didn't stop her. She must be harboring a grudge."

"What does Dad mean to say that Zhao Yulan's daughter married into someone with a background?"

"Yes, I suspect that her daughter is marrying Zhou Mikang from the Zhou family." Jiang Yuesheng sighed heavily, "Xiaoxiang, go and go to the hospital for my father to go through the discharge procedures. I have to check this matter myself. If it is really Zhao Yulan's daughter is married to the Zhou family, we... oh!"

"Dad, you're not in good health yet." Jiang Meixiang looked at Jiang Yuesheng seriously, "Dad, if you believe me, let me check it out. I'll go to Aunt Zhang and ask whose family they bought. House, okay?"

"It's fine..." Jiang Yuesheng smiled wryly, "If they were also involved in this matter, now, there is no need to hide it from us."


Grandpa Lin, the whole family, Lin Baohe and others stayed at my aunt's house for one night, and set off for Dalin Village early the next morning.

"I'm old, but I'm in good health. Back then, Shengjun and Qi Qing came to join me. I'm responsible for whatever you say about this matter. If you don't let me go to their graves, I won't be able to shut them down for the rest of my life." Eyes."

When the old lady said this, Grandpa Lin discussed with everyone and had no choice but to agree. However, Qiao Ying also asked for leave to accompany him, and he would always feel more at ease when he was accompanied by a doctor.

The little aunt offered to ride in a car with Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan. Chu Xia and Jing Zhe were also in the same car. Of course, the driver was Jing Zhe.

Holding Chu Xia's hand, looking up and down over and over again, the smile on the old lady's face became deeper and deeper: "By the way, Chu Xia, have you seen Aunt Ling from your grandfather's house?"

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