"What can't be selfish?" The two women didn't keep their voices down, obviously it wasn't something private that they didn't want outsiders to know. Li Aiyuan, who was sitting next to her, asked curiously.

Of course Zhao Yulan didn't hide it from her, so she said truthfully: "Didn't Dajiang, Baojuan's family, always wanted to be a soldier? Captain Xiao Zhou agreed to help him with a special move, and it has already been done now. But Baohe and I thought about it. After thinking about it, he withdrew the notice first.

Baojuan hasn't regained her strength since she was injured last time, and now everyone inside and outside depends on Qingshu and Dajiang to work. If Dajiang is going to be a soldier now, will Qingshu be exhausted to death? "

"That's true..." Li Aiyuan lowered her voice, "There is a daughter-in-law in our village, and her natal family is from Baojuan's village. Ever since her old lady died, she had become a different person. If it wasn't for Baojuan's hot temper, she would have bullied her to death.

However, just like this, Baojuan was not less angry with her before, she could do everything, but she insisted on putting on a mother-in-law role, sitting on the kang all day long and letting Baojuan take care of everything.

Yulan, you will never forget Baojuan in the future. What her parents did has nothing to do with her, but these years, she pushed herself into the bitter well to help the old couple atone for their sins. If it weren't for Qingshu If you treat her well, you don't know what kind of frustration the old woman will suffer. "

"Well, I know, she just has a very kind heart. When she first married, her uncle and sister-in-law and her mother-in-law fought and didn't talk, so she took her mother-in-law home to raise her.

As a result, after picking it up, she never sent it back. The eldest daughter-in-law insisted that she had already raised her father-in-law. The mother-in-law is the second child's business, I'm already a wimp, right? But I promise. I certainly can't do such a thing, but she. That's all. I've been raising him for nearly twenty years.

In the past, she always told me that Qingshu treats her well and her mother-in-law treats her well. I really believed it. Looking at it now, she doesn't know how much she has suffered for us, hey! "

"It's true that Qingshu treats her well. That old woman treats her badly." Li Aiyuan curled her lips, "Anyway, no one in their village has a good opinion of her mother-in-law."

Chu Xia listened carefully to her mother and aunt's discussion for a while, and felt that the two had turned the topic to pure gossip, so she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Luan Dajiang's enlistment notice was given to her by Zhou Mikang when she just returned home, but he suggested that if no one asked her. just don't take it out,

This has nothing to do with enlightenment, but knowing the truth, but still dragging the other party into it. If something goes wrong, how can we face each other?

At that time, Zhou Mikang didn't know that Lin Baojuan was not Lin Baohe's younger sister.

It is not recommended that Chu Xia hand over the enlistment notice to Luan Dajiang. Now that such a change has happened, it should not be handed over.

Before returning home. Sure enough, Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe asked about it, after all. With Zhou Mikang's identity, it is indeed something they don't want to see without faith.

There was no other way, so Chu Xia had no choice but to take out the notice, and with an idea, she expressed her concerns about Lin Baojuan's poor health. She didn't expect to get Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan to agree.

As long as this matter drags on, she has nothing to worry about.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the news of the war ahead will spread. At that time, if my sister-in-law and uncle still want Luan Dajiang to join the army, she will naturally notify them of enlistment. If they don't mention it, she will It'll be like it doesn't exist.

Although it is necessary to worry if you know it early or late, but since Zhao Qiliang has already lied to the uncles, aunts and grandparents, and the parents have not fully understood the nature of the mission, why should she make them worry?

At the door, Zhao Qihui was waving at her, and she hurriedly got up and went out: "Sister, where have you been?" She didn't see each other when she came back, grandma, grandpa and great aunt Lin were chatting enthusiastically, and she couldn't interrupt They asked about Mr. Li's birthday, and they shouldn't ask about it in front of Uncle Lin and others. As for Aunt Lin, she didn't have the courage to ask, after all, the other party was the first one.

"Su Qin's blind date, I went over to have a look."

"Blind date today?" Chu Xia looked puzzled, "Didn't she just want to go on a blind date when I came back last time? How long has it been? How did you do it? Or is it another one?"

"That one didn't work out, this is another one. Su Qin is in high demand now, and she almost meets two or three times a day. Didn't her sister-in-law marry into the county? She used to have the best relationship with her sister-in-law when she was at home.

Now that I'm married, I haven't forgotten about her. Knowing that her parents are willing to search for the bride price, I gave Su Li an index of two workers. If anyone becomes married to her, he can work as a worker with her. You don't know, her parents are jealous because of this, and they think her sister-in-law doesn't give her brother and her brother some pointers.

However, her sister-in-law didn't follow his parents' example, so they couldn't do anything about it, so they put all their efforts into earning a fortune from the bride price.

I don't think it's time for you to come back, so I'll come back and have a look. "Zhao Qihui said while dragging her out, "By the way, have you been wondering whether your grandpa and your grandpa didn't tell you about my grandpa's birthday?" "

"That's right." Chu Xia nodded honestly, "I really can't figure this out."

"It's just the two old men fighting each other, alas..." Zhao Qihui said with a face full of tears and laughter, "In the past, your grandfather, that is, my grandfather, and my grandfather had a good relationship. When the two villages met, the two old men would find a place together. Drink two cups.

Didn't you go there with me a few times before, my grandpa and grandma also liked you very much, but they were worried that you couldn't lift your shoulders, and it was hard to find your husband's house, so they kept looking out for you.

My father and mother thought that the other party had told you about your marriage, so we didn't mention it much, mainly because we didn't understand the situation at the time, and we didn't want to talk about it..."

Chu Xia interrupted her with a smile: "You all thought I was going to marry the old man, didn't you?"

"It's not an old man." Zhao Qihui rubbed her head in embarrassment, "But anyway, I feel that I am not young. I don't want to say more. Later. We went to the wedding, and something happened at Zhou's house. After returning, grandma Grandpa, of course, talked about everything in a positive way, and didn't mention a word about what happened to the Zhou family.

But the second aunt and Qiyan wrote a letter and came back to spread the news. My grandfather came to ask my grandfather on a bicycle. At that time, my grandfather was angry and said that he came to see a joke and scolded him. out.

My grandpa got angry right now, and said to himself that he didn't even know about your getting married, and suddenly the news spread everywhere. It is said that the son-in-law married to the granddaughter of the old man Zhao’s family in Xiaolin Village was arrested. He also came to ask because he was worried. How could he be treated as a donkey by kindness?

Just like that, the two old men got into a fight, and neither of them talked to the other. My parents and I explained and persuaded each other.

Some time ago, the younger sister of my uncle’s family also got married, and the condition of the husband’s family is quite good. Of course my grandpa is happy. His personality is not like that of his grandpa. He is willing to show off when he has a good thing.

When grandpa thought of his attitude towards you, he became even angrier. The knots that were already about to be untied were tied up again. This time I went to celebrate my grandfather's birthday, and my grandparents prepared gifts for them. However, not a word of blessing was said. We are not allowed to speak.

In previous years, grandpa celebrated his birthday. Grandpa and grandma will go to join in the fun together, Xia, in the hearts of grandpa and grandma, you are very, very important. "

"I understand." Chu Xia felt sore in her heart. This heavy love made her feel unbearable. "They don't want me to suffer a little bit of grievance. In fact, they are not blaming Grandpa Li, but feel that they Treating Grandpa Li as a family, then, Grandpa Li should support me unconditionally, no matter what others say, you can't doubt or guess randomly, alas..."

"Also, didn't Qiyan come back around the same time as you? The second aunt showed off in the whole village. No one knew that her daughter married a high-ranking official. Then, my grandfather said something more, which completely angered him. gone."

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Xia asked: "Grandpa Li didn't just boast about his marriage in front of outsiders, did he?"

"Yes, that's what happened. My grandpa thought it was a disguised confession to grandpa. How could he know that his flattery hit the horse's hoof, and grandpa completely ignored him."

"No wonder Grandpa Li asked me to drink. He's just angry with me. If it wasn't for me, the old brothers wouldn't have quarreled to this extent." Chu Xia frowned tightly, obviously trying to resolve the conflict between the two of them. What is the solution.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. Grandpa talked so much with you today. In fact, he just wants grandpa to know that he attaches great importance to you. Otherwise, with my grandfather's temper, do you think he would talk so much with you?"

Thinking about Mr. Li's temper, Chu Xia's expression immediately relaxed. That's right, when she went to Li's house with Zhao Qihui, Mr. Li might have put on airs of an elder. He is more outgoing than grandpa, but when dealing with juniors, But it is much stricter than grandpa. When he asks him to speak, the junior cannot interrupt or refute. The simple description is that in front of the junior, if he is right, he is right, and if he is wrong, he is right. Whoever dares to refute him , he will turn against anyone!

Since he can take the initiative to put down his airs and talk to her today, it means that the old man can't hold his breath anymore and wants to reconcile with grandpa, so if he mixes up blindly, it will not be beautiful.

"Sister, are you kissing my grandpa or your grandpa?"

Zhao Qihui thought for a while, and said: "I really haven't thought about this issue. They are all very kind to me, but if I really want to discuss it, I seem to be closer to grandpa, that is, your grandpa."

"Don't worry, even if you say you're closer to Grandpa Li, I won't complain to Grandpa." Chu Xia looked at the people chatting in the room, and couldn't help feeling, "It's really strange, they can fall in love at first sight. , Does this mean that the family does not enter the house?"

"It's fine anyway, you and I are going to meet the new son-in-law..." Zhao Qihui pulled Chu Xia to the alley ahead, "Su Qin has already greeted me, and she must be angry when I came back halfway."

"Okay, I also like to join in the fun." Chu Xia smiled with big eyes, "I used to bully you every time I came, but she was angry with me and often rolled her eyes at me."

"Hehe..." Zhao Qihui couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Yeah, every time you came, you stuck to me like a little tail. How long has it been? Damn."

"It's not as fast as you said." Chu Xia glared at her, "I'm still a child, so I don't want to have a child now."

"It's not up to you..." Zhao Qihui laughed jokingly. "There are a lot of elders in the family, urging you every day. I see whether you will be born or not."

"Qihui!" Su Qin was standing at the door when she saw Zhao Qihui coming. Immediately, he seemed to have found the backbone, "You are here, he is here, you can help me take a look, hurry up." He said, grabbing Chu Xia's little hand, and said affectionately, "Chu Xia is here too, just in time for you If you stay with me outside, I won't panic so much."

"You are the man who fell in love with Chu Xia but not you?" Zhao Qihui looked at her with disdain, "You tell me clearly. I don't have any threats to you."

"Hey..." Su Qin, who was exposed, smiled sarcastically, "He...he is from the same village as your grandma, so I let you have a look, or...or let's go in and have a look together."

"I'm not going in. I'm just here with my sister. There are still a lot of guests at home. I'll go back first." Chu Xia said, turned around and walked back. Everyone clearly expressed their scruples about her. How could she be okay? Join in the fun? In case of misalignment. It's not all about her.

"Chu Xia!" Su Qin anxiously held her hand tightly, "Do me a favor, will you?"


"Just..." Su Qin hesitated, and finally made up his mind. "After a while, your sister goes in and has a look, and if she thinks it's okay, you and your sister will accompany me to go in and have a chat with him, okay?"

"Not good." Chu Xia looked at her seriously. "I hate people counting on me the most."

"I'm scheming against you, I'm just thinking. If he is fascinated by you..."

Chu Xia interrupted her: "The meaning is the same, but please respect me. I am a married person, and I don't do this kind of thing as a test stone for others." After speaking, she pulled out her hand forcefully, turned around and left.

Zhao Qihui, who had been standing there watching the communication between the two, sighed and walked out.

"Qihui." Su Qin grabbed her anxiously, "Are you my good friend?"

"I understand your mood, and I can understand your concern about gains and losses, but have you ever thought about how inappropriate your behavior was just now? Chu Xia is no longer the little follower who ran after me.

She is married, and her husband's family has a background that you can't even imagine. Now you ask her to help you find a blind date. Do you think you are qualified for that? Not to mention you, even if I am on a blind date, I am not qualified to ask her to do this, you, hey! "Zhao Qihui patted her on the shoulder, "I'll go and see her first, and I'll help you with the photo later. "

"Okay, okay." Su Qin ran out with her, "I'll go and explain to her in person, in fact, I don't underestimate her, I just treat her like that child who doesn't understand anything."

"Why are you joining in the fun?" Zhao Qihui glared at her, "You just ran away, what will the man think? Don't turn around and blame this on me and our family Xia, go back quickly, and wait for me to talk to Xia about it. Come back and find you again."

Su Qin was in a dilemma.

"Okay, you two don't need to sway left and right, I'm not angry, I just don't like being used by others, sister, you go and help her look, I'll go home by myself." Chu Xia stepped back and waved at the two of them. , wandered away, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Su Qin, forget it, I'll go back too." Zhao Qihui shook Su Qin's hand, apologetic, "It's not that I don't want to help you, but I can see that you should be quite satisfied with this man. Then I'll stop messing around, and I'll see him again when you guys settle down, okay?"

"Don't you do this?" Su Qin burst into tears, "I really like him, I like his appearance and stature, but it's because I like him that I worry about seeing him No character.

You know, if I get married with him, then he can go to work in the county with me. If I get it wrong, wouldn't it be in vain to take advantage of others and make myself a joke? "

"Wait a minute, what's his name?" With a flash of inspiration, Zhao Qihui connected this matter to something.

"It's Yao..." After thinking for a while, Su Qin slapped his forehead fiercely, "I remember, his name is Yao Xinshan, his father is Yao Aiguo, and his family should not be far from your grandma's."

"Today is my grandpa's birthday. When Chu Xia came back from looking for us, I met a girl named Lin Chuxia. She was divorced by her prospective in-laws. They confiscated her bicycle for fear that she would not pay the money.

He didn't tell her the reason for the divorce, but he said suddenly that he didn't feel suitable for her, so don't delay anyone, if she didn't meet Chu Xia, she would probably walk all the way back to Xiaoxiazhuang Village.

The man she wants to marry is also called Yao Xinshan. The man she wanted was also in Po'er Village where my grandma lived. I don't know if there is such a man in my grandma's village, turn around. You can ask a matchmaker. "

"Really Yao Xinshan?" Chu Xia's figure appeared in front of the two of them again.

Zhao Qihui stared at her dumbfounded: "You...haven't you disappeared without a trace?"

Chu Xia raised her small chin in embarrassment: "You think I was a soldier for nothing? Latent, understand?"

"Don't pick which pot is unopened, okay?" Zhao Qihui also raised her chin at her, "You know that it will be a lifetime of pain for me not to be admitted to the army, and you are deliberately angry at me here!"


Su's father and Su's mother are very satisfied with Yao Xinshan.

With a height of over 1.75 meters, he has a strong body, winks, and speaks neatly, making people love him. Besides him, he has an older sister and a younger sister at home, so there is no burden to have helpers. It is also a joy to give the bride price, this is really the most suitable son-in-law candidate.

The matchmaker checks his words and looks, and he keeps praising Yao Xinshan for his goodness, filial piety, obedience, and ability... all kinds of beautiful words are not stingy at all.

Yao Xinshan already knew that this matter was inseparable, when the girl saw him just now. The shyness on his face is obviously very satisfied, and he is probably thin-skinned when he hides now.

"Where's Da Man?" The matchmaker looked around. He said, "Let the two young people chat in the room over there to see if their personalities are compatible. If you think it's okay, we'll settle it early. We're not too young, so if we hurry up, it's very easy to get married a few years ago."

"We still want to keep our daughter for another year." Even if she wanted to, Su Qin's mother could not follow the matchmaker's words, so as to make her daughter appear precious.

"Okay, if you want to stay or not, you and your parents will discuss it, and I will take care of sending the message, but sister, it's hard to find this child with a lantern... Xiaoqin is back, come in quickly." Seeing Su Qin entering the door , the matchmaker greeted with a shrill voice, "I'm looking for you, Xinshan is also looking for you everywhere, you two, go to the Westinghouse and talk."

"Okay." Su Qin smiled at Yao Xinshan, and took the lead to enter the West Room. After the two of them closed the door, the matchmaker and Li Ma went back to the East Room to continue chatting.

"What are your plans for your future life?" Su Qin asked straight to the point.

"Plan?" Yao Xinshan touched his head with a smile, "I can do whatever I want, just listen to my wife."

"You will listen to whoever you marry, right?" Su Qin asked.

Slightly stunned, Yao Xinshan hurriedly said: "No, I just like you, I mean, if we get married, you will be my wife, and I will listen to you in everything."

"I'm very satisfied with your appearance, but my parents may love money more. If we get married, the bride price will be indispensable. Do you think it's acceptable?"


"That would be great." Su Qin smiled, "We are young, even if we owe debts, as long as we are willing to work hard and earn more work points, we will pay it back soon."

Yao Xinshan's eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything.

"Are you dissatisfied with me?" Su Qin asked, "You talked a lot at that time, why don't you say anything now? If you are not satisfied, just tell me, I won't rely on you of."

"No." Yao Xinshan waved his hand, "I just don't know what to say, to tell you the truth, this is my first blind date, so... too nervous!"

"First blind date?" Su Qin looked at him incredulously, "Your conditions are so good, it's your first blind date?"

"Yeah, it's really the first blind date. I had this kind of meaning with a classmate before, but later I felt that my personality was not suitable, so forget it." Yao Xinshan smiled naively, "My mother said, I still know the basics of blind dates. good."

"Students also know the basics, don't they?"

"It's not the same." Yao Xinshan shook his head, "Forget it, let's not talk about the past, now we are together, of course we have to talk about our affairs, I promise, if we get married, I will be happy You alone, other women, I don't even look at them."

Su Qin smiled and shook her head: "Let's say it now, when the day comes, the wind will blow like hell, would you still want to watch it?"

"Didn't your sister-in-law say that she would make you a worker? Why do you still have to go to the farm?" Yao Xinshan asked seemingly unintentionally.

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